I don’t know how long I sleep for, but when I wake up, my home is dark aside from a few flickering candles. As I stare into the dancing flames, I’m reminded of what I did and what I was capable of.
The worst bit? I could have done so much more.
I felt it inside me, begging to be let out. It wanted more, so much more. Had it not been for the chest wound and my feelings pulling me back to the church, I worry about what I would have done. It chills me to my bones, yet I cannot speak it. Shame fills me as I turn my head to find my men sleeping around me. Even in their dreams, they look anxious.
I do not blame them. I can only imagine the sight I made when I appeared before them.
They worry I will fall into the darkness, and the truth is, so do I. It calls to me stronger than before, and after last night, something feels different in my chest.
Slipping from bed, I walk to the bathroom and shut the door, needing privacy to see.
Pressing my back to the wooden door, I take a deep breath to ease the panic inside me. I need to control my emotions to control my magic. Once I’m sure I’m not about to spiral, I pad across the heated floor to the floating sink and mirror above it. The claw-foot tub is framed by overflowing plants and flowers. I sigh in happiness, but I’m stalling. I force myself to look.
My dress is gaping, exposing my chest and the scar.
For a moment, I can almost feel the way he gripped my heart, and I clutch the sink as I push through it. I lift my hand and trace my fingers over it.
It’s not as bad as I was expecting. I think Phrixius has something to do with that. It looks weeks old rather than fresh, and I have no doubt it will fade.
The scar is long and clean, but healing. My skin is forever marred, just like my soul is from the acts I committed, but it’s more than that. Just like my skin has changed, so has my magic.
I meet my gaze in the mirror, searching for any signs of change. I’m terrified I will find the evil I saw in his eyes, but Freya is still staring back at me. That means I’m safe, right? I just . . . I just let go a little bit, letting my anger get the best of me.
I can’t let it happen again.
I will not be like him, no matter what he does.
Turning away, I step into the huge glass shower and flick on the rainforest showerhead, letting the spray fall over me and wash away the lingering feelings of his touch, laughter, and the evil I feel like he placed inside me.
Tipping my head back, I close my eyes and let it cascade over me, warming my skin and soul. I startle when arms wrap around me, my eyes widening as I glance over my shoulder to see Sha.
His hand slides up my front, cupping my breast, as his lips ghost over my shoulder, making a sigh slip from me. “You are tense,” he murmurs. “You are worried.”
I don’t know how he can tell, but I nod, turning in his arms and sliding my hands up his chest. I follow my movements with my gaze so I do not have to stare into his eyes.
Sha sees everything, though, and comments on it without bias or shame. There is no hiding from him, and I worry what he will see there. He’s quiet for a moment before he starts to back me towards the stone walls of the shower. My eyes jerk up to his bright red ones as he seems to bulge and change, morphing between this form and his other one.
“I will kiss it all better,” he growls.
I’m pushed onto the seat as Sha drops to his knees before me, the spray washing over him as his hands slide up my thighs and shove them open. His dark eyes lock on mine as his mouth presses against my pussy.
My head falls back on a deep sigh, and slow pleasure slides through me as he laps at my cunt. He slowly builds my pleasure, just kissing and licking me until I rock into his talented mouth.
The door swings inward, and my eyes snap open to see my demon framed there. “I didn’t want to miss the party,” he flirts. “I could smell your desire.”
Licking my lips, I hold out my hand. He wanders into the shower and takes it, and Sha leans back, waiting, but I don’t want to think right now. I don’t want to be in charge.
Adder pulls me to my feet, and Sha stands too. I’m backed into him, trapped between them as Adder strokes my cheek softly, sensing my need without words. Years of understanding pass between us in one look.
He kisses me softly until I’m relaxed again, and when he pulls back, I wear a sad sort of smile.
“Make me forget,” I murmur into his lips.
“I’ve got you, little witch,” he promises.
I’m lifted, but Sha’s hands on my ass hold me. I wrap my legs around Adder, and he rubs his cock across my pussy as he kisses me again. Adder turns my face, and then Sha kisses me. They take turns sharing me, pushing me between them until I roll into Adder. Taking the hint, he softly presses into me, slowly working deeper and then stilling.
I’m not wet enough, but I don’t care, and neither do they.
Sha presses against my ass, and I prepare for it to hurt, but he goes so slowly, it’s torturous. He pulls out and pushes back in, working back and forth until he’s buried all the way inside me.
When I’m trapped between them, they start to move.
My head is turned so I’m kissing both of them. All three of us kiss as their hands glide all over me, making me forget.
My head swings up when there’s an inhale. We all still for a moment, eyeing Phrixius as he blinks at us. “Is this what happens while I sleep?” he grumbles, his gaze heating. “I’m guessing you feel better.”
Sex and magic have always gone side by side, especially for me, so I hold out my hand, offering myself to him. I will let them worship me as I heal and recover.
He doesn’t hesitate as he heads towards me, not stopping until his lips meet mine. Despite Sha and Adder surrounding me, I only feel whole, safe, and strong enough to let go when Phrixius completes our group.
I let them carry me away on pleasure. All of their hands, mouths, and skin touch mine, and when I finally shatter, it’s so freeing, I feel like I’m soaring.
We must all come back down, though, and when I do, I realise they are all still hard. They pull free of my body, and Phrixius gives me one last lingering kiss, ignoring his hard cock, before he grabs some soap and turns back to me.
As they pull away, I realise this wasn’t about their pleasure, but mine, and as all three surround me and carefully wash every inch of my body, I let some tears slip free.
“It felt like he wanted it,” I explain softly. “He wanted me to kill him.” I don’t know how to explain what I saw in his eyes other than that. “He won’t stop. I saw it. It’s only going to get worse. His trap was thwarted, so he’s going to be mad, more so because we destroyed some of his army and I burnt his house.”
“I wonder if it’s time to ask the others for assistance before this gets out of hand,” Phrixius murmurs. “If we are careful, we could ask Mors?—”
“No, the less the gods know about my witch, the better,” Adder snaps. “We can handle this alone. We simply underestimated him, and we won’t let it happen again.”
“I think the mask he stole is giving him more power,” I say. “I think that’s why he took it. Their souls and magic are trapped in there. It felt like he was . . . more than one person when he took control over me . . . like a million souls were slamming into mine and stealing who I was.”
“Well, that’s not fucking terrifying and creepy.” Adder grins, making me smile, which is why he did it. “Okay, so we hunt down necro-boy again, kick his ass, and then spend the rest of the month humping like bunnies. Sound good?”
“You make it seem so easy,” I mutter.
“Eh, let’s not over plan it. Look where that got us last time. Plans are for pussies. We’ll just rock up and knock his necro-socks off . . . . Wait, I don’t think he wears socks. Oh, he really is evil. That’s some nasty shit.”
I laugh despite the situation, and he winks at me, letting me know he did it to cheer me up.
“He won’t be waiting at the church this time. It felt like he was planning something bigger and that was only the beginning.” It’s just the feeling I got, but I have to be right.
“Phrixius, can you find him again?” Sha asks, being the calm one, as always.
“Hmm, I’ll need to rest a little after last time and healing Freya, but yes.”
“What kind of god are you? Do you have a battery we need to plug in?” Adder mutters. “Fine, we’ll rest for the night, and tomorrow, we’ll find him again.”
“And if it goes like it did today?” I ask worriedly.
“It won’t. We will all be ready this time, especially you, Freya. You need to block him. Now that you know he can do that, you need to ensure your wall is tight. ”
I nod, but it’s easier said than done.
The rest of the night is quiet, all of us lost in our own thoughts, wondering what tomorrow will bring, and despite everything, I manage to fall asleep.
I awake at dawn with a thunderous roar in my chest. I gasp, gripping the splitting muscles where he tore into me.
“What is it?” Phrixius asks.
I swing my eyes to him, panicked. “He’s calling . . . Not just me, he’s calling everyone. Something is very wrong.” Covering my chest, I curl forward with a cry as my heart rips in two, his roar filling my ears until they start to bleed.
I cannot see or hear.
“He’s—oh god, I can see him.”
“What is it?” Adder demands.
Part of me is here, and the other is with him, looking through his eyes once more.
“He’s above the city. Oh gods, no, he’s taking over the city. He’s killing them all.” My words end in a scream as he throws me from his body, his laughter following me.
He wanted me to see.
He wanted me to know where he is.