“ N o!” Rainey yelled.
“Get your bottom back in bed,” Daddy commanded.
“No!” she yelled again, this time stomping her foot. “I am sick and tired of lying in bed! I don’t want to lie in bed anymore. I want to go to the coffee shop. I want to hang out with the other Littles at the club.”
Tears of frustration filled her eyes. She had been on bed rest for a week now, and Rainey absolutely hated it. Whoever invented it sucked. They deserved to be put in corner time and have ginger stuck up their bottom.
“Daddy,” she mocked him.
“You have until the count of three to get back into bed.”
“And what if I don’t?” She raised an eyebrow.
Rainey kept her face neutral as she stared at him but clenched her bottom. Her bottom was still sore from the other spanking she got the day before.
She had been on a naughty streak. It all started when the doctor told her she needed to be put on bed rest until she went into labor. When was that? Any day now, and it was driving her crazy.
Rainey wanted to have her baby in her armsbut also to be off bed rest.
She didn’t move. She knew Daddy wasn’t bluffing, but maybe he would give her a grace period because she was spanked yesterday.
Her foot moved, getting ready to turn and make her way toward the bed. But part of her didn’t want to do that. Part of her wanted to stick her ground and show Daddy she really didn’t like bed rest.
Who did?
Daddy stalked toward her, grabbing her arm and gently bending her over the bed. Her bottom was in the air for him, ready to be spanked.
“Daddy!” she whined.
He lightly swatted her.
“I gave you three seconds, and you didn’t get back in bed. No whining.”
She turned her head to look at Daddy. He didn’t look happy at all.
“No!” she whined.
“Hush. You’re going to get several spanks on your bottom for not listening to Daddy and the doctor.”
“But I don’t want to stay in bed anymore!”
“Tough. The doctor said you needed to for your health. That’s one of your rules.”
Rainey knew it was naughty of her, and she did feel bad, but she didn’t want to sit or lay in bed anymore. She was tired of that.
“At any point, you can say your safe word.”
“Red is my safe word,” she mumbled.
“Good girl.”
Daddy didn’t give her any warning as he started to spank her bottom. He didn’t have to wait because she was already naked. Daddy liked her like that in bed. She didn’t mind since she was always covered by the blanket.
“Ouchie!” she yelled.
That didn’t deter Daddy from continuing to spank her bottom. With every swat, the pain radiated and throbbed across her cheeks.
“Daddy!” She tried to move her bottom out of the way.
His hand rested on her back, preventing her from doing anything.
“No moving.”
Tears ran down her face as he swatted her sit spot, yelling out in pain with every single one.
“Daddy!” she sobbed.
“Almost there.”
His swats got harder and faster, and before she knew it, her legs gave way.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered, wrapping his arm right under her belly.
Rainey continued to cry as Daddy picked her up and gently placed her on the bed. Wrapping his arms around her, she clung to his shirt.
“You’re okay,” Daddy whispered. “I’ve got you. All is forgiven.”
Daddy gently rocked them as her sobbing quieted down into little hiccups.
“Such a good girl for taking your punishment.”
Nuzzling her face into his chest, she let out a sigh of contentment.
“I know it’s hard to sit here all day, only getting up to go to the bathroom, but it’s for your own good. The doctor wants you to be on bed rest until you deliver. We need to follow his orders because he knows what he’s talking about.”
Pulling her head back, she looked at Daddy. “It’s hard. I’m bored and restless.”
“Tell me then. I’ve been trying to come up with things for you to do. Have you not liked them?”
She shook her head. “I liked them; I just want to go visit other people. I want to go back to work and see if everything is running smoothly.”
Daddy kissed her forehead. “I know you do. How about we have some of the other Littles come over for a while? You guys can all sit here and talk to each other, maybe even color and play.”
“I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I do want them to come over. I just don’t want them to feel like they have to. I know they like playing at the club.”
“They’ve been asking about you, they want to see you.”
Her eyes went wide. “Really?”
“Yes, Little girl.”
“When can we have them over?”
“I’ll talk with their Daddies.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“And as for work, I know it pains you. Grace has been communicating with you about how things are going, telling you the truth. I’ve had Lucas, one of the bouncers, check on it every day.”
“Yes, Little girl. I promise. He said everything is running smoothly.”
“Thank you.”
Rainey snuggled back into his embrace.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“All is forgiven.”
“I know, but it must be hard for you as well. I’m just sorry because I was only thinking about me.”
“It’s okay, Little girl. It’s different not hard. We’re going to get the hang of it. Together forever.”
Sighing, she closed her eyes and just soaked in this time with him. Things were going to change any day now.
“I love you.” He kissed her forehead.
“I love you, too.”
“It’s a boy!” the doctor exclaimed as they heard crying from the baby.
Rainey looked over at Daddy as he helped cut the umbilical cord. Daddy came over to her, kissing her forehead.
“Such a good girl.”
Exhaustion washed over her as her baby was placed on her chest.
“Look at him,” she whispered in awe.
“Looks just like you.”
Tears pooled in her eyes, causing her to blink several times.
“You were right about it being a boy.”
“I told you I had a feeling. So, what are we going to name him?”
“Levi. I love that name.”