Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 17. Cin 56%
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17. Cin

Chapter seventeen


“ I ’ll love what?” I hear my name and pop around the corner to see what Gay and RJ are talking about. “If it’s a blow job, I agree.”

Gay smirks at my horny antics, “RJ brought you a gift.”

“Ooh, receiving gifts is one of my main love languages,” I gush as I step into the room and take RJ’s hands in mine. “Can I have it now, or are you going to torture me until after we eat?”

“I guess you can have it now.” RJ bites his lip and glances back to Gay. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all, sweet boy,” Gay tells him with a smile. Caressing his face, she leans in to kiss his high cheekbone. “Why don’t you take them upstairs and I’ll finish dinner? It should be done in about fifteen minutes.”

“And the table is set,” I add, tugging on RJ’s hand to pull him out of the kitchen. When I’m about to turn us to the stairs, I feel resistance. We already went up there to change, which involved some heavy petting and stolen kisses, so I’m confused. “What’s up?”

“Your gift is in the garment bag,” RJ points to the couch and I’m dying to know what’s inside. I let his hand go so he can walk over and grab it, glad to see he brought his overnight bag as well.

“Here I’ll take that.”

RJ hands me his bag but keeps the mysterious white one to himself. When we make it to the landing, I turn him towards the spare room. He shouldn’t feel pressure to sleep in our bed, so RJ can keep his bag in here where we have a fold out couch under the clothes I need to hang or clean. Gathering them up, I pile them onto a chair and drop RJ’s bag.

“If you don’t want to sleep in our bed, this folds out.”

“Oh.” RJ lays his garment bag over the sofa and stands, worrying his full lower lip. “And if I do want to stay in your bed?”

While I am chomping at the bit to see what my gift is, and I’m not good at Daddying like Gay, I can tell what RJ needs to hear. “Then we will be more than happy to have you there,” I step closer and wrap my arms around his waist until he’s looking down into my eyes, “and you can use this room as a closet like I do. Or come here in the middle of the night if things get claustrophobic or overwhelming.”

“Okay,” RJ beams and squeezes me back, his hands warm through my shirt. “Ready for your gift?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” I bounce and let him go. “Did you make me something?”

“No, but I know you’ll love it.” RJ reaches for the bag and holds it up, “Full disclosure, it was my boss’ idea to give it to you.”

“Give it to me, baby,” I tease, wiggling my shoulders in a shimmy.

RJ giggles and holds the bag up for me to unzip. I pull it down slowly, revealing a charcoal black jumpsuit. Pushing the bag over the hanger to see the whole piece, I feel an exceptionally soft natural fiber and can’t help trailing my fingers down the long sleeves. A draping across the chest under a deep V leads to long pants, but not so long it would drag on the ground. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt anything like this piece.

“That’s not cashmere. Is it…” I’m in awe, whispering my guess in disbelief, “Is this Cervelt?”

“It is,” RJ nods, and I notice the mix of eagerness and something like worry cross his features. “My boss saw a drawing of a jumpsuit I was doing for you, and found out you’re a similar height and build, so she suggested I give you this piece she designed and made last year. So, yeah. Do you like it?”

“I love it,” I rush to reassure RJ after his rambling. “Wait, I get to keep it?” I ask in disbelief. The fabric alone must have cost RJ’s boss hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

“If you want to. Try it on and see if it fits?”

“I’m not turning down a couture outfit by one of my favorite designers given to me by such a sweet boy,” I go on tiptoe to kiss RJ. “I am trying it on, but I don’t care if it fits. You gave it to me and I’m not giving it back.”

RJ snorts a laugh and I give him a wink. I make quick work of stripping down to my silk panties, reveling in RJ checking me out while he helps me into the garment. The wide legs and open neckline mean I can step into the jumpsuit and pull on the sleeves easily, despite there being no zipper.

“OMG, juskó!” I exclaim and feel myself all over, the softest fabric to touch my skin enveloping me like a lover’s embrace. I step back to slip on heels before strutting across the room like I’m on a catwalk. “It fits me so well.”

“It really does,” RJ agrees, when I stop in front of him. Reaching out to adjust the draping of the V over my chest, he lets his fingers trail along my bare skin. Despite the comfortable temperature and warm fabric, a shiver runs along my body at his touch. “You look hot in it.”

“You should really feel it up close and personal.”

My heels put me closer to RJ’s height and I pull him in to kiss properly. He sighs into my mouth and lets me lead, his parted lips allowing me entry. Licking against RJ’s tongue, sparks fly through my body. Our hands are wandering and groping, and I can feel a wet spot where my cock is chubbing up and rubbing against my panties.

“Dinner’s ready,” Gay’s voice filters through our lusty haze. “Wash up and come on down.”

RJ and I stop kissing but don’t let go, sharing our breath as he tilts his forehead into mine. “To be continued?”

“Yes, I need to thank you properly for this outfit,” I tell him, squeezing his bubble butt in my hands. “I’m sad to take it off, but I don’t want to ruin it.”

“Let me help?” RJ offers, stepping back and moving his hands to my shoulders.

“If you insist,” I tease, glad to have his hands on me as a replacement for the Cervelt.

We make quick work of it, despite wanting to skip dinner and go straight to having RJ as dessert. I throw my casual clothes back on so we can go back downstairs. Hand in hand, we giggle like children as we rush to rejoin Gay.

“Good gift, then?” Gay asks, holding out a chair for RJ to sit in.

“The best,” I greet her with a kiss and take the seat beside our date. “The softest fabric in a couture design. You have to feel it, Daddy.”

My casual use of the title for Gay has her doing a double take. I want RJ to feel comfortable using the term of endearment for her, so I’m leading by example. I give her a wink, mirroring the one I gave RJ, and I can’t help feeling like the Randy’s Diner server Henry is rubbing off on me.

“Well, then I guess I’ll have to. It was very sweet of you to bring Cin such a special gift.” Gay sits across from me on RJ’s other side. “Do you want me to serve you a bowl, sweet boy?”

“Yes, please. Everything smells delicious.”

“With your help, the meal came together perfectly.” Gay takes his bowl and fills it before handing the serving utensil to me. She knows I like to make my own plate.

“It smells like my mom’s cooking, so I agree,” I heap a large portion of the stir-fry into my bowl and notice Gay has filled glasses with ice water for all of us. “Do you like Filipino food, RJ?’

“I’ve only had it a few times, though there are a ton of Filipino restaurants in California.”

Nodding as I finish my mouthful, I add, “I have cousins out there near San Jose and in LA.”

“Tell us about your family,” Gay prompts, and I’m excited to hear the answer.

I want to know everything about this boy.

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