Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 12. RJ 41%
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12. RJ

Chapter twelve


V ague memories of a vinyl booth, pink neon lighting, and not wanting to let Gay or Cin go filter into my consciousness. Also, the smell of pancakes? Though I’m not sure if the scent is a memory or some neighbor in my apartment building waking up early on a Sunday.

A conversation from the night before filters back in and I heat in embarrassment. Gay tried to take me home after I fell asleep at the diner and I refused. They had picked me up and know my address, but I wanted them to take me to their home so I wasn’t alone.

No warm body is pressed against me, and I don’t remember having sex, so I assume they must have insisted we keep it platonic after the scene. Why do they have to be so responsible and kind?

Not wanting to let go of the happy, floating feeling, I keep my eyes closed and cling to the memory and my blankie, clutched tight in my hand. Gay told me I was good and liked me taking comfort in the blanket Kyle tried to throw away. Cin worked me over in a way I’ve never experienced, building on sensations and taking me to another plane of existence.

“ Sweet boy ,” Gay’s term of endearment had me warming from the inside out, and I squirm at the memory of how her care lit me up.

“ Think he’s awake?” Cin’s words don’t feel as much like a memory, but what do I know? Both of them are wonderful, so I am happy to welcome them into my happy place together.

“ Did we do the right thing? Bringing him home? ” Gay’s tone belies worry, and doesn’t fit with how I’m feeling.

“He didn’t exactly give us a choice,” Cin chuckles.

Shit, I’m not remembering them…They’re in the room with me.

Blinking awake, I take in the natural light against an exposed brick wall and high ceilings. I’m definitely not in my shoebox of an apartment. Looking to the side, I find Cin and Gay standing over me, coffee cups in hand and concerned expressions on their faces.

“Um, hi.” My voice cracks and I try again, “Good morning?”

“Good morning.” Gay’s face clears and she smiles, sitting on the edge of the couch where I’m tucked in, not touching me but close enough to feel her warmth through the quilt over me. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m alright, I think,” I answer before taking stock in my body. There is a pleasant soreness to my butt and upper thighs, and my back feels less tense, like I had a workout followed by a massage. My harness is gone, but my sweater and pants are on, so I’m warm and mostly comfortable. “Yeah, I feel good.”

“Good,” Cin claps their hands together and leans back as I sit up. “Do you want breakfast?”

“I–Pancakes?” I ask, remembering the smell and wanting to know if it was all memory.

“Not as good as fresh at Randy’s, but we have leftovers you didn’t finish,” Cin thinks I’m making a request and bounces in place before walking backwards toward a room in the back corner beyond a stairway. I assume it’s their kitchen since I can only see a dining table past the living room in the open space. “Coffee? Tea?”

My first reaction is to shake my head, about to protest them putting effort into dealing with me, when I see Gay’s pinched expression. She’s concerned and wants to take care of me. I would feel like an asshole if I refused, but I also don’t want to. Letting them dote on me feels good.

“Coffee, please,” I concede, running my blankie through my hands. “With sugar and cream.”

Cin disappears and Gay places her hand face up beside my thigh. I take it and meet her eyes. “You don’t have to stay for breakfast, but I want to make sure you eat something.”

Nodding, I swallow hard. “Did I really insist on coming home with you?”

“You did,” Gay replies matter-of-factly, rubbing her thumb along the back of my hand. “But you were also falling asleep and needed touch. When you started shivering from drop…”


“Sub drop. You went into subspace at the dungeon and were coming out of it at Randy’s Diner. I couldn’t get you to eat much as you wanted to cuddle,” Gay explains, smiling to show she wasn’t bothered, though I’m a little embarrassed. “We drove to your place but we didn’t find a key in your bag and weren’t sure how to get in your building. You told us to take you to our home.”

“There’s a door code.”

“You refused to tell us the password,” Cin reenters with a plate and mug, and I am sad Gay has to let my hand go to pull a table up for me to eat at the couch. “But you were adorable, so it wasn’t a hardship.”

Fiddling with my septum piercing, a wave of bashfulness makes my heart beat faster. They are going to get tired of me and never play with me again. “Sorry.”

“No reason to apologize,” Gay insists, scooting closer but not touching me. “I promised to make sure you were taken care of, and part of that happens to be listening to what you say you need.”

A happier emotion, of being protected, fights to push the humiliation back. I put them out, but they are making sure I know they don’t mind.

Looking to the table in front of me, I find my phone, a bottle of water and some painkillers beside the plate of pancakes and coffee. “Thank you,” I tell them, not only for what I see but also what I feel.

“Of course, sweet boy,” Gay assures me, cementing the joyous feeling I got from her words the night before. She leans forward to grab her coffee from the coffee table as I pick up my own and take a sip.

“This is delicious. Is that cinnamon?”

“Yes. A personal favorite. I’m glad you approve,” Cin gushes, sitting in the armchair beside the couch.

Cin has no makeup on, and they’re just as beautiful as I remember. I notice they’re wearing silky, black pajama shorts and a matching tank-top. I’ve never seen them in anything but black, but they’re showing off more skin than I’ve seen from them so far and I take in the creamy skin from the corner of my eye.

“Is Cin short for cinnamon?” I ask, setting my cup down to grab a forkful of syrup-covered pancakes. My appetite roars to life with the first bite and I dig in.

“Ha, no. It’s short for Cincinnati,” Cin snorts and sets their cup down, tucking both feet up underneath them. They’re so tiny, yet when Cin worked me over I felt like the small one in their capable hands. “My parents moved from the Philippines to Ohio when my mom was pregnant with me. They knew some English, but decided to give me the name of the city I was born in.”

“And you?” I turn to Gay, wondering about hers as well.

“My birth name is Gael, so Gay was my nickname as a child. Bullies thought it was funny and I decided to embrace the moniker.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to make you tell me your deadname,” I rush to add, but she shakes her head.

“Some trans folx hate their birth name, but I find it gender neutral, so I kept it. I am queer, and also happy.”

My own name is the initials I was born with. I didn’t see a need to change my birth name either, but I do understand the desire. I’m glad I haven’t accidentally offended her, though.

“I like that. Suits you,” I smile and set my fork down. I’ve demolished most of the plate and feel full, along with a need to know where we go next. My curiosity gets the better of me and I ask, “What happens now?”

“You can stay as long as you’d like, today, and then we’ll take you home so you can have some space to think,” Gay explains with precise words. Stay, but only today. I like having clear parameters for expectations and what I can ask for. “I’d like you to text us tonight and tomorrow to check in, so I can be sure the drop doesn't get too bad.”

“Okay, I can do that,” I agree, eager to follow her instructions and to keep in contact. Pushing the little table back, I tap my phone screen and see I have a missed call from my sister. “I should probably get back to my place.”

“I want to give you a hug,” Cin interjects, standing to help clear my place. “If you want one?”

“I do.” Smiling to myself in pleasure, I stand and open my arms for them.

Cin wraps their arms around me and I welcome their touch. Cin’s head comes up to chin, so I rest my cheek against their soft hair, reveling in the comfort of their closeness.

“Can I get in on this?” Gay asks from behind, her soft, husky voice doing things to my body I’m not used to so soon after meeting someone.

“Yes, please,” I almost add Daddy , but stop myself. She’s Daddy in a scene, but I don’t know if I have permission outside of one.

Gay’s soft chest pushes against my back when her arms envelop me as well as Cin, and I flash to the idea of having her small breasts on my bare skin. My body heats anew at the thought of being pinned between the two of them with their cocks pressing into my body.

My tiny dick throbs beneath my packer and I lift my head. Cin looks right at me and licks his lips, “Can I kiss you?”

Nodding, I remember they like words, “Yes, I’d like that.”

Cin goes up on tiptoes, closing their eyes and I follow suit as our lips meet. Theirs are soft, leaving a peck before coming in for more. I feel mine part as the kiss deepens with them sucking on my lower lip. Cin explores my reactions and I can taste the cinnamon and coffee on them. At my back, Gay kisses my neck and I gasp.

“Too much?” She asks, her words a warm breath on my neck.

“No, I just–I want to kiss you too,” I admit.

Without missing a beat, Gay tilts my head and takes my mouth with hers. We slot together and I feel her tongue pushing into me. I groan, imagining her tongue in other places. I suck it into my mouth and her erection throbs against my lower back. Cin licks and kisses along my neck and I feel their hardness pressing into my upper thigh.

“ Fuck ,” I curse, panting for breath between them. I don’t know if it’s kissing two people at once, or the continuation of how they made me feel last night, but I’ve never enjoyed a kiss more in my life.

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