Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 11. Cin 38%
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11. Cin

Chapter eleven


W atching RJ and Gay together warms my heart. I love Gay, and call her Daddy when it feels right, but it is different coming from RJ. He’s so sweet and has an innocence about him. He’s not a virgin or anything, but his vulnerability is written all over his face. I want to take RJ apart so he can let go of his worries before Gay puts him back together with tender care.

Another body part has been ready to go since we first picked RJ up. From his perfectly styled outfit to his smell, a peppery masculine scent, I have wanted my hands on him for hours. To tease and titillate until he’s begging for release. But I also want to go at his pace.

“I’m ready to play now,” RJ whispers, barely containing excitement in his panting breaths.

“Hands, flogger and mouths all good with you?” Gay clarifies again, and I’m thankful. I want my mouth on him as much as I want to see his bare ass jiggle under my hand. “Except your genitals, of course,” she clarifies, based on what we agreed to before.


“Color?” I check in.

“Green,” RJ breathes out on a shaky exhale and his eyes dart to the spanking bench. “Very green.”

Gay and I each take one of his hands and help him settle with his knees on either side of the bench. RJ’s back and ass are bared to us when he lays on the padded surface. This bench is short, so his head hangs over the end and we can see his face. Playing for the first time means a lot of checking in, so I’m glad the dungeon isn’t blasting music too loud.

“Good boy, get comfortable.” Gay releases RJ’s hand so he can get in place.

RJ has a scrap of blue fabric that he tucks against his chest before settling in, and I love how his body reacts when Gay tells him he’s being good for us. He visibly shivers and I hear the tiniest of pleased mewls from RJ over the sound of background bass thumping and other scenes around us I’ve mostly tuned out.

“Can we touch you?” Gay asks, and I bounce on the balls of my feet, waiting for his response.

“Please. You can more than touch,” RJ alludes to the scene we discussed, begging so prettily for us to spank him. He’ll get a flogging as well if he responds positively.

Gay runs her blunt nails along RJ’s skin on the left half of his back and I move to his right side. She starts at his shoulder and I mirror her position. We feel his skin as he shivers and shakes with anticipation, the adrenaline building in his system as we learn his body. Gay and I meet eyes and I let her take over the pretty words while I move down to stand between his spread legs.

Kneading his supple flesh, I indulge in exploring his fuzzy ass and upper thighs, warming them under my touch. Spreading his cheeks, I see his tight hole exposed to me. When I know him better, I can learn if he likes to have a bit of teasing or dirty talk. I bite my lip to hold back the words I’m thinking of saying—how his hole is pretty and I want to lick and fuck it hard until he’s sore.

Leaning over his back to kiss RJ between the shoulder blades, I speak against his skin, “Do you want me to spank your sexy ass, boy?”

“Yes, please,” RJ moans and I grin at Gay. She places her hands on his shoulders as I land the first smack to his right cheek and then his left. “ Yes ,” RJ moans again, throaty and breathless.

These first hits are softer, meant to feel his tolerance, and his pushing back into me tells me RJ wants more. Some people say they want a spanking, but they only like the aesthetic or idea. RJ is into the scene in a way that can’t be faked.

His words echo my assessment, “More, please?”

Leaving my hands on his warm flesh, I let the impacts settle in, knowing they aren’t as hard as he might want. Between the low lighting and RJ’s dark skin, I won’t see my marks as easily, and I don’t want to push him too hard the first time.

Wait. The first time? Realizing I’ve been thinking about this scene as the first of many, I try to stay in the moment.

Lifting my hands to spank one side and then the other in a pattern of high, middle, low, I find a rhythm, spreading the impact out over a larger area. He doesn’t have testicles, but I try to land a couple against the edge of his jock where his packer will press into him in the best way. The top of his thighs are sensitive, so I press in after each hit, earning moans and wiggles from RJ. He doesn’t try to move away like I would, sometimes pushing back into my hands as if begging for more with his body, so I give him what he’s asking for.

Gay keeps up a mix of touch, soft kisses to his back, and words of encouragement. When RJ’s ass is hot to the touch, I step back and reach for our play bag.

Seeing what I’m doing, Gay squats down to look RJ in the face. “Do you want Cin to use the flogger on you now, sweet boy?”

“Mmm, yeah,” RJ’s mumbled words filter back to me, but I watch Gay’s face to make sure she gets a real answer. His, “ Please ,” is more clear, so I trail the falls from his shoulders to the top of his ass and back again.

Twisting the flogger with my wrist, I let RJ feel the weight and smooth glide of the elk-hide before I begin. Gay places her hands over his, not to restrain but to be sure he doesn’t jerk his body and cause me to hit something sensitive. I love doing Florentine, with two floggers, but it works best with someone upright. For RJ’s prostrate position, the strikes need to be more precise so they don’t wrap around his neck or waist.

Falling into a pattern, I speed up my tempo on RJ’s upper back and the round of his ass. While my focus is on what I’m doing, flogging is mostly muscle memory and I can admire the way RJ’s body goes from shivering at each impact to relaxed in a way I recognize.

Slowing down, I make eye contact with Gay and she nods, smiling from me to RJ’s face. I trail the falls along his skin again in a cool down, but RJ’s body has gone slack. I suspect he’s in subspace, and I’m surprised.

Many bottoms need a more intense, prolonged scene for subspace, but RJ only needed to let go and feel. Letting Gay take over rubbing RJ, I put my flogger away and go retrieve his clothes. He is sitting up with a dopey smile on his face, and I’m beyond stoked to see him so relaxed.

“Let’s get you dressed, sweet boy,” Gay coos, rubbing RJ’s upper back in soothing circles while I slip his pants on. We help him stand on unsteady feet to finish his dressing, then let him collapse onto the side of the spanking bench to put his shoes on. “You were perfect for us. How are you feeling?”

RJ, blinks up at us, eyes not in focus. We talked about aftercare, but didn’t expect this. He’s more likely to have sub drop, and that kicks in much later. Still, we won’t let him out of our sight until we know he’s alright.

Gay get’s RJ’s sweater on and takes his hands in hers while I keep a hand on his back so he stays upright, “We’re going to take you to Randy’s Diner for some sugar and then we’ll take you home.”

RJ looks up and smiles at us before he nuzzles into Gay’s chest, mumbling, “You… home.” I almost squeal with how adorable he is. With how well he takes to Gay’s Daddying.

Flashing back to the day I started working with Gay, when I asked her out on the park bench, the feeling is similar. This moment feels like the start of something bigger.

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