J ace rolled off me and kissed my forehead. We lay there side by side, panting from a vigorous round of lovemaking. I enjoyed morning sex. Jace was tender but ultra enthusiastic, always seeming to wake up needy. One touch and I had him spurring into action, and he always made sure I was satisfied.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Groaning, I reached out and gave my alarm clock an irritated slap. I was cozy and relaxed and felt no great urgency to get up, still immersed in the after-effects of a rocketing orgasm.
"I need to get rid of this condom and clean up. I'll be back." Jace got up and went into the bathroom.
Unwilling to move, I was lying in the same spot when he returned.
Jace reached for his underwear, which he'd tossed on the chair in the corner with the rest of his clothes, as my alarm went off again. I gave it another whack.
"You can't keep hitting the snooze button," he warned. "It's time to crawl out of bed, or we'll be late."
"I'm working on it. I need another minute or two." I rolled onto my side so I could face him. "In case it's not obvious, I want to stay in bed and cuddle."
"And so do I, but we have jobs. We're both immersed in projects with aggressive deadlines, so playing hooky is out of the question. We'll have to wait until this weekend for a leisurely morning in bed." Jace bumped my dresser when he bent to slip into his boxer briefs, the baseball he had caught during the Red Sox game a week and a half ago toppling to the floor. "Shit. The ball rolled under your box spring."
"No worries. I'll get it later. Oh, that reminds me. I talked to Kendra yesterday. She called me at work to tell me Spencer likes you and thinks we're well-suited for each other. You must have made a glowing impression because he wants us to come over when the Red Sox play the Tigers in Detroit. They're having a bunch of friends over and barbequing for the game. It'll be a week from Sunday. I told Kendra I'd talk to you and let her know."
"I'd like that. I don't have anything planned. So we can go."
"I hoped you'd agree. It'll be fun. By the way, Spencer's only met two of my prior boyfriends, one at my high school graduation and the other when I graduated from college. And he hated them both, so this is a huge deal for him to say something positive."
"It sounds like it, and I appreciate his favorable opinion." Jace leaned against my dresser and crossed his arms. "You do know you're procrastinating again. You need to get up."
"I know." I rolled onto my back, wanting Jace's tantalizing body beside me a little longer. "I'll make a bargain with you."
"Oh, no. Here we go. You are such a schemer," Jace teased.
"I am not. But here are the terms. I'll stay at your apartment Saturday night, in addition to Friday, if you'll come back to bed and cuddle for a few more minutes." I knew Jace didn't mind spending the night at my place, although I could tell he liked it better when I stayed at his. I couldn't blame him. Who didn't prefer staying in their home over someone else's? It was certainly more convenient, more so during the work week. Plus, his unit was bigger.
"Mmm, that does sound tempting. Let me see." Jace pressed his index finger to his chin and stared at the ceiling, pretending to mull over my offer.
I wanted to comment on how adorable he looked, standing there in his underwear with his hair all rumpled from the bed, but I thought better of it. I didn't want to distract him from saying yes.
We'd created a schedule since living in the same building made spending nights together easy, and we needed it to be fair. I spent the night with Jace on Tuesdays and Fridays, and he stayed with me on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We took the other evenings off for some "alone time" and to care for personal needs. Giving up my Saturday was worth an additional snuggle this morning.
"Ahh, come on. You know you want to," I said when Jace still hadn't moved or responded.
Jace gave me an adorably crooked smile. "A few minutes, no more."
"Yes!" I threw my hands in the air. "Score one for Della."
"Hey, if you're going to be smug about it, I might change my mind." Jace attempted to act stern, but the twitch at the corner of his mouth gave him away.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm not acting that way. Nope, not at all." I tried to hide my grin as Jace slid underneath the covers.
He leaned down and kissed me before pulling me close and tucking me against his side. His body was wonderfully warm, and his hand soft as it caressed my hip and thigh.
After a long stretch of holding each other in comfortable silence, Jace laughed. "Okay, little Miss Devious, or better yet, my Queen Procrastinator. So much for getting to work on time, although we might make it if we hurry. That is providing we skip breakfast."
"It was worth it, and I can live without protein for a few hours." I didn't care. I got what I wanted—extra time with Jace. I couldn't get enough of him, and the attraction went beyond physical. It was emotional and intellectual as well. When Jace was with me, I felt so sated. It was like my life was a banquet, and I had every delicious food imaginable at my fingertips.
Jace pulled away and sat on the edge of my bed. He leaned back and nudged my rear when I failed to move. "Up with you. Now. We have to get to work."
"Fine," I groaned. I tossed the covers back and stretched. Gloriously content, I stole a peek at him and smiled. He was a one-of-a-kind delicacy, and each nibble had me wanting more.
Jace stood and reached for his pants, glancing at me when he slipped them on. "I'm going to take off. I'll meet you downstairs in half an hour. Don't be late."
I frowned as I slid from the bed. "I'll be there." I brushed past him and went into the bathroom. Moments later, my front door closed.
Trying to hurry, I took a super quick shower, dressed, and filled a baggie full of grapes before rushing out my door. Joking about being late was one thing. Doing so was another. I was not a fan of breaking the rules, and I didn't want Jace to end up in trouble, especially since I was the culprit.
Arriving several minutes early, I stepped off the elevator and dashed around the corner. Jace was waiting for me in our building's lobby.
"You got ready in record time, " Jace said, giving me a delicious but way too quick kiss. Slipping his arm across my shoulder, we headed toward the exit.
I pulled a grape from the bundle-filled plastic bag and held it in the air. "Open your mouth. This is the best I could do for breakfast. Dang, and I'm hungrier than I thought I was." Jace did as I asked, and I dropped the piece of fruit onto his tongue.
We polished off the grapes as we hustled down the street, surrounded by a rush of others doing the same. It appeared we weren't the only ones on the verge of running late.
When we reached my office building, Jace maneuvered me out of the way to tell me goodbye. My stomach growled before he had a chance to say a word.
Jace peered at the grumbly offender and grinned. "I guess you weren't kidding when you said you were hungry."
"Nope, I wasn't. But I'll take cuddling with you and some bedroom rodeo over food any day of the week."
Jace burst out laughing. "Excuse me? Bedroom rodeo? Where the hell did that come from?"
I giggled and glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "You know. Giddy up, ride 'em, cowgirl. I like it when you let me take the reins." My cheeks burned like hot coals when Jace raised his brow, a knowing smile transforming his mouth.
"I admit. I enjoy watching you and ensuring you get what you want and are fully satisfied." After our shared moment of fun reflection, Jace's expression turned thoughtful. "Since you're so hungry, I'll order you some breakfast from that café down the street from my office when I get to my desk. They have delivery."
"Oh, yum. I've been there. Can I have the blueberry pancakes with bacon and a side of hashbrowns?"
"Of course. Anything else?"
"Not at the moment. But…umm…later is another story."
"Stop it," Jace laughed. "Or I'll have to march you back home. Then you'll have to explain to Sofie what happened."
"Umm…yeah. That won't work. So I guess I better go."
"Me too. Text me so I know you got your breakfast."
"I will."
Jace kissed me, then took off down the street.
I watched him for a minute, wondering how I got so lucky. Jace was always concerned about my feelings and needs, going above and beyond to ensure I was happy. The way he treated me was unlike anything I'd experienced before. Jace made me feel important and wanted—sexy even. And I liked the feeling of empowerment that it somehow gave me.
Jace was the opposite of the other guys I'd dated, especially the ones of late. They got some sick joy out of denigrating me and making me feel rotten, with their words and actions being a malicious hit to my confidence and self-worth. Jace lifted people's spirits and belief in themselves rather than tear them emotionally apart. He was the type of person I wished I had by my side when I was a kid instead of that asshat bully and his shameful supporters.
One thought stuck out above the others when I reflected on Jace. Why did it seem like I'd known him my whole life when it had only been a little less than ten weeks? It simply made no sense.
Turning, I strode into the building and hurried through the lobby.
What the bejeezus?
I came to a complete stop. My eyes darted around the communal space, searching faces as I sniffed the air.
"Sickly overpowering, isn't it?" a middle-aged man said from one of the upholstered chairs. He peered at me over the rim of his eyeglasses and held a copy of the Wall Street Journal .
"Very, and I swear I've smelled it before. Was there a person—"
"Sitting here wearing that unbelievably odorous fragrance?"
"There was. It was a woman in an oversized coat, sunglasses, and a scarf covering her head."
"What did she look like? Her facial features, I mean, and could you tell her age?"
"I'm sorry. With the woman's peculiar outfit, you couldn't tell much except that she was terribly out of place. She was intent on watching someone, then left as soon as the person got on the elevator."
"Who was she watching?" My pulse was racing. The scenario was way too coincidental and weird.
"Couldn't tell. Whoever it was happened to be in a group of others waiting for the elevator. It could have been any of a dozen people."
"Thanks." I hung my head, preoccupied with my thoughts, as I headed to the elevators. That was the same disgusting rose fragrance I had detected on Sofie and Reid's deck the night I babysat. It was overpowering, like someone had drenched themselves in a super cheap and unusually gross perfume. But who in the world would wear such a thing?
Oh, shit! Could it be Sofie's mother? That had been Sofie's conclusion when she and I met with Reid and Braxton Hennessey a while back. Holy moly! Is Sofie right? Has that horrible woman who caused so much drama back in Boston?
I dodged into the elevator as soon as the door opened, pushing past several people stepping out. I punched the button multiple times, eager to get going. I had to tell Sofie about this. She'd want to know.
Reaching my floor, I ran down the corridor, bolting across my department's lobby and through the side door toward Sofie's office. I stood there in her doorway, panting like a maniac.
"Your mother," I managed to squeak out while Sofie stared at me.
"What about my mother?" Sofie said, her face paling. She leaned back in her chair.
"That grotesque rose smell. The one on your deck that wasn't from your garden. It was that night. You know, when I babysat. It was when I freaked out." The words flew from my mouth as my brain tried to piece the fragments of my zinging thoughts together.
"Della, slow down. I need you to start over. What about the smell?"
"It was in the lobby just now. That same super stinky scent. You know…like…like…dead, moldy roses on steroids."
"Now? In the lobby?" Sofie sat forward in her chair, her eyes widening.
"Yes! A man sitting there told me it was a woman. I mean, a woman was wearing that gross-smelling perfume. He said she was watching a person get on the elevator. Oh, freaking monkey muffins. Did you just get here?"
"I did, and don't you move." Sofie picked up her desk phone and dialed a number. "Reid, I need you in my office. Now." She paused and rubbed her forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm upset. Della encountered someone…something…in the lobby a few minutes ago. I need you. Please." Sofie hung up and stared out the window.
"What now?" I whispered.
Sofie swung toward me, her jaw tight. "Reid's coming up here. I need you to stay."
"Okay." I pulled on the hem of my blouse, now less freaked out and far more worried.
Reid stood in the doorway minutes later, dressed in a gray suit and navy tie. His towering frame took up most of the space. "Sofie, what is going on?" His brow furrowed questioningly.
"Something happened to Della in the lobby. It's best if she explains it," Sofie said, her finger tapping the top of her desk.
Reid swiveled toward me. "Go ahead. I'm listening."
Shrinking under his unwavering stare, I slowly explained what transpired downstairs. I could see Reid's body tense as my story unfolded. When I'd finished, Reid stood there, rigid as a post, the muscle in his jaw twitching. Ultra protective of Sofie, I knew that beneath his intimidating stance was a river of concern.
Reid stepped into Sofie's office, leaned against her file cabinet, and crossed his arms. "Sofie, I know what you're thinking. But as oddly coincidental as Della's experience downstairs is with the one on our deck, I still don't see how it could have been your mother. She's not a young woman, and she certainly didn't look healthy enough the last time we saw her to be able to climb our tree."
"So you truly don't think it was her, even if she had help? Maybe from the man Della bumped into?"
"No, I don't. The man Della ran into in the plaza and possibly saw at the end of our block was alone. Like Braxton said, we have nothing to connect him to your mother. At this point, it's all speculation."
"Umm…can I go?" I wasn't sure if they had forgotten I was there. Either way, it suddenly seemed like I was intruding.
"You can go," Reid said. "But be aware, Braxton will likely need to talk to you. I'll call him after Sofie and I finish our discussion."
"I understand." I left Sofie's office and went to mine, finding a takeout container in the middle of my desk. I'd forgotten all about breakfast. It didn't matter because I'd lost my appetite. I removed my cell phone and stashed my purse in my drawer. Then I plopped in my chair to type Jace a three-word text. I hit the send button.
Me: Got fod thanks.
I glanced at my screen. Darn it. I didn't even type my message correctly. My phone dinged, and a response from Jace appeared on the screen.
Jace: Fod?
I groaned. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Now I have to explain .
Me: Sorry. I typed too fast. I meant food.
Jace: Are you okay?
I paused, then typed my reply.
Me: No. Can you call me?
Jace: Calling now.
My phone rang in my hand, and I answered it. "Hey, sorry about that. I…umm…had something happen after you left. It was down in the lobby."
"What happened? Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Well, maybe a little shaken. Remember that horrible perfume smell I told you about? The one that permeated the deck at Sofie and Reid's house the night I babysat."
"I remember. Didn't Reid get upset because you hadn't mentioned it to them at the time?"
"Yeah, he wasn't happy. Anyway, I smelled it again, but it was in my building's lobby this time. A man sitting there told me a woman was wearing it, and apparently, she was watching someone. I just got to my office because I had to tell Sofie and Reid about it first, and I'll probably have to talk to Braxton."
"Is he the detective with the Boston police?"
"Yep, that's him."
"What did the woman look like?"
"Don't know. From what the man told me, she was in disguise."
"Weird. Do you think the two incidents are linked?"
"I do. They're too coincidental not to be. Plus, I bet the woman was watching Sofie since she'd just arrived and would have been downstairs waiting for the elevator at about that time. Sofie thinks it might be her mother, but Reid disagrees."
Jace paused for a moment as if in thought. "Didn't her mother disappear?"
"Yep, and I agree with Sofie. I think the woman came back."
"Why would she return?"
"I'm not sure. She was livid with Sofie the last time they saw each other."
"Sofie refused to play along with her scheme, and Reid threw her out of their house. Either way, after everything I've learned about her, I doubt she'd be here unless she wanted something."
"Hey, how about I meet you in the plaza at noon."
"But I thought you couldn't get away today?" I spun the pen on my desk in a circle, unsure what had changed.
"I'm busy, but after hearing about your morning, I'd feel better coming over there at lunch. I want to make sure you're all right."
"I'll be fine. You don't need to do that."
"I insist. I won't feel better until I see you."
"Okay, you win. And Jace?"
"Thank you for caring about me."
"Always. You mean a lot to me. I'll see you later."
"Yep, I'll see you at lunch." I hung up and set my phone on my desk. I felt better after speaking to Jace. Having someone I could talk to about both the good and bad stuff without being inhibited or uncomfortable was refreshing. More than that, I relished our camaraderie and the knowledge I wasn't alone. Adam came close to that, but it was different—our connection was centered around friendship and was less personal. Adam didn't care about me the same way Jace did.
With Jace, it was special.