Bound and Betrothed. Vol. #1-3 Chapter 9 17%
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Chapter 9


Eldberg ducked beneath the water, letting it pass over his shoulders, then over his head entirely, before emerging again, shaking the wet from his hair. The pool was a good depth, but he’d no trouble finding the bottom with his feet.

By the gods, it felt good to have the coolness refresh him. Not that his alluring captor had been remiss in keeping him clean. There had been surprising pleasure in having her smooth a damp cloth over his body each morning. Nonetheless, these past days on the hard floor of her chamber, he’d thought wistfully of the deep tub back at his longhouse in Skálavík.

So, he now knew that the wench was a widow, and if he read her expression correctly, she didn’t harbor much grief over the loss. So much the better! Eldberg had plenty of ideas on how to make her forget this husband altogether.

As for what had become of the rest of her menfolk and when they might make return, that conversation could wait. He’d other things in mind for the next hour or two. He doubted much coercion would be needed. Once he’d properly had his way with Hedda, she’d soften like butter, yielding all he wished to know.

So far, she’d responded exactly as he wished, surrendering to his firm hand with both fury and excitement. A lustful and perfect combination!

With his arm about her waist, he pulled her close, so her lush behind rubbed against his loins. Tucking aside her long plait of hair, he bent to nuzzle her ear. ‘Twas the sort of nibbling tease that made women melt, but his fiery Hedda was having none of it.

Reaching behind, she grasped his manhood, tweaking it roughly. “Bring that anywhere near me and I’ll break it in two!”

“‘Twould be a waste…” He brushed his lips lightly down her neck and was gratified to feel her shiver. She hissed and spat like a cat, but he’d soon have her purring.

In one deft move, he spun her about so that she faced him, blinking in surprise at how quickly he’d altered their position. He let his gaze drop to her naked breasts. A rivulet ran between them while droplets beaded upon each tip.

A jolt took hold of his groin. The desire to cast aside these small seductions and enter her with one great thrust was almost more than he could bear. Ah, to bury himself deep, to rock and grind while he feasted like a babe at the teat! For too long, he’d only been allowed to admire her form and taste between her legs. The other delights of her body had been left to his imagination alone.

“Mistress Hedda, all those times you commanded me to tongue you, were you not wishing all along to sample my cock in your sheath?”

“Hold your crudeness!” she near spluttered with rage. “I desired nothing of the sort!” She was seemingly unaware that her fist remained close to his staff.

“And yet you still seem interested.” He gestured to her hand, which grazed his enthusiastic cock.

As if stung, she brought her hand above the water. He immediately clasped it, encircling her wrist and moving his thumb across the delicate skin.

“Stop that.” Alarmed, she retreated, until she stood with the smooth rock at her back.

“‘Tis but a touch.” He spoke softly.

In the moonlight, her eyes shone clear, appearing a lighter blue than he’d discerned in the shadowed longhouse. Small creases at the outer edges marked her as a woman who’d lived enough seasons to learn something of the world. He liked what he saw there—bewilderment, irritation, yearning… overlaid with defiance.

He continued his caress where the blue veins of her inner wrist were visible and skimmed upward with his other hand. From her waist, he spanned across her ribs until his knuckle brushed the lower curve of her breast.

“Your heart is pounding.”

“That’s because I’m…” Her gaze dropped from his to settle upon his lips. She licked her own.

“Frightened? Excited?” He gave a slow smile. “Aroused?”

“Angry!” She made a half-hearted attempt to jerk from his grasp.

“So, you don’t want me to taste your mouth, sweet Hedda?”

“Absolutely not.”

“‘Tis a shame for I’ve been told my kisses make a woman’s knees weak.” He gave a feigned frown. “Perhaps you only want my tongue to explore your heated place. Must I lift you out of this pool to kiss you there instead?”

The look in her eyes was more wanton than worried, though she shook her head fervently.

He brushed the tip of one rosy nipple before closing upon it with finger and thumb, applying a firm pinch.

“I shouldn’t lick your breasts nor suckle at them to make your womb clench?”

Her refusal was lamely whispered.

He dipped his head, so that his nose brushed the tip of hers. “You’re not convincing me, wench.”

Eldberg knew how to read a woman. This one’s wit was quick to lash, but deep down, she needed what he was offering. He’d an inkling that a great deal in Hedda’s life was not as it should be. He’d get to the bottom of that, but one thing was for sure. The way to her heart was to make her feel cared for—not because she wasn’t capable, but because she deserved to have someone see to her needs. That way, she could stop fighting so hard to pretend she needed no one.The first step was to give her the physical pleasure she was surely craving.

He leaned in a little, letting his erection brush her stomach. She definitely trembled at his advance.

“Whatever you’re planning to do, get on with it.” Hedda turned away, but her angled hip pressed toward him.

“I assure you I shall.” He brought his lips to her captured wrist, kissing lightly there. “Once you’ve had me inside of you, your thirst will know no bounds, but I intend to savor this first joining of our bodies. A man’s pleasure comes as much from a woman’s quickening as his own, and I’d have you clasp me hard before I give you my seed. Now, I want you to show me how you like to be kissed.”

“I won’t.” The reply came at once, but she looked at him from the corner of her eye.

He released her wrist to cup the nape of her neck.

By instinct, she let her head fall back, exposing her silken throat.

With laughter rumbling deep in his chest, he brought his lips there, tasting her skin and sucking it between his teeth in the way that would leave marks on the morrow.

She murmured a half-hearted, “Don’t.”

“Don’t stop?” He burrowed where her neck met her shoulders.

Beneath the water, Hedda grasped his hand from under her breast and dragged it upward, arching her roundedness into his palm. Her entire body followed, her soft curves molding to his hardness.

With a moan, Eldberg hoisted her upward.

She wrapped her legs immediately about his hips. Making a cradle for him between her thighs, she rubbed herself upon his length, then tugged back his head.

“Fuck me, you cur!”

By the gods! For a moment, Eldberg thought he’d spill there in the water.

She was climbing his body, slanting her mouth to his, and pulling at his lower lip before entering with her tongue. Finding his, she sucked it into her mouth, dominating him with her kiss.

All thoughts of a slow tease were obliterated. She was needy, and he was desperate to give her exactly what she was asking for.

Gripping her arse, he plunged. Pushing with the thick head of his cock, he breached her easily, sliding all the way in one burning hot thrust.

By Thor’s pounding hammer! Yes!

The furious Valkyrie who’d spent the past week brutalizing him was impaled. He held her upon his staff, reveling in the sensation of her flesh enveloping him. Then with practiced skill, he rotated his hips, grinding his thickness against the plumpness of her mound, pushing the hard muscles of his abdomen against where she was most sensitive, circling and rocking.

Hedda broke their kiss, gasping, then bumped her pelvis against him, clearly eager for more friction.

With rough urgency, he retreated, then rammed high. Hedda cried out, but her nails raked his back as he plundered, her slipperiness swallowing him.

“More!” she commanded before again taking possession of his mouth.

Eldberg didn’t need asking twice. All the while holding firm beneath her buttocks, he gave it to her deep.

He approved of her enthusiasm. Passion was supposed to be raw and untethered—especially on the woman’s side. A man had to hold a little of himself back to avoid causing hurt. Eldberg, being stronger and larger than most other men, was all too aware of that.

By Thor, she was making it hard for him, though—in all the ways!

So slick and tight, and squeezing his cock, she’d soon be milking him!

“You want me, wench?” he growled. “Want me to pump you with my cum?”

In response, she leaned back in his arms, thrusting forward her breasts. Hungrily, he took a nipple into his mouth and fed upon it, confining the peak between his tongue and the roof of his mouth.

She let forth a half-scream, twisting her hands in his hair, and he felt the clenching ripples of her climax drawing him upward.

His moan rose along with his seed.

Sweet, wild Hedda!

Intense spurts ripped from his body, and he groaned with the aching, terrible pleasure of it, wave upon wave, coming from a place far deeper than he was used to. For a moment, he was blinded, claimed entirely by her body, knowing nothing else. There was only her flesh joined to his.

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