Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 6. Caspian 26%
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6. Caspian

Chapter 6


I was fading fast, and it was starting to show. I hadn’t even thought about it until Dimitri had said something, but the fact that he did brought it to the forefront of my mind, and now it was about all I could think about. My One was an alpha. A dragon one at that. Although I didn’t know much about dragon shifters, I had a feeling they were all protective and possessive.

His dragon was going to push him to take care of me in all ways. Did I want that? Although I hadn’t been expecting my forever one to be an alpha, I was quickly discovering that I liked that idea. I enjoyed the thought of being the center of his care and attention. I had always assumed I would be the one doing all of the caring and looking after, but the thought of being the center of his attention was appealing. Now that I was here and we were discussing things, the past several months were catching up, and Dimitri was right; I was tired.

“You aren’t hungry?”

I looked over at Dimitri and realized he’d eaten a good portion of the food. My own plate still had the first fajita on it, and I’d only taken a couple of bites. “You know, I’m not. I did eat earlier, but it’s been quite some time.” I sighed. “I think I’m just tired. You were right. Everything is catching up with me, and I’m ready to turn in for the night. I hope you aren’t disappointed.”

Dimitri gave me a look that spoke volumes. “I could never be disappointed when you are only being honest with the both of us. Your time is vastly different than ours here in Montana. It is perfectly understandable to be tired and want to rest.” Dimitri glanced around the room for a moment before his beautiful eyes refocused on me. “Why don’t I show you to my bedroom, and while you have a rest, I will get in contact with Master Edison. Then, after you have rested, we can go see which houses are available. Does that sound like something you could agree with?”

I knew it was, but for some reason, my brain wasn’t completely connecting with my mouth at the moment, and I only nodded in agreement. Dimitri slid off of his barstool and then reached out for me. I took his hands, and once I was standing in front of him, I had to look up. That was also something that I had discovered I very much liked.

“We have forever, lyubimyy. Do not ever feel as if we are doing something incorrect simply because we have chosen to wait to claim one another. There is no set timeline. It is one of our own making.”

He wasn’t wrong, and if I was thinking fully, I would most likely have had the same thoughts. I let Dimitri lead me to his bedroom. It was multiple shades of gray and black, and I had to wonder if he would be willing to lighten things up a bit. It wasn’t that I wanted neon-colored throw pillows everywhere, but perhaps a little bit of color aside from the monochrome would be nice.

“I see your thoughts,” Dimitri said. “I do not care about the décor like others do. For me, this is simply a place to sleep, and that is about all. Please feel free to completely change everything once we are in what will be our home. This is not a home but a temporary lodging.”

How did he do that? We weren’t mated yet, but he knew exactly what I was thinking. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Was that something to do with his family’s line? That honestly didn’t really matter. I looked back at Dimitri and smiled.

“Perhaps just a bit of color,” I suggested. “I am not one to go full out. Everything needs a different color scheme. But maybe a few pieces that have more color in them could really bring the rest of the room together.”

Dimitri chuckled “Again, you are more than welcome to change any and everything. I ordered what I could not find in the council store, as well as in the larger stores down off of the mountain.”

He was so adorable, and he didn’t even realize it, which only added to his appeal. For dramatic flair, I snapped my fingers and was suddenly standing in front of him in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a T-shirt. I had a feeling that once we claimed one another, I would no longer wear anything to bed, but for the moment, I was going to wear something.

“That is a very convenient thing.”

I nodded. “It most certainly is. Care to tell me which side of the bed you normally sleep on? I usually sprawl out in the middle of my bed at home, and if you have a certain side, I am more than happy to take the other.”

Dimitri pointed to the far side of the room. “I would prefer you sleep over there. My dragon will not allow for our mate to be between us and the doorway. Yes, it is perfectly safe here on Treasure Ridge, and I realize and understand you are incredibly powerful in your own right. That does not mean my dragon is going to be rational in this. I do apologize.”

“Completely understandable.” I walked around the bed, and after pulling the thin blanket back, I pushed on the mattress and found it to be quite comfortable-feeling. My body was telling me it was past time for me to be resting, but my brain was arguing with the rest of me. It was just past dinnertime here, and my newly found One was very much still awake and would be for hours yet. There was an internal war going on, but unfortunately, sleep was going to win. “I do apologize. I honestly did not expect to meet you on this trip. Not that I’m upset about it—nothing could be further from the truth. But I have been here several times to visit Sebastian, and I hadn’t ever detected that you were here.”

Dimitri rounded the bed, and with me sitting on it, his height seemed so much more than I knew it was. He reached out, and although I expected him to touch my face, instead, he gently pushed on my shoulder. “You rest now. I will take care of the cleanup from our meal, as well as contact Master Edison about housing. Did you wish for me to talk to your brother?”

Did I? I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head. This was something I honestly needed to discuss with my brother myself. He, of all people, would understand what it was like when suddenly discovering your One. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow. He knows I met you—well, not you specifically, but that I met my One and that my visit has certainly been altered.” I couldn’t keep from yawning as I lay back on the bed. The day had truly caught up with me, and it was simply time to get at least a few hours of rest. “I apologize. I wanted our first meeting to go so much differently.”

“There is no need. Rest now.”

This time, when Dimitri reached out, he did touch the side of my face. As his fingers tripped down to my chin, a smile appeared on his mouth. I couldn’t help but wonder what those luscious lips would feel like against mine. Would they be soft? Firm? Did he even enjoy kissing? I had a moment of panic before I remembered that, most likely, the man who was my perfect match would enjoy kissing as much as I did.

Dimitri’s touch disappeared, and moments later, I felt the blanket being pulled up my body. His hand briefly touched my shoulder before it was gone once more. Realizing I had closed my eyes, I opened them and watched as he slowly and silently left the bedroom. There was so much more that I wanted to discuss with him. I wanted to know everything I could about the gorgeous dragon, but it truly would have to wait. Unable to fight it any longer, I closed my eyes and let my body finally get the rest it so desperately needed.

When I woke next, it was because I was incredibly hot. There was a very hard and immensely warm wall of sexy dragon curled up behind me. That was something entirely new but most definitely not unwelcome. I wasn’t sure if he was a light sleeper, if his dragon told him I was awake, or if it merely was who he was and made him an excellent enforcer, but Dimitri seemed to know the moment I was awake, and the arm that I realized was lying across my stomach suddenly tightened and pulled me even closer to his chest.

He rambled off something in what I was certain was Russian, but I didn’t speak even a single word of the language and started to laugh. “I’m sure that whatever you are saying is incredibly important, but you will have to repeat yourself in English, please,” I told him.

“Apologies. I was simply saying good morning to you.”

I was no language expert, but it sure seemed as if he had said more than only good morning. But Dimitri had no reason not to tell the truth, and I was sure he’d said that, among other things. I certainly needed to get on a fast track to learning his native languages.

“It indeed is.” I rolled onto my back and then toward Dimitri and smiled. “Although I am not confident just how morning it is.”

“Morning for you, middle of the night for us. But I am positive we can find something to entertain us while the rest of the mountain wakes up.” Dimitri reached up, and when his hand touched the side of my face, I thought for sure I was finally going to get a taste of his very enticing lips. Sadly, he simply smiled at me and then rolled away. “Get up. Come. I have an idea, and we can see the sunrise together.”

I was trying to understand what he was saying, but my brain absolutely was not computing. No, it was focused on the very magnificent ass that I was staring at. When I made no move to get out of bed, Dimitri turned, and my mouth opened in awe. Because I had been staring at the man’s rock-hard ass, my eyes were now focused on the gorgeous cock that I was certain would never fit into my mouth but I wanted nothing more than to try in that very moment.

“Is something wrong?”

It took me entirely too long to realize he was asking me a question.

“What? No. Umm, I should probably… Yeah, I should get dressed. Is there a bathroom I can use?” It was going to take some time to get used to the fact that I had a shifter for a One. They did not have nearly the same views about being naked. In fact, I’d just realized that Dimitri would be getting naked in front of others in order to shift. The sudden surge of jealousy was absolutely new and unexpected. I knew it was illogical and that it couldn’t be helped. That did not make me feel any more comfortable with the idea that my One undressed in front of others frequently.

“You are welcome to use this bathroom,” Dimitri said as he pointed to the bathroom that I knew was behind him. I was also aware that there was another full bathroom in the hallway, as well as a half one downstairs. This place had a very similar floor plan to the place Sebastian used to be in.

“I wouldn’t dream of taking your bathroom. Is it all right if I use the one in the hallway?” I was already partway to the door, simply waiting for him to say that it was all right.

“Yes, of course. Although, I do not have anything you would need in there. Perhaps some toilet paper, but beyond that, it is empty.”

“That isn’t an issue for me.” I was doing my best to not look down when I really wanted to take another long look at that magnificent cock. I had never considered myself to be someone who was focused on size before, but I couldn’t help but consider it now that…well, my One was an alpha, and he obviously had an alpha’s cock.

“I do not mind if you use the hallway bathroom. But you are more than welcome to use mine. It will have everything you could need.”

I nodded. I was certain it did. But right now, I really needed to get away for a moment or two. I’d had at least eight hours of sleep last night, it would seem, much more than I’d had over the past several days all combined. Now that my mind was clear and able to focus, all I could think about was getting naked with Dimitri and seeing where things went.

I didn’t wait for further instruction; I simply fled the bedroom. I quickly realized that his house seemed to be a mirrored version of what Sebastian’s floor plan used to be. The bathroom I was looking for was on the right instead of the left. No matter, I was able to find it just the same, and once inside, I quietly closed the door behind me, then leaned against it and closed my eyes. That man…oh my fates. He was absolutely gorgeous. I wasn’t a young omega, and I needed to remember that and get my act together. Dimitri was all mine, yet here I was in the hall bathroom, hiding.

I sighed before I pushed away from the door. I found the light switch on the wall, and with a simple flick of my finger, the bathroom was illuminated. I closed my eyes at the harshness of the sudden brightness before I used magic to dim the level of lumens in the room. That was much more pleasant. A glance at myself in the mirror had me wishing I’d not. My hair looked as if I’d gone to bed with it wet, and I’d not brushed it for a week. I wanted to moan about first impressions but had to remind myself that I’d already had my first impression of my One, and I had, in fact, spent the night with the sexy dragon.

Granted, I’d not done more than eat half of a fajita and then pass out on the man, but he’d joined me in his bed, and we’d woken up with him lying right behind me in the bed. That meant something. I shook my head. It meant that he was my One, I was his mate, and his dragon told him he would sleep next to me, period. That and the fact that I was in the man’s bed. His only bed.

I shook my head at my rambling thoughts before I flicked my wrist toward the shower. I needed at least a quick one, and yes, I could shower with magic, but I wanted to actually stand under the spray of hot water.

I stepped into the shower, immediately closing my eyes and sighing at the feeling of the hot water raining down on me. I gave myself a few minutes to relax under the spray before I went through the motions of showering. My bladder was telling me that I’d forgotten to empty it before I climbed in, and although it was most likely possible that I could aim for the toilet from the side of the shower, I wasn’t going to take chances. I simply finished with my shower before I stepped out and reached for a towel.

Dimitri hadn’t been kidding when he said there was nothing in this bathroom. That didn’t bother me in the slightest though. Just a bit more magic and I had everything I needed, right down to the toothbrush and toothpaste. But bladder before I cleaned my teeth.

I dried just enough to get myself to the toilet and then sighed again as I was finally able to let go and relieve myself. I used magic once more to dry myself completely and then dress in a warm outfit. Dimitri had mentioned watching the sunrise, and that meant outside, which would undoubtedly be cold. It was November in Montana, and yesterday afternoon, even when the sun was out, it was cold, so I could only imagine how chilly it would be before the sun actually rose and provided at least a bit of heat.

I quickly brushed my teeth and then cleaned and organized everything with a thought before I turned and pulled the door open. I wasn’t expecting to encounter my One standing across the hallway, leaning against it in the dark.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, repeating Dimitri’s earlier words.

“No. Would you like to go flying with me?” he asked.

Flying? Flying as in… “Do you mean on your dragon?” I asked.

“Ja. I would very much like to take you flying and show you not only the mountain but the sunrise. There is no better way to see the sunrise except from the air. My dragon wants to meet you. Will you trust me to take care of you? I would never allow any harm to come to you.”

I nodded. I knew what type of gift he was offering. The only time I’d ever seen dragons in their shifted form was when Lorenzo and I had been visiting Sebastian here on Treasure Ridge. We’d been out for a walk and had stumbled upon the waterfall. There, we saw an enormous black dragon flying around with a breathtaking golden dragon.

“Of course I trust you,” I told him. It was true. I did. But more than that, I knew that no matter what, I could get us out of a situation if needed. Well, unless I was unconscious. Then there would be issues.

“Then shall we go? It is actually a bit earlier than I thought. Although the sun will not be up for some time still, I thought we could have a bite to eat before we went flying?”

I glanced down at Dimitri’s outstretched arm and reached for his hand. “I’m not sure where you had in mind for breakfast, but if you’re hungry, I don’t mind feeding you whatever it is you wish.”

Dimitri gave me a lingering look before he shook his head. “You do not realize just what it is that I would love to eat at the moment, so perhaps don’t make such offers. I am and will always be a gentleman. But I am still an alpha who had to spend several hours lying next to my unclaimed mate. My dragon is pushing me hard at the moment to claim you.”

I stopped Dimitri with a gentle tug on his hand. “I will not object to that.”

Dimitri shook his head. “You asked that we wait until we were in our own home and not here. Have you changed your mind?”

I’d asked such nonsense? When? I sighed, trying to remember yesterday evening. It was there, albeit things were a bit jumbled. It had been an incredibly long week at work, and when you added in the fact that I’d met Dimitri unexpectedly, a whole lot had happened.

“You’re right. I would very much like to wait until we are in whatever house you are given. I’d like to know we won’t be interrupted, nor will we have to worry about disturbing neighbors.” I wasn’t on suppressors—I’d not needed them. And I didn’t wish to wait to start our family. I very much wanted a baby as soon as possible. Unfortunately for me, I would have to wait a good six months, though, since Dimitri was a dragon, and they had a longer gestation. It would be more than worth it though, I just knew.

“Then we wait.” Dimitri started walking again but stopped suddenly. I’d just taken a large step to keep up and managed to run right into his side. The man truly was a wall of solid muscles. “But not too long?”

I smiled up at him as I shook my head. “If you had a house assignment already, I’d ask that you take me there instead,” I told him. “As it is, it was a very close thing just a bit ago when you jumped out of bed and I saw you naked.” I stepped back, and although he was dressed in a pair of cargo pants and a long-sleeve shirt that was very much like a second skin, I now knew what was under those clothes, and, well, my imagination was running with all the things I wanted to do with him. “You are absolutely gorgeous, Dimitri. Not that you probably don’t already know that.”

Dimitri surprised me when he suddenly cupped my face with both hands. “It is you who is the gorgeous one.” Dimitri’s eyes moved from mine to my lips, where they lingered for so long that I was certain I was finally going to get that kiss. Sadly, he raised his eyes as he let go of my cheeks and dropped his hands. “We should go,” he said quietly.

I nodded, but on the inside, I was growling in frustration. Soon, I kept telling myself.

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