Chapter sixteen
F inishing up at work, I watch as Cin slips into my office with their fancy leather laptop bag and closes the door behind them. It is time for us to pick up RJ for our date, and we plan to have him sleep over. Cin has a giddy smile and is practically vibrating with excitement.
Tucking files into a drawer I stand from my desk. “Ready, Kitten?”
“More than. I haven’t been able to concentrate for hours,” Cin sighs and holds out my jacket for me. “I’ll be doing some catch-up work on Sunday, but I can do it from home.”
“Good, it can wait until Sunday.” I straighten with my jacket in place and lean over to shut my computer down. For once, I’m leaving my laptop at work so I can focus on the two people I want to ravage this weekend. A warmth presses against my back and I feel Cin’s erection nudging under my ass cheek. “Someone is eager.”
“I can’t help it,” Cin whines, thrusting into me and reaching around to grope my small breasts. “You bent over and I thought about fucking you on the conference table.”
Glancing towards the window from my office into the main room, I can’t see anyone. But it is only five, so I know others are around. “Mmm, a sexy memory. But you need to keep it in your panties until we get home.”
“Until we get RJ home,” Cin adds, stepping back so I can grab my briefcase and lead us out.
“Maybe until after dinner?” I raise a brow, holding the door for them.
“Fine, I can wait another…two hours?”
“We’ll see,” I hedge, placing my hand on Cin’s lower back on our walk to the elevator. As I suspected, the founding partners have both left early on Friday, but their assistants and paralegals are mostly still here. “Don’t stay too late, Donna.”
She nods and starts packing up, making me glad I said something. We put in a lot of hours, but don’t have to do them in the office.
“Have a good weekend, Leif,” Cin waves to him, and Leif waves back without pausing his typing with the other hand. He’s usually the last one to leave.
We make it to RJ’s building without too much traffic, and I have Cin shoot him a text that we’re here. The street sign says deliveries only, and I’m glad when RJ walks out less than a minute later.
He’s wearing black, wide-leg pants with a strip of what looks like velvet along both sides, a gold, blousy top, and sensible flats. I hope he brought comfortable clothes to change into, but he’s also carrying a garment bag. RJ works in fashion, so I have to hope it’s a work thing and not another fancy outfit for our place.
Cin hops out to help RJ with their duffle bag while I stay in the driver’s seat and pop the hatch. In the rear-view mirror, I watch RJ setting the bag carefully in the back before reaching up to close the hatch.
When Cin opens the front passenger door for RJ, I hear the middle of a conversation. “I can reach the hatch to close it,” Cin insists.
Chuckling and taking RJ’s hand, I kiss the back and meet his deep brown eyes, “Did you use your height to close the trunk before Cin could get to it?”
“Yes, he did,” Cin answers as they slide into the back seat. I don’t hear as much annoyance in their tone as I would have received, and I look back to see they’re more confused than bothered. “And I was saying we want to take care of him. Do things for him. Not the other way around.”
Turning to look at RJ again, he’s chewing on his lip like he did something wrong. Before I can reassure him, RJ explains, “I was saying Cin should see my helping with things as an act of service, not dominance.”
“Hmm, I like that framing,” I rub the back of RJ’s hand and am happy to see him smile. “Do you like to be of service?”
“Yes,” RJ nods emphatically. “Not all the time, or as my main kink, but it brings me joy to do things for others. Especially those I’m…dating.”
The pause tells me RJ is still a little unsure about where we stand. The hope in his last word lets me know what he wants.
“Good to know, sweet boy,” I squeeze his hand before letting it go to pull out onto the street. “I’m glad we’re dating you so you can feel that joy.”
RJ and Cin chat about their work days, with them gushing over something about the seasonal lines at RJ’s work. Before long, we’re home and they’re both surprised.
“We have dinner to make, and you can help if that pleases you,” I say so RJ knows what to expect. “Cin will show you around. Feel free to change.”
RJ puts his duffle and garment bags on the couch, though I hope they will migrate to our room later. Cin leads RJ upstairs while I get ingredients out, and I’m almost ready to start cooking when they reappear.
Cin has changed into a loose sweater, black leggings that show off their package, and socks, where RJ has only changed his shirt and is barefoot. I love that they were upstairs with Cin possibly stripping in front of RJ, teasing the boy. Maybe they even got handsy. Nothing but compersion and need pulses through me at the thought.
“Come on in,” I greet them, moving to the fridge. “What can I get you to drink? We have juices, milk, wine, water…Or I can pick for you?”
“Oh, can you pick?” RJ asks, looking from the contents of our fridge to my face. “I skipped lunch, so my hunger has limited my decision making.”
“Fair,” I pull out the filtered water jug and decide wine can be a maybe for after dinner.
RJ accepts the cup and chugs it down. When he’s done and sees us watching him, RJ looks at his feet. “I may have also not had any water. Unless coffee counts?”
“Naughty, naughty,” Cin hums and takes the cup from RJ. They cup the boy’s face tenderly to show they are being playful. “What will we do with you?”
“We might need to spank you for not taking care of yourself,” I suggest, watching RJ’s eyes dilate. “But first, we need to feed you.”
“How can I help?” RJ offers, stepping closer to me.
“Can you grab the wok and start heating it on the stove?” I ask, pointing to our pot rack against the wall. The kitchen is small, but we don’t cook much. It is a bit crowded with three. “Cin, can you set the table? The stir fry won’t take long.”
“Sure thing.” Cin goes up on tip-toe to kiss my cheek before turning to RJ, “Can I kiss your cheek, too?”
RJ lets go of the stove knob and nods, leaning down a bit for Cin to press a kiss on his face. Cin skips out to our dining table where we have a hutch with plates and I watch RJ touch his cheek.
“Can I even you out on the other side?”
“Yes,” RJ answers without a moment’s pause. I press my lips to his hot skin, lingering until I feel him turn his face towards me. “You two can kiss me whenever you want.”
“Good to know,” I repeat my words from earlier. Giving him a quick peck to his lips, I don’t let it go deeper or we won’t be eating for hours. Adding oil to the pan, I tell RJ, “You can toss the chicken into the wok now.”
RJ seems dazed when I step back to give him space. “What? Oh,” he clues in to my instruction when I point a wooden spoon towards the bowl on the counter. He dumps the meat in and I add spices plus fish sauce and oyster sauce.
Cin’s mom taught me the recipe, but I rarely find time to make it. I skip a lot of steps by buying pre-cooked chicken, already minced garlic, and frozen noodles. No boiling or straining required.
“It sounds like you had a fun day at work,” I make conversation with RJ while stirring the ingredients while the sauce reduces.
“The closet is a magical place,” RJ tells me with a look of awe on his face.
“Never thought I’d hear someone in the queer community say those words,” Cin calls out, having overheard us. They must be setting the table still, since I can hear silverware clinking.
“Is that where the garment bag came from?” I ask.
“Yeah,” RJ nibbles his lip as I add the noodles, waiting for him to elaborate. “It’s, um, a gift.”
“A gift for us?”
“No,” RJ glances at me, to the door towards Cin, and then to me again while fiddling with his nose ring. “Sorry, it’s for Cin.”
Poor dear looks scared I’ll be upset he didn’t bring me gifts. Little does he realize his presence is gift enough for me.
“That’s so sweet of you, RJ.” I reach out to squeeze his shoulder, making sure I have his attention. “I’m sure Cin will love it.”