Chapter ten
C onversation over dinner with RJ is light and it’s lovely getting to know him better. We learn about his mom and sister being supportive, and I’m glad to feel nothing but happy for his experience. Some people act bitter over others having an easier time coming out as queer or trans, but I’m excited over the way the world has shifted in only a decade. Young people should be able to tell their parents and get support, emotionally and medically, for whatever they’re working through.
Most of the time at dinner is spent listening to Cin and RJ gush over fashion. I feel an unjustified sense of pride when Cin gasps over RJ’s paid internship. He’s not mine, or ours, but I can see he worked hard for the position and loves it.
“You’re living the dream,” Cin shakes their head in amazement. “I can’t sew a single stitch, but I love clothes.”
RJ touches his cheeks and I can tell he is not used to being the focus of attention from how he avoids eye contact. The smile on his face tells me compliments are welcome, though. “I don’t do much sewing now that I’m done with school, but knowing the details of how to do it is helpful.”
Grabbing my card back from the bill, I lean forward to catch the fashionistas' attention. “Are we ready to head out?”
“Oh, look at the time,” Cin gasps as they pull out their phone. “The dungeon is open now if you feel good to check it out?”
RJ nods and we leave, stopping by the car to grab our bags. He only has a fanny pack slung across his chest, so I wonder if he followed my instructions to bring a comfort item. I wouldn’t call it a test, more a testing the waters on how submissive RJ is. If he brought the item, I’ll learn a lot about him. What brings him comfort, how to give him aftercare, and whether he likes being given gentle instructions.
“You mentioned liking impact,” I bring up when we’re alone on the sidewalk. “Any particular implements?”
“Oh, yeah.” RJ fiddles with his septum ring and I let him think his answer over as we stroll down the street. “I love flogging, it’s relaxing.”
“Like a deep massage, right?” Cin adds. We both make sure to try everything we do with others, but neither of us are masochistic. “I’ve been practicing my Florentine and also have a cat o’ nine tails. My elk flogger is heavy, so more thuddy than sharp if that’s what you prefer?”
“I, um, yes. All of the above. I guess I like everything in the right circumstances. At least everything I’ve tried,” RJ breathes out and I offer my hand for him to hold.
RJ gives me a shy smile and I hold his hand, highlighting how small his hands are compared to mine. RJ is only an inch or two shorter than me, so it is easy to hold his hand and walk beside him while Cin bounces in front of us.
“What have you tried?” I ask, enjoying the warmth of his skin on mine.
“Floggers, of course. Spanking,” RJ admits, and I can guess his cheeks are hot, even if I can’t tell with his dark complexion in the low evening light. He takes a deep breath and rushes out a quick list, “I also like paddles, canes, and fingernails, along with kisses and praise for taking the impact.”
“That’s great to know,” I tell him, squeezing his hand so RJ knows we are listening and care about his needs. “What do you like to be called in a scene? Or never want to be called.”
“I enjoy masculine terms like boy, but sir feels funny.” RJ takes a minute to think, and I see we’re getting close to the club. “Generally, anything praise based is preferred over mean or humiliating.”
“That is an important distinction.” Stopping us to get in line for the door, I try to sum up what I’m understanding. “You’re reward motivated over avoiding punishment. Are you comfortable calling me Daddy and using the stoplight system?”
“Yes to both,” RJ agrees, starting to fidget again now we’re at the club.
After presenting our IDs to the door person, who recognizes Cin and I, we pay and head inside. Cin goes over rules and important things to see while RJ keeps hold of my hand. When RJ has seen everything, he takes a bathroom break, and I regret the loss of connection.
“He’s adorable with you,” Cin teases with a grin. “Do you think he’s up for playing, or do you want to hold off?”
“So far he seems eager and willing. I’m going to take RJ at his word until he shows me I can’t trust him. But not anything too deep.”
“I think so, too.” Cin agrees with my thoughts on the topic and starts to go through our toy bag as RJ reappears.
Being slightly to the side, I can see he is wearing a jock, leaving his ass exposed as well. RJ has removed his off-the-shoulder knit sweater and dark pants, revealing a leather harness on his fuzzy upper body, with sexy barbells through his dark nipples. I barely notice the surgery scars with the rest of him to ogle.
RJ is sexy as hell.
He turns to face us and I hone in on the bulge between his thighs, wondering if he has a packer I can play with. Keep it in your pants , I tell myself. I’ve hooked up on plenty of first dates—Cin and I were combustible after our first dinner together—but RJ feels like he needs a gentler hand.
His shy expression causes my protective instincts to kick in, tempering my lust. Stepping up to take the bundle of clothes from him, I offer my hand again. “Let’s tuck these away and see if anything interests you?”
RJ nods, nibbling his lip and we follow Cin back to the cubbies. We’re next to an entrance to the main dungeon space, and I see him eyeing the spanking bench. A man I know in passing is untying a femme person who has a beautifully rosy ass. They’re finishing a scene and I see how RJ eyes them with interest. Not for the people, but the apparatus and care the man is showing for the bottom.
“Have you been on a spanking bench before?” Cin asks, seeing the same desire in RJ as I do.
“Once. I enjoyed it,” RJ tells us then fiddles with his nose ring before continuing. “Don’t think I’d be up for being restrained, though. That was the part I didn’t like.”
“Do you want to play with us?” I want to hear more clear consent.
“Yes,” RJ blurts and looks between us and the couple cleaning the space. “I haven’t had a spanking in a year. But I–I think I’d like one.”
“From me, Cin, or both of us?” I ask to be sure.
Cin and I look at each other and I’m reminded of the meme: Both? Both. Both is good . We grin at each other and lead RJ over to the now open play space. Nearby, I see a rope suspension, a paddling on the St. Andrews cross, and someone putting on gloves in the medical roleplay area.
The energy is electric, and I wonder how much of it is the space and how much is my eagerness to play with Cin and RJ. I top Cin and others all the time, but Cin and I rarely co-top. I’m excited to see how RJ reacts and also the way Cin and I work together.
When Cin bends to set our bag down, RJ opens his fanny pack. “I brought what you told me to.”
A folded scrap of fabric emerges, revealing the remains of an old, blue-striped blanket. RJ holds it close and doesn’t meet my eyes. Stepping closer, I wait until RJ looks up at me to smile at him. His lips lift in return and I caress his stubbled cheek. Despite the half-smile, I can see hesitation in his expression. If RJ needs praise and reassurance, I know I can deliver.
“Such a good boy. Do you want to hold onto that, or should I set it aside for you?”
“I–” RJ’s breath catches at my words and he swallows hard. “I want to hold onto it. You don’t mind?”
His reaction tells me so much. Someone belittled his love of the worn scrap of fabric. It is so old, I have to guess he has had it since he was a young child. RJ said he wanted a Daddy, but I wonder if someone had the title and abused the privilege. The thought makes my nostrils flare with anger, but I reign the emotion in to focus on the boy in front of me.
“You did so well bringing your blankie. You should do whatever makes you comfortable, sweet boy.”
RJ’s eyes sparkle with unshed tears, and I worry I triggered something negative, but then he leans in to kiss my cheek, “Thank you, Daddy.”
My heart feels like it is trying to beat out of my chest at his words. Many people have called me Daddy, though some find it odd when I’m a femme person, but RJ’s earnest voice has me dying to kiss him. All in good time.
Cin stands behind RJ’s shoulder, smiling beatifically after hearing what RJ said to me. “Are you ready?”