Daddy’s Little Surprise (Missouri Daddies #6) 22. Chapter Twenty 57%
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22. Chapter Twenty



“ C an I have a shirt?” she asked.

“No, Little girl. Today, you are just going to wear a diaper.”

Rainey covered her boobs with her arms. It was weird only to be wearing a diaper.

“You’re okay. Everything is going to be okay. No one will be able to see in the house. The only person seeing you is me.”

Daddy walked over to the rocking chair and sat down, but Rainey stayed where she was. Dane was lying next to the chair, fast asleep.

Nerves ran through her as she thought about the day ahead of them. She had said yes to being Little today, fully Little. She had shown tiny bits of her Little to him, but she had never played tha young.

“Are you okay?” Daddy asked.

She looked at him sitting in the rocking chair and nodded. Was she? Yes, but nerves were eating her alive. Was she going to be able to make it through the day?

“Come here.”

Daddy had a bottle of chocolate milk with him. He had already changed her into a diaper, and that was all she was wearing. It felt weird, but at the same time, she felt even smaller than before. Something she hadn’t ever felt.

Rainey trusted Daddy to take care of her and everything she needed. He wasn’t going to abuse the power. She was a little self-conscious when Daddy said she would wear a diaper and nothing else. Was that normal? Maybe it was to some people, but she wasn’t used to showing off her body.

Daddy helped her onto his lap. As she snuggled into his side, he brought the nipple to her lips. He started to rock the chair as she suckled.

“Such a good girl.”

Grabbing his pinky finger, she relaxed even further and closed her eyes. This was another thing she could get used to doing every day. But Rainey knew she would have to pick a few things they did every day and some they did once or twice a week or month.

Once the baby arrived, things were going to be different. She wouldn’t have as much free time, and no doubt she would be exhausted.

“I was thinking we could go downstairs and play after you finish your bottle.”

She squeezed his finger and continued to suckle. Rainey hadn’t realized how relaxing it was. She had only done it several times, but it always calmed her.

“Does my Little girl like to suck? Maybe we can get you another pacifier. You could use it whenever you get really anxious and Dane isn’t near you.”

Dane was amazing, and she didn’t register how much he helped her. He could always tell when her heart rate spiked and she was nervous. He was there to make her sit and calm down.

“Such a good girl.”

Once she finished the bottle, Daddy placed it down and continued to rock with her in his lap.

“I think we should make this a daily thing, even if it’s only for two minutes. Just sit down, you in my lap, where we relax and just be together.”

But things were going to change when she had the baby. Would she have as much free time to do it? Daddy talked about being around in the beginning to help, but how much would he help? Would she be able to relax or be constantly worried and exhausted?

“So beautiful,” he whispered.

“So handsome.”

He smiled and ran his hand through her hair.

“How did I get so lucky to find you?”

“I should be asking that question, not you.”

He shook his head. “You deserve everything in the world.”

“I don’t want everything in the world. I just want a peaceful life with the person I love and have their children.”

“I love you.”

“Play?” she asked.

Daddy helped her stand, and Dane was right next to her in a heartbeat. She carefully bent down and started to pet him.

“Such a good boy.”

“Hold Daddy’s hand while we walk to the living room.”

Daddy loved to have some part of his skin touching her. She didn’t mind since having him so close to her calmed her. They were meant to be together.

“Do you want to color while Daddy gets you a snackie?”

She nodded and pulled his arm toward the coffee table.

“Slow, Little girl. There is no rush. Slow down. I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.”

“I won’t, Daddy! You’re right next to me. You won’t let anything happen to me.”

She giggled and pulled at his arm again.

“Pull my arm again and you’ll find yourself with a hot bottom. Daddy told you to slow down and not to yank on my arm.”

Rainey pouted and looked up at Daddy.

“But, Daddy!”

“No buts. Daddy told you to slow down. If you do it again, you will get a spanking.”

“I is a good girl!”

“You are a good girl who can be naughty.”

She huffed and looked away. Rainey was a good girl. It wasn’t her fault she was excited to go color.

“Be a good girl and sit on your bottom. If you want up, let Daddy know. I’ll help you get up.”

Rainey was getting to the point in her pregnancy where it was getting harder and harder to get up off the floor. She had cried the other day when she sat and found thatwhen she tried to get up by herself, she couldn’t. Now it was a rule that she had to call for Daddy if she wanted to get up.

It was not her fault the floor was her favorite place to sit. Daddy had tried to get her to sit on the couch several times, but she didn’t want that. It made her feel smaller when she sat on the ground.

“Here are several books and markers. Daddy will be right back.”

She nodded and picked upthe book of princesses. Her favorite thing to do was color everything the wrong color. The skin was blue, pink, or red, and the clothes were colorful. She let her imagination go wild.

“Danie!” She giggled as he licked her face.

Rainey playfully pushed his head away and started to color again.

“You’re so silly,” she giggled. “Such a silly dog.”

She continued to color as Dane licked her face. She sat her marker down and turned toward Dane.

“You’re such a good boy. A distracting boy but so good.”

Dane continued to lick her face, pushing his body onto hers.

“Does Daddy not give you enough loving?” she cooed at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll always cuddle and pet you. We’re going to be best friends.”

Dane put his front paws on her shoulders, and she fell on her back, giggling as Dane licked her whole face.

“Danie!” she yelled.

She continued to giggle and tried to get her face out of his reach so he couldn’t lick her anymore.

“Dane! Away!” Daddy commanded.

Dane got off her, sitting with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

“Lie down.”

She looked at Daddy to see him walking into the living room, a plate and sippy cup in his hands.

“You’ve got to be stern with him, Little girl.”

“I didn’t want him off.”

Maybe that was a lie. She didn’t really enjoy her whole face getting licked to where she wasn’t able to breathe.

“Little one, don’t lie. I know you like it when he licks your face, but that was a lot. Could you breathe?”

“A little.”

“Next time, tell him to get off or to stop.”


Daddy set the sippy cup and plate down before he helped her sit up. Before she could say anything, Daddy pulled his shirt off and wiped her face.

“We can wash it if you want,” Daddy suggested.

“I’m okay. Maybe later. I don’t want to get up right now.”

It would take energy to get up, go to the bathroom, wash her face, then walk back and sit down. Too much energy. While she didn’t like that her face felt a little nasty, the urge to clean it wasn’t that great.

“When you change your mind, let me know.”

She nodded, and Dane laid his head on her lap.

“Such a good boy,” she whispered.

“I brought you apples, some peanut butter, and some water.”

Rainey screwed her face up at the mention of water.


“You will be drinking water. It’s important to stay hydrated.”

“But water is so yucky. It doesn’t taste like anything.”

“We can add some fruit in there if you want.”

“Can I have tea or milk?”

“No, Little girl. You can have water or water with some fruit in it.”

She pouted and looked at the sippy cup.

“No pouting. Eat and drink while we color.”

She picked up a piece of apple, and Dane opened his mouth.

“Dane, no.”

Rainey looked down at the dog to see him looking at her, his mouth closed.

“Can I feed him just one?” she asked Daddy. “Please. He’s been a good boy keeping me company. I think he deserves a little treat.”

“Just one. No more after that. And don’t get used to feeding him people food. He gets plenty of his own.”

Grinning, she brought her hand down and fed Dane the apple. He happily ate it and put his head back down on her lap.

“Such a good boy.”

Grabbing another apple, she scooped it in the peanut butter and munched on it.

“So good,” she moaned. “Deliciousness.”

“I’m glad you are enjoying it. Any time you want it, you let me know. Even when you have our baby, I’ll always give you snackies.”

She smiled and looked down at her belly. Would she be able to have time to eat a snackie after she had the baby? There were so many questions she didn’t have answers to and no one to really ask.

She knew Janie was pregnant and had a child already, but she didn’t know Janie that well. Was it okay to ask all those questions? Or should she try to find information online? The only problem with looking online was she could see something she didn’t want to see.

Rainey slowly bit into the apple and rubbed her belly. Was everything going to be okay? Was she going to be able to deal with everything and stay sane? Or would she go crazy with everything?

“Are you okay?” Daddy asked.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

Her mind was all over the place. She knew she needed to speak about it, but it was hard. Were her thoughts wrong? Her questions wrong? Should she have everything figured out and know everything there was to know?

Blinking several times, she tried to stop the tears forming in her eyes. Right now was not the time to cry.

Dane whined and pushed his head into her leg.


“I’m okay.”

“Can you look up at Daddy?”

She took a deep breath and looked at him. Concern was written all over his face.

“Talk to Daddy. I’m here for you.”

“I’m really okay.”

“Are you sure? What are you worried about?”

Rainey looked away. It all came back to her fear that if she told Daddy, he would make her stop being Little until their baby was grown. She didn’t know if she could wait eighteen years for that, but she didn’t know how else it was going to work.

Daddy had talked about having a bath once a day and sitting in the rocking chair once a day, but he never said anything about her being Little. Was that his subtle way of giving her hints? It didn’t make any sense because Daddy suggested being Little today.

He was giving mixed signals, and Rainey was getting overwhelmed. He said he would never lie to her, but had he unintentionally?

Rainey heard him get up from where he was sitting and walk over to her, but she still didn’t look up.

“Little girl, I need you to look at Daddy.”

She shook her head.


Sighing, she looked at Daddy. Concern was still all over his face, kind of making her feel guilty that it was still there.

“Tell Daddy what’s wrong. I can’t do anything if I don’t know. I’m here to listen and help you, so can you tell Daddy what’s wrong?”

“I’m worried,” she whispered.

“Worried about what, baby?”

“I’m worried about when the baby comes.”

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