Dimitri (Paranormal Council Enforcers #14) 10. Caspian 43%
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10. Caspian

Chapter 10


E very day was a new experience with Dimitri. Plans had been made for the day after we had claimed one another, but the storm outside was relentless and kept us inside. Not that either of us would ever complain about that. But plans were quickly altered when my mind began to become fuzzy, and I started to feel incredibly hot later that evening. Dimitri knew exactly what was happening, and my next actual coherent thought was when I woke up in bed in our new cabin.

I was alone, which was a bit of a surprise. The room was full of natural light, so perhaps that was why. I rolled over onto my back and groaned. My body hurt. I couldn’t ever remember hurting like this before. My head was throbbing, and my mouth was dry and tasted…not fresh.

I heard Dimitri before he entered the bedroom, but when he did, he was wearing a pair of very low-hanging sweatpants and nothing else. He was also carrying a tray of some sort. When he noticed me, he hurried to set it on the foot of the bed and moved to my side.

“What day is it?” I asked.




It was hard to believe that it was only Sunday. It was a good thing, though, because I would need to call my fathers and let them know I wouldn’t be returning to Madrid just yet. I needed a few more days with Dimitri before I considered going back, even half days.

“That’s good. I would have thought I’d been here more than two days with how I’m feeling.”

Dimitri looked at me with concern. “It is not the first Sunday. You have been here over a week now.”

I froze for a moment before panic set in. I sat up quickly, immediately regretting it. My head started throbbing, and the sharp pain in my ass told me that it had seen quite a bit of action in the very recent past.

“Are you all right?” Dimitri asked, his hand warm on my bare shoulder.

I rubbed my forehead. “I ache in places I didn’t know was possible. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever hurt like this before.”

“I asked for advice this morning. A warlock’s first fertile period is usually the most intense.”

Fertile period? What Dimitri had told me about it not being the first Sunday made sense now. “How long?”

“Five days. It came on suddenly and hit you hard. Your brother has called your family in Madrid to let them know what has happened. At least the basics. He also brought all of your things over from the cabin you were in off of the mountain.”

I nodded. I would need to call my family in Madrid. I didn’t want to, but there was no getting out of it.

“I need the bathroom,” I said when my body told me it had been a while.

“Do you want me to carry you?”

I looked at Dimitri, surprised. Memories came flooding into my mind just then, and he had absolutely carried me to and from the bathroom over the past several days. He also sat with me in the oversized tub and bathed me while I went in and out of consciousness.

“I think my legs will work,” I told him.

Dimitri nodded, then stood before reaching for the covers. I realized I was naked in the bed, wondering how I’d somehow missed that before. I honestly didn’t care. I usually slept naked at home and didn’t really have plans to suddenly become shy.

Dimitri helped me to my feet, and as I started my trek toward the bathroom, he followed, staying right beside me in case my legs decided to give out. It was a good thing because when I was within reaching distance of the doorframe, they started shaking. My sexy dragon carefully picked me up without even a grunt and carried me the rest of the way to the bathroom. He set me on my feet in front of the toilet, something I was grateful for.

“I’ll be just outside in the bedroom,” he said. Dimitri kissed my nose before he turned. Instead of leaving right away, he walked over to the tub and turned on the faucet, then left the bathroom. A long soak in hot, soothing water sounded perfect right now, and it touched me that he’d thought of me enough to do that before he left to give me some privacy.

I took care of business, brushed my teeth, and then climbed into the tub. I winced at first but sighed when the hot water started to work its magic. I had just leaned back in the tub and closed my eyes when Dimitri returned to the bathroom.

“I hope the water is to your satisfaction.”

I peeked one eye open before closing it again. “It’s wonderful. The only thing that would make the soak more enjoyable would be to have you behind me with your arms wrapped around me.”

I heard Dimitri’s sweats drop to the floor and leaned forward. He stepped in behind me, and then the water level rose significantly when he settled in behind me. I sighed when I leaned back and his arms wrapped around me. The water continued to rise and was getting to the point it should be turned off, but I couldn’t be bothered to move out of Dimitri’s arms, so I used magic.

“Has it seriously been a week?”

“Yes. My dedushka knew I had met you, as did Rainier. I am certain that all is sorted.” Dimitri kissed the side of my head before he leaned back and relaxed.

“I don’t want to go back to Madrid. I know what will be waiting for me, and it’s completely irresponsible, but all I want to do is hide out here with you.”

“I can take time and go with you. There is absolutely nobody at the council that will say anything to me about taking time off.”

I wanted that. Although he was probably correct with who his grandparents were, I did not want Dimitri to face any sort of resentment from the other enforcers. I knew Sebastian would never be an issue; neither would Benjamin or Frederick. But I did not know any of the other enforcers beyond what my brother and cousins had said in passing.

“Just a few hours a day. That’s all I’m going to go for. One week, maybe two. Beyond that, my father will have to figure things out. My life is here with you now.” I knew Dimitri was going to struggle. Rather, his dragon would struggle with me being so far away. But I would absolutely return to him in a moment if he started to have issues that he could not control. In my eyes, that did not make him any less than. Alphas were different.

“How are you feeling?”

I took a moment to take stock of every part of me. My head was still throbbing but was slowly getting better. The rest of me ached, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been even ten minutes ago.

“I’m doing okay. My head is throbbing, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s because I need something to drink, or do I need more sleep? I thought I had been sleeping though, right?”

“Ja. You pulled away from me yesterday afternoon.”

Yesterday afternoon? “What time is it?”

“Almost time for lunch.”

Oh, food. That sounded wonderful. “You mentioned Sebastian. Do you know what our parents said to him, if anything?”

“Nyet. There was a note on the counter. It appeared at some point yesterday. It was from Master Edison. It simply said that your brother had contacted your parents and that you should drink the tea that was left on the counter.”

Master Edison and tea. I knew all about the tea from when Drew was pregnant. I turned a little to look up at Dimitri. “Do you think I’m pregnant?”

Dimitri shrugged. “With as much as I was knotted to you, I would be surprised if you weren’t. Why do you ask?”

“That tea. You said it came from Master Edison. He has a tea that he distributes to all of the pregnant omegas. It’s supposed to help with morning sickness.”

“Ah. I understand now. I believe we will not know until another few weeks for certain. Unless you are one of the warlocks that can tell early in a pregnancy.”

I nodded. Sebastian had been able to tell not only when Drew was pregnant but also the species he was carrying. I had no doubt that I, too, would be able to do the same. If it turned out I was the oddball in our family and I couldn’t detect the baby, I knew my brother would be more than happy to share the news with us.

“Aside from your head, how are you feeling?” Dimitri asked.

“Hungry. Will you share your memories with me?” I asked. “I don’t necessarily need or want to relive all of them, but during my fertile period. Would you share those? I don’t really recall too much from those five days. It’s a lot of fuzzy memories about need and sex.”

Dimitri did not respond verbally. Instead, he did exactly as I had asked. My mind was suddenly filled with images of me reaching for Dimitri, him showing me attention that I had never experienced before, and us spending a great deal of time knotted together. Dimitri showed me memories of me sucking on him. Of me riding his cock until I sprayed his chest with my own cum. The memories kept coming, and I realized that I was apparently quite a bit more adventurous than I ever realized.

“You seem to be enjoying what I am sharing with you,” Dimitri said. His hands ran up and down my torso, paying special attention to my nipples. When his lips started to trail down my neck, I moaned. How was it possible that after a five-day fuck fest, I still wanted more? “Yes. You very much like that,” Dimitri whispered. “Do you want me to bring you pleasure?” Dimitri asked as his hand slid down my torso. When it wrapped around my hard cock underwater, I instinctively pressed my hips upward in hopes of getting more friction.

“How is it even possible that I am turned on?”

Dimitri kissed the bite mark on my neck, and I thought I was going to jump out of my own body. There was an intense surge of pleasure that started coursing through me.

“You are my mate. Your body recognizes me as such. Your body will crave the connection that we now have. Our intense need for one another will not be simply during your fertile period. It will always be there. As time goes on, it is possible it will diminish a little, but I will always have this effect on you. Just as you will do the same to me.”

I knew that. Somewhere deep down, I was already aware of that. My parents had been together for centuries. To this day, my father absolutely adored Papa. He would do anything for him, and it wasn’t uncommon for them to still disappear into their bedroom together.

Dimitri continued to slowly stroke my cock under the warm water, and I could feel my balls start to tingle. Despite everything that we had just gone through, my body’s need seemed to be unsatiable.

“Come for me,” Dimitri said just before he bit down on my shoulder. I screamed as an orgasm rushed through my body, and pulse after pulse of cum shot into the water.

What felt like forever, but in reality was less than a minute later, my body seemed to relax, and I went completely limp in the tub. “Such a good mate. That is what I mean when I say your body will always react to mine. But you feel better now, yes?”

I sighed, too exhausted to do more, but Dimitri deserved an answer. “Yes,” I whispered out. “Did you bite me again?”

“Yes, but I did not break the skin. It was not necessary for me to bring you pleasure. Just as you touching, kissing, or playing with the mark you put on me, me doing the same to yours will have the same effect. You act as if you know little to nothing about how mates work.”

If I were a shifter, I would growl at Dimitri. As it were, I instead chose to find the strength to sit up so I could turn and glare at him. “I know exactly how mates work. It’s just that my brain isn’t exactly functioning at full capacity at the moment. You try spending five days delirious with fever and intense sexual desire and need, and see how clearly you can think shortly after waking up.”

“Apologies. I know you are speaking the truth,” Dimitri said as he reached out for me. I let him pull me back to his chest, and as I leaned against him, this time, my ear was resting just above his heart. The rhythmic thumping of his heart, combined with the exhaustion my body was experiencing, quickly lulled me into a light sleep.

When I felt Dimitri move behind me, I opened my eyes. He stood up and then reached down for me. I took his hands, and he easily pulled me to my feet before he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Can you walk?”

I nodded and looked around, wondering where the towels were. I didn’t see any, and I’d not thought to grab one before I stepped into the tub. With a little bit of magic, the tub was empty, and we were both dry. Dimitri stepped out, never letting go of me. He held my hands while I joined him on the rug that was off on one side.

“Since there was no rug before, I have to assume it is your doing?”

“Yes. I dried us as well because I didn’t know where the towels were.”

“I do not have any. I did at the other house, but I am unsure where they went. Did you bring all of the things over?”

“Yes. I couldn’t tell you where they ended up though. I sent them to the closet, wherever that happens to be.” I hadn’t looked around much. But my magic knew what a closet was, and I had to hope that the towels and other things were where they were supposed to be.

Dimitri pointed to a door on the other end of the room. I followed as he walked that way, not that I had much of a choice since he was still holding my hand, and when he opened the door, my eyes widened. I followed him inside, taking in the vast space. It made my closet in Madrid look like a broom closet.

“Why do you need so much space?” I asked as I walked to the middle of the walk-in closet and turned around in a slow circle.

“My family had this place built. There was, of course, magical help from certain warlocks. But Dedushka was provided with a couple of cabins for himself as well as his family. The thunder that was here, the ones that originally settled this mountaintop, were too happy to have the created dragon here.” Dimitri walked over to a line of shirts that were hanging on the rod and pulled one down. He slipped it over his head and stood there in nothing but a shirt. I looked pointedly at his dick, remembering that he’d given me another orgasm without having one of his own. You wouldn’t know, though, because his dick was flaccid. It was still impressive; my guy was not only a grower but a shower as well.

“So how did you end up with the cabin, and why is it so big?”

“I was the only one that had decided to join Dedushka and Yéye here on the mountain. Longwei was still too young to live on his own.”


“And…” Dimitri walked slowly toward me. “This place is so large because there was, of course, the hope that I would meet my mate and decide to stay. Dedushka would love nothing more than to have the majority of his family near him again.” Dimitri looked as if he was thinking. “Actually, most likely, it would be Yéye. Dedushka loves all of his children, but I know he sometimes questions some of us grandchildren.”

I chuckled. My own fathers only had the one grandchild, but I was certain that would change soon enough.

Because I could feel the heat coming from Dimitri, I didn’t notice the cool air temperature in the closet. When he moved away, it was apparent. I glanced at the empty rod on the other side of the closet, and after a deep thought about all of my clothes hanging in my closet in Madrid, I had them all here. They were still organized by color, then weight of material, and then fit. The same with my button-downs.

Dimitri noticed and stopped. He looked back at me with raised eyebrows. “You have a lot of suits.”

I shrugged. I was getting cold, so with more magic, I was dressed in flannel sleep pants and a long-sleeve T-shirt. “I’m a lawyer. What else did you think I wore to work?” More often than not, I wore the slacks and a button-down on the weekends as well. I had absolutely no life and often found myself either working from my home office or just giving in and going into the office. That was going to change now though.

“I should have expected it, actually,” Dimitri said. I glanced down at him again, and although he didn’t look or feel chilled, I used magic to put the sweatpants back on him that he’d dropped beside the tub. Dimitri glanced down and shook his head, but he was smiling when he raised it to make eye contact with me. “That is going to take time to get used to.”

“I can simply not do it. I know some don’t enjoy the sudden feeling of being dressed or undressed.” Or things suddenly appearing in front of them. I wasn’t the only warlock to ever surprise someone, and not in a good way, by using magic to have something appear out of thin air.

“Nyet. It is fine. I very much like it. I simply am used to doing things for myself. I do not mind you doing these things for me.” Dimitri moved closer, and when he cupped my face, I instinctively held my breath. Would he kiss me? He did when we claimed each other, and he had definitely kissed me in all the places when I was having my fertile period. His lips slowly moved closer to mine, and as they made contact, I closed my eyes and moaned. My hands went to his hips, and I held on as Dimitri gave me what was by far one of the best kisses of my life.

His tongue swiped over my lips, causing them to open and allow entrance. He then slowly swirled his tongue around mine before retreating. He repeated the movement several times before my stomach had to go and ruin it. A loud growling noise interrupted us, and I wanted to scream in frustration because Dimitri’s kisses were already addictive.

Sadly, his tongue retreated, and then his lips rubbed across mine once before he pulled away. His right hand dropped to my shoulder while the other stayed on my cheek.

“I should feed you. My dragon will be grouchy if I don’t.”

I pouted, or at least I tried to. “I can use magic. Then we will have food right away.” My hope was that if we ate in a hurry, then we could get back to kissing all that much faster.

“You can if that is what you wish. I still want to take you downstairs to feed you though. We have not had a full tour of the house yet. Perhaps you would like to see it?”

I would, but I was going to live here with him. I would have time later? Dimitri was determined though, and after taking my hand, he led me from the closet. We went through the bathroom and into the bedroom, where he went to the bed and picked up the mug that was on the tray. There was also a plate, but it was empty. I took the mug and gave Dimitri a look. He shrugged.

“It had toast on it. You were in the bathroom though, and when you didn’t come back out for the tea, I ate the toast. The tea is supposed to help you feel better though. I would hope it will help with your throbbing head.”

I nodded. I took a sip of the tea and winced when I found it had cooled. A little magic and it was once again steaming. I tried again and this time found it much more pleasant.

“Lead the way,” I told my One. “You wished to give me a tour. Let’s start with all of these doors that are up here. I assume they are the other bedrooms?”

Dimitri nodded. He took my free hand and started toward the door. It was time to get a look at the place that was going to be our home.

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