Embers of Torment (Power and Passion #2) Chapter 6 24%
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Chapter 6


I rechecked my watch as I stepped from my car, parked a half block from Adam's West End apartment. I was late, but not terribly so since I had hustled like crazy at work to finish the 3D model I was working on for our newest project. Reaching Adam's building, I hurried inside, checked in with security, and strode toward the elevator lobby. I couldn't help pacing as I waited for one of the cars to come down from an upper floor.

Am I being an ass?

Damn, I had asked myself that question at least a half dozen times this evening. It seemed rude—more like mean—to get such enjoyment from Della's fear of scary movies. But, man, this was the perfect opportunity for me to be the protector and get close to her. And that was something I was aching to do. How I felt about her had morphed beyond curiosity and intrigue. I liked the woman and looked forward to getting to know her better.

I also wanted to ask Della on a date one day soon, provided tonight goes as well as I had hoped. There was an uncanny connection between us that I couldn't nail down, and our personalities meshed well together. Della was the type of woman I could see myself with over the long term. She wasn't shallow or self-absorbed like Charlene or any of the other women I'd dated of late.

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. My throat felt dry when I stepped inside. Pushing the button for the third floor, I leaned against the wall and stared at the mirror. My anticipation grew as I reached Adam's floor and hustled down the hall.

Adam beamed when he flung his door open. "Welcome to my apartment. I'm glad you're here. Della and I are still eating, so you made it in time for dinner." He took a step back and let me inside.

"I was hoping I wouldn't be too late." I followed Adam from the entryway into the kitchen and dining area. My mouth quirked upward when I spotted Della sitting at a table for four with her hair pulled back into her trademark ponytail.

"It's about time you got here," she teased.

"Better late than not at all."

"That's true."

Adam came from behind me and motioned toward the empty plate between his and Della's chairs. "Take a seat. Do you want some egg drop soup with the stir-fry and steamed rice?"

"I do. I was already hungry, and the heavenly aroma from your cooking has made it worse. My stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in days."

"Thanks. The dishes came out as scrumptious as the savory smell implies." Adam removed my plate from the table and took it into the kitchen while I pulled out the chair and sat.

"Poor baby." Della clucked her tongue and stabbed a piece of beef with her fork. She held it toward me. "Here. Take a bite while Adam fixes your plate."

"Hmm. We've progressed from sharing cups to forks." I leaned forward to take a bite as Della pulled her hand back.

"Wait a sec. You haven't picked up cooties or some strange disease since this morning, have you?"

"I have not. Now, give it back. You're teasing a starving man, so be careful," I laughed.

"Well, in that case, I better not tease. I wouldn't want you to eat my arm."

Della held the piece of beef out again, and I grabbed her wrist to keep her from taking it back. I leaned in and slowly took the meat from her fork while our eyes locked. Della's face flushed, and she retracted her hand as soon as I let her go.

My gaze dipped to her perfectly shaped and tantalizingly glossy purple lips. Damn. Why does Della feeding me a bite of her food feel so sexy?

"Here you go." Adam set my plate and a bowl of soup in front of me, ending whatever the hell was happening. "What would you like to drink? I have wine, soda, juice, or saké."

I cleared my throat and dabbed at my mouth with my napkin. "I've never had saké. I'll give it a try."

"Ooh, perfect. Someone new I can convert. A friend introduced me to drinking saké years ago, and it's become one of my favorite alcoholic beverages."

Adam looked giddy as he hurried into the kitchen. He returned holding a white porcelain cup painted with a colorful red, blue, and green dragon motif. After filling it with the milky liquid, he passed it to me. I lifted it to my nose, detecting a fruity scent.

Adam leaned forward on his elbows. "Tell me what flavor stands out to you."

"All right." I took a small sip, savoring the beverage on my tongue, and then swallowed. I jerked my head toward Adam. "Wow. That wasn't anything close to what I expected. It's sweet, smooth, and creamy, and I can pick out cantaloupe and honeydew melon."

"Exactly! This bottle is one of my favorites. I have another saké that's sweeter, but it's best as an after-dinner drink." Adam refilled Della's cup and looked up, an aura of excitement lighting his face. "Trivia time. Guess the age of the oldest known alcoholic beverage and what it was?"

"I haven't the slightest idea." I glanced at Della and caught her snickering. "Okay. Why are you so amused?"

"Because I'm enjoying someone else getting hammered with Adam's impromptu quizzes for once." Della snickered again, instantly rewarded with one of Adam's mock glares.

"You're such a brat." Adam turned his back on her. "It was nine thousand years ago and was a fermented beverage found in China made from fruit, honey, and rice."

"Huh. I have to admit, that was a fascinating piece of information."

"Told you my trivia was intriguing," Adam declared, wrinkling his nose at Della.

"Okay, fine. Only some of it is boring. Happy now?"

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

I shook my head and chuckled at the two of them. Being around Adam and Della was like watching a brother-and-sister comedy team, and it didn't take much to figure out they cared about each other like siblings.

I took a few more bites of my dinner, scanning Adam's apartment as I chewed. It was meticulous, like Adam, who disliked having anything out of place. "Your unit is comfortable, and the setup makes it feel roomy. Have you lived here long?"

"No, Theo and I moved here two years ago. We wanted to be in a more walkable neighborhood with easier access to public transportation. This complex fit all the criteria we were looking for."

"Plus, it's closer to me," Della added. "And I can take the T since the Haymarket station is across the street."

"That's convenient." I finished my soup and set my spoon on my now-empty plate. "Dinner was delicious. I had no idea you were such a fantastic cook."

"Thanks. Cooking has always interested me, but I didn't experiment with new recipes and different techniques until I moved here after college." Adam stacked our plates and bowls and took them into the kitchen, tossing, "We can start the movie after I clean up," over his shoulder.

"I'm going to change." Della scooted her chair backward. "Jace can help with the dishes."

"Thanks for offering my services, although I don't mind helping out." Afraid I was missing something, I asked as she walked away, "Why are you changing?"

"So I can be more comfortable while I scare myself half to death."

"Della likes to put on a pair of wacky pajamas and curl up on the couch when I turn on a movie," Adam called out from the kitchen. "She hides under her hood during the best parts."

"So what if I hide? And for your information, my jammies are not wacky."

Della marched from the dining area and disappeared into one of the bedrooms. I went to help Adam, the thought of what she might be changing into nibbling at the back of my brain. It took little effort to get the kitchen in order. I put detergent in the dishwasher and turned it on as Adam cleaned the counters. Ready for the movie, I retrieved my cup from the table and went to join Della in the living room.

I did a double-take when I saw her sitting in the middle of the couch.

"What the… Oh, shit. What are you wearing?" I struggled to ask, overcome with laughter.

"My jammies."

"Told you," Adam yelled from the kitchen.

I stared at Della's pale pink and very fuzzy long johns with a zipper front, which looked like an infant's sleep-and-play outfit without the feet. The material was uniformly covered in tiny print flowers in red and green. "Damn, that's hilarious."

"Just wait," Adam shouted.

"Shut up!" Della made a face and pulled the attached hood over her head.

"Oh, fuck," I blurted, unable to help it. The sight of Della's unicorn hood with its multi-colored mane, protruding eyelashes, and horn was too much, and I laughed so hard I was close to spilling my drink. I set it on an end table and dropped onto the chair beside it, battling like crazy to get it together.

"You can stop anytime now," Della growled.

I lifted my head and held my hand up. "Sorry. I'm sorry," I managed to say between shaky breaths. "Oh, God. That isn't what I expected."

Della narrowed her eyes at me and scowled. "Can we watch the flick now?"

"Yes, fine." I took a deep breath and crossed the room, setting my cup on the coffee table and plopping down at the far end of the couch.

Adam dimmed the lights and joined us, taking a seat on the other side of Della. He turned on the movie, and she instantly tensed.

"Are you all right," I asked, leaning against her.

"Yep, dandy as ever." Della drew her knees to her chest, her body tightly curled around one of the square decorator pillows.

"Tell me if you get too uncomfortable."

"Okie dokie." Della flashed me a smile and turned toward the television.

The three of us were quiet as Jack Nicholson's character sat in an office at the Overlook Hotel, where the general manager went over the details of Jack's new winter caretaking job. The scene switched back and forth between Jack and his wife and young son, Danny, who remained at their home. I watched the scenes play out, then realized Della had slipped the hood of her onesie over her forehead.

I refrained from saying anything but kept an eye on her till I caught her shrinking into the back of the couch. "Hey, are you okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I can't watch this part," she said in a low voice. "It's where Danny speaks to his imaginary friend and visualizes the blood pouring from the elevator. Oh jeez, it's coming up." Della yanked on the hood until it completely covered her eyes.

I remembered the elevator scene from when I saw the film years ago. It was weird and scary, and I knew it would creep Della out. Attempting to be proactive, I slipped my arm around her shoulder and tucked her into my side, instantly enjoying her softness and warmth. Struggling to focus on the movie, I whispered, "I'll tell you when it's over."

"Okay." Della's voice was barely audible, muffled by my shirt.

The scene finished, and even I was creeped out. "You can peek now. It's over," I said, my mouth at Della's ear. I was trying to avoid disturbing Adam, although he seemed oblivious to everything around him except the TV screen.

Della sat up but stayed next to me, and I couldn't help but notice how strangely delicate she felt in the crook of my arm. The movie played on with Danny meeting Hallorann, the hotel's chef, right before the resort closed for the season. Then Della snuggled closer and uttered a frustrated moan. I peered down at her.

"I can't watch this part either. It's where Danny rides his tricycle around the hotel and runs into those two murdered little girls. Crap. Here it comes." Della buried her head into my chest.

I chuckled, abruptly stopping when the scene came on, goosebumps forming on my arms. "Oh, hell. That was freaky," I said when it was over, feeling Della's head nod against my collarbone.

We continued to watch the movie, Della peeking from under her hood occasionally as Jack Nicholson's character lost touch with reality, and the scenes became more intense.

Then I was thrown for a loop as Della muttered something and practically crawled onto my lap, the couch pillow falling to the floor. Inwardly groaning, I took hold of her hand and removed it from its dangerous placement on my upper thigh. I leaned toward her ear. "Is this another scene you can't watch?"

Della poked her head out and quickly drew it back. She nodded against my chin. "It's room 237. Oh God, the woman in the bathtub." Her fingernails dug into my side.

"Damn, I remember it." I cringed when Jack hugged the sexy and sultry woman, her actual image shockingly reflected in the bathroom mirror. After a while, I gave Della a little nudge, concerned when she failed to resurface. "Hey, are you going to watch the movie?"

"Not until after Jack kills Hallorann. Tell me when we pass it." Della shifted, her knee slipping between my open thighs.

"Okay. I can do that." I stared at the television, blissfully aware of her position, while I savored the feel and scent of her body in my arms. I shouldn't be enjoying this moment—at her expense—but as hard as I tried, I couldn't help it.

Della had my motor running—in overdrive.

I moved Della's leg to a less intoxicating spot, forcing my attention to the screen. When we passed the scenes Della said she couldn't view, I leaned down and pushed her hood back to see her face. The sight seared me with an instant heat. Della's luscious lips were a mere six inches from mine, striking me with an urgent need to kiss them. Abruptly straightening, I closed my eyes while trying my damnedest to stifle my growing desire.

Della nudged me in the ribs. "What happened? Can I look now?"

I cleared my throat and looked down at her. "We're at the part with the man in the bear costume."

"Yipee. That means I can watch the rest of it." Della pulled away and sat up but stayed wedged against my side.

Della's body stiffened when Danny ran into the foggy hedge maze to escape from his crazed father. The scene was eerie and tense, and my anxiety built as the camera followed the boy through the dark, snow-covered twists and turns.

"Run, Danny, run," Della shouted.

The three of us jumped when Adam's front door slammed shut.

"Oh, hell." I placed my hand over my pounding heart.

"Adam, I'm home," someone called from the entryway.

Turning, I spotted a medium-complexioned man with short black hair walking toward us. His hand went to Adam's shoulder when he stopped beside the couch.

The man, who I assumed was Theo, peered at the television and flinched. "Oh! That doesn't look good. What are you watching?"

Adam smiled up at him. " The Shining ." His head swiveled back and forth between me and Theo. "Jace, this is Theo, my boyfriend. Theo, this is Jace. He's my buddy from college that I told you about."

"It's wonderful to meet you," Theo said. "Adam talks a lot about you."

"Good stuff, I hope."

"Ssh! We're watching a movie." Della eyed the three of us and scowled. "This is the end, too."

"Yes, ma'am." Theo grinned at her. Then he glanced at the screen and frowned. "Hey, wait a second. That's a thriller. You better not wake me up again because you had a nightmare."

Della narrowed her eyes. "I'm not going to have a nightmare or wake you. Now, hush."

The room went silent as we watched the end of the movie. Della's body relaxed as the credits came on.

"Now you can talk," Della declared, much to everyone's delight.

"That's all right. I'm going to shower and go to bed. I'm tired." Theo nodded at me. "Jace, I enjoyed meeting you." He turned his attention to Della. "I assume you're spending the night, so I'll see you in the morning. I'll make you those banana and pecan pancakes you like. And don't forget to leave your outfit here when you take off. It'll make a wonderful Halloween costume."

"Keep dreaming. I've told you a thousand times you can't have my jammies."

"Too bad," Theo laughed. He affectionately squeezed Adam's shoulder and walked toward the bedroom. "Good night, everybody," he called out as the door closed.

I was shrouded in disappointment as I nudged Della with my arm. "So you're not going back to your apartment?"

"Nope. When we get together over here for movie night, I leave the office with Adam, and he drives me home in the morning. That way, I know I'm not alone. Plus, it keeps me from freaking out on the T. Last time I left right after the flick, I thought everyone on the subway was out to get me. Some passengers eyed me like I was crazy, but I think that was because I muttered and hid under my hood."

"Please don't tell me you wore those pajamas on public transportation."

"Of course I did. I was comfortable."

"Oh, man. I don't think you should do that again, especially if it's late and you're alone. But now that we live in the same building, I can escort you to your apartment, so you don't need to stay. What do you think?" I smiled encouragingly at Della while internally willing her to accept my offer and let me take her home.

"Thanks, but I'm staying."

Della got up from the couch, and I joined her, stretching my back as I tried to hide my frustration.

"What about tomorrow? We can work out together in the fitness center. That is if you don't mind." I figured there was no harm in asking and hoped I wasn't pressing my luck.

"Maybe next weekend. I'm skipping my dance class in the morning. It's too hard to get into my workout after Theo makes one of his breakfasts. I'll end up stuffing myself like a puffer fish."

"I don't blame you," I laughed. "Banana and pecan pancakes sound delicious."

"You think? You could always show up on Adam's doorstep in the morning and have some gourmet pancakes with your dazzling friends."

"Dazzling, huh? I'm not sure about that one."

"Hey, I have a sparkling personality, remember? Oh, wait. I'm a gift to be treasured. That's what it was."

"You're not going to forget that comment, are you?"

"Nope. I plan on owning it. Della Nash, the gift to be treasured. I should get a plaque made and put it on display."

I laughed. "Well, you do that. And as much as I enjoy your razzing, I should go. I'm sure I'll see you sometime during the week."

"Yep, see you later. Be careful on your way home." Della held her hand in the air and executed the most royal wave I'd ever seen.

I was still chuckling as Adam walked me to the door. "Thanks for inviting me over. I had fun. Let me know when you have movie night again, and I'll be here."

"I plan on it since you're so adept at keeping Della calm. She's usually in severe panic mode by now. I think it helps to have someone she can latch onto during the bad parts. Hopefully, she didn't leave marks."

"I'm fine. No marks," I laughed, although, in a way, it was a lie. Della had marked me—with an irresistible urge to be near her again and touch her in the way I wanted to earlier tonight.

Adam escorted me out, and I headed down the corridor.

Sighing, I pushed the button for the elevator, reluctantly going home alone.

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