N erves ran through her body as she stared at Daddy. What was this something important he wanted to talk to her about? Was he going to kick her out already? Did he realize after she told him about her liking even numbers, not liking spinach, and being weird that it wasn’t going to work for him?
“I already have my shop taken care of. I don’t have any loans. The menu was figured out, and it has the option of buying in even numbers and only even numbers for my sanity. You don’t have to worry about any of that,” she rushed out.
Rainey didn’t want him to have to worry about that. When she had thought about her menu, she had factored in only having the option of going with even numbers. She thought she would get backlash for it, but most of her customers told her they loved the even numbers because if they came alone, they had one for later.
Even if she did get some backlash for it, she wouldn’t have changed it. It wasn’t for them but for her, and they didn’t need to know that.
“That’s not what I was going to say, but I’m proud of you for not having any loans and organizing the menu so it doesn’t bother you every day.”
What? Rainey was expecting him to be worried about that. What could he possibly want to talk about then?
“I’m going to be forward with this because I need to be. There’s no other way I’ll be able to say it.”
“Please, just spit it out because you’re making me really nervous.” Rainey’s voice was shaky.
Dane started to whine and pushed his face into her hands. She took several deep breaths and started to pet his head once again.
What if Daddy was telling her he didn’t want her anymore? What if he was saying once she found a place to stay, she had to leave?
Rainey didn’t know why she was starting to believe what he was actually saying. She wanted it to be true about him wanting her to stay and never leave but as he made her wait, her worry started to increase.
“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make you nervous. I’m nervous.”
Her mouth hung open when he said he was nervous. She wasn’t expecting him to say that. Why was he nervous?
“I know I’ve told you I’m attracted to you. I know you’re a Little, and you know I’m a Daddy. I want to be your Daddy.”
Rainey’s breath was taken away as he said those words. After she told her ex-boyfriend, he made fun of her. She never thought a man, a Daddy, would ask her if they could be her Daddy. It seemed like a foreign concept, but here was Marco, asking her.
“I don’t need an answer right now, but I wanted to let you know. I can see the unease on your face. I want to take care of you, help you thrive, discipline you when you need it, shower you with all the love I can, and show you what a real Daddy is. I want to be your number-one cheerleader. I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms,” he gently said. “I don’t know what happened with your ex or whoever it was, but I just want you to know that being Little is a part of you. You shouldn’t ever have to hide it.”
Once again, tears filled her eyes as he spoke.
“I’m pregnant with another man’s baby.”
That was her only response. Normally, people ran for the hills when a girl mentioned being pregnant with somebody else’s child. Her baby wasn’t his responsibility, and she didn’t want to make him feel like it was an obligation. She didn’t want her baby to feel like she or he was an obligation because the man wanted to be with her and not to have a child. She was never going to do that to her baby.
“Is he still in the picture?” Daddy asked.
The blood drained from her face as she thought about her ex. She hoped he never found her.
She thought Pete had been the love of her life. He had been so sweet and caring when they first started to date. But then he changed and started to get mean. He started hanging around with a motorcycle gang, and it changed his personality.
Maybe that had always been his personality, and she had just finally seen it. He had started to yell at her and be verbally abusive, but once he joined the club, he started hitting her a coupleof times when he got drunk. Rainey knew when she found out she was pregnant, she had to leave, and decided to run in the middle of the night.
It was one of the scariest things she had ever done, but it was necessary. While she was still nervous, it had been one of the best decisions ever. Now, she didn’t have to worry about him hurting her and her losing the baby. She didn’t have to worry about her baby growing up in an abusive household.
She’d had a friend whose parents always fought, and her dad hit her mom a coupleof times. Just to see how it affected their daughter made Rainey think about her situation.
“Little girl?” Daddy touched her arm.
Rainey shook her head. “No, he’s not in the picture.”
Daddy cupped her face with one of his hands. “What was your thought just then?”
Rainey shook her head once again. He didn’t need to know about her ex-boyfriend. He was in the past, and she wanted to move forward.
“If it starts to hinder you, you will be telling me, but I’ll leave it for now.”
Her eyes went wide as he said those words.
“Shit. I’m being really forward. You will be telling me if you agree to be with me and me being your Daddy. Just think about it. I’m going to go get you some water, but I’ll be right back.”
“Water, and then you can have some tea.”
Rainey pushed her bottom lip out as she looked up at Daddy. He bent down and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. She started to pet Dane once again.
Marco was being really forward with what he wanted, but part of her liked that. He knew what he wanted and went for it. Was it a little intimidating? Absolutely.
She had never had a man be so forward before. It was a little odd, but she found it attractive. Now, she just needed to figure out if she wanted him to be her Daddy. Rainey was already calling him Daddy in her head. It was a bad habit since he wasn’t officially her Daddy, but it felt natural. It felt like they were meant to be together.
She looked down at Dane. “What am I going to do with Daddy?”