Chapter Twenty-Seven
The room with all these random voices is getting louder. I know I need to find a way to brace the ones in here for what they are about to see before ViN walks in and they all try to jump out into the void of space terrorized. Playing Embers markings off might be possible, but ViN cannot be hidden. I motion for Ember to come to me in the middle of the room. I am not as comfortable being the center of attention as she is, but here goes nothing.
“ Hey , guys, can I have everyone’s attention?”
When no one quiets down. Ember puts her fingers in her mouth. Whistling so loud, I jerk away from her, but the room instantly silences. Her big smile afterwards makes me giggle.
“ Ok , can I have everyone’s attention over here, please? I know you all have a million questions. While I may not have all the answers, I do possess a few. I am going to state some facts before I get into where we are now and what’s going on.
“ We were launched into space. Some willingly, others not so much, but here we all are. The absolute worst news is that they were not telling us lies on Earth simply to get us into the pods. Everything we loved, all our dreams were wiped away by what they called a … planet killer. Earth is gone … from my understanding, there are no remains of any kind. The last known records show Earth imploding on itself. More than likely destroying the entire solar system in the process. We are its sole survivors.”
The noise starts right up again.
“ Hey , I’m not finished! If you would all shut the hell up, we can all pull together to help with the ones still trapped outside this ship.” My voice just keeps getting louder. “ Where are we ?” This is one of the first questions I hear and Ember starts answering after that. I see several of them looking at the red markings on her face and I am glad she has long sleeves on, covering the scales that flipped me out the first time I saw them.
“ We are on a ship whose name is the Destroyer . She was sent out with her crew to rescue all of you and bring you in safely. Now this is gonna be one of the hardest parts, boys and girls, we are not in Kansas anymore. You are about to witness real life go into Technicolor just like in the movies.
“ All those times when you were a kid staring up at the stars, wondering if we were the only ones out there. Well , we were not, aliens are real, but unfortunately, they are not the aliens … we are. You are at the mercy of others. Others that have sacrificed their lives and technology to save you. So , before you decide to complain or show the worst side of the human personality. Be thankful you are here instead, and please don’t act stupid either. The moment you were either forced or got willingly into that pod, you knew your life was never going to be the same.
“ Yes , all of us here have lost loved ones, pets, family heirlooms, wealth, but you’re here alive and breathing, that way of our life is over. Probably the easiest thing to do is come to the realization, that the good Lord wasn’t done with the human race and he gave each and every one of us … a second chance. Hopefully , we will learn from the mistakes that took our world from us and won’t repeat them again. Did you ever want to change the world? Here is your chance.
“ We are all from different backgrounds, possibly even countries. None of that matters any longer. We have a responsibility to ourselves and the other survivors to make the most of this blessing. So , my advice is, shed your tears, feel sorry for yourself, and then get over it any way you can. Because we have a world to rebuild. I am not downplaying your emotions or being heartless. When I woke up, I was a handful, but it didn’t fix anything. I am simply trying to put things in perspective for you because knowledge is power.
“ In the next few days, there will be a holo screen sent around to your quarters that you will need to put your name and the occupation you had on Earth in. I am sure there will be a couple other questions as well on it. Like can you confirm who else was launched with you, and what were a few things you wanted to change back home. Take the time to reflect on the then and now and help the others struggling next to you.
“ Now , only because he is not going to wait any longer and I can hear his large footsteps getting closer. I would like to not only introduce you to the crew that saved your life, but my mate as well. Please be respectful and don’t scream, these are the good guys.”
I turn when the doors open. I am shocked to see LeX standing next to the others in the doorway. And wow, let me say, I am glad I woke up the way I did. Especially , when I hear the gasps and even a few small screeches of terror behind me.
They stand four wide, Rafe , ViN , EvO , and LeX . In real live technicolor. Gray , orange, purple, and yellow. Ember races towards ViN , launching herself into his outstretched arms. The smile on his face softens his harsh features, if that is even possible.
EvO has eyes it seems, for none other than me, and I can’t help but smile when he immediately starts my way. Several on the stretchers lean away from him as he passes them, but one of the guys reaches out, grabbing his arm.
“ I need to speak to whoever is running this thing. I need to find my wife. She has to be here somewhere.”
Tears come to my eyes when I realize it’s the guy from earlier, Ricky . EvO looks at me and I shrug my shoulders. “ We will do all we can to find your mate.”
Instantly , I can tell that he doesn’t understand EvO , so I head towards them to translate. “ He doesn’t know what you’re saying, EvO . How are we going to remedy this? Can you guys put that translator thing in everyone?”
“ LeX , do we have enough translators? This is going to be a problem if we don’t.”
“ I believe I have a substantial amount on hand, but they are painful to implant. I would prefer to be there when they are inserted in case any issues evolve. Each person here will be brought into the Med chamber individually, so that we can discuss any previous health issues before and after the pods. I will inject them at that time. Until then, I have temporary ones that can be attached to the outside of the ear … Destroyer , can you please have the outer Translators delivered to the dock.”
“ Affirmative .”
Moments later, several containers are delivered by Med bots and LeX pulls one out in order to show me how it works. “ Just flip this over their ear and it will rest on their temple. Explain that there might be a slight delay, but it will get quicker the longer it’s worn.”
ViN has walked off to the side, and I swear I can see steam rolling off his huge muscles. I notice EvO glancing at him a few times, “ Qwin do you need my assistance?”
“ No , I’ll show everyone at once, then pass them out.”
“ I need to get ViN’s mind on something else. He is not reacting well to their response in seeing us.”
He reaches up, caressing my face gently before walking away. Just as I’m turning around to pick up a couple of the translators I hear a snide comment next to me. “ Looks like someone is already getting freaky with the locals, that’s just fucking sick. Seems like some Earth girls really are easy.”
ViN must have heard her too, because I see EvO grab him on one side while Rafe grips the other, physically pulling him out of the room. My temper instantly flares, because the majority of my race is so freaking ungrateful.
“ Ok , once again, the whole room is going to hear it because a few of you are assholes. First of all, who anyone in this room attaches themselves to is no one’s business! This is not Earth , and their kind will not tolerate your disrespectfulness. Without the locals, as you so bluntly called it.” I point to the frowning woman a row over. “ Your ass would have died in that pod. Now , if you are not happy with the fact that you are alive and breathing, there is the door. I’m sure we can have the Destroyer open it for you. I’m sure hell is awaiting you with open arms. Because only a selfish, single-minded idiot would open their mouth and say such a thing. After everything we have all been through. Keep your negative thoughts to yourself, or you will find yourself alone in a world where there are only a handful of us left.
“ Whether you boarded the pods willingly or not. Let’s not ruin this before we have a chance for something great, simply because we are scared and striking out. Everything around you is going to be odd. No one accepts change well, and unfortunately, I have found little familiars so far. Am I scared and out of my element? Absolutely , but I am not going to let fear rule me. See beyond the skin, look at the sacrifices and the way you are treated before you become judge and jury. Remember when you open your mouth, you are representing our entire race.
“ That big purple guy almost died to save my life. I owe him and his crew everything. Ember’s mate, the guy she has come to love, also saved her. Are you seeing a trend here? We are not easy, but we’re not so simpleminded that we can’t see or feel their love, simply because they are another race.
“ Now that all that unpleasantry has already been addressed, do you see this little thing in my hand? This is a translator; it will help you understand what is being said around you. Permanent ones are available and LeX . The pretty one over there. He will discuss them more with you individually when you are called down to medical. They flip over your ears like a set of earphones. LeX said they may be delayed in the beginning, but they’ll get faster. We will get these passed out and then discuss our next step.”
Ember grabs a container and heads towards the far side of the room. Helping anyone who seems to be having any issues with theirs. I throw one at the hateful old bitch who is already on my bad side and walk on. One thing that will never change no matter the planet we’re on. If a woman dislikes you, she will for life. Guys , on the other hand, can get in a fistfight and be buddies the next day.