Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 2. Caspian 9%
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2. Caspian

Chapter 2


T he thumping of the music usually didn’t bother me, and the scent of alcohol and sweaty bodies usually put me in a better mood. But tonight, I wasn’t feeling it. My mind was elsewhere, and wasn’t that just an issue. I had long ago lost Lorenzo. Knowing him, he’d already found someone to spend the night with and had already left.

I downed what was left of my drink before placing it on the bar. I had just turned when I felt a hand on my arm. A quick glance had me looking at glassy eyes, and I wondered just how much she’d had to drink this evening. I wasn’t interested no matter what, and after shaking my head, I rolled my eyes at her attempt at a pout. That simply wasn’t my thing.

I left the club, not worrying about my brother. He was an alpha and could take care of himself. I had a car ordered by the time I made it to the corner of the block, which was still in sight of the club Lorenzo and I had gone to. It showed up moments later, and after I confirmed my address with the driver, I was on my way home.

I fought with myself, wondering if visiting Drew and Flora so soon again would be imposing on my brother and his One. I couldn’t help how I felt, and little Flora was simply too precious to not spend time with. Of course, I enjoyed spending time with my youngest brother and his One, but I would be lying to myself if I denied the fact that I truly went to spend time with my little niece. I longed for that more than anything. Of course, I was happy for Sebastian and Drew, but I couldn’t help but wonder if I, too, would ever find my forever one.

Taking a chance, I opened the messaging app and clicked on Sebastian’s name.

Me: Hey. I know I was just there a few weeks ago, but I was curious if it would be all right if I came to visit again? If it’s too much, I understand.

I hit Send and waited for Sebastian’s response. I knew he was several hours behind us, but it was possible that he was either busy with work or, more likely, busy with his One or daughter. I would be as well if I had a One to go home to. I grinned when a reply from my brother came swiftly.

Sebastian: Of course you can come visit. Drew absolutely loves you, and anytime someone wants to come dote on our little princess, he’s all for it. That, and he seriously loves you.

I couldn’t help but smile. I was quite fond of Drew as well. Strictly in a brotherly way, of course, but I was beyond thrilled for Sebastian. His little cheetah was quite the spitfire, and when he put our fathers in their place shortly after they had claimed one another, my admiration for the young omega grew immensely.

Me: I would love to come visit. Of course, I will stay elsewhere and wouldn’t dream of intruding upon your and Drew’s privacy. Uncle Rainier has secured a small cabin for us to stay in, just in case you didn’t know. I have no issues staying there and would love to spend some time with Flora this weekend. It has been a rough week at work, and something happy is really what I think I need at the moment.

The car stopped at the same time my phone buzzed in my hand. I glanced up, noticing that we weren’t at my place, and scowled.

“?Dónde estamos?”

“Esperas aquí. Ya vuelvo.”

The driver was gone from the vehicle before I could respond. He disappeared into a building, and when I looked out the window, I realized we weren’t in a very good area. I tried to open the door but found it either locked or somehow secured. True to his word, the driver came back into view only moments later, but he wasn’t alone. I rolled my eyes. There was no way I was going to wait around and find out what they had planned because I knew it wasn’t in my favor. I bent down in the cab and simply used magic to transport myself home. I would have done that at the club if I’d been able to, but my mind had honestly been preoccupied, much like it had been for most of the week.

I found myself in my bedroom at my condo and sighed in relief. This place was my sanctuary, and although my brothers and fathers had been to my home, that was the extent of others who had been allowed to visit. I’d purchased it after my last relationship had ended, and although since then it had felt like home, that hadn’t been the case in recent times.

What did that mean? Was it time to move on? Did I need to start over somewhere else? Sebastian had done that, although he became an enforcer, and that wasn’t necessarily something that interested me. I was more than capable of doing so, but I was much more someone who was happier behind a desk than out in the field, chasing bad guys. Did the council have positions like that? Was that the answer, or was it simply the fact that my baby brother had found his forever and had started a family?

I wanted that, more than anything. I had thought that I possibly would be able to have an unconventional family with my ex, but he wasn’t having it. For him, it was with his fated mate or no one. I couldn’t fault him for that. I would love nothing more than to find my fated one and have my own family. But at this point, I was beginning to believe I would need to go the adoption route. Would I love a child I had adopted? Absolutely. But as a warlock, I could only adopt each child that was paranormal. Unfortunately, for me, it could be difficult to locate an orphaned paranormal child.

Remembering that my phone had vibrated just as the driver was returning with what was most likely bad news, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see what my brother had to say.

Sebastian: When do you think you will arrive? And of course, you can stay here with us. Drew would have it no other way. But I do understand if you would like to be able to get away from Flora for a bit. She can be quite disruptive at night when she is hungry or needs to be changed.

I smiled at my brother’s message. Did I want to stay with him and Drew? I never wanted to impose, and although Lorenzo and I used to stay with Sebastian when he was in enforcer housing, neither of us had stayed there since he had mated.

Me: I need to pack a few things, and then I will be there. I appreciate the offer, but I will be staying at Uncle Rainier’s cabin simply to give you and Drew the privacy that you both deserve. But don’t worry, I will be spending plenty of time on Treasure Ridge with you and your family.

Sebastian: They’re your family too. But I do understand. Drew is excited to see you again. Will Lorenzo be joining you this time?

I thought about our brother and what he was most likely up to currently and smiled. There was absolutely no way that Sebastian could know that Lorenzo was, without a doubt, currently fucking some willing bottom.

Me: No, not at this time. We might be able to get him to join us later if he has time. But I know he has a lot going on this weekend.

Not to mention the fact that Lorenzo often spent entire weekends in bed with a surprisingly agreeable and willing partner. I hadn’t seen him pick anyone up, what kind of partner he had found, but I also knew that despite his playboy ways, he could be a tad picky and didn’t take just anyone to a hotel.

I packed up everything I would need for the weekend, not that I couldn’t just magick something if I needed it, and then I thought about the charming cabin that Uncle Rainier had secured for us. I found myself standing in front of it moments later and quickly realized my mistake. It was November in Montana, and there was a drastic temperature difference between here and back home in Spain. I opened the door, swiftly removing myself from the biting wind, and then walked through what was basically a family vacation home.

My parents, my brothers, and I weren’t the only ones that used it. I knew that our cousin Frederick’s family had stayed there on more than one occasion when they were in the area to visit. After I tossed my weekend bag on the bed, I pulled out my phone again and found Uncle Rainier’s contact to send him a message.

Me: I thought I would spend the weekend in the area and visit with Sebastian and Drew. I hope it is all right if I use the cabin?

I probably should have asked before I just showed up, but if there was someone who already had plans for the place for the weekend, I would simply accept Sebastian’s offer to stay with him.

Uncle R: The place is yours. You know you are always welcome to stay whenever you come to visit. There are no other plans for the cabin until next summer at the moment. Stay as long as you wish. I heard from Benedict a little about what has been going on at the firm. In truth, I’m surprised you haven’t come to visit sooner.

I had just about popped myself up onto Treasure Ridge but stopped myself for a moment to reflect on what Uncle Rainier said. Work had been…rough. The firm had been dealing with a large case, and it had meant a lot of long hours for everyone involved. Even Father had been staying late, much to Papa’s displeasure. I knew eventually something would have to give, but I wasn’t sure what would be the cause of it.

But the fact that Father was talking to someone else about things, even in passing, was telling. I already knew the game though: the deeper we dug, the more corrupt our client was turning out to be. It was Father’s final decision on whether or not to continue with the case, but we’d never dropped a client before. Was Father going to be stubborn enough and refuse to drop him?

Me: Thanks. I’ll only be here for a long weekend. Lorenzo has other plans for his weekend off, but I thought about spending my time spoiling a certain little princess.

Uncle R: Enjoy your time. If you have a free moment or two, be sure to drop by and see étienne. He always loves to see you when you are here.

I grinned. I enjoyed spending time with him as well. Our family dynamic, much like many paranormal ones, was a bit odd. Living several centuries made for larger families, and, well, sometimes cousins that were your age were actually parents’ cousins. Or actual uncles. It could be confusing, and most of the time, we all just considered ourselves simply family.

Me: I will. I have to be back at work Wednesday morning, sadly, but I will make sure I have time to stop and see him. Thanks again for letting me use the cabin.

My phone vibrated before I could pocket it. There was another message from Sebastian, and I chuckled.

Sebastian: Did you change your mind? I know it’s late in Madrid. It’s afternoon here, and I’m home from work. Flora is just going down for a nap though, so she will be out for the next couple hours.

My shoulders slumped with that news. I had looked forward to seeing her.

Me: I’m here. I’m getting settled into the cabin. I’ll be by in a bit. Give me about an hour? That will give me time to get to the store and grab something to eat.

My stomach growling at me told me it had been too long since I’d last eaten, and I had to think about when I had, in fact, eaten last. It had been a quick sandwich at lunch, at my desk, and that simply wasn’t sustainable. Technically, I didn’t need to stop at the store, but it would give my brother and his One some time alone while their little one was napping. I knew that was precious to new parents, especially paranormal ones.

Sebastian: All right? Everything okay?

I chuckled and shook my head.

Me: We can talk later. It’s fine, just a lot going on.

Sebastian would understand. He’d left the firm for a very similar reason. He’d wanted something different, and he was tired of the long hours and the constant push to be the absolute best. Our father was a wonderful man, and he loved each of us and absolutely adored our papa. But when it came to the firm, Benedict Ainsworth was a ruthless bulldog and was known for absolute perfection. We had a list of potential clients we had to turn away on a daily basis, and that added to the stress.

Since it was so incredibly cold outside, I put a long wool coat on, as well as smooth leather gloves. A wool scarf finished out my look, and I was off to Treasure Ridge. One moment, I was standing in the cabin; the next, I was standing in front of the council’s little store. I had every intention of going into the store to look around and see if anything had changed since I’d been there last, but the scent coming from the smaller bakery next door was too enticing to resist. I loved a good pastry, and I was certain the scent I was smelling was not something to pass up.

I left the storefront for the bakery, and when I entered, the amazing smells from outside only intensified. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled as I let it out. Yes, that was pure bliss right there.

“What brought you in?”

I opened my eyes and looked at the younger female behind the counter. I’d, of course, met her the first time I’d been here. She was the daughter of the couple who ran the place, but I couldn’t recall her name.

“I’m not sure. Something smells wonderful though. Is there something baking?”

She laughed. “There’s always something baking, unless we’re gone for the day. Is there anything in particular you’re looking for?”

I stepped away from the door and toward the counter to look at the glass cases. There were so many things. “I’m not sure. I don’t recall so many things in the cases the last time I was here.” I glanced up and found her tilting her head at me. “Something you need to ask?”

“No. I just don’t recall seeing you. You’re not a regular.”

I shook my head. “No. I’m not with the council. My brother is an enforcer; I’m just here visiting him and his One.”

“Ah, that’s it. Well, from your accent, if you want something that reminds you of home, I’d recommend the other cabinet.”

I must have made a face because she giggled. “No. What do you have that is more from this region? Not that I’ll say no to anything. I have a fondness for sweets, and I’ll eat them all.”

“Well, we, of course, have donuts—always. But in this area, we have a thing for s’mores. We just put out a fresh batch of s’mores muffins, and the cookies are cooling.”


“Yes. Graham crackers, chocolate, and melted toasted marshmallows.” She reached into the case and pulled out a muffin that looked…messy. “Here, try this.” She set it on a plate and cut it into several smaller-sized pieces. She then placed one on another plate and handed it to me.

I glanced at it, then at her. I wasn’t too sure about this thing. Not only was it quite messy-looking, but toasted marshmallows? She seemed to notice my hesitation.

“Not so sure?”

“How does one eat it?”

The young lady rolled her eyes. “I should have known with the way you’re dressed.” She held out a plastic fork, and I stared at it.

“I beg your pardon?” She snorted as she waved the fork at me. “Are you always this rude to customers?” That earned me another eye roll and another wave of the plastic utensil.

“You don’t scent of blood, nor do you have teeth like one, so that means you’re either a warlock or fae. I’m saying warlock because there are very few fae that I’ve seen.”

“What does me being a warlock have to do with anything?”

She snorted once more, but we were interrupted by the door dinging as someone entered. Before I could even turn, my body started reacting. I froze, immediately knowing what the tingling sensation coursing through my body meant. There was absolutely no way. I’d been to Treasure Ridge several times since Sebastian had joined the council. How had I somehow missed my One being here?

I turned just as the man, thank the fates, stepped up beside me. Immediately, I was mesmerized by dark brown eyes. He was taller than I was, which was something I hadn’t been expecting either. Then it hit me: my One was an alpha.

I sighed. “Well, I assumed it had to be one of us.” It wasn’t that I was upset with the fact that I was going to be the carrier. I simply hadn’t expected that, to be honest. I wasn’t sure why, other than the fact that I normally filled the other role in the bedroom.

“This is a problem?”

That accent absolutely did not fit that man. I shook my head. I handed the plate back to the young lady behind the counter. After she took it, I turned and simply left. I needed to talk to someone. As soon as I was outside, I popped myself over to Sebastian’s and knocked on the door.

He opened it seconds later with a smile on his face. It slowly dimmed, though, as he stared at me. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head again. “I met my One,” I told him. Sebastian’s eyes widened. He looked around, then pulled me into the house.

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