Broken Saint (Seattle Saints #1) 36. Ella 51%
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36. Ella



I step out of the car and pause, staring up at the colossal hotel beyond.

Flashes go off around me. I should panic. Rush inside. Do something, anything. But I can’t. I’m frozen.

My man is inside that hotel.

It’s the one the team stays at for every home game.

The hotel where I’ve seen him pictured with numerous girls over the years.

But now, it’s going to be the hotel where we hang out with our friends—our family—officially as a couple for the first time.

An eruption of butterflies takes off in my belly as I think back to last night and everything that transpired between us.

Colt told me he loved me.

I couldn’t do anything but say those words back.

Because I do love him. I have always loved him. Even when I hated him—hated myself—he was the only man I ever truly wanted. The only one I’d ever willingly open my heart to.

And I told him that I’d stay. In Seattle.

Lifting my hand to my chest, I suck in a deep breath.

It was so easy to say the words I’d been obsessing over while he’d been at practice.

I was confident. I still am confident that staying here is what I want. That starting over is what I need.

But now the words are out in the universe, they feel bigger than ever.

I’m moving across the country.

Starting over.

Leaving my past behind and starting a new life with Colton Rogers by my side.

I’m pretty sure feeling this overwhelmed by it all is normal…right?

“Hey, you okay?” Letty asks, stepping up beside me and wrapping her hand around my upper arm in support.

Ripping my stare from the hotel’s swanky entrance, I find her eyes.

She studies me closely, her dark eyes bouncing between mine.

She surprised me this afternoon by having a stylist, hairdresser, and makeup artist turn up at the house. Her smoky makeup is totally on point, making her eyes pop. Kane is going to love it, along with the dress she chose.

“Y-yeah,” I finally answer when I sense Peyton step up to my other side. “It’s just?—”

“A lot,” Peyton offers.

“And then some.”

“I want to say it’s going to get better, but…welcome to the Seattle Saints, El,” Letty teases. “You’re officially one of the NFL’s most famous women,” she adds with a cringe.

The thought of the photographs being taken right this second being posted online at any moment for the world to see makes acid swirl around my stomach.

The hairdresser and makeup artist might have worked their magic.

But it’s never going to be enough.

My hands tremble with fear over what random strangers are going to say about my appearance.

They’re never going to deem me good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, for their beloved Saint.

“Come on, let’s get you inside,” Peyton says, tugging me forward.

“The press sees and writes what they want, El. You know this just as well as we do. I know it’s hard, but you need to let them do their thing and just focus on what’s important.The only opinion that matters is yours,” Letty assures me. “Fuck everyone but the two of you.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I try to stand tall and hold my head high. It takes every ounce of confidence I possess to do it, but I manage it.

Turning toward the brightest flashes, I look right at them and smile.

“See,” Letty says as I focus on how it felt being in Colt’s arms last night, using it to fuel me. “You’re a natural. Now, our men are waiting.”

The three of us saunter forward, leaving the small crowd and the excitement behind us.

The second the doors close, the chaos vanishes.

Our heels click against the tiled, reflective floor as the scent of freshly cut flowers fills my nose.

Letty and Peyton know exactly where we’re going, and without having a chance to really look around, I’m led toward the back of the colossal building.

We pass a bank of elevators and a bar before we begin to approach a ma?tre d’, whose face lights up the second he lays eyes on my two best friends.

“Ladies,” he greets with a wide, genuine smile.

“Evening, William,” Letty purrs, making his cheeks turn an adorable shade of red.

Considering he’s obviously older—around fifty, if I had to guess— and greets people I’m sure are more impressive than us, he really should have a little more composure.

“Are you having a good night?”

“All the better for seeing my favorite diners. And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?” he asks, turning to me with a kind smile.

“Ella,” I say, holding my hand out when he lifts his in greeting.

“Ella. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

“Careful, Will,” Peyton teases. “This one is spoken for. And by your favorite player, in fact.”

Will pauses, his eyes widening and his chin dropping in shock.

“Wait…you mean…” His eyes get even wider as recognition hits. “You’re Colt’s girl. Yes, yes. You are.”

I’ve never met Colt’s father, but something tells me that he wouldn’t be this excited to meet me.

“Oh, Ms. Ella. It is a pleasure to meet you. May I escort you to your man?”

My smile is so wide it hurts as I stare at this man in amazement.

“That won’t be necessary, Will. But thank you. We can take it from here. We’d appreciate it if you could place our usual order, though,” Letty says, innocently resting her hand on his forearm.

“Of course. I’ll have them sent over right away.”

Peyton takes my hand and tugs me away from the incredibly happy man.


“Harmless. Massive Saints fan. He loses his mind every home game,” Peyton explains. “And he loves us just as much as them. Being a part of this makes his entire year.”

I glance back over my shoulder and find him watching the group of people we’re heading toward with stars in his eyes.

“Are you ready for this?” Letty asks, looking back at me.

“I—” My words falter as we turn a corner and find the half-empty table waiting for us.

Warmth spreads through my entire body as my eyes scan over the familiar faces.

I don’t need them to see me. I don’t need them to talk to me to know that the decision I made last night was the right one.

I don’t belong in Texas. I’m not sure I even really did.

I belong here.

With my friends.

My family.


Kane spots Letty first, and a wide smile spreads across his face as he pushes to stand.

Luca is next. He’s already on his feet, talking to who I assume is another player at a different table. He moves so fast that if I blinked, I’d have missed his journey to Peyton.

My eyes land on Colt. On the wide spread of his shoulders and the way his Saints-blue shirt stretches across his frame.

As if he knows I’m looking at him, he visibly stills, his muscles tensing.

I swear, time stands still as he begins to turn my way.

My heart pounds as the side of his face is revealed, my stomach knotting with a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and desire.

I’m so lost in him that I don’t register who he’s talking to. The only thing I can think about is looking into his eyes, seeing the part of him that only I get to experience and discovering what he thinks of how I look, of the dress I chose tonight.

But that is all shattered when someone bellows, “ELLA BELLA.”

He moves faster than I can compute, darting around the table as everyone in the restaurant turns to stare.

“Oh my god,” I gasp, a second before Weston Rogers’ massive body collides with my much smaller one.

I’m engulfed by his arms and practically smothered against his chest.

“I missed you so fucking much, girl,” he shouts excitedly as the room begins to spin.

“West,” I screech. “Put me down.”

Laugher fills my ears. The sound of it, the deep rumble of familiar male voices, makes my heart swell so large I’m sure it’s about to burst.

But West doesn’t let go.

“Dude, will you fucking share?”

If it’s possible, my smile gets even wider as I spy Brax over West’s shoulder.

“Never was very good at sharing,” West mutters before passing me off to another very strong set of arms.

The scent is different but equally as familiar and comforting despite the years since I last saw him.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Colt barks, amusement laced through his tone. “Can you please get your hands off my girl?”

“Your girl,” West muses. “Now there’s something I never thought I’d hear you admit.”

“Do we really need to go there already?” Colt sulks as he successfully pulls me from the safety of Brax’s arms and into his own.

When I look up, my eyes lock with a mesmerizing dark and stormy pair. Their intensity rocks through me. But there’s something different about him tonight, a different kind of energy that I haven’t experienced for so long.

A smile so wide spreads across Colt’s face that his eyes crinkle at the edges.

He’s happy.

So fucking happy right now that it causes a lump to crawl up my throat and tears to burn the backs of my eyes.

“Fuck, you look beautiful, El,” he says, his eyes dropping to my floral fitted dress and all the way to my Saints-blue pumps.

“Thank you.”

The second his lips find mine, whoops and hollers sound out around our group.

“Look at my big bro, all grown up and shit,” West teases.

“Why did I agree to invite him to this?” Colt mumbles against my lips.

“Because you love him,” I remind him.

“Fucking asshole,” he scoffs.

Tucking me into his side, I get my first chance to look at the two men who helped make college life as epic as it was.

They both look the same. Their eyes are just as kind, their smiles still as genuine as ever. But their bodies…

Sure, I’ve seen them in the media and stalked their socials over the years, but nothing could prepare me for the change in both of them.

They’re no longer college football players. They are fully-fledged members of the NFL. They’re Chicago Chiefs, and I couldn’t be prouder of them.

“Are you sure, El?” West asks, looking between me and his older brother. “There’s still time to admit you chose the wrong one.”

“Shut up, you fucking asshole,” Colt says, his grip on me tightening.

“Drinks!” Letty calls before she appears before me with a delicious-looking cocktail.

“What’s this?” I ask, accepting the peach-colored drink from her, my eyes taking in the flowers floating on top.

“Pornstar martini. The best in the state.”

One second, she’s standing in front of me, waiting for me to try it, and the next she squeals in excitement and rushes to the entrance of the restaurant when two figures emerge.

“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” Luca mocks as Leon and Macie both hug Letty.

My eyes lock with both of them briefly, and the final piece of my previously messy puzzle slots into place.

This is it.

This is what I’ve been looking for all this time.


I’ve found my home.

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