Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 25. Gay 81%
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25. Gay

Chapter twenty-five


C in and RJ would be happy to stay in bed all day after our shared shower, but I want a real meal I don’t have to cook or clean up after. We walk along the tree-lined streets, all three of us holding hands, while talking about nothing and everything. Our words aren’t deep, commenting on the fall foliage RJ isn’t used to seeing so much of growing up in California, but the complexity comes from being with each other.

“I love how early the trees change here,” RJ looks up in wonder, swinging my hand back and forth and almost skipping with child-like excitement, pointing out individual trees while Cin explains leaf peeping in New England on his other side.

“Tourists come from all over the world to drive around and look at the trees. New Hampshire is less than an hour away, and Maine or Vermont is only a little further. We could do a weekend trip,” Cin suggests and I nod in agreement, loving the idea of going away with them for a mini-vacation. “Ooh, we could go to a pumpkin patch this month, or have you ever gone apple picking? And we have to get fresh apple cider.”

“Yes, and no,” RJ bobs his head back and forth. “We went on a field trip with my school to an apple orchard to pick pumpkins outside of Sacramento, but we didn’t get to pick any apples and the cider came from powder packets.”

Cin and I went on similar field trips as children growing up outside of Boston, but going as a date for all three of us together sounds like so much more fun.

“We have to give you a better experience!” Cin tells RJ and lifts their joined hands to kiss the back of RJ’s and I swoon at how cute they are together.

They’re talking, and I’m listening. Every word my partners say, I want to follow through on. I’ll make sure the plans happen, because making them both happy has become my main goal in life.

Neither of us have ever fully dated two people at the same time. Played, dated people separately, yes, but this dynamic is new for us. And I can see RJ becoming an equal partner to Cin. The fact we all feel comfortable holding hands in public and making plans is a good sign we’re all on the same page, but I think it’s time to talk about the future out loud.

Walking into Randy’s, I see Iris is on duty, pouring coffee by the counter as we make our way to a corner booth. I want to have RJ and Cin touching either side of me instead of across a table.

Iris makes her way over and asks if we want our regulars, “Coffee and waffles with a side of fruit for Gay, orange juice and pancakes with syrup and whipped cream for Cincinnati?” We smile at her use of Cin's full name and she hands a menu to RJ, “I don’t know your name yet, cutie. Know what you’ll have, or need more time?”

RJ looks at the multi-page menu then up at me and bites his lip. His eyes are big and I can read what RJ needs. He wants me to pick for him. I remember RJ saying he likes savory food over sweet.

“Do you want bacon and eggs, RJ?” He nods and smiles at me like I hung the moon. A warm feeling of rightness settles over me and I squeeze his hand under the table.

“How do you like your eggs, RJ?”

He looks at me again, but I only raise a brow. RJ needs to answer this for himself. “Scrambled with cheese, if it’s not too much trouble, please?”

“Sure thing,” Iris takes the menu back. “And to drink?”

This time I don’t make RJ wait or speak up, “Ice tea with sugar and three waters, please and thank you, Iris.”

“Coming right up.”

Cin and RJ go off on a tangent about the best way to have their eggs while Iris prepares and brings our drinks. When we’re all sipping in companionable silence, I decide it’s time to bring up what’s been on my mind.

“Last night was wonderful. Thank you both for making my birthday so fun,” I ease into the topic. “And for this morning.”

“You know I’d do anything for you, babe,” Cin places a hand on my thigh and leans in for a kiss.

We’ve had many late night pillow talk sessions about RJ and how much we like him, but seeing him around our friends and in our bed has cemented what we talked about.

“Me too, Daddy,” RJ tells me in a low voice and I turn to find him playing with his septum ring. He glances from me to Cin, swallowing hard before adding, “And for you, Sir.”

Taking his hand in mine, I smile so RJ knows his declarations are welcome. “That’s what I wanted to discuss with you.”

“What we’ll do for you?” Cin asks in a teasing voice, their hand sliding up my thigh, “Because I know a certain bathroom we haven’t christened as a threesome, yet.”

“No, brat,” I roll my eyes and stop the progress of their wandering fingers. “Our threesome being a throuple.”

“Oh,” Cin’s eyes widen and their grin goes from salacious to sweet. “Yes, I want that, too.”

“You–You do?” RJ asks, drawing our attention back to him. I love having the two of them pressed into both sides, but I wish I could see their faces at the same time. RJ’s face looks hopeful, and I already know Cin’s thoughts on the topic, so I focus on the boy.

“Do you want to be our partner, RJ?”

“Yes,” RJ answers without hesitation then bites his lower lip. I give him time to process his thoughts before going on, “What does that mean? Or, maybe I should say, how is it different from what we’re already doing?”

“Well, the distinction lies mostly in the title, but also in how we approach time together,” I explain, working through my previous conversation with Cin to make sure RJ is on the same page. “We aren’t using barriers, so we’re already not sleeping with other people. But how would you feel about going from casual dating to something more serious?”

Cin leans over me to take his hand, making my point more clear for him, “Dating us as our boyfriend, who we spend as much time as possible with, and not only make short term plans with.”

“Boyfriend? Like I’d only date you two and you’d only date me?” RJ asks like he’s still not fully processing what we’re asking him.

“We would never ask you to be exclusive,” I explain, glancing towards Cin who nods in agreement. “But with you and each other, we probably wouldn’t pursue other people in a romantic sense. And I doubt having two people to satisfy would have us needing more sexual partners.”

“But I don’t want anyone but you two.” RJ bites his lower lip again and I can’t help leaning in to kiss his cheek with the joy I feel at his assertion.

“Enjoy!” We look up to find Iris placing our orders down and bursting our bubble. When she leaves, I don’t let the conversation drop. The food can wait.

“Will you be our boyfriend and my sweet boy, RJ?”

RJ’s eyes water and I worry we’ve overwhelmed him, until he throws his arms around me and pulls Cin into the hug. “Yes, Daddy. I want to be yours.”

Pulling back just enough to see his face, I find nothing but happiness there, and I can’t help kissing his lips before Cin takes over and we laugh into a peck for all three of us at the same time.

“Best birthday present ever,” I tell him as I sit back to dig into my breakfast. “Now eat up. I have plans for you both when we get home.”

Taking care of RJ and having him in our lives is what I hoped for, and Cin is right there with me.

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