Dazed, Hedda watched him climb from the pool. The hand he held out, she eyed suspiciously. Was it not the same that had reddened her backside? Humiliation washed over her. Her punishment had been forced, yet it had also been thrilling, amplifying her need.
What’s wrong with me?
One glance at Eldberg’s intimidating physique answered her question. The man who’d been her prisoner for days looked more like a god in the moonlight. Standing over her now, she could see all of him, every mouthwatering inch of the hardened and battle-worn body.
He beckoned her again. “Take my hand.”
She hesitated. Was this who she was now—a woman who yielded? She’d surrendered first to his spanking, then to his cock, and taken intense pleasure from both.
What was happening to her?
She’d grown used to giving orders since her husband’s departure; now, she was the one taking them. Had the brute bewitched her? One moment, he’d been her captive; the next, she’d been spanked, shamed, and thoroughly claimed.
She hated that part of her had reveled in his masterfulness.
More importantly, she now had little choice but to comply with his wishes. Allowing him to guide her from the pool, she permitted him to drape her nightshift over her head.
“Am I your hostage now? You think to take control because I’m at your mercy?” She couldn’t conceal her bitterness. As much as her body responded to Eldberg’s, there were bigger issues at stake than her submission to his lustful ways.
Ignoring her, he retrieved her dagger from where he’d thrown it, surveying the blade in the pale illumination of the moon.
“That’s mine!” Who was this man to land on her shore and think to take her possessions, as well as control?
He’s just like the others!
Despite knowing she ought to fear the knife in his hands, she sensed he wouldn’t use it on her. He pulled on a discarded tunic, though it looked ridiculous draped over his strapping form. It barely covered his arse!
“You can’t wear that.” Shaking her head, she broke into hearty laughter. “You look absurd!”
His gaze narrowed, one eyebrow arching.
Hedda’s heart sped. She might not dread the dagger, but she was wary of his intent. He had a plotting look in his eye that swirled the energy in her belly.
In one swift swoop, he lunged, throwing her over his shoulder before striding away from the pool.
“No!” she shrieked, kicking against his muscle.
“Settle yourself.” He swatted her rump, making her anger flare afresh.
“Is that all you know—taking what you want by force? You think only to punish me now.”
He snorted, his fingers grazing the cleft of her ass. “I can think of many ways to punish a wench like you, Hedda—all of them well-deserved.”
As he strode down the hillside, with Hedda tossed over his shoulder like a bundle of wood, she could do nothing but grit her teeth.
“Put me down!” she hissed, conscious of how her voice might travel to those sleeping below. “You’ve no right.”
“Hold your protests, woman.” He squeezed her left cheek possessively. “I’ll soon have you wailing for more.”
“I loathe you!” Hedda spat the words, unsure if she meant them but certain she meant to make him pay for the mortifying journey. Gripping the flimsy tunic on his back, she struggled to keep her balance against the jarring motion.
“Ah, you loathe me now.” His laughter deepened. “Yet only a moment ago, you begged me to take you. It suits you, does it, to say I forced you against your will?”
Hedda had no answer to that.
It was true she’d craved his staff as much as he’d been desirous of driving it into her. The more disturbing question was why she still wanted him—not to mention how she ought to deal with the brute who seemed set on dominating her.
“I thought not.” He patted her arse approvingly. “I intend to spend the rest of this night in your bed. We shall sleep together, my arm binding you to me ‘til the morn, but before that, perhaps I shall take you in new and more inventive ways.”
“You’ll do no such thing.” She struggled to breathe, hoisted as she was over his shoulder. The idea of surrendering again ought to fill her with alarm, but the stirring low between her legs spoke of quite the opposite.
“I shall do as I please.” As if to prove the matter, he slipped his hand under her shift, dipping one finger between her cheeks. There, he circled her rosette. “We both know how much you enjoy my attention.”
Damn him!
She clenched, endeavoring to wriggle away from that perturbingly intrusive finger, but she knew he was right. She was relishing his perverse ministrations.
As they entered the longhouse, Hedda couldn’t help but quiver, anticipating what he might do next. Even against a man as large as Eldberg, she could land a few good blows, giving her the chance to flee, or she might simply shout out, summoning help from the women who slept in the other chamber. Yet she did not.
As he gently placed her on the bed, she made no protest. Deep down, she knew why. She wasn’t blind to that he was manipulating her and using her for his pleasure—and, no doubt, planning his escape or worse, his taking over the village. Nevertheless, at that moment, she couldn’t bring herself to care.
Stripping off the damp tunic, he knelt over her on the bed.
Instinctively, she scrambled toward the headboard, but he jerked her ankle, pulling her down to meet him. As she attempted to sit up, he whipped the shift over her head, then sent her flat against the covers again.
He licked his lips. “It’s time you learned how to respect your man.”
Your man?
“What do you mean?” She folded her arms over her bare breasts. “My husband’s gone. I belong to no man.”
He nudged her legs apart. “Were you not paying attention, wench?”
Wench. There was that word again. She hated the term, but somehow, when Eldberg snarled it, she wanted him more. His brutishness only made her think of the rough pleasure he’d shown her.
“After your spanking and fucking, you belong to me.” His eyes lit with wicked intent.
“Wh-What do you want?” She felt a flicker of fear. Glancing at the skins that curtained off her sleeping quarters, she wondered how far she’d get if she fled.
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” His tone deepened. “I meant what I said. There are worse penalties for wayward wenches than riding my cock.” Reaching for the ribbon of sealskin with which Hedda had restrained him, he held the length aloft.
It was cut through! With her own knife, she assumed—which she’d foolishly left beneath her pillow.
“You intend to bind me?” Her heart galloped.
“I can’t have you running off before I’ve finished with you.” His tone was matter of fact as he peeled one arm away from where she attempted to cover herself and wrapped the sealskin around her wrist.
“No, I…” Her words trailed away as he secured her other wrist to the first. The sealskin was pliant, but it chafed nonetheless, and she’d made him endure it for days. “No, please. I’ll do as you ask. There’s no need for this.”
“It’s what you deserve.” Pinning her wrists over her head, he loomed above. “You kept me bound, taunting me, making me beg, demanding I service you.”
Oh gods . Her throat dried. She had done that, hadn’t she? All had seemed well when she’d wielded power. Beast that he was, he’d be sure to make the experience humiliating, forcing her to crawl and plead, as she’d forced him. The prospect of submitting to the same treatment was daunting.
“You enjoyed treating me as your thrall. It’s time to see how you like that role.” Rising, he climbed from the bed, obliging her to follow, bound as she was.
“Down on your knees.” He pushed gently on her shoulders. “I shall show you how a teasing wench is treated.”
Hedda could only comply, catching her breath as she realized the position left her eye to eye with his groin.
“How many times did I pleasure you with my tongue?” His voice was sharp.
“I…” She struggled to quell her rising panic. “I don’t remember.”
He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, ensuring her gaze met his face. “Since I now master you, you shall address me as such. I am your jarl.”
“I won’t!” Only yesterday eve, she’d commanded him to bring her to climax with his mouth. She could hardly believe how the tables had turned. She was now the one on her knees, bound and belittled.
“Then you’ll enjoy a night as I endured.” He shook his head at her defiance. “Fettered and gagged while I sleep in comfort.”
“No!” Her heart seemed ready to leap into her throat.
“Then obey.” His tone softened as his face drew nearer. He lowered a hand to her breast, cupping her flesh. When he pulled at her erect nipple, she whimpered, caught between the desire to capitulate and the need to defy him. “Do as I ask, and I shall give you the world.”
“My jarl.” She squeezed her eyes closed as she finally gave him what he wanted, though her toes curled.
He brushed his mouth over hers. “How many times did you order me to pleasure you?”
The truth was that she’d commanded the deed at least once every dawn and dusk of his captivity, but surely, he couldn’t mean to treat her the same way? His erection was huge! She wasn’t sure she could even take it into her mouth.
“I don’t know, my jarl.” It was no easier to admit, now that his face was so close to hers.
He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek before towering over her again.
“You may not, but I do very well, and you’ve much work to accomplish to make amends.”
“Please!” She tried getting to her feet, but his hand on her shoulder kept her in place.
“You made me obey against my will.” His lips quirked. “‘Tis only fair that you sample the same.” Taking himself in hand, he gave three smooth strokes. “Suck upon me and show me the skill of your tongue. No half-heartedness or you’ll feel my hand on your backside and sleep on the floor beside.”
Hedda thought of calling out, but a primal instinct kept her silent, her gaze fixed upon Eldberg’s imposing member. She wanted him, regardless of the indignity—perhaps even because of it. Wanted the taste and feel of him, however difficult it might be to take him wholly into her mouth. Wanted to also prove she wasn’t afraid.
Leaning in, he tapped his phallus to her lower lip, transferring his beaded brine. Tentatively, Hedda extended her tongue, licking away the fluid. Despite their bathing, his scent was strong—earthy and salted. Reaching further, she licked the smooth engorged head, then twirled her tongue about the ridge, learning the contours of this part of him she’d so recently taken inside her.
He groaned as she opened wider, letting the helmet of his cock slide past her teeth to rest fully inside. She closed the roof of her mouth on it and caressed it with her tongue.
Grunting his approval, Eldberg pushed deeper. The hair at his groin brushed her nose, and his testicles swung forward, meeting her chin. She recoiled, but there was no escaping his use of her for his hand was firm on the nape of her neck.
His head fell back. “Your mouth is as sweet as your cunt… tight and hot.”
Tears pricked her eyes as he pumped in and out, but she relaxed as best she could, and as his pace quickened, she became aware of the throb in her groin.
When he was done, how long would it take for him to get hard again?
Would he push her down on the floor or bend her over the bed?
Or would he lie back and let her climb atop? If so, she’d place her hands about his neck and squeeze while riding him, grinding to her own release.
“Yes, my wild Valkyrie!” Eldberg gasped. “Milk me with that tender throat!”
Einar had oft made her do the same, to her disgust. This time, as Eldberg’s pleasure approached, her own arousal rose. Though she was on her knees, ‘twas she who held the power. As his spasms broke, she gulped him down, letting him feel the clenching waves of her swallow.
She would not let him think to degrade her. Whatever he asked, she would do it willingly and well, matching his lust with her own. Though subject to his whim, she was no mere receptacle to his urges.
Stroking the back of her head, he withdrew, leaving a line of drool between them, and his cock bobbing upright. The sight of it brought a flood of cream to her sex. If he didn’t spear her soon, she’d have something to say about it.
“You did well.” His eyes looked upon her with drowsy satisfaction. “In reward, I shall take you upon the bed. ‘Twill be but a few moments before I’m ready once more, then we’ll see how you feel from behind.”
Pulling her to her feet, he adjusted the sealskin binds, moving her wrists to the small of her back. The position made her feel more vulnerable, forcing her breasts to jut out as though they had a life of their own.
Coming to face her, Eldberg said nothing, but there was triumph in his eyes. He kissed her, softly at first, before deepening his tongue to command her mouth as his cock had done. All the while, he caressed her breast, brushing back and forth with an open palm.
His sharp slap across its fullness came as a surprise. She cried out, attempting to pull back, but Eldberg’s other hand had already moved to her hip, clasping her tightly there.
“I know what you want.” His voice was husky. “You want me to take you hard, little vixen, so hard that you think you’ll rip in two.”
Yes! Though the room was warm, a shiver traveled her body.
Abruptly, he spun her about before pushing her face down over the side of the bed.
Being folded over made uttering any sound difficult, but Hedda had no wish to protest. Her body was crying out for what was about to be delivered upon her. When he entered her with his finger, slicking back and forth, she could not hide her need. Widening her stance, she made herself available to his caress.
“Very nice.” He dragged the tip of his thumb upward to meet her swollen nub.
Hedda leaned into the pressure he exerted there. If he would but circle it, as he’d done before, her peak would claim her.
“You want me inside you, wench?” The question came with a hard smack to her arse.
He must know very well that she did. Wetness trickled down her inner thigh.
“You’ll have nothing unless you show me respect.” His hand took a greedy squeeze of her buttock.
“Yes, my jarl,” she answered with a muffled moan.
“I’ll be watching you stretch for me, watching your woman’s cum coat my cock.” Eldberg nudged her legs apart, gripping either side of her behind as he rubbed his phallus at her entrance. When he plunged inside, it was with one fearsome motion that near lifted her from the bed.
Oh, Freyja! Hedda gasped as she took his full length, feeling him bump the deepest wall of her sheath.
Eldberg made a satisfied sound, between a growl and a moan, before retreating to her threshold again, moving with slow, shallow thrusts. With the angle Hedda was bent, the movement pressed exquisitely upon her most sensitive flesh, but she also needed the sensation of being filled. She wanted all of him.
“More?” Eldberg lunged forward, pushing Hedda farther into the furs.
“Yes!” She couldn’t help but whimper.
“Then beg me.” Eldberg was triumphant. “Beg your jarl for more of what you deserve!”
There could be no more defiance. Hedda had to have him, and she’d say whatever was necessary.
“Please, my Jarl. Fuck me as your thrall.”
He gave her exactly what she asked for, pummeling until she was compelled to clench her jaw, pounding until she had no other thought in her head but the oblivion of being pierced by his cock.
Whatever this surrender was, beneath his powerful body, she welcomed it.
Doubts could wait for the dawn.