I was sore in places I didn’t know I was capable of being sore in. Not only had Morgan gone hard with us this morning on the ice, but I spent all weekend in bed with King and Jamie. We only got up to eat, shower, or go to the bathroom, and for dinner at the Walkers’ last night.
Well, one time we did end up in the hot tub at Jamie’s place. It was in the middle of Saturday night, and we had gotten a few hours of sleep before talented hands woke me up in the best imaginable way. We decided to enjoy the gorgeous night and slipped from bed. King leaned against the edge of the hot tub, knees in the water, ass pointed toward the middle in offering. Jamie and I took turns pounding him.
With Jamie’s tongue in King’s mouth and my dick in his ass, he final let go and I followed right behind him. Then we took turns with our mouths on Jamie’s dick until he came all over King’s face.
I had no idea sex could be that good. Maybe it was because I never felt like this for anyone before. It didn’t matter to me that they were men. It was my emotions and how everything revolved around the two of them and their happiness that made me smile.
I also opened up to Jamie and told him about my past. About my mom and everything she went through. How much I missed her. About my dad who I didn’t know, nor did I want to. How hard it was growing up with little money but how I wouldn’t have traded that time with my mom for anything. It wasn’t easy but I wanted Jamie to understand just how important he was to me. How much I trusted him. While it hurt to talk about my mom because I still missed her, it felt good to let him in.
So yeah. My muscles ached. I was spending some quality time on the couch today, at least until Maia and Tag got here for lunch which was any minute.
King was bustling around the kitchen like he was preparing a meal for a queen, but that was his way. No matter who he was feeding, he wanted to do it to the best of his abilities.
We had plans to see Jamie tonight and I couldn’t wait. During the week, we slept here since it was closer to the rink for training than at Jamie’s place. And Jamie was fine spending nights with us in King’s bed, as long as he didn’t have his father breathing down his neck.
I felt so bad for him. The way his father steamrolled into his life whenever he felt like it and demanded Jamie do things, it wasn’t right. And Jamie, the sweet, loving man he was, tried to keep his family shit apart from King and me. We attempted to bring it up, but Jamie didn’t like talking about it, so we let it drop more times than not. It was weighing on Jamie though. More stress than needed. Hell, the man didn’t even have to work with the amount of money he had, yet his father acted like it was crucial that he buy a business I didn’t think he even wanted.
“Maia’s on her way up,” King called from the kitchen, which meant I had to drag my ass off the couch and answer the door.
“I want a massage after they leave.”
He appeared from the dining room with a grin. “It’ll be my pleasure.” He waggled his eyebrows before disappearing again.
I opened the front door just as Maia and Tag were coming up the hall. Maia’s dark brown hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. It was August and it felt like the face of the sun outside. She had on a pair of tan shorts and a light-yellow tank top. Maia might have gotten her hair and eye color from her dad, but she got her short frame and curviness from her mom. They looked a lot alike.
Tag was only a step behind her. He was six foot. One of the nicest men I’d ever met. Calm, even tempered. I guess you had to be when you were with one of the Walkers. They tended to be fiery as hell.
Maia had a covered dish in her hands. She grinned when she saw me notice it.
“He’s going to have something to say about that,” I told her.
“Of course. It’s why I brought it.”
I knew for a fact that Maia didn’t know what King made for lunch because he decided on it last minute. So, there was no way whatever was in that dish would complement it. But like she said, that was why Maia did it. Just to screw with King. Whatever was in there no doubt tasted good though. Another Walker trait was that they could all cook.
I gave Maia a kiss on the cheek and shook Tag’s hand before holding the door open so they could come inside. Tag and I hung back to see what would happen when King saw the dish. And he didn’t disappoint.
“What the fuck is that?” King asked with irritation in his tone.
“Oh, was I not supposed to bring something?” Maia was really playing this up.
King growled. “My house, my cooking. You know that. What’s even in there?”
“Potato salad.”
“What? That doesn’t go with what I made! You should have called and asked. You should have—” And then it clicked. Poor King. Got all riled up for nothing.
Maia put the dish on the counter and busted out laughing.
“I hate you,” King grumbled and turned so he could put everything on serving plates.
“No, you don’t.” Maia wrapped her arms around him from behind. “You love me.”
We all heard the loud sigh King let out. He spun and hugged his sister briefly. “Hayes is going to eat the potato salad.”
“Yes, he is.”
I grinned. I couldn’t resist when Maia made salads. Potato, macaroni, egg, tuna, I was there for all of it. I didn’t know what she put in them—she never told—but they tasted so much better than any others I’d had.
“What’s for lunch?” Tag asked.
“Roasted chicken breasts, white beans with broccoli rabe, and chocolate cheesecake with strawberries for dessert.”
No, King didn’t have time to make all that today. He made the dessert last night after we got home. He started on the other things as soon as we got back from training while my lazy ass sat on the couch. Maia and Tag showing up for a late lunch gave King more time to prepare.
“Potato salad goes with that,” Maia said.
“The hell it does.”
I walked into the kitchen and uncovered the salad. The scent hit me. I wanted to take a fork to it and eat it right out of the dish. “I’m going to put this on the table.”
Another sigh from King. “I’d tell you no, but you won’t listen.”
“Nope.” I grinned and took the salad to the dining room.
Tag and I filled glasses with water while Maia and King brought the rest of the food in. This was a planned lunch. Maia had called on Friday saying she wanted to get together with us one day. It gave King an excuse to make a big meal, so he was immediately up for it.
We did see them on Sunday at dinner, but they didn’t mention why they wanted to talk to us.
With lunch served, King and I sat next to each other on one side of the table and Maia and Tag on the other. We all filled our plates.
“Where’s Jamie?” Maia asked.
“He’s at home,” I answered. “We’re going to see him tonight.”
After dinner last night, we dropped Jamie off at home. He said he needed to focus on the stuff with his dad for a bit and we gave him the space. It wasn’t my business to tell Maia about what Jamie had going on. Hell, he hadn’t even told us everything yet. I felt like he was holding back but didn’t want to push him on it yet.
Tonight, the three of us would be back in bed together. This sleeping apart thing wasn’t working for me. I wanted us together every night. I hated being apart from either King or Jamie.
“Enough small talk, Maia,” King cut in. “Tell us what’s going on.”
She glanced at Tag, who gave her a subtle nod, then faced us again with a smile playing on her lips. “I’m pregnant.”
She rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t lie about that, King.”
He was up and out of his chair before I could blink. King rounded the table and waited for Maia to stand to engulf her in a hug. “I’m so happy for you.”
I got up and went over to shake Tag’s hand and pull him in for a hug. “Congrats, man. That’s amazing.”
“Thanks, Hayes.”
King pulled back from his sister, but his hands remained gently on her upper arms. “How far along?”
“Six weeks. It’s very early but I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep it from the family. We’re not telling anyone else until we’re out of the first trimester.”
“Does Ma know?”
She nodded. “We told them once everyone left after dinner last night. We didn’t want to tell all of you at once. I don’t think I could handle that many of us at a time. So, we decided to do it separately. Jude doesn’t know yet and neither does Ember. Eli does because he still lives at home. We told him too.”
King beamed. “I’m the second sibling to know? And only by default since Eli was there?”
“I would have told you first, so yes, gloat all you want.”
“Did you hear that, Hayes? I’m her favorite brother.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “But I think you’re glossing over the news here. It’s not about you.”
He focused on his sister again. “You’re going to name the baby King, right? Regardless of if it’s a boy or a girl?”
“Obviously,” she deadpanned.
“I guess the whole mom van, buy it and they will come, thing worked, huh?”
“Sure.” Maia chuckled.
King hugged his sister again before going over to Tag and wrapping him in his arms.
I leaned down to hug Maia. “Congratulations. You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
“And you’re going to be a great uncle.”
Her words choked me up. I wasn’t really going to be an uncle. I wasn’t part of their family. But they always considered me as such. I knew that. Although in this moment, it really hit me. Tears pricked my eyes. “Maia…”
She leaned back and cupped my cheeks. Her smile was bright. “You might not be a Walker by blood, but you’ve been one of us since the day King introduced you to our family. We love you and this baby is going to as well. Jamie too.”
An arm went over my shoulders. I didn’t need to look to know King was the one who did it. He always instinctively knew when I needed comfort. “She’s right, baby. Get used to hearing Uncle Hayes. This is the first grandchild in the family. I’m sure there’ll be many more to come.”
“Easy, big brother.” Maia patted him on the arm. “Let’s not jump ahead and have everyone pregnant.”
“Whatever.” He waved her off. “Come on. Let’s eat before it gets cold. You can tell us about how cute you think little King is going to be.”
Lunch was a happy affair. We joked with Maia and Tag. King wouldn’t relent about naming the baby after him. And I happily ate a good amount of the potato salad Maia brought.
Hours later when we were showered and waiting for Jamie to show up, my phone vibrated with an incoming text. I hoped it was Jamie saying he just got here. I couldn’t wait to have him in my arms again. I missed him when he wasn’t around. We had to remedy this so we were together more.
Our relationship was moving fast, but did time really matter when it felt so right?
Picking up my phone, I noticed the text was from Jamie but not what I’d thought he’d send.
Jamie: At O’Malley’s. Come meet me for a drink.
Me: Why aren’t you on your way here?
Jamie: Come on, Hayes. The three of us will have fun together.
My stomach sank. Why was Jamie drinking when he was supposed to be here spending the evening with us?
My insecurities decided to make themselves known. I wasn’t like Jamie and King in the fact that they liked to go out and have a good time. I was fine doing it every once in a while, but that was it. The three of us had been doing so well. Now I was wondering if I might not fit as well as I’d hoped.
Gentle fingers lifted my chin so I could meet King’s eyes. I was sitting on the couch, and he stood in front of me. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“What if I’m not what you both need?” King knew more about me than any other person on the planet. I could be vulnerable with him. It felt like second nature to let out my thoughts.
King sat on the couch beside me, leaning his side against the back so he could face me. “Where’s this coming from?”
“I’m not like you and Jamie. I don’t care about drinking or dancing or having a good time.”
“Us together in bed isn’t fun?”
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
“Baby, you’re everything we both need. If we were with someone who was just like us, we’d run off the rails. You’re our balance. The person who grounds us. We need you.”
Instead of replying, I lifted my phone and showed King the texts from Jamie.
He gave me my phone back. “Jamie drinking right now has nothing to do with you or me, and everything to do with what’s going on with his dad. I’ll put money on it. And even if it weren’t, I think Jamie and I have made it pretty clear how much we want to be with you. You’ve always been yourself around us, never making it seem like you’re someone you’re not. We know you, Hayes. We’re happy with who you are. We love you.”
“ You love me, King. I’m not sure about Jamie.”
He shook his head. “Sometimes you don’t see what’s right in front of you. You get lost in what we do when we’re all together, but next time, really look at Jamie. Notice how much he likes talking to you, touching you. I know love when I see it, because every day I have you in front of me.”
“I’m falling for him,” I whispered. “It scares me.”
“You’re perfect for us, baby.” I heard the words and his sincerity. I let them sink in to chase my insecurity away. I didn’t think it would be gone forever but for now. Maybe one day, if he did so, Jamie would tell me he loved me. Then I’d believe I was right for him. For them .
“What are we going to do about Jamie? He’s drinking more. I’m worried about him.” The more I got to know Jamie, the more I realized just how deeply he felt things. And whatever was going on, it was hurting him badly.
“We’re going to go get him and show him how much we love him.”
I nodded. I wasn’t ready to voice the words yet, but my heart beat faster thinking them.