“We need to talk.”
No one, in the history of ever, liked to hear those words. They were ominous and scared the shit out of me. They also put me on the defensive.
“If you even think about ending things with me before it truly begins, I’m going to deck you right here on this couch,” I told him.
“Let’s take it down a level, Rocky.”
I grinned. “I could take you.”
“Uh huh. Sure you could.” He patted my hand.
“What? I can fight.”
“You’re a lover not a fighter, King, except maybe on the ice. Even then you don’t usually start it.”
I leaned in close, my lips near his. “I’m a lover, huh?”
“Did you not hear me when I said we needed to talk?”
“I did but making out would be so much better.”
He pushed me away. “You’re not distracting me.”
Sighing, I said, “Worth a shot.”
In all seriousness, I wasn’t in the mood to fool around. Not when I saw how drunk Jamie was and how he could barely walk. But I also didn’t want to have whatever conversation this was with Hayes. Yes, I knew we needed to have it, but the irresponsible part of me kept hoping it would just resolve itself and be a nonissue.
My life didn’t work that way though. Because no matter how much I wanted everything to easily work out, I didn’t think it was going to in this instance. I had to put in the effort if I wanted the results. Just like when playing hockey.
“What do you want me to say, Hayes? I want both of you.”
“How is that going to work? You going to take turns dating us, sleeping with us? One night in bed with me, the next with Jamie?”
“No, that wouldn’t be fair to either of you. I’m certainly not going to live two lives, but there has to be a way to bring the three of us together. How do you feel about Jamie?”
Hayes looked down, his fingers playing with a loose thread on his shorts. We didn’t exactly dress up to go to the club, not bothering to change before we left. We each had on mesh shorts and T-shirts. We went to the club for one reason only—to get Jamie. Once I told Hayes where Jamie was, Hayes insisted on coming. I knew he cared about Jamie, but in what way? The two of them talked that night when Jamie went to get him at Devon’s.
“He’s a great guy, King. Really great for you. You two fit well together.”
I used my fingers to lift Hayes’s gaze to mine. I saw so much nervousness there. Like at any moment I was going to choose Jamie over him. “And I fit the same with you.”
“But I’m not experienced at being with a guy. I don’t know what Jamie does. I’m not even sure if I’m attracted to just you or if it’s all guys.”
“One, you might not be used to sleeping with men, but you know a lot about me that Jamie’s only learning. Also, you don’t have to put a label on your sexuality. You’re attracted to whoever and that’s fine. It’s no one else’s business.”
“I might be attracted to Jamie,” he muttered.
Inside, I did a huge fist pump into the air. Outside, I remained semi-calm. “Might be?”
“I have eyes. I see how good-looking he is, but it’s more than that. The way he came to get me for you. How he put you first, wanted to see you happy, that speaks a lot about his character. He’s funny, likes to have a good time, and doesn’t care about the fact that you play hockey or the amount of money you have.”
“You’re right. All those things are true. Also, he’s damn good in bed. Like eyes rolling back into your head, fuck yes, right there, kind of good.”
“King,” he groaned and dropped his head back. His hands brushed down his thighs and, in those shorts, I didn’t miss the way his dick started to plump.
I leaned over and put my hand on his inner thigh, right near his dick without touching it. “You like thinking about Jamie and me in bed, don’t you, Hayes?” I wondered how much I could say to distract him from having the rest of this conversation. I knew we needed to but I didn’t want to.
“The sounds you both make.” Hayes groaned again.
“Mmm, you’ve heard us. Jamie knows how to get me there. What would it be like to have you in the middle of us? Would you fuck deep inside me then switch to fuck Jamie?” My fingers inched closer, this time they met his now hard dick. “You have top written all over you, though I have to wonder if you’d like a finger or two up your ass, stroking your prostate, while you get your dick sucked.”
His lips parted as he thrust up into my hand, which was now cupping him.
“Jamie is all lean muscle. And his dick… it’s perfect. Did you know we both like to bottom? We’ll top too but you’d be perfect for us. Fucking us, learning what we like so you can give it to us good.”
So maybe I wasn’t in the mood to fool around a moment ago, but this talk about Jamie, Hayes, and me in bed, holy shit it was hot. I should have known trying to get him off topic would get me on board with this.
“Hayes, let me suck you,” I whispered in his ear then caught the lobe between my teeth.
“I’ve never felt like this with anyone before. What is it about you, King?”
“It’s not just me, baby. It’s me and Jamie. We could all be amazing together.”
Hayes pulled away from me and stood, his hard dick prominent in his shorts that did nothing to hide it. “You stay there.” He pointed at me then sat in a chair that was on the opposite side of the couch in the seating arrangement.
“What the hell? Why did you go leave? It was getting good.”
“Yeah, it was, but we need to seriously discuss what’s going on. I’m not sure what to do here. I’m out of my depth.”
“You think I have a clue? Sure, I’ve been in a threesome before, but never in a relationship with two other people. Hell, Jamie is the first relationship I’ve ever had, and you see how well that’s playing out. Obviously, I’m rocking this shit.” I rolled my eyes.
“I know you just want this, but we have no clue if it will work or not. Say I am on board with trying something with you and Jamie, you have no idea how Jamie feels. While the idea of you and Jamie in bed with me sounds hot, that’s only a piece of this puzzle. We need more than that to make it work.”
I nodded. “You’re right.”
“You and Jamie are a lot alike. In makes sense that you’re compatible. You both like to have a good time, go to the clubs, drink, though we need to talk to Jamie about drinking this excessively. Hopefully, it’s not an all the time thing. I’m not like that though. I don’t mind going out every now and then, but I’d rather hang out with friends at home or go out to dinner. Watch movies. My fun is way quieter than yours.”
“Maybe that’s what we need.”
“Someone to balance Jamie and me out. Someone to show us there’s more than what we were doing.”
Now that I thought about it, Jamie and I did both love to go out a lot. Hayes could rein us in a bit. We both needed it. There was more to life, and we weren’t getting any younger. Well, Hayes and I were in our late twenties. And Jamie was older than us. It never felt that way when I was with him. He never felt like he was taking control or wanted to be the responsible one. That could be Hayes.
“Say this does work,” Hayes began. “What happens when we’re on the road together and Jamie is back here? How is he not going to get jealous? Do we only sleep together when it’s the three of us, or is it okay if it’s just two?”
“Hell, it can be just you jacking off and I’ll be down with watching.”
“Can you get your mind out of the gutter?”
“You’re the one who brought it up.”
“Yeah, but not for the reason your mind went to. I’m trying to figure out the logistics.”
I waved him off. “Logistics are boring. I’d rather talk about how we should buy a custom-made bed for all of us to fuck in together.”
Hayes leaned forward, putting his forearms on his thighs. “I’m serious, King. This is never going to work if you’re simply basing it on sex. Jealousy could become a big thing. And our jobs mean we’re not around a lot. Even when we’re home and don’t have a game, we’re training.”
“Jamie has a job. He’ll stay busy.”
“Until night rolls around when we’re away and he’s wondering what we’re doing without him.”
Jamie didn’t want to get in the way of me and Hayes being together. Was him going out and getting drunk tonight because he thought he lost me? Or was there more to it? Then I had to wonder if this was what was going to happen if the three of us did get into a relationship together when Hayes and I were on the road.
Shit, this wasn’t easy. There were three of us we needed to figure things out about.
“We have to talk to Jamie,” I said.
“ You have to. Me being there will just make it awkward. The two of you need to discuss things.”
“What am I supposed to say? ‘Hayes thinks you’re hot. The three of us should fuck.’?”
“Sure, if we were being filmed for porn,” he deadpanned. “Maybe you can have pizza delivered. Bring that guy in and we could make it the four of us.”
“Nah, three cocks are enough. We don’t need a fourth one. I wouldn’t know whose hand was whose or whose dick I was sucking. Who was in my ass and who was trying to fuck my pit.”
Hayes’s eyebrows went sky high. “Fuck your pit?”
“Don’t you remember that link I sent you? It’s a thing.”
“I told you I stopped clicking on the shit you texted me.”
“You’re missing out.”
“Apparently, I am. Now that I’m into dick I have a whole new world to explore.”
“That’s the spirit! Dicks aplenty. Well, maybe not. Three dicks max. After that I think it becomes a harem.”
“Jesus,” he muttered then yawned.
I pulled out my phone and saw it was after two in the morning. I couldn’t believe we’d been down here talking for as long as we had.
“So, you’re willing to try it with the three of us?” I asked. A bit of anxiety stirred in me. Hayes was right when he said I needed to be the one to talk to Jamie. Not only did I have to make him understand how much I wanted him, but I needed him to be part of this thing with Hayes and me. I had to make it work.
“I am and not just in bed, because that’s not what I want. I’m tired of hooking up. I want to fall in love and be with someone. Commit.”
“Someones,” I corrected him. “Plural.”
“If he wants it. I don’t know if he does. You know him better than me.”
“I have no idea what he’s going to think.”
“Only one way to find out.” Hayes stood. “I’m going to head home. You and Jamie talk in the morning and let me know what happens.”
I stood as well. “You’re not leaving. You can sleep on the couch with me. I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, so I won’t but I’ll try to keep it R instead of X.” I waggled my eyebrows. I’d do anything to stop this talk, except let Hayes leave because I didn’t want to let him go right now.
“I’m not getting off on Jamie’s couch and neither are you.”
“Until he says we’re good, then will you fuck me over the back of it? Maybe Jamie and I can bend over next to each other, and you can fuck us both? Which reminds me, if we’re going to do this, really do this, we need to get tested or we’ll be buying condoms in bulk.”
Hayes stepped over and wrapped his arms around me. Mine instinctively went around him. I loved this. Loved having him so close.
“One step at a time,” he said.
“I want your bare dick inside me.”
He chuckled. “We need to sleep.” He pressed a quick kiss to my lips which I tried to chase when he moved away.
“When Jamie agrees, we’re staying in bed for days. All dick, all the time.”
“Whatever you want.”
“Don’t say that to me, baby. It’s dangerous.”
“You should know by now I’d do anything for you, King.”
Fuck, I loved this man. I hoped Jamie could love him too.