Chapter 5
I wasn’t sure how I’d been gifted with such an amazing mate, but I wasn’t going to question it. I had honestly expected to have to spend at least several weeks romancing my mate. I wasn’t sure if it was because Caspian was a warlock or the fact that he was a bit older that caused him to have the attitude about it that he did. Either way, I wasn’t going to take issue with it.
I hadn’t been expecting to meet my mate, but I didn’t think any of us ever did. That being said, I didn’t have anything in my place to take care of a mate. I needed to make a quick trip to the store, at the minimum.
“You know, if you didn’t want to go out, I could do supper for us,” Caspian said.
I looked at him in question until it hit me. My mate was a warlock. He wouldn’t need to go to the store for anything—he could simply use magic.
“What did you have in mind? I eat anything. I mean that. Anything.”
“You don’t have a favorite food?”
I shook my head.
“Nothing in particular at all?”
“Nyet. I eat everything. I am the least picky person you will probably meet when it comes to food. How about you? We can have your favorite. That will work for me.” I nodded, hoping he would take the hint and simply have what he wanted. “I eat at the council. I can cook though, so I will have no issues with taking care of you. I just need to go to the store, and we can get the things to use the kitchen.”
Caspian slowly shook his head as he walked toward the kitchen. “Do you even have the things needed to cook?” he asked as he opened a cabinet. He looked back at me, surprise evident on his face. “You have plates?”
I shrugged. “They came with the place. My house in Europe had everything. It still does. My brother looks after it for me, but maybe it is time to let it go.”
Caspian leaned against the counter. “You didn’t say where you’re from.”
I shook my head. “I was born in the middle of Dedushka’s territory on the Kamchatka Peninsula in what is now known as Russia. Most recently, I have lived in Estonia.”
Caspian made a face. “Do you like it? I shouldn’t be that way because I’ve never been. I fit in so well with the humans in Madrid.”
I shrugged. “I don’t quite have that luxury. I need to fly several times a month in order to keep my dragon happy.”
“Where did you do it there?”
“Over the Baltic Sea. My brother and I would go out together. It’s always safer in pairs when you aren’t somewhere completely secure. When we would all go home to Dedushka’s territory, there was no worry. We would fly every day. I fly most days here.”
Caspian bit his lip. I could tell he had a question, and he most likely wanted to know if he could either see my dragon or if I would take him flying. The answer would always be yes to both. “What is your question?”
“What color is your dragon? Will you show me?”
I nodded. “I will even take you flying if you wish. But my dragon is purple with a gold sheen to his scales. My wings are gold, as are the spines on my back.” Caspian’s mouth dropped open a bit. I chuckled.
“I definitely want to see your dragon. When can I meet him?”
My chuckle turned into laughter, which caused Caspian to smile. I couldn’t help it; I’d not touched him for long enough and reached out to pull him in closer. He came willingly, something I wondered if it would always be that way. I reached up and touched the side of his face gently. “I will always show you my dragon. He is more than ready for you to meet him. But perhaps I could feed you a meal first. Then we can discuss going flying after we eat?”
Caspian’s mouth opened again before he nodded. I thought that sounded like an excellent plan, and apparently, he didn’t disagree.
“Will you honestly eat anything?”
I nodded. “I will never lie to you. I cannot think of anything I won’t eat. I’ve eaten some questionable things in my lifetime, but I still ate them.”
Caspian took a step back, out of my embrace, and pointed at me. “See, that right there. What don’t you eat?”
I shrugged. “I ate them. I couldn’t tell you what they were simply because they weren’t made from any one recipe but were just random things thrown together.”
Caspian sighed. “Very well. How about fajitas? Drew is fond of those, and I figured with you being a shifter, you would love the steak.”
“Steak is always a good choice for me.” I wasn’t sure my mate understood just how not picky I was when it came to food. Steak, chicken, vegetables. I had no issues with eating any of them. Now, when I was in my scales, of course he preferred meat over vegetables, but even he would eat them.
The scent of steak and onions suddenly filling the room drew my focus toward the counter, where I had a trio of barstools sitting. On the counter was everything we’d need for our meal. “That’s convenient,” I said.
Caspian grinned. “It is. I can cook, but I don’t.” Caspian moved over and pulled out the barstool in the middle. I smiled as I rushed over to help him. Not that I needed to. I knew I didn’t because he was more than capable. But it was the need of my dragon to care for my mate that had me rushing to his side to assist. That earned me another smile, this one bigger, if at all possible.
“So you do not cook?”
Caspian shrugged. “Why? I can use magic. Yes, I can cook, but in all honesty, I’m usually too tired at the end of the day to actually put thought and effort into cooking.”
I slowly nodded, thinking about what my mate had just said. It was concerning if he was that tired at the end of his days. That wouldn’t do. He needed to not be so exhausted when he came home from work. He was a lawyer. That wasn’t an overly exhausting job, as far as I was aware. Why was he so tired after his day’s work?
“Will you tell me about it?” I asked.
“About what?”
I tried to smile. “Your job. You mentioned you worked with your family?”
Caspian nodded. “Yes, although there isn’t a whole lot to share about it. My father has a law firm.” Caspian looked upward for a moment before nodding. “I guess fifteen years now. And really, it’s probably time for all of us to move on. There are going to be questions about us not aging if there already haven’t been.” Caspian shrugged. “But work itself ebbs and flows. There are a lot of hours because we lost not only Sebastian but another of the lawyers that was with the firm. None of us are upset about either. And, of course, we’re all thrilled Sebastian met his One. And little Flora is just the sweetest.”
Caspian’s smile grew at the mention of Flora. I knew that Sebastian’s mate had a baby, but beyond that, I didn’t know much else. Maybe I should be more in tune with what was going on in my fellow enforcers’ lives? Especially Sebastian since I was going to eventually claim his brother. I thought about it for a moment, and there was a possibility that we would have a daughter someday. I was under the impression that the chances were still very slim though.
“If we don’t have a daughter, would that be upsetting for you?”
Caspian’s eyebrows rose. “Absolutely not. I would be just as equally happy with a little baby boy. I know there is one female dragon now, although her existence is still very well hidden. I only know because of my family’s connections to the council.” Caspian shook his head. “I’ve not met her though.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Little Fia is quite a handful at times but is super sweet,” I said absently. I’d met her and her twin on more than one occasion when they had been by Dedushka’s house. Their younger brother as well.
“You’ve met her?”
I nodded. “Yes. Dedushka was even there when she was born. It was quite an event, from what I understand.”
Caspian’s eyes widened. “You don’t expect our delivery room to be filled with people, do you?”
I chuckled while shaking my head. And because I couldn’t resist, I reached over and cupped his face. When I leaned in, I gently placed my forehead on his and closed my eyes. “I would never think of putting you in a position that made you uncomfortable. You will decide who all is at the birth of our children. I only hope that I am fortunate enough to be one of those you include.”
Caspian pulled from my gentle hold and looked at me with bewildered eyes. “Why wouldn’t you be? You’re going to be the other father. What would make you think that I wouldn’t wish for you to be there?”
I shrugged. “It happens from time to time. I know that sometimes alphas struggle with their mate being in pain during childbirth. And it’s possible you would wish for someone like your omega dad to be at the delivery instead.” I shrugged again. “My only concern will be to offer you as much support as I possibly can.”
Caspian shook his head. “I’ll want you to be there. You will have to be there,” he told me.
I didn’t know what he meant by that but nodded because he seemed to be stressed by something. Most likely what I’d said. “I did not wish to upset you.”
“Can we eat?” Caspian rubbed his forehead. “I think if I eat, I might have a bit less stress.”
I nodded before reaching for the flour tortilla. I placed one on Caspian’s plate and then reached for the fork that was on the side of the plate with the steak. “Do you like yours with a lot of steak or a little?”
Caspian looked from the steak to his plate, then to me. “You don’t have to do that,” he said and reached out, placing his hand on mine. “I can make my own food.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that. Just as you can also pull out your own chair and sit in it. But you provided the meal for us. I cannot do for you if that is what you wish,” I said. “I am an alpha though, and it is just ingrained in me to provide for and care for my mate.”
Caspian glanced back at the plate again before he looked up at me and smiled. “I’m sorry,” he said. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “It’s been a very long day, and honestly, I should be asleep. It’s the middle of the night back home, and work ran long.” Caspian’s shoulders slumped. “We’ve been dealing with a difficult client, which hasn’t helped anything, really.” Caspian went quiet for a moment. “I went out to the club with Lorenzo after work, but all I could really think about was taking the weekend off and coming here to see Sebastian and his family.”
I mulled over what he’d just said and realized just how lucky I had been to meet him. Although, with Caspian being on the mountaintop, I had to wonder if my dragon would have somehow sensed him had I not met him at the bakery?
“Do you wish to retire for the evening?”
Caspian sighed once more. “Yes and no.” He looked at me, and suddenly, I could see it. He was tired. But it was more than just being physically tired. He was mentally drained as well.
“I have but one bed. But you are more than welcome to it,” I told him. “I can lie next to you, be a comforting presence, or I can sleep elsewhere. The couch is comfortable, this I know.”
Caspian chuckled. “I know for a fact that I will not be able to sleep if you are not beside me,” he said. “I just…I am wondering if we could eat and possibly take things easy for the rest of the evening? I can feel it now: I’m going to most likely crash after I eat. I had something light earlier, but that was honestly hours ago if you go by your current time.”
I nodded before reaching for the steak once more. I placed several pieces on his tortilla as Caspian watched. “Then I suggest you eat something before we retire for the evening. I have sweats and T-shirts if you need something to sleep in, but I would imagine you only have to do your magic thing, and you will be covered.” Which was a bit of a pity. The thought of seeing my mate in my clothing was enticing. Of course, me removing that clothing from him was more so, but I needed to remind myself that although Caspian had said he had every intention of claiming each other soon, he was exhausted, and we were going to most likely be waiting for a bit. “Peppers?” I asked.
Caspian nodded. I spooned some peppers and onions on his tortilla before doing the same for myself. I added steak while Caspian finished setting up his fajita. When I had my first made, I glanced over and saw that Caspian still wasn’t eating.
“Not what you want?” I asked.
Caspian chuckled. “It’s fine. I’m the one who picked, remember?”
I did, and when he didn’t start eating, I had to wonder if he picked this simply because he thought I would like it. “Care to talk about it? Is something wrong?” I paused and set my rolled tortilla down. “Is it something more than work?”
Caspian looked directly at me. “Maybe. I’m getting ahead of myself in my own head, I’m sure. But I’m wondering how things are going to play out. I feel bad for my brother because he’s going to be left with the firm all by himself. Father will push Lorenzo even harder now, and that’s not fair to him.”
“Do you wish to stay there? I realize I’ve already asked this, and you said no. But it is no issue for me to leave the council. We can relocate there. Well, I can. You are already there.”
Caspian shook his head. “No. I am ready for a change. And in all honesty, I’m ready to have a set place that I won’t have to leave in a decade or so.” Caspian smiled at me. “We won’t have to do that here because everyone here knows who we are. We can safely be on the mountain without having to worry about someone seeing us.” Caspian sighed. “And the thought of our children growing up so close to their cousins, I’m all for that. There are no other children that ours could play with in Madrid. The coven—” Caspian made a face. “—it’s not bad. It’s not great either. Mostly, it’s just there if there are any issues with humans. But it’s nothing like organized covens.”
“If you are sure that here is what you wish, then we can live here. Did you want to see if there is housing near your brother?” I asked. “I have connections if you wish to live elsewhere though.” I shrugged when Caspian raised an eyebrow at me. I had a cabin available on the mountaintop if I wanted it. Up until this point though, I’d chosen to live in enforcer housing. It was difficult enough to be who I was. When your dedushka was the created dragon, others tended to really watch themselves around you.
“By Sebastian is fine. But I’m curious as to where else we would live?” Caspian picked up his food and took a bite. It made my dragon happy to see our mate eating, so I hoped we were finally moving in the right direction.
“Because of my dedushka, I have the option to live in a cabin near him.”
“Ah. Yes, I think that although your grandparents are probably amazing people, can we maybe not live that close to them?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Of course. Enforcer housing is perfectly fine with me. Or if you prefer, we can live off of the mountain. I am able to get up here every day for work. So that wouldn’t be an issue either.”
Caspian shook his head. “On the mountain is fine. It’s closest to your work, and in all honesty, I really want to be closer to my brother and his family. I feel like I’m missing so much with still being back in Madrid while Seb is here with Drew and Flora.”
I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Then here it is. I believe that Master Edison is in charge of housing. Perhaps you would like for me to talk to him?” Caspian’s eyes rounded.
“Oh, that’s a thing, then. You just talk to Master Edison, and you get a house? That’s seriously how it works?”
I found myself chuckling again. “Yes, my mate. That is how it works.” I looked around the house. “This is single enforcer housing. Yes, you can be here with me. We can even spend your fertile period here together. But we will have to move once that is over.”
Caspian glanced around and shook his head. “I would rather we do that elsewhere. In what will be our place? Is that possible?”
I grinned. “Of course. Eat up, and I will make a call. We can go see what is available after our meal. Then it might be best if you were to turn in for the evening. I believe your day is going to catch up with you soon.” I would, of course, watch over him while he caught up on what I was sure was much-needed rest.
“But what about us?”
I shook my head. “Lyubimyy, we will be there tomorrow, and the day after, and the one after. There is no expiration date on us. We have forever, and one more day won’t hurt. Besides, I will watch over you.”
Caspian smiled. “What does it mean?”
I grinned back. “I’ll tell you after you’ve rested. My first thought about the moment isn’t of claiming you but of taking care of you. You are obviously needing rest if you came here to spend time with your brother and their young child.”
“Flora is relaxing. And it makes me feel good to be able to help Drew while Sebastian is at work.”
I wasn’t so sure it was relaxing being around babies. At least not my own nephews and nieces. Then again, I wasn’t a warlock and didn’t have the use of magical powers to help take care of them. Perhaps it was easier for him because of that, but I had always found my nephews and nieces to be a headache when they were incredibly young. But that was most likely due to my siblings and how they tended to raise their children.
“You seem…unsure.”
I shook my head. “I was thinking of my own nephews and nieces. They are not what I would call…relaxing.”
Caspian chuckled, and then it turned into full-out laughter. It was one of the most wonderful sounds I’d ever heard, and I could only sit there and stare at the beautiful man who had been gifted to me. I had a feeling that life was going to be wonderfully exciting and fulfilling.