Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 8. Caspian 35%
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8. Caspian

Chapter 8


I wasn’t trying to be difficult. That was never my goal in life. I wasn’t sure why the first house didn’t feel welcoming, but there was simply something that just felt off. But the cabin that Dimitri had been provided? This place immediately called to me in a way that I couldn’t explain.

“There is nothing here,” Dimitri told me. “Not even a dish to prepare a meal.”

I grinned at him. “Are you saying there were things at the other house?”

Dimitri shook his head. “We will have to move everything in from my place in single enforcer housing. Even then, there is not enough stuff to fill this cabin.”

“I can move it whenever you are ready,” I told him. The fact that Dimitri didn’t have a whole lot wouldn’t be an issue. I wanted to bring some of my things from Madrid. Not all, but some. And I had quite a bit of furniture that could be moved from there to here. “The real question is are you comfortable with living here? You didn’t before, and I’m sure there’s a reason for it.”

“I wanted to fit in with my fellow enforcers. As it is, I still get some questionable looks, and at times, others stop talking when I enter a room.”

That was terrible. “Why? Because of your grandfather?”

Dimitri shrugged. “I have to assume that is the reason, but I do not know for certain. I understand it can be a bit off-putting when the grandson of the created dragon is hanging out with you. I’m just another enforcer though, and that’s what I wanted. It took a lot for me to get my grandfather to agree to me being in the position I’m in instead of joining the council in some other capacity.”

That was interesting. “In what way?”

“I’m not sure. I only wished to be an enforcer. I understand the other positions on the council are important as well, but I felt I could be the most helpful as an enforcer.”

“Do you still feel that way?”

Dimitri stared off to the side for a moment, and I struggled to see what he was looking at. The light in the entryway didn’t reach far, and I hadn’t bothered to venture farther into the house. “I’m not sure. I have been on only one assignment.” Dimitri looked at me and smiled while shaking his head. “Do not for one moment think I have issue with warlocks. I truly do not. But the majority of the assignments have gone to them and the hellhounds. I understand the reason for it, but it still is frustrating to continually be left behind because I don’t have the same magical abilities.”

I raised my eyebrows at that. “Did you need me to help? I can be your magic wielder,” I asked as I moved closer to Dimitri. When I reached him, I placed my hands on his sides and held on. Even in this form, he was incredibly warm.

“You most certainly are, but I would worry about you going to some of the places. Especially if you’re carrying our baby.”

“Babies,” I told him. I wanted to have more than one.

“Babies? Are you planning on twins? It is possible, you know.”

That wasn’t…I didn’t wish to think about that particular scenario. In all honesty, that was a bit terrifying to consider. One was going to be a lot. But carrying two of Dimitri’s children at the same time? I glanced down at my slim waist and felt a moment of panic. How was it possible?

“Master Ambrosius carried twins.”

Master Ambrosius. I was trying to place the name. Ambrosius? I was certain I’d met the man. Then it hit me. “The created vampire?”

Dimitri nodded. “Ja. He had twins his first pregnancy. He is slender like you. The body is an amazing thing.”

I was, and I knew it. I didn’t know why I was suddenly worried about carrying babies for Dimitri. “Although I wouldn’t be terribly upset with twins, I was actually referring to babies, as in more than one pregnancy. I would like more than one child?”

“Ja. You have said as much. If after the first you still want more, I will gladly help with that in all ways.”

Dimitri smiled at me, and I returned the expression. “So…now what?” I asked. I dropped my arms and started to move away, but Dimitri wrapped his hands around my upper arms and pulled me back to him.

“Now, we decide when and how we wish for the rest of the day to go. I can move the furniture once the sun is up and the storm passes.” Dimitri raised a shoulder. “Or you can do your thing and bring the stuff from the other place over here.”

I could do that. I nodded slowly as I tried to look up at my One. “Are there more lights in this place? I can always use magic to illuminate the place, but if you have lights, I would much rather simply turn them on.”

“Ja.” Dimitri let go, and after he took a few steps, lights came on, going back through the house.

My eyes widened as I got my first good look at the place. The far back of the house was still dark, and I wasn’t sure if that was because it was so dark outside or if it was simply that far away. I looked at Dimitri, shocked. “Why didn’t you live here?” I asked but shook my head. “I understand why. You already told me, but this place—” I started walking back through the cabin. It was gorgeous. “—it’s amazing. And the floor plan is so open.” It reminded me a lot of my condo back in Madrid. I didn’t have nearly as high of ceilings as there were in the back room, nor did I have the natural beam and stone, but that was beside the point.

“I am glad you like the place. I assume this place feels like it could be home?”

I smiled again. “Absolutely. I do have a question, though, before I bring your things over here.” I took a few steps, bringing Dimitri with me. “Do you think we will be here for some time? I would hate to get settled and then it be time to find somewhere new.”

“This place is ours. There will never be another that lives here, unless we allow it. There will be no more moving, no more remaking ourselves. Here at the council, we do not have to continually worry about not aging. We can be here for as long as you wish.”

That was a relief. If I was going to start a family now that I had my One, I wasn’t looking forward to moving around so often.

“Can you show me the rest of the house? I need to know where I’m putting everything.”

Dimitri took my hand, and when he immediately started toward the stairs, I smiled. Yes, please show me where the bedroom is because I really need to get that amazing bed here so we can get to other things. Specifically, claiming each other. I was a patient man for the most part, but I was more than ready to have the sexy dragon’s bite on my shoulder.

I could admit that it had been a bit too long since I’d been intimate. But Dimitri was so much more than just a random hookup. He was my last lover. He was going to be my forever one. I couldn’t help but send a silent thank-you for the magnificent man that fate had paired me with. Granted, I didn’t know him all that well, but I knew that with him being an enforcer, he had to be a good man. Not only that, but I’d all but passed out on him last night, and he’d been a complete gentleman and had simply gone to bed beside me.

“This is the main bedroom,” Dimitri said as we reached the door at the top of the stairs. There were several doors on either side, but this bedroom was at the end of the hallway. “You cannot see yet, but there is a beautiful view during the daytime. The falls can be seen in the distance. It’s not nearly as close of a view as Dedushka has, but he lives quite a bit closer to the falls.”

“This is to be our bedroom, then?” I asked.

“Ja. Unless you wish for one of the smaller ones.”

I shook my head. “And that furniture? That is all yours?”

“Ja. We can replace it if…” Dimitri trailed off when the room was suddenly filled with everything that had been in the bedroom we’d been in not even an hour ago. I used more magic to bring the sofa and other things that had been at Dimitri’s house. His clothes were now hanging in the closet along with mine. Our bathroom things were here as well. The kitchen was stocked with everything he had, which wasn’t much, but we could and would work on that.

I turned and looked up at my One. “I want you to claim me,” I told him. “We’re both old enough to know that there truly is no getting around it, and in all honesty, I have no issue with who the fates have chosen for me.” Dimitri tilted his head. “I know it’s not romantic, but I don’t need romance.”

Dimitri shook his head, but he reached out for me. “You may not need it, but you deserve it. I will gladly claim you, but I ask that you do not rush it. We can only claim once for the first time. I would like for it to be special.”

I nodded. “I would like that.”

“Good. Then perhaps we can start by removing your coat,” Dimitri said. He slid his hands inside my heavy wool coat, and when he pushed it off my shoulders, I let it drop to the floor. His fingers then moved to the buttons on my shirt, and I wanted to help, but I was going to let him do this. “I cannot tell you how much I wanted to explore you last night. You were sleeping so peacefully though. You barely moved when I joined you in my bed.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “It was a very long week, and it caught up with me.”

“You will not have to worry about long weeks any longer,” Dimitri told me. His hands moved swiftly down my torso, and when he reached my waist, he yanked on my shirt, pulling it from my slacks. The last few buttons were undone, and then his hands once more pushed something off my shoulders. This time, it was my shirt though. Dimitri’s hands were not only incredibly warm against my skin, but his caress was unlike anything I had ever felt.

I let my head fall back and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hands on my body finally. I moaned when his hands caressed lower to my waist. Because I had my head back and my eyes closed, I didn’t realize he had moved until I felt his lips on my neck. The quiet moan from only moments ago was repeated, only this time much louder and longer. I swallowed hard and held my breath as his lips moved up my neck toward my jaw.

“Dimitri,” I whispered.

“You taste just as good as I imagined.”

His lips moved up under my chin, and then they were gone. Seconds later, they brushed against my lips, and I whimpered when the fleeting touch was gone too soon. I should have known he wouldn’t deny us for long though, or at least anticipated when they returned, this time with more pressure. His hands slid around my torso, pulling me tightly to his body as his lips moved against mine. I moaned as I opened my mouth, letting his probing tongue in. We moaned in unison when our tongues touched for the first time.

I had been kissed plenty in my lifetime, but nothing had ever compared to what Dimitri was doing to me. My entire body felt as if it were tingling, and then it hit me—it was. My aura had been talking to me all this time, and I’d simply ignored it. After the first meeting at the bakery, I hadn’t paid much attention to what my body had been telling me. Now, I couldn’t deny it any longer.

My entire body was lit up like it was being stimulated everywhere and not just where he was actively touching me. My own hands moved to Dimitri’s waist, and when I tugged on his shirt, it easily pulled free from his pants. I slid my hands inside, touching that hot, smooth skin once more.

Dimitri pulled his tongue back and then his mouth from mine. “Just to be certain. You absolutely want this? I will struggle to stop if we get much further. I will do it, but it will be difficult.”

I blinked a few times, trying to focus on what he was asking. I knew that as an alpha, he would make certain that I was on board with being claimed. I myself had been prepared to ask something very similar. “Yes. I want your bite, Dimitri. I want to carry your children, to make a home and family here with you.”

That was all it seemed to take. Dimitri’s mouth was on mine again, and then we were moving. I assumed we were working our way to the bed, and when I felt it against my legs, I reached for the button of Dimitri’s pants. He groaned into my mouth as our tongues dueled with one another.

Once I had his pants undone, I slid my hands up, taking his shirt with them. Dimitri broke from the kiss again, and when he pulled his shirt over his head, I chuckled at the ripping sound that could be heard.

“I have others,” he said, seconds before his mouth was on mine again, and then we were moving. I lay back as Dimitri climbed on top of me. It took a bit of maneuvering, but I was able to crawl backward enough to where my body was completely on the bed with a very sexy man hovering just above me.

He gently pressed his hips down onto mine, both of us moaning when hardness met hardness. I couldn’t help my reaction: press upward into his body with mine. That earned me a growl, and suddenly, there were hands that were tugging on my pants. There was more ripping, but I didn’t care. I could fix them, and my mind was simply thinking that the quicker he got us naked, the faster he could bury his cock inside me.

I discovered that Dimitri seemed to have the ability to surprise me because as he started moving back up my body after pulling my pants from my legs, his tongue licked up my cock and then swirled around the head.

I was sure I said something a bit incoherent as his hot hand wrapped around the base of my cock and lifted. When he did, it was instantly surrounded by hot, wet heat as his mouth swallowed me down to the base.

I gasped, the tingling in my body intensifying in my cock. It felt as if I were wearing a vibrating cock ring, and the sensations brought me closer to orgasm than I’d ever gotten there. “Dimitri,” I warned when his mouth continued to move up and down my length, sucking tightly as he moved up and off. Either he didn’t hear me, or he chose to ignore my warning because his mouth never ceased, and when his fingers trailed down my balls and then behind, I opened my legs as wide as I could to give him room.

When I felt a finger circle easily and then press in, I was done. I shouted as my body overloaded, and the orgasm couldn’t be stopped. Dimitri moaned after the first pulse of cum filled his mouth, and when my body continued to pulse in pleasure, I grabbed the bedding below me to hold on.

The pleasure became too much, and I pushed on Dimitri’s shoulder. Only then did he pull up and off my still-hard length. His fingers moved, and I moaned when they touched a very sensitive spot inside me. I knew if he rubbed over it enough, I would find release again, but I wanted him inside me before that happened.

“Please,” I said.

“You need to be stretched,” he replied. His fingers continued to move in and out of me, and it wasn’t until several minutes later that I heard a grunt, and then finally, his fingers pulled from my body. There were some harsh words in his native language that I was sure I would never remember to ask about. They were accompanied by more tearing sounds, and I gave mercy to my One and used magic to completely undress both of us.

Dimitri froze for all of two seconds before he moved in between my legs. He reached under them, then wrapped his hands around my thighs and pulled me up onto his own muscular legs. I never knew I would be so turned on by being manhandled, but I’d never had sex with a sexy dragon alpha before either. I was already very much enjoying it, and when the head of his cock pressed against my opening, I knew I was about to love it even more.

He pressed forward, gentle at first, and then with more pressure until his cockhead slipped in, and he froze. I felt a moment of burn and took a deep breath in hopes of helping myself relax, but it took longer than I’d hoped.

“When you’re ready,” Dimitri said after several minutes.

I took another moment before I gently raised my hips a bit. When I did, it moved Dimitri out of me slightly, and he took the hint that I was ready for him to move. As he gently pushed in, the burn was still there, but it quickly subsided. Dimitri pulled out a little, then slid back in. Every time he did, I moaned. When his dick was finally deep enough to touch my prostate, my body reacted accordingly. I groaned when he pulled out, and his cock rubbed over my prostate once more.

Dimitri moaned this time and then pushed back into me, going deeper and deeper with every inward thrust. When his hips were touching the back of my ass, he froze. I wiggled a little, still very much ready for him to get on with things.


“A moment. I do not wish to finish already.”

I grinned up at him. “But if you were to finish already, you could claim me. When you claim me, we can hear each other’s thoughts. That means you will know exactly what I’m thinking and how much I wish for you to do certain things to my body.”

I wanted him to do everything, actually. The question was, would my One give in and give me what I asked for? I got my answer seconds later when Dimitri pulled his length from me and then pushed inward and groaned.

My body had already been tingling, but as my next orgasm was building, I did everything I could to fight it off. I wanted us to come together this time. Dimitri was having none of that. Instead, he started thrusting just a bit more forcefully. When his upper body fell forward and he caught himself on his arms, I expected his lower half to stop. Only it didn’t. His lips crashed down onto mine, and I thought to myself that I could die a very happy man just by our experience together thus far.

Dimitri’s mouth pulled from mine as his hips sped up even more. When he started making sexy grunting noises as he thrust inward and his mouth moved down my neck and to my shoulder, I tilted my head to the side to allow him more room. He took it, and seconds later, there was a sharp pain that lasted only an instant. Dimitri groaned loudly against my neck at the same time my body suddenly filled with heat. There was a feeling of impossible fullness that I hadn’t expected.

I felt as if there was a burning sensation that entered me in my neck through Dimitri’s teeth as well as where his cock was throbbing inside me. What someone might consider a painful experience, I could only moan as my body was suddenly an intense, vibrating mess. My cock swelled, and then a forceful orgasm ripped through my body, and I came between our torsos. I had just enough thought to imprint on Dimitri’s ribs before I felt my body spiraling downward into a heaviness that was unexpected but not unpleasant.

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