Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 9. Dimitri 39%
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9. Dimitri

Chapter 9


N ever before had my dragon pushed me so when having a sexual encounter with someone. Then again, I had never been with my mate for the very first time either. I had hoped for a bit longer experience, but my dick had other ideas. The tingling at the base and then the struggle to push back into my mate told me that my knot was expanding.

When I finally slid back into Caspian’s body, I felt my knot expand and my canines tingling as they dropped. Caspian was absolutely perfect, and when he tilted his head to the side to give me more room, it was all over. I moved over to where his neck met his shoulder and bit. The sudden flood of blood in my mouth was new and only fueled my dragon further. I moaned as my own body found intense release.

There was a sudden, quick, burning sensation in my ribs. It was gone in a moment, and then I felt…Caspian. I knew enough about warlocks to understand that the burning sensation I’d just felt was him claiming me. When I felt him in my mind, that confirmed it. Caspian was experiencing intense pleasure, contentment, and then was suddenly asleep.

I pulled my teeth from his neck, licked over the bite, and pushed up on my arms enough to look down at my mate. Sure enough, he was fast asleep. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Never before had I fucked someone unconscious. Then again, I’d never claimed anyone before either.

I tried to move, which caused Caspian to groan, even in his sleep. I understood immediately: my knot had pulled on his opening in a not-pleasant way. I hadn’t thought things through when I claimed Caspian face-to-face, but I wanted to be able to kiss my beautiful mate.

No matter how I tried, I couldn’t seem to move us to where it wasn’t painful for either of us. In the end, I simply stayed where I was, resting on my arms above my mate. His legs had fallen to the side, one on the bed and the other on my hip. I would remember this next time we made love. I didn’t know how long I hung out there—there was absolutely nowhere for me to go—when Caspian finally started to wake. I felt him in my mind before he started moaning and moving around.

“I wouldn’t wiggle too much,” I warned. There was more than one consequence when he moved around. Not only did it tug on my knot and cause discomfort, but in doing so, it seemed to stimulate my knot, which caused a surge of desire to shoot through me.

Caspian moaned again, and then I saw his eyes open. When they did, a smile appeared slowly on his face.

“Hello, mate,” I said before leaning down and touching my lips to his. Caspian moaned, and his arms touched my shoulders and then wrapped up and around my neck before they threaded into the hair on the back of my head.

“Mmm,” Caspian moaned into the kiss. “More kisses,” I heard through our bond.

“All the kisses,” I replied in the same manner.

Caspian flinched, his tongue stilling before he groaned. Once he did, he pushed his tongue against mine and fisted his fingers in my hair. His lower body lifted, and then I felt it through our bond: a new surge of sexual desire had hit him.

I wasn’t sure what all was feasible with my knot still very much present, but I was willing to do whatever I could to give him as much pleasure as possible.

Caspian continued to moan while I basically wiggled around, rolling my hips over and over. I was doing no more than that, but that was all it seemed he needed. I could feel his pleasure building until it became too much for him. When it did, he pulled his mouth from mine and shouted my name as his body squeezed me over and over. I moaned when that caused my own orgasm. Or perhaps it just intensified my first. Either way, I had a feeling we were going to be stuck together for quite some time.

When Caspian’s body finally relaxed, he sighed. “That was…by far the best I’ve ever had.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Now is not the time to compare me to past lovers. I am not insecure in any way, but I am still a possessive alpha. I am currently knotted inside of you, but that won’t stop my dragon from seeking out all of your past lovers to cause pain.”

Caspian’s eyes widened. “That wasn’t…I have never lost consciousness, Dimitri. I didn’t mean anything beyond that. But since you’ve already mentioned it, I’ll go ahead and say that you are the best I’ve ever had. Fated mates aside, you truly are.”

I snorted. “I know nothing about sex with a mate beyond what we’ve experienced. I would venture to say that you passed out because we claimed one another though.” I was suddenly fighting with my dragon. He wanted to rush out and obliterate every previous lover that Caspian had. The human side of me knew that wasn’t logical and that my mate honestly didn’t mean anything negative by what he’d said.

“Oh, probably. I guess I could ask my fathers. Or my brother, but it’s not really something I want to discuss with them.” I nodded slowly. “How long do you think we’ll be stuck together?”

“I cannot say. What I do know of alphas’ knots and how long they last vary. We have just claimed one another, so I would imagine it will last a good while. Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?”

Caspian sighed. “I’m not sure. Maybe we can try to roll over? If I sit up a bit, maybe it will work?”

“It’s possible. I had tried to roll us earlier while you were sleeping, but I couldn’t seem to do so without causing you to wince or grunt in pain.”

Caspian made a noise. “That doesn’t sound encouraging. I’m awake now though, and I’m definitely willing to give it a try.”

With Caspian awake, we were able to roll over without too much discomfort. He had to mostly sit up, which wasn’t exactly what he had been hoping for. Caspian bent at the waist, leaning his arms on my chest, and stared at me with a smile on his face. “Hello.”

I grinned back up at him. “Hello to you as well. How are you feeling?” I asked. I reached out and gently touched the new bite on his shoulder. Caspian closed his eyes before he shivered when I gently ran my finger along the scar.

“Aside from the giant dick knotted in my ass, I’m good. Excellent, I’d say.”

I couldn’t help it; I chuckled at that. When Caspian made a face, I fought myself and stopped laughing because I realized the movement tugged on my knot and his opening.

“What’s so funny?”

“That comment. It just didn’t seem like you.” I shook my head. “I work with Benjamin every day. He and most of the other warlocks are incredibly…” I did not wish to insult my mate, but how did one say that most of the warlocks he had met were quite stuck-up? “Proper,” I went with. “Benjamin is much more relaxed than many others. I’ve worked with Frederick from a distance, and he seems as if he’s fairly easygoing.”

It was Caspian who chuckled now. He did it twice before he winced again. “Yes, well, my cousins and myself try to be not stuffy. I know there are some older warlocks that can be much more formal, my own sire being one of them. I love him though, and despite the fact he’s much more serious, he is quite open to suggestions when he is called out.” Caspian moved his arm, and suddenly, there was a dim light coming from the bedside table. “Are you calling me stuffy?” he asked, a mischievous look on his face.

“I wouldn’t,” I told him with what I hoped was a straight face. Honestly, I didn’t know my mate quite well enough yet to be able to make such a judgment. If I went by our first meeting, I would say he was on the stuffier side. But after spending time with him shortly after, I would say that he was fairly laid-back.

Caspian traced a line from my collarbone to my nipple. When he swirled around it with his finger, my body reacted as I expected: my cock twitched. I knew Caspian felt it when his eyes widened.

“If you want it to go down, you need to not stimulate it,” I told him.

“I didn’t,” Caspian argued. “All I did was…” He trailed off as he looked at my nipple. When he cleared his throat, I fought off a laugh. Yeah, he did. “Sorry about that,” Caspian said. He moved his fingers to the middle of my chest and started lightly rubbing there. “Is this place safe?”

I smiled. “Safer. You touching me anywhere is going to turn me on. There are places that will cause more of a reaction than others, and you will learn what those are in time.”

Caspian got a glint in his eye before his fingers moved back over to my nipple. I reached up, gently holding his hand in mine to keep him from touching there again. “Behave,” I warned.


“Ja. I want to make love to you again. But I cannot do it if I cannot move. Let my knot go down. We can then have a shower and some breakfast, and then perhaps we can figure out what it’s like to make love in front of the fireplace downstairs?” The floor was currently bare, but I knew Caspian would remedy that in a blink.

“That’s not if…that’s definitely happening. When?”

My smile widened. “Later this morning work for you?”

“Yes. Absolutely. What else do you want to do today?”

I raised an eyebrow at my mate. Was he being serious? We had just claimed one another. Did he not want me as much as I did him? “Are you being serious? Or facetious?”

Caspian blinked at me several times before his eyes widened again. “Oh,” he said. “You want to spend the day in bed?”

I shrugged a little. “Or on the sofa. Or the shower. In front of the fireplace? All sound like good places to get to know you. I want to explore your body as much as I possibly can.”

Caspian smiled. “I want that too. So today, we fuck like rabbits.”

I couldn’t help it; I chuckled. Caspian winced a little, but the laughter wouldn’t stop. I felt terrible, but that didn’t change the fact that my mate had a witty side that I couldn’t wait to experience more. “I do not believe there are rabbit shifters, but yes. I would very much like to spend the day knotted to you as much as possible. Is that agreeable with you?” I asked once I stopped laughing.

Caspian smiled. “Yes. Although, I’m beginning to wonder how many of those we will get to experience with how long your knot seems to be lasting.”

I felt bad for my mate. “I do not know, but I feel a tingle at the base of my cock when it starts to expand. I can make sure I don’t knot you. That will allow for us to not be tied together for so long. There was no getting out of it this time though.”

Caspian sighed. He leaned down and rested his chin on his hands on my chest. “No. I like it. It’s not what I expected at all, but I’ve already come to terms with the fact that I’m going to be carrying our babies.”

I would carry them for him if I could. We’d talked about this briefly. I did not have the parts that were required for that.

“I know you would. You said as much earlier,” Caspian said. I realized he had heard my thoughts. “It’s enough that you say as much. I hope that means you will be supportive throughout the pregnancy.”

“I will dote on you every chance I have.” I would. I knew others didn’t get to see the side of Dedushka and Yéye that our family did, but Dedushka spoiled Yéye at every opportunity. They had given all of their sons an excellent example of what a mated pair should be like.

“What are they like?” Caspian asked suddenly.


“Your grandparents,” he said. “Your thoughts are completely open with me.”

“I have nothing to hide or keep from you. They are amazing. Dedushka is firm and strict but also patient and an amazing mentor. Yéye is his entire world, and without him, I do not believe Dedushka would be the man he is today. Yéye calms his dragon, as well as the man at times.”

Caspian tilted his head. “Does he have a temper?”

“No more than any other shifter. But at times, like most dragons, Dedushka’s dragon will push, and Yéye will be the calm that he needs.”

Caspian smiled. “That’s my parents. Father, don’t think he’s a horrible person. He’s not. He’s strict, but he’s an amazing teacher. He pushes us because he wants what’s best for not only us but what we can do to help others.”

“Your father though, you said he can push too hard at times. Will he push for you to return to Madrid?”

Caspian’s eyes unfocused for a moment or two before he blinked. “Possibly. I have responsibilities there. I know I said I’m not returning to Madrid, and I won’t. At least not permanently. I do have to go back though. Even if it’s only for a week or two, I will have to return to the firm to turn over my clients.”

I had honestly expected as much. It wasn’t too much of a surprise that he would go back. I would have been immensely surprised if he’d simply never returned. That didn’t seem like something he would do.

“I can go with you, if that is what you wish.”

Caspian shook his head. “No. I will go in the morning when you get up for work. I’ll work a partial day, then pop back over here. It’s not ideal, but I can’t leave Lorenzo like that.”

I understood that. I wouldn’t say I was a pivotal part of the council, but I still wouldn’t up and leave tomorrow without a backward glance. I wasn’t completely attached, but I also knew that was because my dragon was bored with sitting at the council building every day. But at the same time, I would very much like to go to Madrid with him. At least once. I wasn’t sure how my dragon would respond to our mate being halfway around the globe. He, of course, could return to me in a blink, but we’d just claimed one another. He wasn’t going to like the thought of our mate being out of our sight for a while yet.

“Do you think—” Caspian stopped midsentence when my knot let go. When it did, my cock immediately slipped from his body with a gush. We both groaned, but I was certain for different reasons. Me because my cock slapped against my hip and thigh, and it was still very sensitive. Caspian, I was sure because of the amount of fluid gushing from him. “Oh, that’s such an odd feeling,” Caspian said. He sat up, and the amount of fluid on my cock and legs increased when more came out.

Caspian gave me another look. If I wasn’t mated to him, I wouldn’t have sensed that he was feeling a bit of discomfort. That made complete sense though. It was a lot of cum and slick.

“It will most likely not be quite that much when I am not claiming you for the first time,” I told him, hoping that made him feel better. “I will admit that I’ve never come that much before, but I do know that alphas, especially dragon alphas, produce a lot of…seed,” I said and cleared my throat.

Caspian sighed. “Yeah, I get it. You have to ensure your mates carry your babies.”

“Dragon babies are extremely precious to us.”

Caspian smiled. “I would hope so.” He winced when he moved but continued to roll to his side. “I don’t know about you, but I want a shower.”

“Yes,” I said. It was going to be a messy dash to the bathroom, but I was completely in agreement with having a shower. “I do not know how long it will take for the water to heat up though. I haven’t been in the cabin in some time, although I think my family watches over it from time to time.”

Caspian stood and nodded. “No worry about that. I can have hot water waiting on us.”

I felt a cool breeze on my cock, followed by warmth. When I looked down, it was to find that the mess that had been covering me was now gone. I grinned. It was going to be quite the experience being mated to a warlock.

Caspian had started for the bathroom door, and I lay there for a moment on my side, staring at his backside as he walked away. He was truly a beautiful man, and I was incredibly grateful that he was now mine.

“Are you coming, or are you going to lie there and stare at my ass?”

I chuckled again. “I already came, remember?” I called out. Caspian’s head reappeared in the doorway, and he shook his head at me.

“Tell me why again that you didn’t live here already?”

I rolled out of bed and followed my mate at a slow pace. I entered the bathroom, knowing why he had asked that question. There was a large window on one wall, and in the daytime, it provided a gorgeous view of the mountain.

“There is a massive window in here. And a tub right in front of it big enough for two.” Caspian pointed at the shower. “Should we even discuss that shower?”

I chuckled. “You know the reason I did not live here before.”

Caspian nodded. “Would you rather we live in the enforcer housing?”

“Nyet,” I told him. “You wish to be here. I want to be here with you. This cabin will provide us with all of the room we could possibly need for our future family.” There were five bedrooms, including ours. That meant we could have four children before they would need to share rooms. Once the babies started arriving, I wasn’t sure Caspian would still wish for so many, but if he was, I wouldn’t say no.

The water in the shower was already steaming and falling from the showerhead on the ceiling. There were glass walls enclosing it on two sides, and the shorter side that was natural stone had a full-length bench. Aside from being useful during sex, I didn’t understand why there was a bench in the shower. But we were paranormals, and we were all about our mates.

“Did you wish for a tour? Or are you ready to step into the shower?”

Caspian reached out, and after he took my hand, he led me to the enclosed shower that was filled with steam. Some of it billowed out as we opened the door and stepped in. Shortly after, I discovered that Caspian wet and soapy was one of my new favorite things. That and having a warlock for a mate definitely had its advantages.

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