Daddy’s Little Surprise (Missouri Daddies #6) 23. Chapter Twenty-One 60%
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23. Chapter Twenty-One



D addy gave her a smile. Why was he smiling? Had he been waiting for her to ask this so he could crush her dreams?

That was a bit of an exaggeration. Rainey knew he wasn’t going to crush her dreams, but she was still worried. What if he did suggest they stop age-playing until their baby was grown up? Would she be able to survive that? Being Little was such a huge part of her life.

“We’re going to sit on the couch so I can hold you while we talk. Does that sound okay?”

She nodded, and Dane got up from her lap before Daddy helped her stand. Nerves were running through her body, ramping up with every second that went by and making her feel nauseous.

Was she going to be able to talk to him about this? Make him understand that being Little was part of who she was, and that she was nervous and unsure about the future?

Daddy sat on the couch and pulled her on his lap, Dane settling right next to them.

“Tell Daddy why you’re nervous,” he encouraged her.

She took a deep breath and gripped one of Daddy’s hands. Daddy moved her hand to where her fingers could feel his heart beating in his chest.

“To help remind you, I’m calm and not angry. To give you something to focus on when things get tough.”

Rainey relaxed and felt his strong, steady pulse for several seconds.

“Such a good girl. Whenever you’re ready.”

Was she ever going to be ready to talk to him about it?

“I’m worried about what you’re going to say,” she whispered, being totally honest with him.

Daddy told her not to lie, and that communication was important. She knew both of those things, and she wanted to do them, but not knowing what he was going to say made everything so nerve-wracking.

“Why are you worried about what I’m going to say?” Daddy asked.

She looked down at her fingers feeling his pulse and took several seconds to just feel.

“Because I don’t want you to say one thing, and I know you probably won’t, but it’s a possibility.”

“Tell me.”

“I’m still a little worried about how fast this is going, but it’s not as much of a worry anymore. I see that the timing is right, and we have this attraction toward each other. I’m all in, but I’m worried about when the baby arrives.” She took a deep breath. “I’m worried that I’m going to have to give up being Little, and I don’t want to do that. I’m worried you’re going to tell me I need to stop now so I don’t get used to it, and I’ll have to wait until the baby grows up. Eighteen years is a long time, I’m worried I won’t be able to do that. Being Little is who I am, and I just don’t know what I’m going to do or how everything will work out.”

Daddy’s pulse stayed calm and consistent the whole time she talked.

“I’m not going to put them up for adoption. But I’m also worried I won’t have my outlet for getting relaxed. I just… How is this going to work? How am I going to take care of my baby but also be Little?”

“Our baby.”

“Okay, our baby, but still. How am I going to take care of our baby and also be Little? It doesn’t seem possible because I’m going to be worried about taking care of them and if they’re all right.”

“Our baby. Not yours, ours . We’re going to do this together. Everything is going to be all right. Will it be a little bumpy in the beginning? Yes, but we are going to figure it out. You’re still going to have Little time. I’ll watch over the baby as you are Little, or we’ll get a babysitter. But we’re going to make it work. It might change with every season of life, but we will figure it out together because we are a unit. You aren’t alone anymore. I’m here; I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m just worried.”

Daddy cupped her face with his free hand, still allowing her to feel his pulse from his other.

“Some worry is good, but when it takes over your life,it’s not good. I know it’s scary and daunting to think about what is going to happen once the baby arrives. It is going to be tough navigating the first month or two, but it’s also going to be rewarding. Maybe Little time will decrease a bit in the beginning, but you will have it. I promise you that.”

“I haven’t even started looking for babysitters. Those people book up so far in advance. I don’t know anybody in this town that is a babysitter,” she wailed.

“You don’t need to. We have an amazing support system who are willing to come over and help. They’ve already come up with a meal train, so when you do have the baby, you or I don’t have to cook for a while. Several of them would be willing to come over and watch our baby for an hour or two while you have Little time or relax in the tub or rock in the rocking chair. Everything is going to be fine.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. “Would they really do that?”

Daddy gave her a smile. “They’ve already asked me several times. They want to help out in any way they can.”

Rainey still didn’t know what to think.

“Several of them love to babysit. Janie was the first one to have a child, but Eleanor wasn’t around when she was a baby. Everybody is dying to hold a baby in their arms. But that’s not the only reason they’re doing it. They love you and want to see you thrive. They don’t want you to feel like you’re all alone in this. That just because you had a baby means you can’t do anything else. That’s not true. Janie has brought her daughter to the club during closing time so they could all play together. Her daughter was either with Mac, Janie’s Daddy, or with Janie herself, coloring or playing with blocks that the Littles at the club were playing with. Your life doesn’t have to stop because you had a child. ”

Maybe she should talk to Janie about it all. Just to get her perspective on things. Daddy was doing amazingly, but Janie was a mom and a Little. She would get Rainey on a different level.

“We’re going to take this one day at a time. We can look to the future, but we’re not going to dwell on it or worry about something that could change. Does that sound okay?”

Rainey nodded and let go of his chest. Daddy’s pulse had stayed steady the whole time they were talking. How had he done that?

“You’ve got magic,” she whispered.

“What do you mean, Little girl?”

“Your pulse. It stayed the same the whole time and didn’t stray. So calm and steady.”

She was so thankful. What would have happened if it hadn’t? Would she have freaked out just a little bit more? “I knew you needed somebody. You were getting the calmness from me, no matter what. I can be your rock. I will always be your rock. Whenever you need me, just let me know. I’m not going anywhere.”

Rainey placed her head on his chest and relaxed. He truly was the calm to her chaotic life. She remembered several people saying their significant other was their peace, and Rainey never understood it. Not until this moment. But withevery minute that went by, it was becoming more apparent that Daddy wanted her to have peace and would always be that peace.

“How about we go put you down for a nap? How does that sound?”

Whining, she gripped on to Daddy, not letting go of him .

“I wanna relax with you.”

Daddy carefully and slowly got up, holding her in his arms.

“You’re so strong,” she whispered as he walked toward the rooms.

He took a left instead of a right, heading toward her playroom.

“Daddy is going to put you down in your crib.”

Rainey started to whine again, not wanting to go there. She wanted him and only him.

“What’s wrong?”

“No want to crib. Want you.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to suck on you as I fall asleep.”

“I have a pacifier you can use. I have several if you want to use one of those.”

“Nuuuu, Daddy! Want you!”

Daddy’s arms tightened around her as he started to walk toward their room. She wanted to be close to him but also suck on something. It was a win-win situation. Rainey had read about this several times, and it always appealed to her.

“Both of us are going to get naked.”

It’s not like she had much clothing to get rid of. She was only in a diaper, but Daddy was fully dressed. It didn’t seem fair, but she wasn’t going to complain. Rainey knew if Daddy didn’t wear a shirt, she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything but him.

Daddy sat her on the bed and started to undress. Her eyes watched him the whole time, taking in his naked form. If Daddy wanted to, he could walk around naked all the time, and she wouldn’t mind. Would she get anything done? No, but that wasn’t a problem.

She laid down on the bed as Daddy helped her get out of her diaper. She crawled under the covers, pushing herself to the bottom of the bed, and lay on her left side.

“Are you sure about this?” Daddy asked.

“Yes, are you okay with this, though? If I need to use the pacifier, I can.”

Daddy ran his hands through her hair. “No, this is perfectly fine.”

Daddy gripped his cock and held it as she wrapped her lips around it. His cock slowly started to grow harder as she sucked, but she didn’t mind. Her body relaxed with each suckle.

“Such a good girl. Just relax and go to sleep.”

She could hear the strain in his voice as he spoke. His hands continued to run through her hair as she slowly fell asleep.

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