Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 1. Dimitri 4%
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Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14)

Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14)

By Taylor Rylan
© lokepub

1. Dimitri

Chapter 1


“ W hat we know is Master Conti used his coven as a cover for his illegal activities,” Master Edison said in our morning meeting. “The more we’ve learned, the worse it’s become. We finally found evidence that he was involved in trafficking, and unfortunately, he didn’t limit his to paranormals.”

“So are you saying there are humans involved?” Atticus asked.

“We are, yes,” Master Ambrosius said.

That wasn’t good at all. It was bad enough when it was just paranormals we had to deal with. But when humans were involved, we had to be more careful. There would be humans missing children, siblings, other family members. They knew nothing of our kind, and now, some of them would be thrown into the mess that Master Conti had created.

“What are the plans?” Benjamin asked before I could.

“We have an offer of assistance from someone not in the council but close. He’s agreed to get us in contact with someone in Italy that he believes can help us locate the Gallo cousins and any others that might be helping them,” Master Ambrosius said.

You could tell there were several of us who were wondering who would be able to provide assistance to us when there was a knock on the door. There were murmurs when a man walked through after Master Edison opened it to allow him in.

“Do you know who that is?” I whispered to Benjamin as I leaned closer to him.

“You seriously don’t know?” Benjamin asked. I shook my head, but before he could answer, Master Ambrosius leaned in and gave the other man a hug.

“Nikolai,” he said. “You are full of surprises. We must talk after this meeting though, before you are off with the team.”

I raised an eyebrow at Benjamin. He shrugged, seeming to be as clueless about things as I was. At least about some.

“If you don’t know, this is Master Nikolai. He is mated to one of Alpha Maynard’s sons and is master of the Beloved Gem coven in St. Louis. His coven helped with communication between the council and Justin’s former pack when they were hunting down Orsen and his crew.”

Ah, so that was why he seemed familiar. I had seen him before, but only from a distance. I wasn’t aware of what he had done for the council with regards to Orsen though. That was a bit before I joined the council.

“Nikolai still has connections in Italy and believes that he will be able to help us,” Master Edison said. “I’ll let him share with you all what he has in mind.”

“Thank you, Master Edison. I appreciate not only the welcome but the opportunity to help with this situation,” Master Nikolai said as he moved to the center of the front of the room to stand behind the main table. “As Master Edison said, I’m Nikolai. I first became involved with the council when Master Ambrosius and Lucius suddenly appeared on my boat, the Beloved Gem . That isn’t exactly relevant, but it’s how I became involved with the council. Before coming to this country, my coven was in Italy. Tuscany, to be specific.”

There was a bit of a pause, and it was Atticus who spoke up. “Tuscany isn’t where we are looking though. How will that help us?”

Master Nikolai smiled. “My coven was in Tuscany. But because of my winery, I have friends all over the country. I believe that I can help—well, I can put the council in contact with others who can help locate those you are searching for.”

“Who?” Master Ambrosius asked. “Until this most recent incident, I was under the impression I knew of all of the vampire covens in Italy?”

Master Nikolai nodded slowly. He looked as if he were contemplating what he was about to say before he simply shrugged. “Vincent Vittone.”

A round of what I was certain were expletives came from Master Ambrosius. They were in Italian though, and although I spoke a few words of the language, my Italian was quite limited. Master Ambrosius walked away, then back toward Nikolai and pointed while shaking his head. “We will discuss this in a moment,” he said, then seemed to think better of it and took Nikolai’s arm and pulled him from the room.

I was a dragon shifter, and even if they had closed the door all the way, I still would have been able to hear their raised voices out in the hallway. Unfortunately for me, they were speaking Italian, and I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I looked to Benjamin, wondering if he could.

“Do you speak Italian? I never thought to ask.”

Benjamin chuckled. “Yes. Master Ambrosius is asking Master Nikolai how it is that he knows the head of the Sicilian paranormal mafia family.”

“Ah.” That was…interesting and not expected. “How does Master Ambrosius know?”

Benjamin gave me a look that I still hadn’t quite mastered in understanding. “You did not just ask me how the created vampire knows all of the vampire covens in Sicily, did you? Does your grandfather not know all of the Russian dragon thunders?”

“Ja,” I responded. That was a very valid point. Dedushka knew all of them, including the bratva families, and there were more than a few. “So is it that Nikolai knows them that Master Ambrosius is upset about?”

Benjamin held up a finger while there were more raised voices. Then they went silent, and moments later, Master Ambrosius returned with Nikolai behind him. Master Ambrosius went to the far wall, turned around, leaned against it, and crossed his arms in front of him. Nikolai then went back to where he was before and cleared his throat.

“Yes, because he was under the impression that Master Nikolai was very…by the book.”

I nodded.

“I will still offer my connection with Vittone and his coven family if it is so desired,” Nikolai said. “I have reached out to him to ask about the situation with the Gallo cousins, as well as the rest of Conti’s coven. They are not in agreement with Conti and are most willing to help with the situation if so desired.”

“What exactly does that mean?” Atticus asked.

It was Master Ambrosius who answered. “It means that if we accept help from Vincent, we the council will be in cahoots with the Sicilian mafia. We will be going against everything we are here for.”

“Perhaps we should hold off on this meeting until after this situation can be discussed in greater detail, and we can make a more informed decision,” Master Edison said. He moved over to the wall where Master Ambrosius was standing, and I swore that the two had a conversation without actually saying a word. If they weren’t mated to alphas, I would be under the impression that they had something going. In reality, they were simply good friends, although their friendship was one of only a few years’ time.

Master Edison suddenly turned and then walked out of the room with Master Ambrosius and Nikolai following. That left the rest of us in the conference room wondering what to do. Atticus was the first to stand.

“Well, back to work for us, I guess. Apparently, they have things they need to discuss before having the rest of the meeting.”

“Who wants to bet that we end up in cahoots with Master Nikolai’s contact?” Benjamin asked.

“Oh, we’re definitely going to end up working with the mafia on this case. Possibly future ones as well,” Atticus answered.

I shrugged and shook my head at their laughter. When the others just stared at me, I sighed. “I know several bratva family heads, but I wouldn’t trust a single one of them with my own life, let alone those of the council. If Nikolai believes Vincent can be trusted with the omegas and carriers of the council, then so be it.”

“Why do you say that?” Benjamin asked. I could scent his concern and remembered he had an omega for a mate as well as two young children.

I stared at my teammate for a moment before shaking my head once more. “If there is any type of working together, that means the council will trust them to some extent, no?” I glanced at the others. “Then that bit of trust will eventually lead to them either being here at the council and near everyone’s mates and children or, at the very least, in closer proximity. Take that to mean what you will, but it will mean that they eventually will have access to those the council has access to.”

“You believe they will harm our mates and children?” Atticus asked.

I shrugged again. “I cannot speak specifically for whoever Vincent Vittone is or his character. He is mafia. Like the bratva, they are all about their own power, their own needs. Perhaps he is an exception to the stereotype.”

I had questions that I knew I wouldn’t find answers to here, so I left the conference room. Instead of heading toward the office I shared with the others of my team, I went to my dedushka’s office. It wasn’t my dedushka that I wished to speak to though. I was wanting to talk with my yéye.

I found him exactly where expected: on the couch in Dedushka’s office.

“Dimitri. How are you this morning? I thought you had a meeting regarding your next assignment?”

I nodded. “Ja.” Yéye stared at me, and without even knowing why I was here, he seemed to know. This was why I came to him and not his mate. I loved both equally, but it had always been Yéye that I had gone to when I needed advice or simply to talk about things.

“What is it that has you…” He paused a moment, seemed to study me, and then nodded. “You are concerned. Tell me why.”

I sighed. “You will know soon enough, I’m sure, but it has to do with the assignment. There is a Nikolai. He has a connection—Vincent. Vincent is not a good man.”

Yéye’s smile was slow to form but was there all the same. “You do not know this Vincent, correct?”

I shook my head. “Only his name and that he is from Sicily. It is apparent that Master Ambrosius at least knows of him though.”

“Just because someone is connected to something doesn’t necessarily identify who they are. Until you meet this person, you cannot fully understand who he is or why he’s the way he is.”

“Ja, but he is head of his family. It is like asking if I would trust Alexsey Volkov.”

Yéye chuckled. “It’s like that, is it?” I nodded. “Then I suggest you think about what it is that you’re doing. If you can no longer support where the council is going, then you should reconsider your position here. There is absolutely no shame if you were to leave the enforcers. It’s not for everyone, and those that join don’t always stay.”

I shook my head again. “Nyet. I am not quitting. I simply am conflicted. I know the council is doing what they feel is necessary, but I do not agree with the method.”

Yéye appeared to be contemplating his answer. “If you wish to remain an enforcer but don’t agree with the mission, you can ask to be assigned elsewhere, can you not?”

I could, and we both knew it. “Will that not make Dedushka look bad? I do not wish to bring shame to this family in any way.”

Yéye sighed. “There is no shame in having morals. If you truly believe the council isn’t making the best choices in this situation, you should ask for a different assignment.”

I was torn. I had never asked for a different assignment. In fact, I had been on too few when I thought about what I had expected when joining the council as an enforcer. I had expected to be in Montana very little with the way I had been led to believe the council was so short with regards to enforcers. However, I’d only been on two assignments. It was a bit frustrating when there were others that were always out, and I was once more left behind.

“Your dragon is unsettled.”

“I am…considering my options. I know I wish to remain here as an enforcer. I am wondering if I will be able to do what is asked of me.”

“You do not have to. As I’ve said, you are allowed to have a conflict with your assignments and choose to reject it if you feel the need.”

I could, but I never would. If it came to that, I knew deep down I would use some other reason to leave the council rather than bring shame to my grandparents.

“Your dragon is not any happier.”

I chuckled. “I have much to think about. I only wished to talk things out a bit before going back to work.”

Yéye studied me for a moment before he shook his head. “You are only trying to placate me.”

“Nyet. I do need to return to my office. I left a meeting and came here instead of going there.” I stood up from where I had joined him on the other end of the sofa. “I will see you soon? I wish to spend time with Longwei in our scales again soon. He is growing more powerful by the day, and I do enjoy sparring with him.” That had the effect I knew it would. Yéye’s smile was both instant and beaming. He and Dedushka both loved all of their children a great deal. Longwei was the youngest and, most suspected, their last. We all loved the young alpha, and although he was much younger than I, we got along well.

“You will be by for supper soon?” Yéye asked. Only I knew it wasn’t actually a question.

“Whenever you wish, as long as I am not on assignment.”

“You are welcome any day. Come when you have time. If not, we understand.” Yéye stood, and after he gave me a hug, I received one of his smiles. He had the ability to completely shift one’s mood with just a smile.

“You know you don’t have to, but I appreciate the open invitation all the same.”

“We are dragons. We are quite social, and although I knew it was a difficult choice for you to leave your parents and siblings, and that we aren’t them, we are still family. We very much enjoy having you here with us, Dimitri. You will always be welcome.”

I grinned. “ài nǐ, Yéye.”

The smile grew. He reached up and touched my cheek. We were interrupted by Dedushka entering the office. Immediately, he took in the scene and smiled.

“Is everything all right?” he asked in our native language.

“Ja,” I said immediately. “I will see the two of you tonight for our evening meal. I will stop at the bakery and bring Longwei’s favorite desserts.” Of course, they were all my favorites as well. I had a thing for sweets but didn’t share that with my fellow enforcers because if I did, I knew my desk would constantly be covered with sweets.

“Do not feel you have to leave simply because I am here.”

I shook my head. “I need to go back to work as I am certain Benjamin is wondering where I am at this point.”

I left the office before I could get held up longer. Dedushka had that ability. It didn’t take much from him. One moment, you were answering a single question; the next, you realized you had been talking about various things for over an hour. That was just how he was. Well, at least with family.

I left the hallway for his office, took a left to the main entryway room, and then entered the hallway to our office. When I finally arrived, Benjamin wasn’t there, but Raiden and Briggs were.

“Where’s Benjamin?” I asked.

“Talking to his father. Something about family or something,” Briggs said.

Ah. Yes, I understood that.

“Not that I blame either of you,” Raiden said. “But I am so glad I don’t have family here aside from Ramsey. But our family and clan aren’t worth much.” Raiden sighed.

“For us, family is everything. Dedushka would do anything for Yéye. He has always instilled family first in all of their children.” I shook my head. “I cannot fathom not having a family such as ours, and I am sorry you did not have that growing up.”

Raiden shrugged. “I had my twin. That was enough. We did what we could to make sure we weren’t too affected by what our clan insisted on.”

I couldn’t imagine such a life. I knew I was privileged in that I was the grandson of the created dragon and the golden dragon. There were stories, and I’d seen the drawings from many centuries ago of the golden dragon that could be seen at sunset flying in the sky. Most didn’t believe that there was actually a golden dragon, but they humored those that swore they’d seen one. Those in our family knew why Yéye flew as much as he did back then. It was rare that he was spotted, and Dedushka knew there was no real danger to his cherished mate because there were very few near them at the time.

“He’s lost in thought again like he gets.”

I turned my head toward the voice, blinked a few times, and focused on the speaker. “I have many memories. I was thinking about Yéye flying.”

“Ah,” Briggs said. “I can understand that. Alpha mate Chin’s dragon is absolutely gorgeous.”

I nodded. He truly was. I loved his golden color. I had a gold shimmer to my own scales when I was in my shift, and my wings were gold—something none of my brothers had.

“You know, you’ve never said what color your dragon is, Dimitri,” Briggs said.

I shrugged.

“You didn’t ask.” I picked up the paperclip that was on my desk. Well, I tried. Then tried again. When I realized it was glued to the desk, I looked up at my office mates and glared. Raiden and Briggs both were completely blameless, or they were extremely good at playing innocent.


“Seriously what?” Benjamin asked as he walked into the office. I pointed at the paperclip on the desk. Benjamin chuckled before he sat down. “I have news.”

I glanced at the paperclip, intending to pry it off, but found it gone. When I turned my chair around to face the others, Benjamin gave me a smirk.

“What’s the news?”

“We’re not going to Sicily just yet. Apparently, someone is being sent there to bring Vincent here in order to discuss certain things.”

I shrugged. “What will our assignment be, then?” I asked.

“For now, not much. You could ask to go to one of the more local packs and see about knocking some sense into a wayward alpha, but beyond that, I don’t know that there are any major field assignments to be had.”

I sighed. It had already crossed my mind to wonder if Dedushka had anything to do with the fact that I was never chosen for those assignments. I was more than capable, but like Raiden and Briggs, I didn’t have magical powers as Benjamin and the other warlocks did.

“Something wrong?” Benjamin asked.

I shook my head before turning my chair back around. Perhaps it was time to do as Yéye had suggested. Maybe being an enforcer wasn’t necessarily for me. Especially since I didn’t really get much opportunity to actually…enforce.

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