Embers of Torment (Power and Passion #2) Chapter 18 72%
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Chapter 18


I trailed behind Adam and Sofie as we walked toward the plaza a few minutes before noon. Jace had gotten there early, and I was texting him to let him know we were on our way. Reaching the table-filled area fronting the restaurants, I looked for Jace, spotting him waving his arm to get my attention.

"There's Jace. He's in the corner by the wall." I pointed at him when Sofie and Adam turned to look. "He picked up lunch for me, so I'll meet you guys over there."

"Wait a second. Jace couldn't order ours?" Adam teased.

"Excuse me? You could have called him when I told you he was meeting me here."

"Okay, you two. You can stop now." Sofie shot us each an amused glance and shook her head. "I swear you're related. You argue like siblings."

"Adam's my evil twin," I said with a smirk.

"Hey! I'm the nice one, but if you want to portray me as the opposite, I'll go out of my way to be mean."

"You won't because you like me too much," I laughed.

Adam made a face and followed Sofie to the café.

I joined Jace and eyed the cup of ice cream in his hand. "Where'd you get that?"

"I got it at the shop that opened up down the street. It's vanilla toffee crunch with caramel sauce. Unfortunately, it's melting fast. I got two spoons, so help me eat it before it becomes an even bigger mess."

I grabbed the plastic spoon lying on Jace's tray. He held the treat toward me, and I scooped up a small blob, slipping it into my mouth as it started to drip.

"Not bad, huh?" He took another spoonful.

"It's tasty, but I'd prefer it weren't half runny."

"Yeah, I realized I should have waited to get it when I noticed the ice cream melting."

We polished off the sundae as Sofie and Adam took the seats across from us. Jace passed me my sandwich. I unwrapped it and did a double-take. It wasn't the tuna on wheat toast with tomato, lettuce, and avocado that I'd requested. I scowled when I peeled the top piece of bread away and saw nothing but layers of vegetables.

"Umm, Jace. What did you get me?"

"Tuna. Why?" He glanced at my sandwich and frowned. "That isn't tuna, is it?"

"Nope. Not even close. I'll be back. I need to tell the person working the counter that someone made a mistake and see if I can get my order remade." I rewrapped the vegetable-filled pieces of bread, slid my chair back, and stood.

Jace shook his head. "No, I'll do it. It's my error."

"No, it's not. One of the employees screwed it up. Besides, you have your food, so you might as well eat. I'll do it." I hurried away before Jace could insist on going.

Entering the café, I went to the pick-up line and overheard a customer arguing with one of the workers about being given the wrong item. "Excuse me." I waved to get their attention. "I think you got mine. I was supposed to get tuna but got a veggie sandwich instead."

"I told you," the woman snapped. She glared at the employee, then held her paper bag toward me, expecting us to trade.

"I don't think so. I touched yours, and you probably handled mine. I want a new sandwich." I arched a brow at the young man behind the counter. "You guys switched our orders. I think you should redo them."

"Of course. You're right," the man said, sounding flustered. "Give me a few minutes. I'll be back." He took off, and a moment later, I saw him talking to someone in the kitchen.

Crossing my arms, I stepped back and waited, directing my attention out the front windows. Whoa. No freaking way. I leaned forward and peered intently through the glass at the person walking past the café. Oh, shit. It's him!

"Excuse me. Ma'am?" A voice called out behind me.

"Huh?" I spun around. The young man at the counter held a bag in the air while the snappy lady marched toward the door. I took my lunch, thanked the man, and hurried outside, stopping a few yards from the door.

The man in black I'd bumped into a while back had returned and was sitting in front of the taco shop. He was partially hidden by a potted shrub and focused his attention on something across the plaza. Following his gaze, I recognized his target.

He was watching Adam, Sofie, and Jace.

Hit with an adrenaline rush, my knees trembled as I looked for an empty chair. Taking a seat, I studied the man, who was unaware of my presence. Although he wore charcoal gray instead of black, I was positive it was the same person. One glimpse of his feet gave me the confirmation I needed since his well-worn work boots had bright red shoelaces. This time, however, he had uncovered his head, revealing short, tightly curled, grayish-black hair.

Remembering the conversation I'd had in Reid's office with him, Sofie, and Braxton Hennessey, I couldn't help but wonder if this man and Sofie's mother were linked. Thinking he could be more dangerous than I'd assumed, my panic rose as I tried to guess why the man was there. Squashing my fear, I deduced it would be wise to take pictures, figuring Braxton could use them to identify the guy.

My hands shook as I pulled my cell phone from my pocket. I held it upright with the bottom hovering an inch above the table and snapped a photo. The man turned slightly, and I took another, this one with a perfect profile. Zooming in, I obtained several more while trying to remain calm and avoid being noticed.

I stood to leave a half-dozen photos later, then decided to take one more. This one at a different angle. After quietly skirting around two tables, I got into position and pointed my camera. I was about to hit the button when Jace yelled something from a short distance away. I motioned for him to be quiet, worried the man would see me. Then I realized it was the man Jace was yelling at, the two eyeballing each other.

The man swung his head toward me, my attempts to silence Jace having caught his attention. I froze, my eyes riveted on his face, as I watched his expression morph from surprise to recognition. Then he saw my cell phone pointed at him and slowly stood. He must have remembered Jace at that second because he glanced at him, turned, and ran. Jace yelled at him to stop and then followed in pursuit.

"Oh, shit!" I grabbed my bag and bolted across the plaza. I slid into my chair at our table to a duet of gasps. "The man. It's him. The one from before. He was sitting outside the taco shop, watching you, and ran off. Jace chased after him."

"I'm calling Reid." Sofie pulled her cell phone from her purse and dialed a number. "Reid, you need to call Braxton. I'm at lunch in the courtyard next door. The man Della told us about was here… We're all right, but Jace sprinted after the guy… I don't know. He hasn't come back… Okay, hurry, please." Sofie hung up and rubbed her forehead. Frowning, she scanned the surrounding area. "Reid's contacting Braxton, and then he's coming down here. He said not to leave."

"There's Jace." Adam pointed across the plaza.

Relieved, I watched Jace jog toward us.

"I lost him," Jace panted, taking his seat. "The guy got into the same brown Cadillac Eldorado he was driving when he almost ran me and a bicyclist down. There's still no license plate on the back of his vehicle, and the older woman who glared at me from the passenger seat that day was driving right now. I wanted to confront him and ask what his problem was, but he bolted."

Shocked by the turn of events, I shook my head at Jace. "No freaking way. That's the man I bumped into when I picked up Sofie's lunch."

"Wait a second. Were you watching him?" Jace asked.

"Yep. I saw the guy through the window when I was in the café. I was trying to photograph him because I thought it would help."

"Damn, I had no idea. I saw you on your cell and was coming over to see what you were doing when I spotted the guy. I recognized him right away because we'd made eye contact when I yelled at him for nearly hitting me. The idiot didn't even seem to care when he did it. He ran the stoplight and sped down the street, not bothering to slow down until he got behind a black sedan." Jace wrinkled his brow as if remembering something. He swung his head toward Sofie. "You and a man were in the back seat. It was at the corner on the other side of your building, and I assumed you were leaving work."

"He must have been following us. Oh God, I bet the woman you saw in the car was my mother." Sofie got up, walked several yards away, and made an animated call. She retook her chair minutes later, her face void of color. "I gave Reid an update, and he agreed with me. My mother has returned for some unknown reason and is conspiring with that man. There's no other rational explanation. And since she has her eye on us, Reid and I must be her target." Sofie reached across the table and touched my arm. "By the way, what you did was risky."

"I know, but this was my chance to snap pictures of the guy. I got six or seven before he saw me."

"You actually got photos of him?" Jace stared at me wide-eyed.

"Yeah, and I zoomed in on some of them." I grabbed my phone and clicked on my gallery. "This is the guy." I handed Jace my device, and he scrolled through the photos.

"Damn. These are incredible, especially the close-ups. I bet the police can use them."

"Let me see." Sofie took my phone from Jace. "I've seen this man before. I'm sure of it. I remember the scar across his lip and the tattoo on his neck. It's similar to a horoscope wheel chart, but that's not what it is. I wish I could recall when or where I saw him."


We all turned when we heard Sofie's name. It was Reid rushing toward us. Sofie got up and hurried to him. They met halfway. Even from this distance, I could tell by Reid's expression and behavior he was terrified something had happened to her. If he squeezed Sofie any harder, she'd probably burst. Reid finally let go of her, and they talked for a few minutes while she showed him the pictures on my phone.

Shifting in my chair, I spotted Braxton Hennessey hurrying toward Sofie and Reid. There was no mistaking it was him. He was the dark-haired version of Reid, tall and well-built, with a commanding aura that grabbed your attention.

Jace looked at me and frowned. "Who's that?"

"That's Reid's friend, Braxton."

After a lengthy discussion among the trio and more browsing of my phone, Braxton walked away and made a call. Then he, Reid, and Sofie joined us.

"Reid filled me in on what happened. Is everyone all right?" Braxton said, receiving head nods from the three of us. He zeroed in on me. "Della. That was some quick thinking on your part, although dangerous. Your photos are excellent and should help to identify the man. Do you mind if I text them to my number?"

"Nope, go for it." I took my device when he'd finished and gave Jace a little nudge. "Since you've never met, this is Braxton Hennessey with the police department, and the man with Sofie is her husband, Reid Morgan."

Jace stood and extended his hand to Reid. "Jace Welch. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Reid shook it. "Same here. Sofie's mentioned you several times."

"Ahh, you're the one who chased after the guy." Braxton stepped forward and shook Jace's hand. "I'll need to talk to you, Della, and Adam about what you saw. I know it's inconvenient, but it's also important."

"I should be heading back to work, so if you don't mind, I'll have to call my boss first."

"That's not a problem, but before you do, I want you to look at a photo I had my office send me." Braxton tapped his phone a few times and scrolled. He held his device toward Jace. "Have you seen this person before?"

"I have. She was the passenger in a car that almost hit me about a month ago. Who is she?"

"Bobbie Stevens. She's Sofie's mother. That's a mug shot we have of her that was sent to us by another agency." Braxton glanced at Sofie and Reid. "There's your confirmation. The next step is to determine what she's after."

"Hey, I'm going to make that call." Jace moved a few yards away and retrieved his phone from his pocket.

"Della, let's go to that empty table and talk," Braxton said, pointing to some seats a short distance away.

"Sure." I followed him and took a seat when he pulled out my chair.

Braxton sat across from me and removed a pen and a small notepad from his suit jacket. "Della, first, I want to confirm you're all right."

"It was a bit scary, but I'm okay."

"I'm glad to hear that, especially with all the strange incidents lately."

"Yeah, I haven't had the best luck. So now that we know Sofie's mother and that man are in cahoots, do you think it was them on the deck the night I babysat?"

"It's a strong possibility, but I can't be certain. Anyway, let's get started so you can all return to work. I need you to give me a detailed rundown of what transpired here this afternoon. Can you do that?"

"Yep. Where should I start?"

"From when you got here, including who you were with."

"Okay. I…umm…walked over here about noon with Sofie and Adam and sat with Jace. He was already here and waiting for us."

"What happened after that?"

"Jace had already gotten my lunch, so I stayed with him while Adam and Sofie went to the café. When I unwrapped my sandwich, I saw it wasn't what I had asked for, so I went inside to straighten it out. That was when I saw the guy. I was standing by the counter waiting for them to remake my sandwich."

"Where was the guy when you saw him?"

I spent the next ten minutes explaining what had happened, from when I spotted the man through the window to Jace chasing after him. I told Braxton I was sure he was the same person I'd bumped into in the plaza almost two months ago because he had the same build, and I recognized his red shoelaces.

After giving Braxton my statement, I rejoined the others and let Jace know it was his turn.

I quietly listened to Adam tell Reid how he had freaked out when he witnessed Jace run after the man. Reid said little in response, his arm firmly wrapped around Sofie's shoulder. I could tell Reid was worried and probably a bit shaken underneath his intimidating exterior. He worshipped Sofie, and she meant everything to him. He'd be devastated if anything happened to her.

When he finished giving his statement, Jace returned and advised Adam he was up next. Braxton brought him back to our table soon after.

"Reid, I've gotten what I need from these three. I still have to talk to Sofie, but we can do it here or in your office. What do you want to do?"

"Let's finish this up now rather than wait." Reid peered at Sofie, and she nodded.

"Sounds good." Braxton glanced at Adam, Jace, and me. "You can go, but before you do, I want to clarify that Della needs to be careful. This guy, whoever he is, and Sofie's mother appear to be targeting Reid and Sofie. Why they're doing it and what they're after, we don't know. But it's possible he's also interested in Della, especially after taking his photo. I'm advising caution, so please be diligent."

"Della, why don't you take the rest of the day off," Sofie said. "You can finish what you were working on when you come in on Monday." Sofie turned to Reid. "You don't mind, do you?"

"No, that's fine. It's probably best." Reid focused on me, his expression stern. "Della. You need to heed Braxton's warning and be careful. Understood?"

"Yep, perfectly." I grabbed the take-out bag containing my sandwich and got up from the table. I put my hand on Jace's arm. "I'm walking home since Sofie's dismissed me for the day."

"I'm going with you. There's no way I'm letting you walk by yourself."

"But you have to go back to work."

"No, I don't. When I called Stuart earlier, he told me I could take the rest of the day off if needed. I have to let him know that's what I'm doing. Give me a minute." Jace stepped away and made a short call. Returning, he slipped his arm around my waist. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." I motioned to Adam. "Are you walking with us?"

"I might as well since you're going my way." Adam disposed of our trash and then rejoined us.

After several hasty goodbyes, Adam, Jace, and I walked back toward the office. When we reached the corner of our building, Adam went inside while Jace and I kept going. Jace was unusually alert, scrutinizing our surroundings and scanning the people we passed. When we arrived at our apartment complex, Jace led me to the elevators servicing my floor.

He held me as we waited. "I'll stay with you tonight. I realize Fridays are my night, but we'll switch it up and spend the night at your place."

"Are you sure?" I lifted my head from Jace's chest and peered at him.

"I am." Jace brushed my cheek with his thumb and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think you'll be more comfortable that way."

The elevator dinged, and we pulled apart to step into the car. Minutes later, we were inside my unit.

Jace reached for me after I set my purse and sandwich on the counter. He kissed my forehead, and his arms slid around my waist in a comforting hug. "I'll grab my overnight bag from my apartment later, but you're coming with me when I do. I don't want to leave you alone. It's a bit disconcerting knowing the guy I chased was the same man you had an incident with, possibly two, and has a motive for being here we don't comprehend."

"See? I do need to get you that sword and shield. Ooh, and that white horse too."

"Not quite. But like I said before. I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you." Jace pulled away, his expression sober. "You need to be careful and understand this is serious. Make sure you're aware of the people around you. You've already seen what can happen."

"You're right, and I only joke because it keeps me from being so scared. It's like hiding behind a veil. It adds a level of comfort even though it might not be much."

"It's okay. We'll get through this."

I snuggled against Jace's chest, buoyed by his concern and thankful to have him at my side.

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