The lecherous expression on Bosley’s face made it clear where his mind had gone. So far, we’d only hooked up in his room, and we’d messed around a bit in the showers down in Vigor. I’d never brought him up here before. Hell, only Harlow and Everest had made it into my private domain.
Applesauce. What was I even thinking right now? Mac hadn’t ever let me be in the same room with my brother-in-law, Frederic, alone, and here I was contemplating more sex with a man who’d as good as admitted to having something to do with organized crime. For all I knew, he was a thief. Wouldn’t that be ironic? A thief wanting to help me out with the break-ins.
Did it matter that he’d admitted to having some form of relationship with the Boss of the Buccelli Family? Hadn’t I already figured that out on my own, and yet I’d still let him touch me. Bosley stared at me steadily with hunger in his eyes, but he didn’t push. He waited patiently. It was a combination of that and needing to get out of my own head that won me over.
“This doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
“I don’t need your forgiveness,” he growled. “All I want is your ass.”
“Then take it,” I said, challengingly.
He rose too, standing to his feet and pulling me up, stripping me naked so fast that I’d have been dizzy with it if I wasn’t attacking his clothes with the same ferocity.
Once we were naked, he threw me on the bed, ass up. “Fuck yeah,” he growled. “I’ve been wanting a bite of that tight ass.”
I expected the feel of his teeth in my butt cheek, but instead, his large fingers separated my ass cheeks and he licked a stripe over my hole. I jerked, and he chuckled, low and deep. Dangerous. I shivered with want, and maybe just a tad bit of fear.
He swirled his tongue around my hole, and I humped my bed, needing friction against my dick as much as I wanted his tongue or his fingers or his dick inside me. “Da—Bosley, please. Give me more.”
He stilled, his hot breath skimming my skin. “Go ahead, boy. Say it. Call me Daddy. I want to hear it.”
I whimpered. “Daddy.”
He flattened his tongue and licked over my hole again. “That’s right. Again. Tell your Daddy what you want, boy. I want to hear you. You stop talking, and I’ll stop eating your ass. You don’t want that, do you?”
Hell no, I didn’t. “Daddy. Please. Fill me. Fuck me so good. I know you can, Daddy, and I want that.”
He pointed his tongue, stabbing it into me, softening the tight ring with each pass. Going out of my mind, I clutched the pillow with one hand while grabbing my cock with the other, begging, “Daddy,” the whole time.
“Damn, you’re such a good boy,” he said, manhandling me and rolling me over. “Do you have condoms and lube?” he asked.
I shook my head. “Only lube,” I panted, pointing at the nightstand drawer.
Bosley leaped up and ran to his pants, pulling out a condom, and I rolled over and felt around until I got my hands on the lube. He smirked. “You want it, don’t you, boy? You want me to fuck you so hard, don’t you? Make you scream for me?”
“Yes, fuck yeah, Daddy. Now shut up and get on with it.”
Bosley laughed, but he got on with it. Opening me up with clever fingers, while I let every sensation course through me, enjoying it and memorizing it at the same time. I hadn’t known the last time Mac and I made love that it was it. That there’d never be another chance to touch and experience each other. But I knew Bosely would be moving on sooner than later. He wasn’t promising me forever, just right now, and applesauce , I deserved this.
“You ready?” he asked, as he rolled on the condom.
“Show me what you got, Daddy,” I said, half-teasing, half-demanding. “I need it hard.”
“Fuck yeah.” He scrambled to his knees, then pushed my knees up. “Hold these, boy. I know you can.”
Then he plunged into me, just the way I liked it. He didn’t treat me like a delicate flower or sweet talk me. He pumped in and out of me, each thrust harder than the one before. Demanding. It was hot as hell. How had I gotten so lucky that the first man to have me since Mac died was so freaking skilled and attentive. He grabbed my dick, stroking it along with the thrusts of his hips. “Call me Daddy,” he growled when I got lost in the sensations.
“Daddy,” I panted. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” I repeated as heat raced up my spine. “I’m going to come, Daddy.”
“Fuck yeah. I want to see it, boy. Show me your cum.” And that was it. He pumped out my cum, while quickly filling the condom in my ass with his own release. It was hot, hard, fast, and everything I’d forgotten I wanted and needed.
After he cleaned me up, he crawled back into bed next to me and patted his chest. I didn’t hesitate to curl into him and lay my head over his reassuring heartbeat. It had been so long since someone held me this way. It had been since Mac. My eyes prickled with tears, and I blinked them back quickly, but a few slipped out.
Bosley ran his hand over my head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I said hoarsely.
“Do you want to talk about him? About Mac?”
Did I want to lay here right now with the man who I’d just called Daddy and talk about my last Daddy, my husband, my heart? “No, it’s fine.”
“Ah, my quirky boy, you’re obviously not fine. Should I have taken you to my room? I didn’t mean to invade your space with your husband.”
“What?” I propped my chin on his chest and looked up. Bosley stared down into my eyes. “Mac never slept here. The belfry was storage until after he passed away.”
“I guess that makes sense. You don’t have a lot of stuff in here.”
Laying back down, I settled further into the warm heat of his body. “The house I shared with him holds over twenty years of memories together, but I couldn’t sleep there. It was too lonely at night, so I converted this into my own little slice of Heaven.”
“And it’s worked out?”
I smiled. “My employees have become my family. Some of them, like Everest and Harlow, were family even before Mac died. I rest better here.”
He rubbed a hand down my back. “But you still don’t sleep great, do you? Even before the current problems, you didn’t sleep well, did you?”
“No, I didn’t. I miss Mac. I miss having someone hold me.”
Bosley kissed the top of my head and tightened his arms around me. “Then you sleep. I’ve got you. You can trust me, Cory.”
I wished that was true. I wished he wasn’t leaving sooner than later. I wished whatever his business was didn’t involve a criminal element. I wished that he’d want me to be his quirky boy. Maybe not forever, but for a while, at least. Most of all, I wished…
Sleep claimed me before I finished that thought.
When I woke, the sun filtered through the windows. There was no sign of Bosley, but the impression of his head was still in the pillow, and the space beside me was still warm. Wow. I couldn’t remember the last time I slept that long or that hard.
On the nightstand next to my bed, he’d left a note.
Thank you for an amazing night and for trusting me. I’ve got your back, quirky Cory. I promise you that. I’ll be working late tonight, so I probably won’t see you, but if you need me, call. ~Bosley
Underneath, he left his cell phone number. Did I trust him? I did. But I didn’t have time to dwell on him when I had a hotel to run.
There were no messages on my phone, so I assumed everything was running smoothly. The ladies at the desk this morning were pros, so if they hadn’t reached out, then there’d been no more trouble. After a hasty shower, I got dressed, ran down the flight of stairs to the elevator, and pushed the button. As the glass box slid up, Everest beamed at me.
“Good morning, Mr. Letterman. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you come down this late. You look well rested, too.”
“Good morning, Everest. I feel good. I guess I really needed the sleep.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I imagine. I just took Mr. Taylor down, too. Usually, you boys are up and have already hit the gym before I come in. Guess he was tired, as well.”
I felt my cheeks warm as he winked at me. Since he’d taken us up to the third floor last night, he knew darn well that Bosley was the reason for my tardiness this morning. I fought to keep the grin off my face, but it was impossible.
The sex had been fantastic, but the aftermath had been even better. I’d been surprised he didn’t hightail it right out of the room after we were done, and I was glad he hadn’t. I’d never thought I’d want to share a bed with another man, but…there was something about Bosley. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel safe. I shouldn’t need that, but I did.
Wanting to change the subject, I said, “Everest, you really don’t have to work such a long day.”
He straightened. “No, I enjoy being here. I like to make sure I’m available for the guests when they’re bringing their stuff down, and I don’t like to leave until after the big wave of them checking-in in the evening.”
“But your wife. I’m sure she misses you during the day.” The reality was, I appreciated how much time he spent here. He took Monday and Tuesday off as they were our slowest days, but since I didn’t have another elevator operator, I knew we were in good hands with Everest on our busier days.
“Ha. One of my granddaughters stays with Maddie during the day. Those two have a good ol’ time without me there.”
“If you’re sure,” I said.
“You’re a good man, Mr. Letterman. Don’t you worry about me.”
I stepped off the elevator with a smile. “I’m going to trust you on that.”
He tipped his head at me. “I appreciate that, sir. You have a fine day now.”
I made my way through the lobby toward my office, greeting guests as I went and stopping to help a woman who’d dropped her makeup bag while trying to juggle her other luggage. “Would you like me to help you up?”
She shook her head. “No, I appreciate it. The bellboy offered to help, but I really am fine.” She laughed. “It’s my own fault. I tried answering my phone.”
I chuckled, and with a smile still on my face, I continued on my way. It wasn’t until I saw Dante standing against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest that all the things proceeding what happened in my bed rushed back to me. It was one thing overhearing and suspecting that my current security were made-men, another thing having it confirmed.
As much as I hated it, despised the thought of one specific Family knowing the ins and outs of my hotel, their presence meant Bosley was still here. I wanted that. Wanted him. Applesauce . I was in so much trouble.