Beneath Dark Skies (Rolling Hills Ranch #1) 22. Adrian 39%
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22. Adrian



PEACH PIES he took me in as if I were his own son.

When Frank got a job opportunity in Oregon, we packed up our lives and moved there. That’s where I met Kenji and, later on, Theo, who would become like brothers to me. My two sisters, Amaia and Alondra, were born a few years later, making our little family grow. Their tan skin, inherited from our mom, formed a beautiful canvas for their bright blue eyes and light hair. Each time I looked at them, I saw a reflection of our family's unique blend that made us who we were.

I vividly remember the days each of them was born. Amaia came first, with a head full of golden curls and eyes as blue as the summer sky. I was only seven then, but I recall holding her tiny hand and feeling an overwhelming sense of responsibility and love. Then Alondra arrived two years later, equally precious, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and wonder. Each time I looked at them, I saw the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and shared adventures.

Those early years were some of the happiest of my life. We were a tight-knit unit. Frank's presence brought a sense of stability and joy that my mom and I hadn’t known when we were alone. He taught me how to fish, ride a bike, and be a good brother. He was there for every scraped knee, every school play, and every birthday. His influence shaped the person I am today, and his love for my mom and us kids was the glue that held our family together.

“I wasn’t there when my dad died. Kenji and I were on a search and rescue mission when he had a stroke, and the guilt of not being there for my mom or sisters still haunts me to this day. He was their rock, and his sudden absence left a void that no amount of time would ever be able to fill.”

I remember the anguish in Amaia's voice when she called me, her usually strong demeanor crumbling under the burden of grief. My heart ached to comfort her, to hold her close and reassure her that everything would be okay. I rushed back home as soon as I got the call, but by that point, days had passed, and I wasn’t there. It’s time I’ll never get back. The regret I carry for not being there for them in that dark hour is something I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to shake fully.

“When I got home, I found my mom drowning in her sorrow. She had closed herself off to us and the world around her. This strong woman, who had sacrificed so much to give me a better life, was just a shadow of herself. It was as if a part of her had died along with Frank, leaving behind a hollow shell.” I take a steadying breath to calm my nerves. “She eventually came around, but things weren’t the same after that. The light in her eyes had been dimmed and never returned fully.”

I pause, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. “Now I don’t know where they are or if they are even alive.” A single tear escapes and runs down my cheek. Nora squeezes my hands tight, and I hold onto her .

“I know how it feels,” Nora says, her voice tinged with a deep, shared pain. “To have your loved ones out there, not knowing where they are or what happened to them. It's the not knowing that eats you alive at night.” A sad smile touches her lips, a reflection of her heartache. I don’t know the specifics of what happened to her daughter, but I can see the toll it’s taken on her. Especially with Holden gone—it’s clear how much she misses him. She’s always spoken so highly of him, practically helping raise him and Farron since they grew up in this home.

Nora squeezes my hand gently, her touch like a lifeline. “They are with you, in your heart and your memories. As long as you hold onto that, you’re carrying them with you.”

I take a deep breath, slightly easing the tightness in my chest. “I just hope they’re safe, wherever they are.”

Nora’s eyes meet mine, filled with understanding and pain. “Hope is what keeps us going,” she says softly. “It’s what gets us through the darkest nights and the hardest days. No distance or circumstance can ever diminish your love for them and their love for you.”

Her words sink in, wrapping around me. I nod, grateful for her presence and her wisdom. “I just wish I knew,” I confess, my voice barely a whisper. “The uncertainty is the worst part. Imagining all the things that could have happened to them... it’s unbearable.”

Nora nods her expression one of shared grief. “It is. But you’re not alone in this. We’re all here for each other, and we’ll keep hoping. That’s what family does, and that’s what we are here at Rolling Hills, you boys included—a family.”

“Family,” I whisper, a soft smile playing on my lips.

Our moment is abruptly interrupted by the shrill sound of Nora’s kitchen timer, an old thing that happens to be shaped like a duck and rattles around when it goes off. With a swift motion, Nora rises from her seat, quickly moving over to me. She enfolds me in a quick but tight hug, a silent reassurance of her support, before turning her attention to the oven.

As she retrieves the piping hot pies, a mouthwatering aroma fills the air, teasing our senses and making my mouth drop open in hunger. Nora’s smile, though tinged with sadness, is infectious as she turns to me with a playful glint in her eye. “Should we dig in while it’s still warm? There’ll still be plenty left over for everyone tomorrow.”

I nod eagerly, grateful for the diversion. “Honestly, Miss Peaches, I think we should set all the pies aside for me and me alone.”

I move to join Nora by the stove, ready to indulge. As I rise from my seat and make my way toward Nora, a flicker of movement catches my eye near the back door. With a bemused expression, I watch as a familiar head of unruly black curls hastily disappears from view of the back door.

“That little minx,” I mutter under my breath. “Kenji was right. She is spying on us.”

I glance back at Nora, expecting to see surprise or concern, but instead, I find her wearing a knowing smile. With a subtle nod, she returns her focus to the task at hand, but the expression on her face speaks volumes.

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