Filling the Void (Devil’s Deal Duology #1) Chapter 10 65%
Library Sign in

Chapter 10




As Cory swung the door to the belfry open, I wasn’t sure if I was happy or sad. I’d almost expected his place to be as bright and garish as the rest of the hotel, but it was all creams, dark and light browns, and comfortably soothing. His place was one wide open room with steepled ceilings, and the whole street-facing wall was panes of glass. “Wow.” I whistled. “I bet it gets bright in here during the day.”

He forced a laugh. “They’re frosted, so it’s not as bad as you might think, but I love how light it is.”

I continued my perusal. His couch faced the wall to the right, where he had a widescreen TV and a bookshelf. The refrigerator and stove were to the left with a counter and sink between. “This is some set-up.”

He hovered in the center of the room, uncertain. “Thanks. Make yourself at home. I’m going to throw on sweats and a t-shirt.”

He went to a wardrobe that sat next to a queen-sized bed and grabbed his clothes, then went to a door that was on the other side of the stove and closed himself in. I’d have happily divested him of his clothing, but he looked troubled. If he needed to talk first, that was fine.

He’d had another break-in, despite the guys I’d brought in, and that had to be nerve-wracking for him. I wasn’t too happy myself. Dante had run through their protocol, and they hadn’t missed anything I would’ve done, which was frustrating.

I headed over to the bookcase where I spied a collection of framed photos. Curiosity pulled at me. Who rated being on display where he’d be able to see them from his couch? Two were of Cory with an older gentleman that I assumed was his late husband. He also had a picture of the man by himself, smiling off in the distance in amusement. Before I could think too much about how handsome the guy was and how happy Cory had looked, I studied the other photos.

To the right was a picture of Cory with a woman who resembled him with a small boy in her arms. It was the center picture that drew my attention the most. I’d have expected it to be his deceased husband, but instead, it was a teenage boy. He looked a lot like the grown-up version of the little boy in the woman’s arms in the previous photo.

When I heard Cory open the bathroom door, I pointed at the picture of the kid. “Who’s that?”

He sighed, came over, and stood next to me. “That’s Emilio, my nephew.”

“He’s a cute kid. You close to him and your sister?”

When he didn’t say anything, I turned toward him. He looked up at me with glistening eyes. “He disappeared four years ago, right after his eighteenth birthday.”

The hell? This sweet man couldn’t catch a break. I reached out and grabbed his hand. “Cory, I’m so sorry.”

He smiled tightly, then moved away from me and went to one of the massive windows, staring out. “That’s actually why I asked you up.”

“About your nephew?” I asked, unsure what he thought I could do about a kid who’d been missing for that long. I actually probably could, but Cory wouldn’t know that. He didn’t know that part of my real job often included tracking down the trash who didn’t want to be found and putting them into the ground.

“No.” He turned toward me and crossed his arms defensively across his chest. “About those guys you brought into my hotel. Dante and his sidekicks.”

“Okay, now I’m really confused,” I said, starting to feel a little defensive myself.

Cory ran a shaking hand through his hair. “Look, I know you think I’m all quirky and silly. That I’m over here running my hotel without a clue about the real world, but I know some things. I’ve been through some things, Bosley. I’m not some na?ve kid.”

Holding up my hands in a surrender gesture, I said, “I never said you were.”

He jabbed a finger in my direction. “No, but you thought I was or you never would’ve brought a bunch of mobsters into my hotel.”

My mind spun. How the hell would he know who those guys were? This wasn’t the type of crowd he ran with. And I knew sure as shit that Nico or Dante would’ve told me if they’d had any affiliation with The Gin Mill or its owner.

Cory whirled around. “See. You don’t even know what to say because you didn’t think I’d have a clue what type of men they are.”

Wanting to understand him without giving anything away, I made my way slowly to his couch and sat down. “Why don’t you tell me what you think you know.”

He stomped over to the bookshelf I’d just left and picked up the picture of him, his sister, and his nephew. “My sister was a kept woman. My nephew only saw his father when it was convenient for Frederic to get away and play house. I know all about his Family .” He said the end in air quotes.

Casually crossing one leg over the other, I asked, “And what Family would that be?”

“The Pasinis. Tell me you don’t know who I’m talking about.”

I didn’t want to tell him things he didn’t need to know, but I wouldn’t lie to him. Unfortunately, I knew exactly who he was talking about, and not much good came out of that particular organization.

“See. You have nothing to say because I’m right.” Cory threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

“I can tell you I’ve never worked with them.”

“With them specifically? But not with any of the other Families in town. Don’t even think of lying to me, Bosley. I know Dante is one of the Buccellis.”

Well, shit. He wasn’t supposed to figure that out, but if I asked him how he did, it was as good as confirming it. I patted the couch cushion next to me. “Why don’t you come have a seat and tell me about your nephew.”

Frustrated, he stomped across the room and sat at the other end, as far away from me as possible. “What’s there to say? Emilio was a good kid, a great kid. He had a so-so relationship with his father, but he adored my sister. It was them against the world. Mac and I spent a lot of time with him, too.

“He had so many plans for after he graduated from high school, but the day after he turned eighteen, he disappeared without a trace. My sister called the police, but they said he probably ran away. She contacted his father, and he said he and his guys would look for him, but they never turned up anything. And Mac, well, he didn’t trust anyone, so he hired a private investigator himself.”

I sat forward, letting my clasped hands dangle between my knees. “And that’s it? No one ever found him?”

“Not until recently. The last PI Mac hired found a lead not too long after he passed away, and he’s been chasing it down. Emilio’s my last relative, and I want him back.”

My brain shuffled quickly through the facts he was spitting at me. “Where’s your sister?”

“She died about a year-and-a-half after he went missing.”

“I’m sorry, Cory. What happened?”

He huffed bitterly. “The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her, but I know. She died of a broken heart.”

“Are you sure…” I trailed off at the quelling glare he shot me. Who was I to say she didn’t?

“Emilio was happy. He hadn’t said anything to any of his friends about taking off. One day, he was there, and the next, he was gone. Something happened to him, and I’m going to find him.”

Jesus . He’d been through so much. His nephew went missing, his sister died, and then his husband died in an accident a year ago. How the hell was he holding his shit together? “I really am so sorry.”

He waved me off. “Everyone is. But I didn’t bring you up here for sympathy. I want to know who you are and why your business associate would loan you his men. What do you have on him? Or are you important in that world?”

Fuck. Damn. Shit. This was exactly why I didn’t do relationships. Things got messy when I spent time with someone for longer than a weekend. This was exactly why I should’ve left and never came back. I could’ve hired someone else to help Cory out without getting involved myself. Now he was figuring out things that he didn’t need to know. That he shouldn’t know. I didn’t want his life in danger. If I was honest with myself, I also didn’t want him to hate me.

“I can’t really answer that question. All I can say is that I go way back with the current Boss of the Buccelli Family. Back to when we were kids. He needed me to review the productivity of some of his businesses, and I said I’d do it in exchange for him helping you out.”

Cory’s face contorted with fury. “Why in the hell would you think I want that shit in my place of business? In my home?” He opened his arms and gestured around the belfry.

I licked my lips, thinking. Sometimes, honesty was the best policy. “I didn’t think you’d want the mob in your hotel, but I also didn’t think that you’d know. Hell, most people don’t even realize the mafia is alive and well. Dante’s Boss promised me they wouldn’t conduct any shady business on the premises, and they’ll be gone as soon as possible. Right after they figure out who’s breaking into the rooms.”

“And you really think they’ll just go? You truly believe they won’t do whatever the hell they want while they’re here? Bullshit. What if someone from a rival Family comes in? You really don’t think they’ll shed blood in my lobby?”

And here lay another dilemma. I knew for damn sure they wouldn’t do any of those things because Nico didn’t want to incur my wrath, which meant he’d put his men on a short leash before he sent them over. But I couldn’t explain that to Cory without telling him who I was and what I did. Since I had no intention of doing that, it left me with a problem. “I know we don’t know each other very well.”

“No, we sure as hell don’t. I thought you were a businessman.”

“I am.” I shuffled on the couch, facing him and pasting on the sincere face I adopted years ago to slide under the radar. “Cory, I am just a businessman. Do I deal with some unsavory people from time to time? Of course I do. And believe me when I tell you, most of them are the ones in the high-rises downtown.”

He scoffed. “They may be sharks, but they don’t kill people.”

I barely held in my wince. I wouldn’t be so sure about that. “What do you want me to do? Do you want me to leave? Because I will. But I’m telling you right now, Dante and those men downstairs are staying until the break-in issue is resolved.”

Cory gaped at me. “You, you can’t do that,” he sputtered. He thumped his hands on his chest. “This is my hotel. Mine.”

“It is,” I said, nodding slowly. “But I’ve grown fond of you and Everest and Harlow, and I’m concerned. I’m not leaving you in danger. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to any of you.”

He glared stubbornly at the TV. “You forgot Huey,” he said, sullenly, after five minutes.

Did I really? No. There was something about that kid I didn’t care for. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. “Nah.”

“Are you kidding me? What could you not like about Huey? You hang out with gangsters.” His eyes widened. “That’s why you asked so many questions when we put you in the Gangster’s Paradise Suite, isn’t it? You thought I did it on purpose because I knew who you were.”

I shrugged one shoulder. “The thought crossed my mind.”

Cory slumped back onto the couch, covering his face with both hands. “This is a mess.”

He looked so dejected. I felt guilty, but I didn’t regret bringing Dante and his crew in. Cory could be in danger whether he knew it or not. No one should be able to get in and out of rooms without being seen. Unless maybe it was me. I bit back a smirk. My own cockiness at my abilities wouldn’t help the situation I found myself in right then.

Moving to the floor, I knelt in front of him and rested a hand on each of his knees. “Listen, I understand your concern. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who sent Dante and the other guys.” I wasn’t, not really. How the hell was I supposed to know he’d figure it out? How the hell was I supposed to know he had any real knowledge of the Families?

“But I don’t want to abandon you until this issue is resolved. Would you feel better if I left? I could check-in at a different hotel.” There were a few not too far away I wouldn’t mind staying in. I’d still be close, but I’d be out of his hair.

“Only if you take them with you,” he said from behind his hands.

Grabbing his wrists, I tugged them down until I could see his face. “Baby, that ain’t happening. I’ll leave, but they’re staying until I get the call that the culprit’s been caught. You hear me?”

Cory’s face conflicted with emotion. His anger bled away, leaving defeat. “I don’t know what you’re into, but I don’t want them here without you.”

“Then I’ll stay.” I laced our fingers together.

He blew out a deep, tired breath. “I, uh, guess I promised you dinner.”

Wanting to give him something different—better—to think about, I leered at him. “I am starving, but The Velvet Room doesn’t serve what I’m hungry for.”

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