H arnessing my power, I close my eyes and try to focus on the chains outside. I’ve been here too long, and what is worse, I cannot sense Freya anymore, which means he took her somewhere.
It was a calculated move. I knew he would not hurt her because he needs her, wants her alive, so I had to trust in that. If I did not, she would have gotten hurt, and I couldn’t bear that—not as she stood there, so still and empty, her soul wherever he sent it. No, it was better to give in now and fight later. He cannot kill me, not easily, hence the reason he locked us up and we went without resistance.
Where is she? Is she okay?
I need to get out of here and save her. I know the others will be thinking the same, so I fling myself at the lid once more, thrusting my power into it to snap the chains. It doesn’t work, but I keep trying. Suddenly, there’s a crash, and I freeze, sensing magic.
I hear the chains rattle and slide away, and then the lid to the coffin is wrenched open. The light makes me blink and shield my eyes with my hand before I drop it, finding Freya. She runs her eyes over me, and I see something in them I can’t read.
She tilts her head as she stares at me. Something has changed.
She feels different. My eyes land on the bleeding wound in her chest, and I hurry over. Changed or not, she is my Freya. Wrapping her in my arms, I tug her closer before pulling away, running my hand across the wound. “Freya?—”
“It will heal,” she murmurs. “We need to free the others and go before he arrives. I don’t think it will be long, and I am not strong enough right now to fight him again.” She shivers in my arms, and I nod in understanding. Whatever happened, she drained herself.
I sit her on a pew and turn back to the coffins. Grabbing the chains, I yank while infusing my move with power, and the links snap and fall away. I throw the lid off, which flies through the open window, and then I do the same to the last. The demon and Sha rush out, both heading to Freya.
“You’re welcome,” I mutter sarcastically before crouching like they are. Her eyes are tight, and her skin is pale. My gaze lands on the wound once more. It looks deep and painful. She might have magic, but she is not invincible. “Let’s get her home and regroup.”
“No, I’m going to finish this fucking bastard. The only one who can use chains on me is my witch!” the demon yells. She laughs, but it turns into a groan, her head turning as she coughs up blood.
“I need to rest before we meet him again. If he tries to turn me again, I won’t be strong enough to stop him,” she whispers.
I don’t know what she means, but we all share a look and nod. Whatever he did, it was bad and she’s worried. Lifting her into my arms, I conjure a portal and shove us through, leaving before he comes back for her.
We underestimated him. He’s strong, but he knows our weakness and used it.
We were fools, and now our girl is hurt.
I glance down at her in my arms, worried about the shadows I see dancing in her eyes.
They are the same shadows I saw in his.
By the time we reappear in our witch’s lair, she is paler than before and collapses into my arms. Lifting her up, I carefully place her on the bed before peering down at the wicked wound on her chest. It’s partially healed, but it’s still bleeding, and it’s clear something inside is damaged.
We all share a look as she sighs and closes her eyes, looking drained and exhausted. Phrixius nods his head to the side, and we follow him to the entrance where she can’t easily overhear us.
“I can heal her wounds outside, not inside. Whatever he did to her, it changed her,” Phrixius murmurs. “I can sense it.”
“As can I,” I admit.
“Her magic seems . . . wilder,” Sha comments. “I can taste the darkness on her now, whereas before it was buried deep.”
“Hmm, it’s like he has uncaged it. I guess only time will tell if she wakes up with her control. We will have to keep a close eye on her,” Phrixius muses.
My eyes narrow, and my tail flicks in warning. “Do not tell me, god, that you are thinking of harming my witch for fear of what she may become.”
“If I were going to kill her, I would have done it the moment she called me,” he snaps, clearly offended. “Yet I have been here, fighting with you to keep her safe. Do not forget that. I am not giving up on her. I am simply worried.”
“And the other gods? What will they do?” I murmur.
Sha frowns at Phrixius. “If you harm her, I will eat you alive, god or no god.” He lumbers over to Freya, taking her hand. Who knew I’d be siding with an entity of evil?
“They will kill her, you know that.” He lowers his voice. “I will not let that happen.”
“Why?” I frown at him. “Why would you choose to protect her over your duty?”
It is all they have as gods, their righteous duty.
His brow furrows as he looks at her. “I can’t do anything but.” He glances at me. “Just as you can’t. I am here with you and on your side. We may have been enemies before, but we aren’t now.” His gaze moves to Freya again. “Because of her. Now let’s fix our girl.” Ignoring my incredulous look, he moves back over to my witch, pressing his hands to her chest.
Making sure he doesn’t do anything weird, I leap carefully onto the bed at her side and take her hand. Her eyes flutter open for a moment, and she offers me a soft smile—one that makes my heart slam inside my chest. Leaning down, I kiss her softly, unable to resist. “Rest now, little witch, we have you.”
“I did something bad,” she whispers into my lips.
“Hmm, I can assure you that whatever you did, I would do much worse to get back to you. Rest now.” After kissing each eyelid, I lean back, ignoring Phrixius’s searching look. I don’t know if he heard her or not, but no matter what he says, I cannot trust he will choose her over his duty.
One is not created as a god because they have weak morals or duty. He cares for her, but if it comes down to choosing this path or her, which would he really pick?