A nger coursed through his body as he held Rainey. What was Deccan thinking when he sent that? Did he not think things through?
Marco grabbed his phone from his pocket and pulled up his phone number.
We need to talk. Now.
It was unacceptable. Rainey should have never seen the picture of her ex, dead in a chair. It wasn’t for a Little’s eyes.
Marco ran his hand through her hair, attempting to calm himself down. He was livid at Deccan. How did he think that was appropriate to do?
Meet me in the parking lot in ten minutes.
Leaning down, he kissed Rainey’s forehead before pulling up Dominic’s contact information. He didn’t want to leave Rainey here by herself. What if she woke up? He wanted someone to be with her.
Can you come to my house and be here in case Rainey wakes up? I’ve got to go take care of something.
Sure. I’ll be there in three minutes.
Marco carefully pulled himself away from Rainey’s embrace, putting his pillow next to her. She grabbed it and snuggled up close. Hopefully, that would keep her asleep while he was gone.
Quietly walking out of the room, he closed the door behind him made his way toward the front door to put his shoes on. A soft knock rapped on the front door.
“Thank you so much for coming last minute.” Marco let Dominic in. “She’s asleep in my room. I don’t think she’ll wake up, but I didn’t want her to be alone if she does. She doesn’t know you’re here, but she does know you, so it should be fine. I hope to be back before she wakes up.”
“No worries. If anything happens, I’ll call you immediately.”
“Thank you.”
“Be safe.”
Marco got into his car and started to drive. His grip on the steering wheel was tight. He didn’t want to let his anger out right now, not when he was driving, anything could happen. He needed to be in control right now.
Pulling into the parking lot, he saw Deccan leaning up against his bike with two other men. Marco put the car into park and got out of the car, not caring about anything but getting to Deccan.
“How dare you!” Marco yelled. “How dare you fucking send that picture to her!”
“She needed to know he was dead .”
“You didn’t have to fucking send those pictures to her. It was uncalled for. Not everyone is used to seeing dead bodies like you are. That was her first one!”
One of Deccan’s men stood, grabbing his gun. He stopped when Deccan held his hand up.
“Xavier, stand down,” Deccan commanded.
“For fuck’s sake. She’s a Little! She was feeling Little! That was uncalled for.”
Marco didn’t care that he was outnumbered and could get killed before he could do anything. Deccan needed to know how messed up it was.
Deccan shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve already done it.”
Marco pointed at Deccan. “If you ever do that again, I will come after you. I know powerful people in New York that will wipe out your whole club. I’m not afraid to get them to come down.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a fucking promise. Send a picture like that again to my woman, traumatizing her, and you’ll be dead along with everyone you know and care for.”
He didn’t know if Rogan and his men would actually come and help him. Hedda was here, so Marco had a good feeling they would since she could be in danger. Kirk had looked up Deccan and his crew, along with Pete.
Deccan smiled and clapped. “Good. I’m glad Rainey has someone who will look after her andprotect her.”
Marco’s eyebrows scrunched up. What was he going on about?
“She deserves someone who will take care of her and the baby, no matter what.”
“Why are you obsessed with Rainey?” Marco asked.
“Not obsessed.”
“Then what?”
“You don’t even know her.”
Deccan shrugged. “She reminds me of my sister I lost when I was younger. I was protective of her, and now I’m protective of Rainey.”
“Stay away from her.”
Deccan smiled. “Tough luck. She’s friends with Echo, and she reminds me of my sister. Get in the way and you’ll pay.”
Before Marco could reply, his phone started to ring.
“Hello?” he answered.
“Rainey. She needs you,” Dominic rushed out.
Rainey’s screams came through the phone.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he replied and hung up. “We’re not done with this.” Marco looked at Deccan.
“If Rainey needs anything done to people, and I mean anything, have her contact me. I’ll even do it free of charge. Call it a sibling rate.”
Marco glared at Deccan as he got into the car.
“If you don’t, I’ll text her and let her know. I’ll visit you guys at some point and let her know. Expect me sometime soon.”