Daddy’s Little Surprise (Missouri Daddies #6) 15. Chapter Thirteen 37%
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15. Chapter Thirteen



M arco had been staring at his computer screen for several minutes, not getting anything done. His mind was on Rainey, but when was it not? Ever since she’d passed out in his arms, she had been on his mind.

That was a lie.

She started to occupy his mind when Dane started to take a different walking route. Now, it had just intensified since moving in with him.

Jackson, Finn, Michael, Leo, and Oliver walked into his office. His eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t have a meeting scheduled with any of them. Why were all of them here?

“So, who’s the girl? How’s the girl?” Finn asked.

“How did you find out? Who told you?”

Marco wasn’t surprised they were asking about her. He had put a claim on her this morning. He wanted everyone to know she was his and nobody else was going to get her.

“Charlotte. She and some of the girls were getting their daily dose of caffeine when they saw you kiss her.”

Marco knew the news was going to spread like wildfire, but with those Little girls, it was going to go even faster. He wasn’t expecting them to be near when he put his claim on her.

“So, who’s the girl, and how is the girl?” Jackson asked. “We all want to know. We’re not going to leave until we do.”

“If you don’t answer, then we’re going to go straight to the other source. We know she just moved into town this year and opened the coffee shop,” Leo said.

He definitely wasn’t getting out of this. Not unless he wanted them to go to her, which he didn’t. Rainey didn’t need their questions. She was probably already getting questions from Grace.

“Do you want to know how we met, or do you want to know that she is the coffee shop owner, is pregnant and is also a Little?”

“All of it. You guys bombarded me with questions when I started to take care of Monroe,” Michael said.

“I was walking to the coffee shop, ready to go in and finally talk to her,” Marco started.

“About time. How long have you been walking Dane around her coffee shop?”

Marco glared at Jackson.

“Sorry, but it was about time. It’s been forever, and you desperately needed to talk to her, or you never would. I was actually going to ask you today about it and give you a push, but I clearly don’t need to do that anymore.” Jackson sat in one of his chairs.

“Shut up.” Leo slapped his shoulder. “Let the man talk. I want to know what happened. ”

“Like you haven’t heard it already. I have no doubt several people saw us and have already started different rumors.”

“Yeah, but I want to hear from one of the two sources. So, if you’re not going to tell me, I guess I’m spending the day in the coffee shop, asking her questions.”

“None of you will talk to her yet. This is still very new, and I don’t need you guys ruining it for me. Do you understand?”

“Don’t talk to us like we’re your sub. But yes, we do understand,” Finn said. “Now, tell us what’s going on.”

“Three days ago, I went to the coffee shop. Right as I was walking up, she walked out and looked nauseous. I held her hair back as she threw up, took her inside the coffee shop, and then she passed out in my arms. So, I took her to the hospital and stayed with her until she woke up. I saw Mike, and he saw right through my lie of being her fiancé, but he let me stay,” Marco explained. “Mike didn’t want her to return to her house without someone to help her and watch over her, so she came home with me. But we stopped at the coffee shop first, and that’s when I realized she lived there.”

“Shit, really?” Michael asked.

“Yes, she had been sleeping on her couch.”

“Isn’t she pregnant?” Michael asked.

“Yes, she is pregnant and was absolutely exhausted. I brought her back to my house, and things happened. The following day, I told her I wanted to be her Daddy and wanted her. Dane and I already knew she was mine. I also might have told her I loved her right after we had sex.”

It was probably too much information to share, but he needed their opinions. He knew he told Rainey they could go at whatever pace they needed to, even if it was faster than what everyone else thought it should be.

“Shit. You work fast.” Leo whistled.

“You could get into a lot of legal trouble if she decided to do anything,” Jackson said.

Marco shrugged. “It is what it is. It’s already done. I can’t go back to change anything. Not that I would because I don’t regret a thing. We went through a contract and put everything down. She’s my Little girl, and I’m her Daddy.”

Michael laughed and shook his head. “If you need anything, let me know.”

“She’s pregnant. I need to ask her if she’s seeing a doctor, but if she’s not, could you give me some recommendations? I don’t think she has insurance, either, but I’ll just put her under mine if she doesn’t.”

“Huge commitment if you’re already considering putting her under your insurance. You’re really serious about her?” Finn asked. “I’m not trying to sway you one way or the other; I’m just asking a question. I want to make sure you’re okay and all.”

“Yes, I’m serious about her. I’ve already told her that I love her and want to grow old with her. I’m all in, and she knows that. I’m not going back,” Marco said.

He knew what they were doing was with his best interests at heart, but it felt a little weird and wrong. He hadn’t given them a hard time when they found their girls.

“I agree with Michael. If you need anything, let us know,” Leo said.

“Actually, I do have something. ”

“What is it?” Oliver asked, speaking for the first time.

“I don’t know much, but the man who got her pregnant isn’t in the picture. I don’t think he’ll ever be, but she seems kind of scared of him. I don’t know if he knows where she is, but we need to be on alert. And I was thinking we could contact Rogan’s guy, asking if he could look into who her boyfriend was and where he is now. That’s probably more about peace of mind for me.”

“We can do that. I’ll contact Rogan. You just let me know her full name, and he’ll figure out the rest,” Leo said. “If he does come after her, we’ll be there for you two. She’s part of this family now. You just let us know.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

They all sat in silence for a coupleof seconds.

“Did you really already go through a contract and tell her you loved her?” Jackson asked.

Marco chuckled and nodded. “I did. We went through the whole contract, going over safe words, hard limits, soft limits, things she wanted to try, things she was okay with, rules, and rewards. She’s already calling me Daddy.”

Oliver whistled. “You really do work fast.”

“I’ve been waiting for years. I know she’s the one. I’m not going to let her slip through my fingers. I told her I was being forward, but I needed to, had to. I told that she didn’t need to make a decision right away, and it could be a year before she said yes, but I had to let her know.”

“Good luck,” Michael said.

“Will you be taking time off work?” Finn asked.

“Maybe one or two days a week. The doctor said she needs to rest, or she’s going to be put on bed rest. And once the baby comes, I’ll probably take more time off work or work from home.”

He hadn’t given it much thought, but he needed to. Less than three months until she gave birth. He and Rainey needed to sit down and talk about the game plan.

“You don’t need to know now. But it’s something to think about. If you need any help, let me know. I can talk to Janie about it. She’s had a baby and is pregnant with our second. They could meet up if they wanted to so she could talk to Janie,” Mac said.

“Thank you. I will let her know. But I figure Janie will also tell her if she’s with them right now,” Marco replied.

Everything in him wanted to text her and make sure she was okay and not too overwhelmed, but he knew it probably wasn’t for the best. She had promised to text him if anything happened, and he was relying on her to do that. He was also going to see her in a couple of hours, so he would be able to ask then.

“So come on, when are you going to propose?” Michael asked.

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