Daddy’s Little Surprise (Missouri Daddies #6) 14. Chapter Twelve 34%
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14. Chapter Twelve



“ I don’t really want you to go back to work today,” Daddy said as he pulled into the parking lot in front of her store.

It had been two days since she’d passed out in his arms. Two days of relaxing in his house. When the second day came around, she felt guilty because he wasn’t able to go to work, but he said he had a lot of vacation and PTO saved up.

Apparently, all the owners worked hard and didn’t take much time off until they found their Little girl. She wondered if it was because they were lonely at home. Even if she did have the money to somewhere, she didn’t know if she ever would. It was lonely to walk into an empty house. Not that staying in her antique coffee shop was any better. It wasn’t, but a home felt more real.

“I need to. I’ve taken two days off. I need to go back,” she gently spoke. “I know you want me to relax more, but I’m worried about the shop. Grace also doesn’t need to work a lot of overtime because I need the day off.”

“Maybe you should hire another person you trust to be a manager who can open. That way, you two aren’t working yourselves to death. And both of you can have time off and not work so much. You guys need to live your lives.”

“Well, Grace told me she could work a lot because she didn’t really have a life. Both of us didn’t have a significant other, so it didn’t matter. We don’t have many friends.”

When she had hired Grace, it was one of the first things she had said to her. She needed the job, and she could work as much as Rainey needed her to.

“That has changed for you, and you never know. It could change for Grace as well.”

Rainey stared at him for several seconds, processing the words he hadjust spoken.

“Does somebody have his eye on Grace?” she asked. “Who is it? Has he come into my coffee shop? Does she know?”

Daddy chuckled. “I’m not telling you who it is, or if he’s coming to your coffee shop, or if she knows him. You’ll just have to see when the time comes.”

Rainey whined and pouted. She wanted to know who it was and if she had met him before.

“Don’t ask Grace about it. Whether she does or doesn’t know, you will not ask her. Do you understand me?”

“But I want to know!”

“It is not your information to know. Maybe at some point you will, but right now, you don’t, and you won’t. You’re just going to have to live with that fact. I know it’s going to be hard, and you want to know, but I need you to be patient.”

Rainey sighed and nodded.

“Do you understand? If you ask and I find out, there will be consequences. And trust me, I will find out.”

“I understand, Daddy.”

She did not like his answer, but she also didn’t want to get into trouble. Even though it was going to be so hard not to ask, she would have to do it. What if Grace knew but didn’t want other people to find out? She didn’t want to ask and risk other people finding out. Whatever the reason was, Daddy knew questions didn’t need to be asked.

“Good girl. I’m going to come back for lunch and make sure you eat.”

“I don’t have anything, so I guess you don’t need to come.”

Not that she didn’t want him to come. She did, but she forgot to make lunch. Okay, she didn’t forget; she just didn’t want to. Eating was hard for her since she got nauseous easily. She knew that French toast with some fruit didn’t bother her in the morning, but they were still trying to figure out lunch and dinner.

“Don’t worry. Daddy is taking care of lunch. I’m going to be making something for you to eat. I’ll bring it here.”

Unease filled her. Daddy was a great cook, but she didn’t want to puke at the coffee shop. She didn’t want customers to think she was sick. That was a good way for them never to come back.

Rainey also didn’t want to mooch off him. He was already letting her stay at his house with no rent. It didn’t make her feel good because she had worked hard for the things in her life while not relying on anybody. They always wanted something in return .

“You really don’t have to. I could buy something, so you don’t have to spend your money.”

Daddy shook his head and gave her a small smile. “You aren’t mooching off me. I know it might feel like that, but you aren’t. I want to make sure you and the baby are eating and getting the nutrients you need.”

“But I don’t want to mooch off you. I know you said I’m not, but it feels like it. I’m not contributing to anything.”

“And you don’t have to, but if you really feel you want to, we can figure something out tonight when we get home. I don’t want you stressing over this. At the same time, I’m very old-fashioned and love to provide for my woman.”

Rainey opened her mouth, but he gently placed his finger over it.

“I know you are making money and can buy food and other things for yourself, but I want to provide for you. The money you earn can be spent on something you want for yourself. Treat yourself to some new clothes.”

“Okay, I understand, but you still don’t have to come for lunch. I don’t want to take you away from work. You have taken three days off, and I don’t want to take more days away from you.”

Daddy cupped her face. “I’m coming, and that’s the end of the discussion. Do you have a set lunch break, or is it random?”

“It’s normally around one. If you can’t get away at that time, it’s okay. I can try and figure out if I can get another time.”

“Not necessary. I will be back a little before then.”

Before she could say anything, Daddy turned off the car, got out, and made his way toward her side. She waited patiently for him to open the door and help her out. That was another rule. He didn’t want her to open the car door when she was around him.

It had something to do with him being a gentleman but also looking around to see if it was safe. She didn’t argue with it one bit because she honestly loved it.

Daddy held her hand as they walked closer to the front door.

He kissed her forehead. “Be a good girl for Daddy. If you need anything, call or text me.”

“I don’t want to bother you. If it’s an emergency, I will call or text you.”

“No, you will call or text me for anything . If I find out you didn’t, it won’t end well.”

She figured he was going to say that. “Yes, Daddy. If anything comes up, I’ll let you know.”

Daddy gripped the back of her neck and pulled her forward, making her stand on her tippy toes as his lips landed on hers. As they kissed, his hand crept forward to the front of her neck.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. “Be a good girl for Daddy.”

“Why the kiss and possessiveness?” she asked. He hadn’t kissed her like that yet.

“I’m staking my claim,” he said as he pulled away.

Rainey looked around and realized everyone was staring at them. Her face started to turn red, not expecting to be the center of attention .

“I’ll see you later,” she quietly said, turning and hurried to the front door.

She didn’t want people’s eyes on her any longer.

“Walk! No rushing!” Daddy yelled.

She slowed down right as she got to the door. Quickly glancing back, she waved at Daddy before heading in and making her way toward the counters. She so badly wanted coffee but would have to settle for hot chocolate instead.

Grace was smiling as she made a customer their coffee.

“I don’t need any questions asked,” Rainey rushed out as she started to make her hot chocolate.

“Too bad. Expect a lot of questions. Only a couple of people saw it, but it’s definitely going to spread like wildfire. Marco saving you has already been the talk of the town,” Grace chuckled.

Rainey closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She was expecting it to be the talk of the town, but answering questions from random people? What if they didn’t approve and ended up not liking her? Would she have to move again?

“Even if he hadn’t kissed you, it would still be the talk of the town. He drove you to work. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drive anyone to work. I haven’t really seen him take interest in a girl.”

Rainey resumed making her hot chocolate, trying to pretend nothing happened.

“So, how are things going between you two?”

It was hard when she had a nosy employee.

“I’m not going to let this go. You need somebody to talk to. I’m here for you. I’ll just keep asking until you either fire me, which I know you won’t do, or answer me. Either way, we’ve got all day.”

“It’s a new development. I’m trying to wrap my brain around everything. It seems to be going really fast, but it kind of feels right,” Rainey finally said.

She would prefer not to talk about it in the open, where customers could hear, but they couldn’t exactly go into her office. Nobody had been in her office but her, and she didn’t want them to realize she had been sleeping in there or that she was a Little.

So, outside her office was just going to have to do. Rainey would just have to make sure nobody was around and paying attention.

“Don’t give it up if people give you a hard time for going fast. Marco is loyal, and he’s an amazing Daddy.”

Rainey quickly turned to Grace, staring at her in shock.

“Yes, I know he’s a Daddy. I go to his club. I’ve seen him interact with a coupleof Littles, but nothing ever serious.”

“That means you’re a?—”

“Yes, I am a Little. Don’t have a Daddy yet. We’re still working on that, but I’m kind of content where I am right now . I didn’t want to be living off him, but now I’m making money, so I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”

Rainey laughed and took a sip of her drink. “Good luck. If he’s anything like my Daddy, even though you make money, he’ll want to pay for things.”

“How’d that go for you?”

She shrugged. “He told me to use my money for fun things. If I wanted a book, I could buy it, or if I wanted… I do n’t know, actually. I’ve been trying to save up since getting pregnant, so I haven’t bought things for fun.”

“Well, good luck with that, too. You’ll figure it out in no time. And I have no doubt that Marco will spoil you beyond belief. Embrace it. Love it. Don’t throw it back in his face.”

Rainey already knew that. He hadn’t spoiled her yet, but when he did, she might give him a little trouble before accepting it.

The doorbell jingled, and Rainey looked over to see a group of girls coming in.

“Good luck,” Grace quietly said.

“Hi!” One of the girls waved at her. “I’m Charlotte. We know Marco. We were wondering if you had some free time to get to know each other.”

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