Chapter twenty-six
W e haven’t talked to RJ about it yet, but I could see him living with us. Can’t scare him off too soon, though, when we find out he doesn’t have the best track record regarding moving in with a partner. Gay and I are recanting funny ex stories when we’re all in bed Sunday night after we all made out and frotted each other to completion.
“I learned not to get serious with your college dorm-mate because when you break up, you’re stuck with them for the rest of the semester,” Gay finishes her story and I chuckle.
“I’ve only really had one serious partner before,” RJ tells us, and I watch as his face shifts from calm to conflicted in the dim lamplight, and I know I won’t like what he says next. “Kyle and I lived together when I was in college, but it didn’t end well.”
“What happened?” I ask, taking his hand as I see Gay holding him tighter in her arms. She can sense his shift in mood as well. “He didn’t want to let you go?”
“He was very…controlling. We met through kink and the queer community, but in the end, he used my kinks against me and isolated me from everyone.”
None of us speak after what he shares. I don’t know what to say, since I’m sorry won’t help, and Gay knows when to stay silent so people have time to get out what they need to. I follow her lead and let RJ have time.
When he doesn’t add more, Gay breaks the tension with the most important question, “Are you safe from him now?”
“I think so,” RJ answers and I can feel Gay tense. “My sister caught him being horrible to me and my mom helped me file a restraining order. He messaged and called a lot at first, but I changed my number and moved across the country, so I don’t think he can find me here. I got a text a couple weeks ago that might have been him, but I blocked the number and haven’t heard anything since, so it was probably a wrong number.”
“You’re safe with us,” I rush to assure him, pressing a kiss over his heart on the bare skin I can’t get enough of.
“We’re here if you ever need to vent, and please let us know if we do anything to trigger bad memories,” Gay adds, and I can see RJ relax at our assurances. He closes his eyes and I let him go for only a moment to turn off the lamp. “Good night, sweet boy.”
We all kiss and say our goodnights, but only RJ seems able to drift off after the conversation.
Gay and I whisper about RJ’s horrible ex boyfriend long after RJ has fallen asleep in our arms. We agree, he sounds more like an abusive stalker than anyone who deserves the title of partner. He broke the restraining order when the asshole sent a threatening message. After RJ did everything to get away from him, we don’t believe it was a wrong number situation.
RJ changed his number, email, and all his online profiles. Hell, he took legal action, moved across the country, and this fuckwit still tries to get back into his life?
We know RJ is in therapy and seems sure the guy can’t find him, so there’s nothing more we can do. Still, Gay looks up the restraining order on her phone, finding it and notifying local law enforcement through their online reporting form. RJ insists he only got one text, but it’s enough for Gay to show this Kyle guy broke his order against contact and harassment across state lines. We want to make sure RJ feels safe, and we’re not afraid to use our legal knowledge to do so.
Knowing about RJ’s past, dropping him off is even harder on Monday. We drive RJ to his place early so he can get ready for the day, and there might be some hands-on help before we drop him off at work. RJ is sexy as hell, but I also hate knowing I can’t touch him whenever I want like we have all weekend long.
Gay and I have to work late, so he doesn’t stay over. Tuesday is the same, but this overtime is so we can leave early the next day. Going multiple days without RJ makes them drag by, and I feel my brat coming out when I can’t kiss him goodnight.
“Want me to spank you?” Gay offers dryly when she gets tired of my whining. She misses him as much as I do, but I’m taking it out on her and that’s not fair.
“Sorry, babe,” I pull Gay close in our bedroom and hug her in apology. “I want him here with us, but I know you do too.”
“Tomorrow,” she reminds me and leads me to bed where she picks up her phone and opens the group thread.
Gay hates not being able to daddy her boy in person, but RJ seems to love her checking in on him to make sure he’s eating healthy and taking care of himself. Still, we message whenever we have the chance and make sure to send good morning and goodnight texts.
We agreed to be partners, and we want RJ around as much as possible. Gay and I have work every day, and years together without him, so we agreed there’s no reason not to have RJ in our lives as much as possible while we explore this new relationship.
Now it’s Wednesday, and the goal is to pick up RJ, swing by his place for at least five days and nights worth of clothes, and have him stay through the weekend. We’ll go to Pancakes and Pronouns tonight, plan out a scene for the club over dinner at home Thursday and Friday, then play and go to Aftercare at Randy’s together on Saturday. Gay and I host both as a team, and I can picture RJ fitting into the role as well. He’s quiet and shy with new people, but he loves being helpful.
At a quarter to five, I can’t wait any longer. I want to rush Gay through packing up, but she’s on a call. She holds up a finger and mouths, “Couple minutes.”
Sitting down with my bag, it vibrates with a message and I pull it out to see RJ’s name on the preview.
Almost done for the day celebrating emoji when will you 2 get here?
We’re packing up! Should be fifteen minutes at the most. Pick you up out front?
Yes! CU soon! kiss emoji
Tucking my phone away, I hear Gay ending the call and I stand to help her pack. “Come on, RJ is ready to meet us. Let’s go!”
Gay chuckles at my eagerness but does turn off her computer and accepts her laptop bag to follow me out, “We still have to drive there, and I’m not getting a ticket.”
We’re in the elevator when another text comes in and I wonder if RJ got held up at work. Gay pulls her phone out at the same time as me and my blood runs cold when I read RJ’s text.
Kyle is messaging me
i think he’s here
Dots dance on the screen to show RJ is typing but they disappear without a new message popping up. “Here, as in Boston, or at RJ’s building?” I ask, but Gay doesn’t have an answer either. She grabs my hand to pull me outside, but I’m jogging right along with her.
“You better not care about tickets now.”
“Fuck that. We have to get to him.”
Whether Kyle is messaging to mess with RJ’s head, he’s in town, or he’s actually shown up at RJ’s work, our boyfriend needs us.