S everal days had passed since Rainey had talked with Deccan and gotten her punishment. Yesterday was the last day her bottom had hurt from the spanking and ginger. Daddy wasn’t playing around when it came to her safety, and she now knew that.
Would she do it again? Probably not. Not if that was the punishment or worse. But deep down, Rainey knew she would probably do it again if a situation like that came up. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be pregnant, so the punishment wouldn’t be as severe.
“Have you heard from him?” Daddy asked.
She shook her head. It made her anxious, waiting for Deccan to text them in the group chat. How long was she going to have to wait? He said a couple of days—it had been a couple of days.
“Maybe he decided he wasn’t going to deal with it anymore,” she whispered.
Daddy and Rainey were currently sitting in her office. She had a full day of work, and Daddy was here to pick her up.
Most of the day she had been sitting, doing things that allowed her to. It was getting harder and harder for her to be on her feet as much. Her employees were happy to help her stay off her feet.
“I have a feeling he is still dealing with it.” Daddy kissed her forehead. “You just need to be patient.”
“But I’m worried. What if he decides that what I said doesn’t add up? What if he picks sides with Pete? Am I going to have to leave?”
Daddy wrapped his hand around her. “You won’t have to leave or be on the run. Deccan said you would stay here while he took care of it.”
“I know he said that, but what if he changed his mind and isn’t going to tell me?”
“Little girl, you don’t need to worry about that. I promise. He seemed angry at what you said about Pete. He’s looking into it. He wouldn’t say he would take care of it if he didn’t mean it.”
Rainey was worried; that was an understatement. The following day after they had the talk and her punishment, she had been worried. Daddy tried to keep her mind off it, but it was hard.
Pete was here in town andthreatened to kill her baby if she didn’t, and she had no idea if the situation was going to get taken care of or how.
“Did you take any pictures of the bruises from when he hit you?” Daddy asked.
“No,” she whispered, dread filling her. “Do you think it’s going to come to that?”
There was no way Rainey would be able to go through the ordeal of a trial. To have it drawn out and be asked so many questions. She didn’t want that, especially since she was due in less than three months.
“I don’t think it will. I was just wondering if you had.”
“I didn’t think about doing that. When he hit me, he would always stay around, not giving me time to be alone long enough to take pictures.”
“He knew.”
Rainey shrugged. “I guess. I’m not sure, but looking back on it, it makes sense.”
She didn’t try and think back to when she was with him. It was a dark period, and she wanted to move on with her life. But she couldn’t fully move on until she knew if he was being taken care of or if she needed to move.
“Little girl, everything is going to be okay.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m Daddy. I know.”
Looking at him, she narrowed her eyes. “But how?”
“Deccan hasn’t contacted me, but I just have a feeling. He said they don’t hurt innocent women, and I believe him.”
She opened her mouth, ready to ask why again, but Daddy stopped her.
“Are we feeling three years old right now?”
She smiled.
Daddy kissed her forehead. “That’s okay. Daddy loves it. When we get home, you can let go. Daddy will take care of you.”
“How?” she asked.
She giggled and pushed her face into his chest. She couldn’t help herself.
Laughing even more, she slowly started to relax into his embrace.
“Sorry, Daddy. I just had to.”
“You just had to?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
They sat there for several seconds, enjoying being in each other’s arms. She always felt secure, loved, and safe in Daddy’s arms. From day one, when she didn’t know him, to now, when she loved him.
She couldn’t wait to feel like this always and for their child to feel like this.
“Do you still think it’s going to be a boy?” she asked.
“Yes, I do. I really do. Do you want to find out when we go to the appointment next week?”
“Not really. Is that okay?”
Rainey had always wanted it to be a surprise. She had several names picked out for both genders and while Daddy had been massaging her feet, he asked about them. Thankfully, he liked all of them.
“If that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll do. While I want to know, I’m also super excited to wait and find out when the baby is born.”
“Because we can find out if you want to. Or you can find out, and I can be in the dark. You’ll just have to continue to say boy if it’s a girl, so I don’t figure it out.” She giggled.
“Not happening. If you don’t want to find out, I won’t find out either. It’s as simple as that.”
“If you’re sure, I would like to wait and be surprised.”
“Then we’ll let the technician and the doctor know.”
She nuzzled her head into his chest. “Thank you.”
Daddy held her closer. “Ready to go home?”
Nodding, she pulled away and smiled. Daddy stood up and helped her, grabbing her bag. They headed out of her office.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, Grace!” Rainey called out.
“Have a good rest of your day!”
“Flemming and Grace. I still need to know your days off next month so I can create the schedule. Let me know by the weekend.”
“Will do!” both of them replied.
Rainey looked at Daddy, giving him a smile. “I’m ready now.”
Her phone went off, and she stopped walking. She had learned one thing recently: She couldn’t walk and look at her phone whilepregnant. She felt so off-kilter and almost tripped several times.
He had sent two messages. Opening it, the first thing she saw was his text.
It has been taken care of.
She scrolled up, screaming as she saw a photo of Pete’s dead body in a chair, a bullet to his forehead. Dropping her phone, she stepped back into Daddy, staring at her phone on the ground. She could still see Pete in the chair, his head pushed back and his lifeless eyes looking straight at the camera.
“Shit, Rainey. What’s wrong?” Daddy asked.
She pointed at her phone, unable to say anything. Why had Deccan sent that?
“Fuck.” Daddy looked at her phone. “You’re okay. Everything is going to be okay. Let’s get you home.”
“Why?” she sobbed.
“I don’t know, Little girl, but I will figure it out.”
Daddy wrapped his arms around her and guided her toward the car.
“Is she okay?” Grace asked.
“Yes, she’ll be okay. I’ll contact you if she’s going to come in tomorrow.”
Everything was a blur as Daddy took her home. She couldn’t get the image out of her head. His lifeless eyes looking into hers through the picture.
“Everything is going to be okay,” Daddy gently said, holding her hand as he drove. “Daddy is going to take care of you.”
Tears were streaming down her face. Rainey didn’t think Deccan was going to kill him. She figured there would be a threat, and Pete would leave her alone. Or she would move towns and stay under the radar.
Never would she have imagined Deccan would kill him.
“You’re okay.”
Was she, though?
“Daddy is going to come around and pick you up. We’re going to snuggle on the bed.”
And Daddy did just that. He held her bridal style as he walked up to the front door and toward their bedroom. She felt safe but violated at the same time.
“I can’t get him out of my head,” she whispered. “The eyes.”
Sobbing, she gripped Daddy’s shirt as they laid down.
“Do you need a change?”
She shook her head. He had changed her when he got to the coffee shop, and she hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet.
“You’re okay. Hold on to Daddy.”
Rainey continued to cry into his chest.
“Such a good girl. Take a deep breath for me. Hold it. Slowly let it out. Daddy’s good girl.”
But that didn’t stop Rainey from continuing to have tears run down her face. Closing her eyes, she focused on Daddy’s steady heart rate and scent.
“You’re okay. Daddy is right here. I’ll watch over you.”