Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 18. RJ 59%
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18. RJ

Chapter eighteen


T he dinner I helped Gay make is delicious, though I had little to do with the preparation. Their company warms me even more than the food, filling me with a sense of joy and safety. Hearing Cin call Gay, “Daddy,” has me wanting to call her the same.

Helping Gay clear the table while Cin puts the leftovers in the fridge, I want to make sure I'm being a gracious guest. “Thank you for dinner.”

While I’m enjoying our conversation, especially when we shared how we got into kink, I’m ready to move onto the second half of our evening. Dinner and get to know each other, check. Sexy times and a sleepover is next.

“Our pleasure,” Gay purrs into my ear on the way to the kitchen. I’m hoping her tone means she’s also excited for us to move on to the rest of our plans.

Three sets of hands make quick work, and then they’re leading me upstairs. I feel a little disappointed when we go to Cin’s dressing room, but they’re just looking at the outfit I gave to Cin.

“That fabric is amazing, so soft and light,” Gay fingers the material.

“Yes, socks and scarves are more common in the material,” I ramble, finding myself as antsy as Cin, waiting for Gay to say it’s time to go to their bedroom.

“Best item of clothing I’ve ever owned,” Cin agrees with my words instead of my thoughts to move it along. “I can’t wait to wear it for some event.”

“Come here, sweet boy,” Gay gets my attention and I rush to her side. I haven’t been so impatient for sex in years, if ever. She cups my face and presses a soft, short kiss to my lips. I whimper and open my eyes to see her grin. “Are you eager for what we negotiated?”

Sex with both of them. Double penetration if I’m feeling up for it. I can only nod, too thirsty for more kisses to form words.

Gay takes pity on me and leads me out of the spare room, past the stairs and a landing where they have a desk setup, and into their bedroom. Butterflies dance in my stomach as the anticipation builds.

On our tour before dinner, Cin showed me the door I thought was a closet in their room, with a steep and curvy staircase leading to a rooftop deck. I asked if we would have dinner up there and found out they haven’t replaced the decking. If I had a rooftop space, I’d want to be out there all the time, and the thought distracted me from noticing much else in their space.

Their room is dominated by a giant king bed. The furniture is in a black metal and dark stained wood to match the floors, with off-white linens and walls. It’s clean and modern, but with pops of color on the art and throw pillows. It feels both mature and homey, like I could cuddle up and stay awhile.

Right now I have another goal, though.

Cin presses against my back with Gay at my front, both running their fingers along my arms and setting my body alight. Cin kisses my neck and whispers loud enough for Gay to hear, “Tell us what you want tonight, baby.”

“You,” I gasp when Cin’s tongue comes out to lick the sensitive spot below my ear. My words are stilted as Gay moves to tease my pierced nipples, “Both of you. Like we discussed. On me. In me. Every way.”

“In our bed and to stay the night?” Gay asks between kisses to my eyelids and cheeks. I nod enthusiastically and think I moan out an affirmative sound. “What do you say if you want something to stop?”

“Red, or yellow.” I’m panting now, but I still have my wits enough to remember.

“No or stop are also fine.” Gay kisses along my jaw, “And we use barriers for anything beyond kissing and hands.”

“Yes,” I agree, though I already hope we can do this again. They both have bio dicks and I have a kink for being cum-filled.

“Want me to undress you, sweet boy?”

“Please,” I beg.

Gay grabs the hem of my top and I lift my arms. She tosses it aside and moves to my pants, pulling them halfway down but leaving my jock in place. Leaning in, she licks at one nipple, the sensation vibrating through the barbell and making my T-dick swell.

Cin helps get my pants off my feet and points near a nightstand beside us, “I brought your bag if you need anything.”

“I…That depends,” I manage to say while Gay moves to my other nipple. When I don’t continue, she stops her ministrations and looks up at me. “Do you want me to have my hard dick on and not have access to my front hole, or do you want all my holes free?”

“Which would bring you the most pleasure?” Gay reaches for my packer and presses in, letting me feel it on my dick underneath the silicone.

“For you both to use all my holes so I can cum on your dicks,” I say in a rush before I lose my nerve. We discussed this all in text, but saying it out loud is harder. “I need a lot of lube after years on testosterone, but I still enjoy sex in both holes so long as you don’t use feminine terms.”

“Front hole and dick, right?” Cin confirms from behind me, their hands exploring my bare skin. I nod and lean into them.

“Can I take this off, then?” Gay toys with the straps of my jock.

“Yes,” I bite my lip and look down as she kneels to get me naked. Both of them are still fully dressed and I love it, but… “I won’t be the only one undressing, I hope.”

Cin lets me go abruptly and I’m thankful Gay is there to hold onto my legs. I see a shirt go flying in my periphery and then Cin is back, pressing their warm, smooth body against me, skin-to-skin. “As you wish.”

Gay helps me step out of my jock and sets it carefully on my duffle bag before standing and removing her own blouse. She has a white lace bra on, with her perky little breasts visible through the fabric. Her dark nipples are like beacons, drawing my attention even as she shimmies out of her pants to reveal matching panties. She has a hard-on straining the pouch of her panties, and I’m drooling for a taste.

“What do you want to suck more? My tits or my dick?” Gay asks and I glance up to find her giving me a seductive smirk. She’s so confident in her body, a feat I know isn’t easy as a trans person, and it’s a huge turn-on.

Before I can answer with both , or I can’t choose , Cin moves us along, “Get on the bed on your back with your head over the side.”

Rushing to comply, I don’t take in the why until I’m in position. With my head upside down, I can see both of their dicks, one in tight, white lace and the other in loose black silk. I reach down to put pressure on my own swollen dick when a hand stops me.

“Let us do that,” Gay commands in a low, husky tone I want to hear more of. “You want to suck Daddy’s cock while Cin sucks your dick and plays with your holes?”

She phrases her suggestion as a question, but does she really need to ask?

“Yes, please, Daddy,” I answer so she doesn’t change her mind before we make her dirty words happen.

Gay pulls her panties down to reveal a hard, uncut cock, wet at the tip. I lick my lips in anticipation while Cin crawls onto the bed between my legs. Lifting my head, I find them naked with a thick, cut cock in hand. I want to feel both of them, taste them and make them feel good.

Laying my head back down, I see Gay rolling a condom on before handing Cin lube and protection. Gay runs her cock around my lips, eyes firmly on mine as she presses in one inch at a time. At the same time, Cin covers my cock in lube and a dam before latching on while their glove-covered fingers roam. One dips into my front hole while another rubs at my ass. I’m writhing on the bed, moaning around Gay’s dick when Cin breeches my tight ring and I can feel both of them everywhere.

Yes, finally . This is exactly what I wanted.

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