Broken Saint (Seattle Saints #1) 37. Colton 53%
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37. Colton



C hatter and laughter fill the air as I sit quietly with my arm possessively around Ella's shoulders.

She throws her head back and laughs at something my idiot of a brother says, and it sends a rush of warmth through my body.

Seeing someone so happy, so relaxed and so comfortable in their surroundings has never affected me before. But from the moment I saw her standing here with our friends surrounding us, her happiness and excitement bled into me. Not that I was unhappy before. I’ve been looking forward to tonight for a long time. It’s not very often we get the chance to have everyone together, so we need to make the most of it while we can.

When the game dates were announced, I knew that Letty, Peyton, and Macie would have been full steam ahead with the planning.

I could only have dreamed about this back then, though.

Every time we’ve been together since Kane, West and Brax joined the league, there’s always been someone missing. A very obvious gap in our group.

But tonight? She’s here.

And she’s not just here, she’s sitting beside me with her hand wrapped around my thigh, squeezing gently every few seconds. I’m not sure if she feels the need to remind me that she’s there—as if I could forget—or if it’s a move for herself. Whatever it is, I never want it to stop.

“Colt,” Brax shouts. “What do you think?”

Dragging my head from thoughts of my woman, I turn to look at him.

I have no idea what kind of expression is on my face, but everyone on the other side of the table falls about laughing.

“What?” I ask. “What did I do?”

“You fell in love, bro,” Luca happily points out.

“Your eyes are literal hearts, man,” West adds. “Cutest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.”

“Fuck off,” I scoff, but I find it hard to be irritated by them when Ella’s hand slides a little higher and into dangerous territory, considering we’re surrounded by friends, before she leans in and kisses the side of my neck.

Goosebumps erupt across my skin, and the desire to lift her into my arms and take her to my hotel room for the night has never been stronger.


I’ve never been less focused on an upcoming game in my life.

I should be in the zone. The press fucking love it when West and I go up against each other. It’s usually one of the most electric games of the season, but all I want to do right now is spend the day in bed with my girl.

The conversation changes, and thankfully, the attention turns away from us for a few minutes.

“You having fun?” I whisper, my lips brushing Ella’s ear as I speak.

She visibly shudders.

“So much fun. I missed everyone more than I thought.”

“I think the feeling is mutual.”

Ella pulls back and looks into my eyes. Whatever she finds there makes her smile before she glances over at everyone sitting at our table.

“Just like old times, huh?” she says shifting closer and resting her head on my shoulder.

“Nah, better,” I say, kissing her hair. “So much better.”

She sighs happily, her hand squeezing my thigh again.

“I love you, Colt.”

My heart swells, and it becomes hard to breathe.

Will it always feel this way to hear those words coming from her lips? Fuck. I hope so.

“I love you too, Bombshell.”

My skin tingles, letting me know that it’s not only Ella’s attention on me. But he can wait.

Twisting my fingers in Ella’s hair, I tug her head back enough so that I can claim her lips.

The second we collide, a spark of electricity goes through me.

“Gonna miss the fuck out of you tonight,” I mumble into our kiss.

“I can sneak in after curfew,” she offers.

“Don’t fucking tempt me, Bombshell.”

Her lips pull into a smile as she looks at me with a naughty glint in her eye.

There aren’t many things in this world that could keep me from Ella right now. But the threat of Coach’s wrath and him pulling me from the game is one of them.

“Just think about tomorrow night when we’re celebrating your epic win,” Ella whispers, her voice raspy with the promise of what’s to come.

“Mmm…I can’t wait,” I murmur.

A throat clearing opposite me finally drags my attention from my girl to my smug-looking little brother.

“What?” I snap, although there is zero bite to my tone.

His smirk grows.


“You’re an asshole.”

Kissing Ella on the cheek, I push my chair back and excuse myself to the bathroom.

I manage to get a minute alone to take a piss, but the second I step up to the sink to wash my hands, the door opens and West walks in.

“Fuck, he’s still smiling,” he teases, holding my eyes in the mirror.

I shake my head, but the smile never falters.

I’ve never been this fucking happy. Ever.

It’s…fucking incredible.

“I told her everything,” I blurt, remembering the topic of conversation the last time we spoke.

“See, I told you that she could hack it,” he says, marching toward the urinal to take a piss.

“Yeah,” I muse. “I took her to the facility,” I confess.

West’s shoulders tense.

“You saw Mom?” he asks, hopefully.

I laugh bitterly.

“I just parked outside. Explained.”

“And?” he prompts, turning to face me.

“And…she was incredible. She understood. She…she got it. She…accepted it.”

“Colt, from what I just saw out there, I’d say she more than accepted it. The way she looks at you, man. Fuck, do you know how fucking lucky you are?”

My smile grows.


Lifting his hand, he rubs the back of his neck. “Of having a girl like Ella in my life? Fuck yeah. You’ve hit fucking gold, getting a second chance with her.”

“Fuck knows what I did to deserve it.”

“Couldn’t fucking tell you,” he says helpfully before washing his hands. “Don’t you fucking dare let her go this time, though. There won’t be another chance.”

“She tell you that?”

Suddenly, the air around us turns serious. “None of us would forgive you if you hurt her again, Colt. If you fuck this up, then?—”

“I’m not letting her go again. This is it, Bro.”

“Fucking hell, you’ve already bought a ring, haven’t you?” he teases.

My heart thumps against my ribs at the thought of officially making her mine. “It hasn’t even been a week yet,” I argue.

“Colt, let’s be honest, it’s been years. You’ve wanted her since the very first moment you laid eyes on her. Time doesn’t matter when it’s right.”

“I think we’ve both got some things to work through before we do anything too serious.”

“She’s staying though, right?”

“Yeah,” I agree. “She is. Fuck, West. She’s moving her entire life for me.”

“I’m only reading between the lines here, but I’m not sure she had a life to move. She was miserable in Texas. Her boyfri—” He cuts himself off when I growl angrily. “Exactly. She belongs here. She always has.”

I shake my head again, still barely able to believe that we’re here having this conversation.

“Enjoy it. You deserve it. Both of you do. Just…make sure I’m best man, yeah?”

I bark out a laugh. “One fucking step at a time. Come on, time is running out before I get to kick your ass again.”

“You’d be so fucking lucky,” he scoffs.

“I’ve got my girl in the crowd; there’s no fucking way I’m losing.”

I mess up his hair like I used to when we were kids as we leave the bathroom and head back to the table.

The plates had been cleared away when we get there, and when I check the time, I discover that I was right. Our night’s quickly running away with us.

All of us are expected to be locked away for an early night by ten-thirty. The coaching staff will be checking for compliance, and none of us are stupid enough to miss it.

Abandoning our table, we make ourselves comfortable on a series of couches in the bar, the place where Kane and Luca traditionally leave their girls to enjoy their night while we all go to bed.

I never really thought about what it might be like having to leave them down here. I’ve never had a girl while playing professionally that I’d want to spend the night before a game with. But knowing that I’m going to be leaving Ella with Letty and Peyton tonight…that when I run out onto the field tomorrow she’s going to be in the stands watching, cheering me on…fuck…it’s everything.

Letty orders the girls a round of daiquiris, and long before I’m ready, Luca wraps his hand around my shoulder and leans down to tell me that it’s time.

My heart sinks. But as I turn to look at Ella, who’s laughing at something Macie just said, I realize that she needs this.

She’s relaxed, free. Happy.

“I gotta go, Bombshell,” I whisper in her ear.

Her bottom lip curls out in a pout.

“Do not give me that look,” I warn.

Her eyes are bright, thanks to the laughter and series of cocktails she’s been working her way through tonight.

The last thing I want to do is leave her. But I don’t have a choice.

“We’re out,” West says as he, Brax and Leon break away from their conversation. “Gotta rest up to beat your sorry asses tomorrow.”

“What the fuck ever,” Kane mutters, pushing to his feet after giving Letty a kiss.

The guys continue riling each other up, but I’ve got no interest in it. My attention is solely on my girl.

“Walk me to the elevator?” I ask.

I desperately want to ask her to walk me to my room, but I know that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from dragging her inside.

“Sure,” she says, a lazy smile pulling across her lips.

The second she’s on her feet, West pulls her in for another hug.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says. “I’ll be the one wiping the floor with your man here.”

She giggles happily, and after she’s hugged Brax, she returns to my side and wraps her arm around my waist.

“Come on then, number forty-two. You need a good luck kiss before heading for your beauty sleep.”

With her small hand locked in mine, I tug her from our group and head toward the front desk.

Hiding behind a potted plant, I pull her into my body and wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close.

“This rule sucks,” I sulk.

I’ve never really given a shit about Coach’s rule to sleep alone in a hotel before home games as well as away ones. But suddenly, it seems like the worst idea in the world. Although, I totally understand his reasoning. If I had my girl with me tonight, I would not be well rested and ready for training in the morning.

“It’s only one night,” she says, a slight slur to her voice.

“But you’re buzzed. We could have so much fun.”

Her tiny hands slide up my chest. “And we’ll have so much fun tomorrow night,” she promises.

“How did I make it years without you, Bombshell?” I ask absently as I study her features. Her mesmerizing honey eyes, her full lips, the dimples that appear in her cheeks when she smiles.

“You were waiting. We both were. Deep down, we knew our time was coming.”

“After the season, I’m taking you away,” I say sincerely. “You name the place, wherever you want to go, and I’ll book the tickets. We’ll stay for as long as you like, do anything you want. Just the two of us. Make up for some of that lost time.”

She sighs, her body going limp in my arms.

“Sounds incredible, Colt.”

“I mean it,” I say, dropping my head to rest my brow on hers. “I want everything with you, Bombshell.”

Pushing onto her tiptoes, she brushes her lips against mine, kissing me way too deeply and passionately seeing as we’re only a plant away from being caught. Not that I really care. The press can snap photos of me handing my heart and balls over to Ella every day of the week, for all I care.

“Okay, love birds,” Luca says smugly. “Time for bed, Rogers.”

“Fucking slave driver,” I mutter, flipping off our quarterback behind her back.

“You’ll be there tomorrow?” I ask, sounding way more vulnerable than I expected to.

“Colt,” she says, reaching up to wipe some of her lipstick from my mouth. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else in the world. And I’ll be right there after too, ready to celebrate.”

“For the love of god,” Luca complains before taking matters into his own hands and dragging us apart.

“Love you, Bombshell,” I call as I’m dragged into the elevator.

“Love you too, forty-two,” she calls, making me grin like an idiot as the doors close on her.

“Fuck,” I breathe, tipping my head back and closing my eyes.

Life is so fucking good right now. I never want it to end.

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