A fter I was finally done talking myself up in the bathroom mirror, I decided to take the long way home, making sure I was alone, checking my surroundings twice, three times. I had told Sophia that I really wasn't feeling up for meeting for drinks after work and I was just going to go home to work on the spreadsheet some more. She begrudgingly let me go with a skeptical look and skipped off with Dan, our other colleague and her insatiable fuck-buddy, to get drunk and dance at one of our favourite night clubs. I felt a little guilty, but the idea that my match might be out there somewhere waiting for me was intoxicating.
I made sure to take the route less travelled, the route I had told the club I would take, which put me through the deepest, darkest part of the park that surrounded my apartment.
This path wound through thick trees and dense shrubbery and was only intermittently dotted here and there with a dull yellowed street lamp.
Tonight, they seemed extra dim.
The shadowed darkness between each light seemed even more ominous than usual.
There was something in the air tonight which had even made the crickets and birds stop their chatter amongst the trees.
An eerie feeling settled in my stomach as I was surrounded in deafening silence and muted darkness.
My footfalls were soft along the cobbled pavement, the pines from the evergreens had dropped to the ground, coating the sides of the path in their spindly needles.
Snow would fall soon, the change in season had begun.
Although I had been anticipating this, it still took me by surprise when I noticed someone following me when I did another quick check of my surroundings. A hulking, tall and slender shadowed figure lurked at a distance, always just in the corner of my periphery.
I cautiously picked up my pace, just a little.
My heart was racing by the time I turned around a bend in the path and stepped into the safety of an overhead street lamp, the light flooding the darkness with its warmth.
I searched the shadows for my pursuer, my skin was chilled and my breath left me in little white clouds. I hugged close to the lamp's security, using it as an anchor while
I gathered my thoughts and composed myself.
This is what I wanted, why was I so scared?
If I wanted this to happen, I needed to stop holding myself back.
I straightened my spine and stepped back out into the darkness.
The silence once again enveloped me in its suffocating oblivion.
I peeked over my shoulder once more as I ventured further through the park. It was then I noticed the tall, dark figure had returned and this time he wasn't alone. Another had joined him in their pursuit of me, casually walking not too far behind me, hands in their pockets, heads shrouded by dark hoods. Their steps, soundlessly echoing into the night.
If it weren’t for my already over heightened sense of my surroundings, they wouldn’t look out of place here. Walking home after work on a brisk, late autumn night.
A jogger approached and passed me with a nod of acknowledgement, I watched as they ran on by, brown leaves fluttering up in their wake.
By the time the jogger had passed me, the men were nowhere to be seen.
I continued my brisk walk, huddling closer into my jacket, trying to fight off the bitter chill.
I looked back, checking over my shoulder every chance I got at the darkened pathway behind me.
No one.
It was odd, and I couldn't help but shake the feeling that I was still being watched.
Like eyes burning into the back of my head. Chills prickled over my arms and caused the fine hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end.
I kept on ahead, walking faster than I had before. I felt unnerved, like danger was following me.
My heart raced faster, blood rushed through my veins. My adrenaline was like a live wire as it coursed through my body.
A noise sounded up in the bough of one of the tall pines to my right, my stomach plummeted to my feet with fright, my hand clutched to my chest. The sound increased, the bough creaking again under an added weight. I was frozen to the spot, my heartbeat a thunderous drum within my chest. The leaves rustled, when suddenly a bird took flight with an angered squark. It disappeared into the encroaching darkness.
I breathed in a deep breath and let it back out again noisily, it was just a bird. My mind was at war with itself.
On one hand, I wanted this, craved this. On the other, I was absolutely petrified and every slight sound had me on edge.
I begrudgingly forced my feet to move.
By the time I got to the next dull street lamp, my legs were shaking, the feeling of being watched just didn't abate. It was thick now, like an extra layer upon my skin .
Like I could taste it upon the air. It was sweet and smoky and leathery.
The night grew colder as I cleared the last section of path that led me through the park. I started my way through to the alley that would lead me back to the safety of my street.
I wasn't certain, but I didn’t think safety was what I actually wanted, judging by the slick wetness that was now well and truly soaked through my black cotton thong.
My inner thighs were coated in my need, slipping and sliding against each other.
My body telling me that I was ready for what was to come next. It was maddening, how eager I was to be hunted.
What normal person wanted to be chased down, hunted, kidnapped, then used for pleasure to within an inch of their life?
Me... That's who.
When I had last spoken to Chloe, she said I would be hearing from someone soon.
What I hadn't realised was that ‘soon’ meant just three whole days.
Panic had started to set in, desperation mixed with a little worry.
Maybe it wasn't my turn.
Maybe I was just being paranoid.
Maybe I was actually being stalked.
Why did I feel so uneasy?
This was a stupid idea.
Doubts started muddying my mind.
My whirling, spiralling thoughts were instantly halted as a banged up black van screeched to a halt in front of me blocking my exit across the pathway.
I spun on my heel to sprint back down the footpath, but a large body slammed into me from behind, pinning me against the cold metal of the vans side door, my face squished to the side as someone behind me pressed into me harder. His chest was flush with my back.
“Don't scream.” The man behind me warned. His voice was nothing more than a silky whisper against the shell of my ear.
I swear I could feel his growing hardness against my lower back as he thrust slightly into me.
My mouth, against my better judgement, watered at the thought and a small gasp slipped from my lips.
This was so fucked up.
Delicious and exactly what I wanted, but so fucked up.
The driver of the van jumped out and landed with a thud of heavy boots against the pavement. His face was hidden behind a mask, with only a hole cut into it for his eyes. The chin of his mask was painted like the jaw of a skeleton. All bones and teeth, it was intimidating and terrifying.
My arms were pulled tightly behind my back in one of the man's hands, I was pulled upright and away from the van's cold metal side.
My eyes frantically searched for any signs that this was safe as I fought against the man holding me tightly.
“Hush,” The one behind me soothed as he wound his other large hand over my mouth to shush my pending screams of protest.
Then I remembered what Chloe had recommended I do. “Safe word?” I asked through the muffle of his hand. It came out more like gasps between too shallow breaths. This would be the only way for me to know I was safe and in the hands of my kidnappers, and not actual abductors.
“Sundown, little one.” The one behind me whispered against the shell of my ear with another languid thrust against me. “Or tomb, either way, I know both.” He sounded like he spoke with a grin, his accent was thick, very East-End.
And he was definitely hard.
My stomach tightened a little, and languid heat bloomed anew between my thighs, as the words escaped his lips, our safe word.
It was them .
The driver moved fluidly as he came up beside me and wrenched open the vans side door, it echoed with a clang off the surrounding brick buildings.
He stood to the side as the shorter of the two that had followed me, jumped into the vans shadowy depths.
The one behind me walked me forward until I could feel the warmth of the van's interior against the chill that had coated my skin.
The one inside reached out to me and wrapped a fist around the length of my hair, just tight enough for me to feel a burn, and pulled me inside.
I was helped up and in by the one behind me, as he relinquished the hold he had upon me and pushed me up by the ass. His fingers digging into my soft flesh, unashamedly copping a feel.
There was a guttural growl from him that reverberated around the inside of the van.
The sound liquefied my insides with a sinful and otherworldly heat.
I couldn’t get a decent look at the shorter one, the interior of this van was like an abyss, all darkness and shadows. No windows and no defining markings.
But from what I could make out from the dim light of the nearby street lamps, his mask was red, the mouth elongated, kind of shaped like one of those ghost faces you see everywhere nowadays.
My hair was loosened from the grip the shorter one, ghostie, had upon my tresses, but he immediately grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around. He then found my arms and pulled them tightly together at the wrist behind my back as the taller one of them all, jumped up into the van with us.
Once we were all in, the door slammed shut, and we were plunged into darkness.
The tall one gently, but forcefully, gripped my chin and opened my lips wide enough so he could shove a slick rubber ball between my teeth. He pulled the strap around my head until he could secure the clasp at the back .
I gasped around the gag as saliva quickly pooled in my mouth and liquid heat raced straight to my pussy.
I took in any detail I could of him as he worked.
This one had striking but hardened blue eyes that peeked out through the rounded holes in his plain black ski-like mask.
The colour of those eyes was like that of a cloudless sky on a spring day. So blue and clear and deep.
The fabric of the mask covered down to his neck, he wore a black woollen coat with the hood pulled up, snug around his head. The buttons of his coat stood out against the stark black of everything else he was wearing. They were large and brassy and had an insignia carved into them I hadn't seen before. Like two daggers crossed in the centre surrounded by a halo of thorns and barbs, a single teardrop fell from between the two blades.
Around his neck hung a simple silver chain, the clasp was a snake head.
This man, blue eyes, was slender, the hollows and peaks of his cheekbones through the mask were sharp and angular.
A knowing look crossed his eyes at the realisation that I was taking him in, and he quickly retrieved a black linen hood from his back pocket and pulled it up and over my head. I was suddenly shrouded in complete darkness.
The one behind me started wrapping my wrists with thick, silky feeling rope, and then handed it to blue eyes in front of me. Blue eyes continued wrapping my wrists together in front of my body, before binding them tightly to my ankles.
Their movements against me were rough, not enough to cause me any harm, but it was enough to make my mouth ache around the gag as I bit down and my wrists to burn from the friction of the rope as it sat upon my skin. It was a pleasant burn though, and it reminded me of what I had signed up for.
My pussy clenched and fluttered around nothing at the thought.
This was all part of the game .
They hadn't even touched me where I needed them to and I was already ready to come apart at the seams. To scream my pleasure to the heavens.
The engine roared to life as we took off sharply, a tight corner sent me rocking sideways into a pleasant warmth of muscle and bone. Arms embraced me from both sides, holding me steady as I regained my balance.
Before long we calmed into a more inconspicuous speed the further out of the city we travelled, the engine was a soft purr under me, as we went around corners, winding in and out of traffic, along a long stretch of silent road. All the while, big steady hands kept me safe. Their weight upon me was both comforting and maddening.
Each jostle and bump in the road had me clenching down harder upon the rubber ball of my gag that was now firmly wedged between my molars. I was becoming restless the farther out we travelled.
I couldn't wait.