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M y kidnappers were silent. They didn’t move with the exception of their hands upon me which helped secure me in reality. Each corner we rounded, each time we braked and came to a stop, each time we sped up and each time we went over a slight bump, thrills shot through me, all the while bringing us closer and closer to our final destination.

After a while, the van finally slowed to a crawl, tires crunching over loose gravel. We were a fair way out now, judging by the length of time we had been travelling.

The thought that we must be far enough out now that no one would be able to hear my screams, be they pleasured or pained, sent me giddy with anticipation.

As much as I could, I smiled around the gag and clasped my thighs together, needing some sort of friction or release.

We finally stopped, I heard the gears of the van turning to park, the hand brake being engaged before the engine cut off. Keys jingling in the lock.

Shuffling sounds surrounded me as the boys withdrew their hands from me, then the van door slid open filling the cabin with icy cold air.

They undid the ties that bound my hands to my feet, but kept the ropes around each wrist and ankle .

A hand wrapped around my throat tilting my chin upwards, then I was spun around before two arms bound around me and lifted me out.

I was no small girl, so whoever this was, they were strong.

One of them princess carried me across more gravel, I could hear it crunching under their boots.

Two more sets of footsteps sounded around me.

One in front and one behind.

These three willing men had seen my profile through the club and liked what they saw enough that they had agreed to be my kidnappers. Agreed to do all the fucked up things I had only read about in books. They had been willing candidates to act out my wildest, insane, and most depraved fantasies.

The excitement was palpable, but I was also a little overwhelmed.

Was I ready for three?

This was way out of my depth, was I in over my head?

The steady rise and fall of a chest and the heady thump of a heartbeat that sounded from the man holding me was enough to calm my racing thoughts of apprehensiveness.

The grip around me tightened just slightly as if my captor could feel my hesitance, and was wanting to ease my worries. I melted into the warmth and comfort of the embrace.

It had been so very long since I had been held, and so tenderly at that.

I heard an industrial sounding door slide open and I was carried inside, the footsteps under me now echoed off hard flooring and empty sounding surrounds. A warehouse, maybe.

It was warm here though, a comfortable enough climate for our soon-to-be naked escapades.

My kidnappers continued walking, and I was powerless to stop them as they led me deeper into the belly of the unknown, but welcome, beast. I didn't even want to run or to stop this from happening.

I was completely at their mercy.

We walked up a small flight of stairs, my carrier not missing a step, his breathing not even becoming laboured with my added weight, until we came to a sudden stop.

It was silent in this room, no one made a sound for what felt like eternity. I wriggled in my captors arms.

He tightened his grip on me and repositioned me until I was hanging upside down over his shoulder. A quick hand came down hard on my ass through the fabric of my skirt, I jolted at the slight sting of the slap and yelped around the gag.

From my new position here, I could smell a faint scent of tobacco smoke, moss and leather.

It was intoxicating and made my mouth water.

"Val," the one in front of us spoke. He had an older accent, and when his voice graced my ears it was like thick, sweet and smoky honey.

I heard another shuffle of footsteps and the creak of a chair as someone rearranged their position.

My captor moved forward a few steps before I was deposited down onto a rather solid, but plush and comfy surface. Beneath me felt like furs and silks. Pure luxury and decadence upon my over sensitive skin.

The binds around my hands and ankles were loosened by dexterous fingers, before being removed completely. I rubbed at the tenderness on each wrist, stretching and flexing my hands and arms now that I was freed.

I twisted them each way, a crack and pop coming from my joints as I did.

I was quickly freed from my heavy jacket, I heard it's thud as it was placed somewhere out of the way.

A sturdy hand ran along the length of my skull from the crown, all the way down to the base of my neck, before it gripped the back of my throat tightly and pushed me down until I was face down on the surface.

My hips were lifted up gently until I was on my knees with my ass in the air.

One hand stayed on the back of my throat while another set of large, soft hands grabbed my wrists and pinned them down in front of me.

I moaned around the gag in my mouth, saliva pooling under my face, wetting through the hood they had shrouded me in.

I was dripping wet, and in the most pleasant way.

The anticipation was thick upon the air, coating my skin in its deliciousness.

It prickled at the base of my neck and made the hair on my arms stand on end.

This was both terrifying and exhilarating.

What had I gotten myself into?

I knew that this was what I had paid for, but the feeling of something far more sinister was always at the far corners of my mind.

I took the feelings of self consciousness, fear and doubt and shame and shoved them back into their box in the back of my mind, and locked it tightly.

I simply did not care for it. Not today.

I was too far gone, too lost in my lust and desire.

I wanted this.

A nd I was going to take it.

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