Day 410
It’s been almost two weeks since they showed up, and now everyone is buzzing with excitement to accost them at tonight’s potluck. For days, as I’ve made my way through Rolling Hills, I’ve heard the little comments and hushed discussions, with even my own grandmother participating in the gossip.
“Oh, Kenji is a quiet one, but he’s so handsome and such a gentleman,” Ma says, standing around with some of the older women.
“I’m more partial to the one with the tattoos and piercing blue eyes,” Lucy Clark gushes, waving her wrinkly hands about. “You need to send him my way more often with your baked goods, Nora,” she tells Ma, who simply laughs, warning Lucy to keep her claws out of Adrian.
“What about the quiet one with the crutch? He’s just adorable. My God, those dimples.” Miss Mabel throws in, her eyes mischievous.
I’ve heard it all. It’s all the women here are talking about, young and old. Even the men are swooning over them. They’re thrilled to have more help, given how strong and capable these guys are. I get it–three attractive and muscular men have shown up to save the day.
I know I’m being dramatic, but I can’t help it. They just waltz in and somehow become integral parts of this community within days. How does that even happen? Everyone’s quiet discussions and borderline infatuations are why I now find myself hiding in my office at the main house, which feels even emptier now that Theo’s up and moving around, having moved into one of the guestrooms. I’m stewing over these three men and dreading tonight’s potluck. Everyone will be fawning over them, and nobody will even mention Holden. My eyes will constantly seek out Jay and Todd in the crowd, watching them talk and laugh, even though their best friend, the final member of their trio, isn’t here. It’ll be as if he doesn’t exist.
The community will be celebrating and enjoying the start of a new month with laughter, dancing, and tables laden with food. I can already picture it: Kenji with his brooding charm, Adrian with his sunny smile, and Theo quietly stealing glances my way. Everyone will be captivated by them, caught up in the excitement of new faces and fresh stories.
Meanwhile, I’ll be sitting there, a forced smile plastered on my face, consumed by thoughts of my missing twin. His absence hangs over me like a shadow, a constant reminder of what’s missing, of how my soul feels half-gone without him. I feel like a broken record with my thoughts, which seem to skip and stutter back towards my twin no matter what else is happening.
Tears spring to my eyes, and I will them back. I’m not going to cry.
I’m startled out of my thoughts by the sound of pans crashing down the hallway in the kitchen, followed by muffled curses from two voices I would now recognize anywhere.
Great. They’re here.
Pushing myself away from my desk, I head out of my office and towards the kitchen. The hallway feels longer than usual, and each step is reluctant. As I approach the kitchen, the sounds of laughter and clattering dishes grow louder, and my heart sinks further .
The scene is more chaotic than I could have imagined. Not only are pots and pans strewn everywhere, but there's also a messy array of flour, tomatoes, and what appears to be an expired stack of shortbread cookies scattered across the countertops.
What the hell were they attempting to make?
“What are you guys doing?” I say, raising my voice to be heard over their commotion.
Kenji and Adrian, who are picking up some of the cookies off the floor, immediately look up at me, Theo following suit after noticing their reactions. Theo lifts his hand, covered in flour, and waves at me. His glasses also have specks of flour covering them, making me wonder just how much of me he can really see right now. I give him an awkward smile and wave back. Adrian stands up, wiping his hands on his pants, while Kenji takes his time rising. I can't help but notice the way his hand runs through his hair as he does, and my eyes are drawn to the corded muscles in his arms with the movement.
Clearly, I have issues to address but now isn't the time.
No one speaks, so I ask again, “What are you guys doing?”
I see Theo saying something, and then Kenji mutters something under his breath. I incline my head towards Adrian, knowing he can’t keep his mouth shut. “Kenji has a sweet tooth. He’ll eat anything with sugar in it. Gummy bears, fudge, lollipops. Want him to show you how good he can suck?” Adrian says with a wink, earning a jab in the gut from Kenji.
Good grief, that's an image I didn't need. And it also still doesn’t answer my question. Theo quickly pulls out his notebook and pen from his pocket and writes something down.
“Please ignore him. We think he was dropped on his head when he was a baby.”
I suppress a laugh, clutching the note in my hand. Theo's dry humor never fails to amuse me, even when I seem to be determined not to let anything through. I write a response and hand the paper back to him.
“Are you sure they both weren’t?”
Theo looks at me with mischief in his eyes, his dimple coming out to say hello.
“Can’t be too sure, but you are the doctor here. I think you should probably check them for brain damage.”
A loud laugh escapes me, and I catch Kenji and Adrian staring at me with wide eyes. “What?” I ask innocently. They both mumble and turn away to continue cleaning up the kitchen.
“Okay, but seriously, what are you guys making? This looks like a disaster zone, and I cannot imagine any recipe that calls for tomatoes and shortbread cookies.”
Adrian shrugs, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. “Honestly, Theo and I came in to find Kenji making a mess in the kitchen. We’re just trying to help clean up.”
Kenji scowls again as I feel a migraine coming on, so I try to focus on getting everyone back on track. “Well, let’s clean this up before Ma sees it. She’ll have a fit.”
We all start picking up the mess, working together in a surprisingly coordinated effort. Adrian fills the air with quips, stories, and jokes while Kenji grumbles, muttering about how annoying Adrian is. As we clean, I can’t help but steal glances at Theo. There's a quiet strength in him, a steadiness that I find oddly reassuring amidst the chaos. Theo, similarly, stays focused on me, a soft smile on his lips that causes his eyes to crinkle at the corners and his dimples to pop out. My mouth suddenly feels dry as my eyes drop to Theo’s lips, a buzzing static surrounds me, and my thoughts settle on imagining the feel of his lips against mine. When his tongue peeks out to wet his bottom lip, it sends flutters in my stomach, causing the kitchen to suddenly feel a million degrees hotter.
And that’s enough.
“Okay, guys,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady as I throw away the garbage I’ve gathered, moving on unsteady legs. “Let’s try not to destroy the kitchen again, okay? You guys should clean up and get ready. Potluck starts soon.”
Adrian chuckles, and Kenji scowls. Theo nods in agreement, a thumbs up held at his chest and moving in a circular motion, giving me a quick apology. It’s one of the few signs he’s taught me over the last few days. With a tight smile, I turn and exit the kitchen, leaving behind a whirlwind of flour and laughter, along with the unexpected fluttering in my stomach.
I step outside into the chilly autumn air, making my way towards the barn to check in on Nessie before the potluck. The familiar scent of hay and the comforting warmth of the sun streaming through the slats in the roof greet me as I enter, and I realize I should have never attempted to hide out in my office, to begin with. Being here with the animals is where I truly feel at peace, away from the complications, emotions, and expectations people bring.
People can be unpredictable, and I've seen firsthand the harm they can inflict on others, even before the world turned upside down. I recall my days in vet school, where gender biases ran rampant and opportunities seemed reserved for men. It was a constant struggle for the women in my class to prove ourselves and fight for the chances handed out so freely to others. And then, after everything changed, I witnessed even darker things. I push the memories aside, focusing instead on the calming atmosphere and animals.
As I approach Nessie, giving her a few gentle pets along the front of her nose, my thoughts drift back to the three men in the chaotic kitchen. Another perfect example of how unpredictable people can be. They've surprised me, and I begrudgingly admit it. Despite Kenji's prickly demeanor, there's a sense of fierce loyalty to his brothers that I can't help but respect. Trust is a rare commodity in times like these, and I understand his need to protect his family. It's a sentiment I can relate to, even if our methods differ. Even more unpredictable is my reaction to them, especially Theo. A reaction I shouldn’t be allowing myself to have, not when there are more pressing things going on and not when I barely know them.
“Are you ready, girl?” I murmur to Nessie, my hand resting against her warm tummy as I attempt to force myself to focus. “There might still be a few more weeks to go. I'm hoping for a smooth delivery, but I'll be here if anything happens.” Nessie lifts her head, nudging my hand in a playful gesture, and I can't help but laugh softly, pressing a gentle kiss to her head. While I haven't encountered many complications with births so far, I aim to be as careful with her as possible, knowing that every life is precious in this new world.
I run my right hand over Nessie's belly, looking for any signs of movement or discomfort, while continuing to soothe her with gentle strokes along her back with my other hand. The sound of approaching footsteps catches my attention, and I exhale slowly, hoping it's not one of them .
I remain still, feigning as though oblivious to the approaching presence. The footsteps draw nearer until suddenly, an arm wraps around my shoulders, and I turn my head to find Todd standing beside me, with Jay standing in front. I let out a small sigh of relief, grateful it's not one of the three men from earlier that I literally ran away from in an attempt to escape whatever it was I was feeling. Despite my initial relief, my guard remains up at being cornered by these two.
“So, Fare-Bear,” Todd starts, the arm not around me ripping my stetson off my head while the other starts ruffling my hair. Meanwhile, Jay stands before us, arms crossed over his chest, his dark eyes boring into me. “Just how long do you think you can avoid us?”
I roll my eyes at Todd's nickname, but there's a hint of amusement in my voice as I respond, “As long as it takes, Toddler.”
Jay chuckles, his white teeth gleaming even brighter against his dark complexion, clearly amused by the banter between Todd and me before he adopts a severe look again. “Come on, Farron, you can't hide forever.”
I roll my eyes, but the mention of hiding stirs a pang of guilt within me. “I wasn't hiding,” I protest half-heartedly, knowing they won't buy it. “Just taking a breather from all the chaos.”
“Bullshit,” Jay says, his gaze probing. “You’ve been hiding ever since Holden left. You refuse to spend any time around us unless you have to for the good of Rolling Hills. So cut the shit and just tell us. What’s going on?”
My stomach twists at the directness of his question. So fine, I have been avoiding them. But only because being around them reminds me of Holden, and it hurts too much to see them without him doing other things. “I…it’s just been hard, okay? Seeing you with Adrian and Kenji, spending all your time with them…it’s like you’ve forgotten about Holden. Like you just found new friends to replace him.”
Jay’s expression softens, his eyes filled with concern. “Farron, Holden is our best friend. He has been for decades. We’d never forget about him, especially not when all we’re doing is helping the new guys integrate with everyone.”
Todd nods in agreement, his grip on my shoulders tightening. “We miss him too, you know. We’re worried sick about him, and with you going out of your way to stay away from us, we’ve been worried about you, too. ”
I swallow hard, a lump in my throat forming. “Then why didn’t you go with him on the supply run?” I blurt out, unable to stop the question from escaping. “How could both of you choose to stay here and let him go off on his own?”
Their faces fall, guilt evident in their expressions. “He…he told us no,” Jay admits, his voice cutting through the barn despite how quietly he’s spoken. “He made us think you were going with him.”
Todd hangs his head, his voice barely audible. “We were shocked when we saw you that day and found out he went off on his own.”
I’m simultaneously hit with a pang of anger and sorrow. I’m saddened by the extent of the miscommunication between us, knowing I could have spent more time with the two people who are like my brothers this whole time. I’m angry at Holden for keeping us all in the dark, twisting different tales to us so he could go off on his own. In doing so, he only created a rift between the people he loved the most. Tears prick at my eyes as I wrap my arms around Todd.
“I miss him, guys,” I whisper, my voice barely above a hoarse whisper. “I miss him so much. I’m scared that he’s gone, but I’m mad at him, too.”
Todd squeezes me, murmuring, “We miss him too, Fare-Bear. But you can’t hide from us anymore. Holden wouldn’t want you to isolate yourself like this.”
“I’m not isolating myself,” I object. “I’m just busy, you know. And even the main house is crowded now…” I trail off.
“Yeah,” Jay starts, his eyes narrowing. “You wanna explain your deal with these new guys? Did they do something to you? Because you seem real touchy when it comes to them, and you know, Todd and I will step in if we need to.”
I can feel my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I cross my arms over my chest, feeling a little defensive. “Just because I’m not drooling over them the way everyone else in Rolling Hills is, doesn’t mean there’s an issue. But I don’t know them. I don’t necessarily trust them. And I don’t like that they’re in my home,” I assert, my tone firm.
Todd lets out a low chuckle, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Well, they sure do seem to like you,” he teases, a playful grin spreading across his face. “Their eyes follow you wherever you go, their ears perking up whenever someone mentions you.”
Despite my efforts to maintain composure, a blush creeps up my cheeks at Todd's teasing words. Before I can respond, Nessie lets out a low, rumbling moo, drawing our attention back to her. I take the opportunity to give her a reassuring pat, silently thanking her for the timely interruption.
“Well, as much as I'd love to continue this little interrogation,” I say with a smirk, hoping to change the subject. “I've got a potluck to attend. Don’t wanna miss a bite of Miss Mabel’s hash. You two coming?”
Jay and Todd exchange a knowing glance before Todd nods. “Wouldn't miss it for the world,” he replies with a grin.
Jay grimaces, his expression exaggerated. “Yeah, can't pass up Miss Mabel's cooking,” he says with a shudder, earning a chuckle from Todd and a roll of my eyes.
With a final pat for Nessie, I tell her goodbye and step outside the barn with Jay and Todd. The crisp October air greets us, a welcome sensation as we make our way towards the Alden farm. I'm dressed in a cozy gray crewneck sweater paired with jeans, black boots, and my trusty black stetson. The mountain air carries a hint of chill, signaling the arrival of autumn, my favorite time of the year.
I take in the scenery surrounding me as we make our way. The leaves on the mountainside are ablaze with red, orange, and yellow hues, creating a picturesque view that captivates me whenever I see it. I pause for a moment to inhale the crisp air, grateful for the tranquility of the outdoors, savoring it. With a sigh, I continue our journey, not quite eager to join in the festivities awaiting us at the potluck.