Daddy’s Little Surprise (Missouri Daddies #6) 13. Chapter Eleven 31%
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13. Chapter Eleven



S he expected Daddy to tense, but he didn’t. If anything, he continued to hold her like she hadn’t just told him he could be her Daddy. Did he still want that? He had just brought it up several minutes ago, and yet he could have changed his mind. What if he had and he was going to tell her soon?

Rainey would be devastated if he did. She was already calling him Daddy in her head.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

She tried to pull herself off his body, but he wasn’t having any of that. His arms tightened around her and held her in place.

“Please, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Why couldn’t she have waited until he brought it back up? He was quiet, and it made her nervous. What was he thinking? Was he ever going to respond to her?

“Why are you sorry? Why shouldn’t you have said anything?” he asked .

She lifted her head and looked at him. No emotion but concern was written on his face. She honestly expected to see anger. She figured she had messed up.

“Little girl, why are you sorry?”

“Because you’ve changed your mind?”

“Rainey, I haven’t changed my mind one bit. I still want you. I still want to be your Daddy. I’m not upset because you blurted that out.”

“Then why were you silent? Why didn’t your body move?”

“I was silent because I was shocked. I didn’t think you were going to give me an answer so quickly. I was expecting you to think about it more and take your time.”

“I was worried.”

“Worried about what?” He cupped her face.

“Worried that it was too soon. Maybe it was. I mean, we’ve only known each other for a day. What if it is too soon? Maybe I should just leave. I can sleep at my office until I have enough money to rent a hotel or a little place.”

Tears had pooled in her eyes as she spoke. Rainey didn’t want to leave, so maybe it was for the best if he didn’t want her anymore. The thought of leaving made her heart ache. They had only known each other for a day, but it felt like years. The way she was comfortable around him so quickly was abnormal.

“You are not going anywhere. You are not going to be sleeping in your office anymore. If I find out you do after this conversation, your bottom will be red. It will be red for a week straight, and you will have lines and corner time. Do you understand me? ”

Rainey nodded.


“Yes, Daddy. I understand.”

He kissed her forehead and ran his hands up and down her back.

“Are you sure? At any point, you can say you don’t want it anymore, but I want to make sure you really want this.

“I’m sure. Really sure I want this.”

“Then we’re going to need to go over safe words, hard limits, soft limits, and things that you’re okay doing but could easily become a safe word situation. We’re also going to write down some things you want to try. If you don’t know, then no worries.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Don’t worry, Little girl. All you have to do is answer Daddy’s questions, and I’ll write them down. If we need to revise it orjust want to look at it to remind ourselves of things, we can. This isn’t going to be a one-and-done thing. We could change it every day if we need to.”

Rainey relaxed a little bit. She had done this before, but this time felt more real and personal.

“Daddy is going to be right back. I’m just going to grab my computer.”

Daddy helped her sit up before he left the room. It didn’t take him long to come back and sit beside her. She watched in fascination as he pulled up a blank document and started to type. There were columns under each section, and he was writing their names in the appropriate boxes.

The one she’d filled out wasn’t this detailed, but yet again, both of them had been so new to the scene. And hers wasn’t actually serious before. It was an online relationship before she met her ex-boyfriend. The relationship hadn’t lasted long because the guy was looking for something else, and she had figured out she was a Little.

“All right, do you have any hard no’s?” Daddy asked.

Rainey thought about it for a second. “Hitting me with a cane,” she whispered and shuddered at the memory.

Pete had been drunk that night, and she didn’t want to have sex, so he hit her with a cane several times. It was the most excruciating pain she had ever felt, and shenever wanted to experience it again.

“Okay, no canes. Don’t feel bad because I don’t like it, either. But spanking doesn’t trigger you?”

Her eyes went wide as she stared at Daddy. “How did you know?”

“Your body language. You grew stiff and shuddered when you talked about it. If you don’t want to tell me what happened, that’s fine. I just want to make sure I don’t trigger you. And remember, this can be altered at any time. If we find something that does trigger you or you thought you would like but don’t, we can change it.”


With Daddy explaining things, it was less overwhelming. She hadn’t realized how much he paid attention to her body language. She figured he didn’t, but that was obviously false.

“Do you have any more hard limits?”

“I don’t want to be put in time out in the dark. The dark scares me.”

Daddy typed as she spoke. It didn’t take them long to fill out her hard limits; what she thought about trying but wasn’t sure whether it would trigger her or not, and the things she was okay with. As he filled out hers, he also filled out his and talked to her about them.

“Rules. We’ll start off with a couple of the basics, and as we get to know each other more, we may add more to the list.”

“I don’t think we need rules.”

Daddy chuckled. “Definitely need rules. The first one is safety. You will not put yourself in danger. If I find out you did, you will be punished.”

“What if you’re in danger and I’m trying to save you?” she asked.

“Nope. If both of us are in a dangerous situation, you are to not come after me. I want you to find safety. This is nonnegotiable. I hope we never get put into a dangerous situation. But if we do, I need you to know that you need to go to safety. Daddy will take care of himself.”

She shook her head. She didn’t like that one bit. Rainey also hoped they never found themselves in that type of situation but if they did, she didn’t know if she could leave him behind.

“Rainey, I’m serious. If anything happened to you, if you came back for me, I would never be able to live with myself. I need you to understand that if a situation like this ever arose you would put yourself somewhere safe.”

“Okay.” She sighed. “But I don’t like it.”

Daddy kissed her forehead before looking back at the document.

“Next rule is no cussing. I don’t think from what I’ve heard that you’ll have any problem with that. Third rule is health. I want you to be the healthiest you can be. So that means going to bed at a certain time, eating three meals a day, anddrinking at least fifty ounces of water. I know eating three meals a day might be hard right now, but we are going to work up to it. You and the baby need nutrition. If that means you snacking most of the day, that’s fine but you need to eat. I know it’s no fun throwing up, but we’re going to find things that won’t make you puke.”

“You can put French toast, strawberries, and watermelon on the list.”

She was honestly so surprised she hadn’t thrown up all the food she ate. It was a miracle.

“Great. I’ll start a list of things you can eat and can’t. If it changes at any point, you let me know.”

Rainey groaned. “So many lists. You’re going to get sick and tired of taking care of me. Are you sure you want to do this? You want to be with me? I seem more of a hassle than anything right now.”

Daddy cupped her face. “If I need to create a hundred more lists, then I will. It doesn’t bother me, and I’m not going to get tired of you. This fulfills me. I love taking care of you.”

She sighed and pushed her face into his right hand. Daddy always knew what to say to her. The way he reassured her when she had been feeling uneasy. It had only been a day, but it felt like a lifetime.

“And I want you to know if you ever have a craving, you let me know. I will go to the store for you.”

“Even if it’s in the middle of the night?” she asked.

“Yes, Little girl, even if it’s in the middle of the night. I don’t want you to suffer. If something sounds amazing, we will make it happen.”

She blinked several times as tears formed in her eyes. She couldn’t count how many times he had made her cry with his sweet words. Did he know what he was doing?

“I promise I wasn’t trying to make you cry. I just want you to know I’m serious about this. I want you to know you can come to me for anything. If you need a hug, come to me, and I will give you one.”

“I know.”

She was starting to believe it. The countless times he had told her in the past day were sticking to her brain.

“Now, the next rule. If something is bothering you, no matter how big or small, I want you to come to me. Even if it has something to do with me, I want you to tell me. Communication is key. I can’t read your mind.”

“So, if something is bothering you and it has to do with me, you’ll talk to me?”

“Exactly. I want us to be able to communicate with each other. I want to be able to talk to you about anything and everything, and I want you to feel the same way.”

“I’ll try, but this is something new to me, so if I hold anything back, just don’t get mad at me.”

“I won’t. I will remind you daily, weekly, or monthly if I need to.”

“Could we… never mind.”

It was a dumb idea, and she didn’t want to make it tedious.

“Can we what?”

“It was nothing.”

“Little girl.”

“Could we just check in each afternoon? Like if we need to talk about something? I don’t know if that makes any sense, but just have a word we say, and if anything is bothering us or we need to talk about something, we can.”

“Absolutely. I think that would be a great idea.”

She relaxed and Daddy gave her a smile.

They sat in silence for several minutes as Daddy typed. He was filling in the rules part.

“Punishments. Spankings, corner time, lines, soap in themouth, ginger up your bottom, spankings with a hairbrush. Are all those okay?”

“Yes.” She sighed. “Wait!”


“Soap in mouth. I cannot do that. It brings up memories from childhood. I will puke like it’s spinach.”

“Okay, so no soap, but everything else is okay.”

“Sadly,” she mumbled. She didn’t want those punishments, but they weren’t triggers for her. She would just have to make sure she was a good girl.

“You’re going to be okay. Maybe you will have a hot bottom and aching hand at some point, but it won’t be every day.”

“And rewards?” she asked.

“It could be you having ice cream or two extra pieces of candy. It could also be Big-girl rewards, like you getting an orgasm.”

Rainey liked the thought of that. While she loved the idea of having ice cream or an extra two pieces of candy, she also really liked the idea of getting to come.

It also didn’t go unnoticed that he said two extra pieces of candy. He remembered, and it was extremely thoughtful. Was he going to be this thoughtful the whole time they were together? How long were they going to be together? That was a great question; one she was nervous to ask. Was he going to say just a couple of weeks until she had the baby or until she had enough money to get her own place?

“What’s bothering you?” Daddy asked.

“How do you know anything is wrong with me?”

“You’ve got this serious expression. You’re thinking hard about something, and I just have a feeling it’s bothering you.”

“Is this going to be a short-term thing, or is it going to be a long-term thing? How is this going to work? What is going to happen?”

The nerves were eating her alive as she asked the question and waited for his answer. Rainey knew he told her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and he loved her, but that was different from being in a dynamic.

“I want long-term. I want to grow old with you, have several children, and live life together. I want to help you with the baby growing inside of you like I was the blood father. I want to be the father figure.”

Rainey was not expecting him to say that. But at the same time, it didn’t make her panic and want to leave. For some reason, it calmed her down, and that made her panic a little.

“Is it too soon?” she whispered. “We’ve only known each other for a day. I feel like this is way too soon.”

“I don’t think it is. When you know, you know, and don’t let it go. It might be a little fast but why wait to go with society’s norms? Why can’t we do it at the pace we want to, no matter how fast or slow?”

Daddy left her speechless. But he was so right with what he said. They didn’t have to follow anybody else’s timeline but theirs. If they wanted to go fast right now, they could, and if a month passed and they needed to slow down, they could.

“You don’t have to say anything one way or the other. I just need you to know I have feelings for youandwant to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t hide it, and I’m not going to.”

“But this baby isn’t yours.”

It was a worry of hers. Would he want nothing to do with her baby in a few years? What if she couldn’t get pregnant again?

“Rainey, I don’t care that this baby isn’t mine by blood. I’m still going to love you, and the baby like they were my own. If I need to remind you every single day that just because I didn’t help create this baby doesn’t mean I don’t want it, I will. I’m going to prove it to you every single day.”

“What if I can’t get pregnant again? Will you still love this baby like your own?”

“Yes,” he immediately replied, not even thinking about what she had said. “Do I want a child of my own with you? Absolutely. But if we can’t, then I’m okay with that. I still get to be the dad of this baby if you allow me.”

Tears pooled in her eyes once again, but this time, she didn’t try to hide them. Rainey thought she was going to be a single mother, but he was proving her wrong.

Daddy wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. “Everything is going to be okay. We’re going to figure this out together.”

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