Guardians of the Assassins (Academy of Assassins #5) Chapter Twenty-one 62%
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Chapter Twenty-one


M organ had to fucking ask.

That had been her first mistake.

Trusting Shade had been her second.

It was the only excuse she had for finding herself in her current predicament. She stood outside on the top steps of the house, hands on her hips as she stared down at Shade, sure that she must have heard him wrong. “You want me to do what?”

“Strip.” Shade smirked, practically gleeful at her current predicament. Not that he wanted to see her naked. He just took great pleasure in her discomfort.

And her mates weren’t any help at all. The assholes just stood back, making themselves comfortable, as if settling in for a show, Draven going so far as to ask if anyone had popcorn.

It was her own fault really.

She’d told them not to interfere and now they were making her suffer.

Ryder was the only one who looked conflicted, standing off to the side with his arms crossed. Nudity didn’t faze shifters, but he was the most possessive of the bunch. Though he didn’t object, he clearly was not pleased at the turn of events .

“Why?” Not that she had anything against doing as told, she just wanted to make sure there was a valid reason.

“The spell calls for blood magic, and I need access to your skin.” Shade enunciated slowly, like she was being a difficult child.

It was enough to make her want to smack him. She wasn’t shy of her body, but she’d spent her whole life hiding her marks, blending into the background. She felt uncomfortable being the center of attention. She bit back a grimace at the mention of blood magic but reached up and slowly peeled off her shirt, leaving her standing in her tank top.

When she went to remove that as well, Ward shot a glare at Shade. “That should be enough.”

If Shade was a bratty younger brother, Ward was the protective older one.

Seeing her ire, Shade smirked, his dimples flashing, but it was the twinkle in his eye that set her temper off.

A smile bloomed across her face as she sauntered down the stairs, coming to stop on the bottom step so they were of the same height. His grin wavered at her approach before disappearing, his expression turning suddenly wary. “What would Breanna think when she finds out that you tried to get her best friend naked?”

The banshee would do more than read him the riot act, then call Morgan later to tell her all about it, cackling the whole time.

Breanna had a mean streak, and Morgan loved it!

Shade blanched, a muscle jumping in his jaw. “You wouldn’t.”

“No.” She allowed that to sink in, saw the relief wash through him, then she smiled and turned toward Ryder. “But he would.”

Ryder’s grin was full of teeth, and an unholy delight burned in his eyes. The rest of the guys burst out laughing, even Ward cracking an amused smile at Shade’s discomfort.

Morgan stepped down from the last step to go around him, stopping when they were side by side. She glanced up at him and lifted a challenging brow. “Next time you want to prank me, try harder. I live with six men and a gardog that love to ambush me at any opportunity.”

Shade pursed his lips at her warning but refused to concede defeat, though he did give Loki a slanted, cautious glance. The beast was taking his role seriously and guarding them, but they both knew it was only a matter of time before the puppy returned to his old habits.

It was nearing midnight, and Morgan was suddenly exhausted. Her skin crawled with unease, something brushing against her senses, but it scampered away before she could examine it. They needed to reinforce the wards before whatever was stalking them made their move. “What’s next?”

He pulled out a small blade, less than three inches long.

Before she had time to even blink, Caedmon stood in his place, and Shade was on the ground, eating dirt at her feet, a tip of a sword at his throat.


She hadn’t even seen the fae move.

She touched Caedmon’s elbow, but he refused to budge, the muscles of his arms rock-hard. And damned if she wasn’t more than a little bit turned on by his prowess, then she rolled her eyes at herself.

One look at the rest of her mates was a clue that she had a type—badass warriors.

She would’ve figured out he was a mate a lot sooner if she hadn’t had her head up her own ass.

Though the rest of her mates weren’t happy as they prowled around them, they weren’t as violent, just glaring at the asshole instead of kicking the shit out of him.

“Guys, hold up.” Needing to defuse the situation, she walked around the others, knocked the sword aside, then grabbed Shade’s arm and hauled him upright. He spit out dirt, clearly pissed, but he didn’t say a word. No doubt he saw this as her fault and would be plotting ways to make her pay for it later, and she bit back a groan at the thought. “The whole point of blood magic is that he needs my blood to cast the spell.”

Caedmon pointed his sword at the demigod, his voice a low growl. “Not him.”

Shade lifted his hands, backed away, and gestured for him to do it with a mocking lift of his eyebrows.

Caedmon gave a stiff nod, then turned toward her, hooking his sword over his shoulder as he moved. He pulled out a delicate stiletto blade, coming to a stop in front of her, and she tipped her head to the side as she studied him. “Where the hell are you storing your weapons?”

Because the instant he let go of the sword, it vanished. She scanned him again, unable to spot where he drew the stiletto, and her eyes brightened in wonder. She took a step toward him, barely resisting the urge to search him. “A spell? How many weapons can it hide? Can you teach it to me?”

His bright yellow eyes faded as his beast eased back control. He seemed amused by her question, but she noticed the way his chest puffed out slightly with pride. “Yes. A lot. And later.”

Morgan pouted at his short answers, which only amused him more.

Worse—he didn’t crack.

Morgan grinned at the challenge.

“May I?” He held out the stiletto in the palm of his hand, allowing her to inspect the blade, like he was seeking her approval, and she found herself charmed by the old ritual way of asking for permission.

“Yes.” Weirdly enough, she found herself blushing at his request and held out her arm.

He lifted the stiletto, setting it against her forearm, the blade cold to the touch…then he hesitated. She found his reluctance adorable and placed her hand on his wrist. “It needs to be done. It’s either you or him…or I can do it myself.”

A furrow appeared between his brows at the thought of her coming to harm, and he shook his head, like he only trusted himself to make the cut. He cupped her arm, his fingers running lightly against her skin, goose bumps erupting under his touch.

Then the blade bit fast and deep. She sucked in a harsh breath at the unexpected burst of pain, and she gritted her teeth as blood welled up from the wound and quickly spilled down her arm. She clenched her hand into a fist to keep from instinctively covering the injury to stem the flow.

A muscle ticked in Caedmon’s jaw. He whirled away with a vicious growl, his fists clenched at his sides to keep from binding the wound and erasing the damage he’d inflicted.

None of the other guys looked any happier.

“Get the fuck on with it,” Kincade demanded, agitation making his words all growly. His beast rested heavily on him, and he flexed his shoulders like he was trying to relieve the weight of his wings.

Ward flipped open the book to the spell without any more prompting, and Shade dipped his finger in her blood and began making symbols against her flesh. Both men stopped when they came upon her back and saw the runes etched in her skin. “Morgan?—”

“Later…let’s finish this before my arm heals.” She refused to look at them, not wanting to answer questions. Though the wound was deep, the injury was already stitching together in a queasy way that made it feel like worms were burrowing under her skin.

Only after a slight hesitation, Shade resumed painting her body, his fingers barely a brush against her skin. As the blood began to dry, the symbols began to itch…only it was more than just the blood.

Magic built under her skin, the pressure making her body feel too small as it struggled to contain the sudden surge, the sensation feeling like ants were crawling over her skin. When she realized the symbols were responsible, her heart seized so hard, it felt like pulp in her chest.

It disturbed her that they managed to find a spell that could summon her magic .

That they could control her.

It was her worst nightmare.

If the spell fell into the wrong hands…she shuddered.

“Focus.” Ward snapped his fingers in front of her face to get her attention, the spellbook gone. The concern in his eyes eased the panic constricting her chest. “The spell is useless without your blood. You’re safe.”

“Your oath.” Her demand crackled with power. If he gave his promise, he would be bound to it by magic. He wouldn’t be able to lie.

Ward didn’t even hesitate. “I vow it.”

The tightness in her spine eased, and she released a shaky breath. Anxious to wash away the proof of the symbols, she licked her lips. “What next?”

“Done,” Shade announced, coming around to stand in front of her. His complexion was strained and waxy, and she feared her blood was affecting him as well. “You’ll need to activate the spell to complete it.”

“Just tell me how.” As the magic continued to build, it was all she could do not to claw off her own flesh.

“You must focus your magic. It will continue to build until it’s released.” He twisted his palms together, conjuring a burst of flames that quickly burned away the blood staining his fingers.

“Focus it where?” Sweat broke out along her hairline, her blood feeling like it was slowly beginning to boil. When the guys took a step toward her, she held up her hand to hold them off. She wasn’t worried her magic would harm them, she just couldn’t risk losing focus.

The guys paced like hungry lions, but they kept their distance.

Shade drew her attention when he spoke again. “Wherever you consider the center of the coven. Concentrate on what you want done. Your magic is an extension of yourself. Just focus your intent for it to manifest.”

She always considered the people the heart of the coven.

And they made their home in the old house. Even though they only lived there a short time, it held pieces of each of them, coming alive with their love and laughter. Almost in a trance, she headed up the stairs, her legs trembling under the strain.

Blood speckled the ground as she walked toward the door, the stones eagerly absorbing the drops. The flaked paint on the door was now smooth and unblemished, the warped door now standing strong. She lifted her injured arm toward the door, her muscles feeling like they were being pulled apart.

Power settled in her bones and throbbed like an angry toothache.

Every inch of her hurt.

With blood dripping from her fingertip, she focused on doing whatever it would take to keep not just her mates safe, but everyone in the coven. A rune formed slowly in her mind, and she moved her hand, following the intricate design.

Since her magic was no longer bound, she didn’t need to use the runes. But Shade was correct—they helped her focus her magic. She liked the comfort of the ritual. She didn’t have the training other witches received at birth, which made her abilities unstable and unpredictable at times.

She was getting better, but she wouldn’t risk their safety on a whim.

She had to get this right.

By the time she finished, the door was liberally painted in blood. It wasn’t just one symbol, but dozens of them overlapping one over the other.

Knowing that this was going to hurt like a bitch, she pressed her hand with the injured arm against the door.

Things happened differently this time.


Before she even had time to call her magic, it snapped and crackled down her arm like lightning, eager to be used. It thundered out of her in a wave so strong that her back bowed and her mouth opened on a silent scream.

The magic hit the door all at once with a bright flash of light, the blood on the door and the symbols on her body flaring bright red, glowing in the dark night. The injury on her arm seared shut in a vomit inducing second. The power shimmered over the symbols on the door like catching fire, chasing one rune after another until a ghostly image of them danced like smoke in front of her.

When she sucked in a startled breath, the smoke filled her mouth and nose, then snaked down her chest until it felt like she’d inhaled pure fire. The rest of the smoke plumed against the surface of the house like a cloud of dust, then began to creep across the surface like it had a mind of its own.

As it spread, the smoke she inhaled was spilling through her body, pulling out every ounce of her magic and transferring it to the house. The smoke consumed the house, the outside looking like it had been painted with void magic. A vast night sky swirled into existence and covered every inch of her home. The star-studded images began to soak into the seams and ridges of the house. The door under her hand rippled and bucked, the wood warping as the surface bubbled and contorted.

The image of a massive wolf pushed through the center of the door until she was faced with a snarling wolf in the shape of a door knocker. The doorframe was decorated with images of wolves running and playing and howling at the moon.

The ancient magic of the house hummed under her touch in welcome, lifting its massive head like she’d woken a giant beast from a nap. She’d swear she could almost hear it speak, but the words were too indistinct to understand. She swayed, struggling to remain conscious as it felt like the last bit of her magic left her in a rush.

The tattoo of the phoenix low on her spine wiggled and squirmed as it began to peel itself off her skin. A bright ball of light and fire swirled around her, before slamming into the house and shattering in an explosion of sparks that threatened to blind her.

Lightheaded and dizzy, she staggered back, then teetered on the top step. Before she could tumble down the stairs, every single one of her mates rushed and bounded up the steps, easily catching her. The strength had been carved out of her, leaving even her bones feeling hollow and achy.

It was all she could do to remain conscious.

The guys didn’t speak as they dragged her away from the steps, each of them fussing over her. When she got a look at the house, she understood their unease. The magic rippled out from the door and slowly crawled over the surface of the house, transforming the building in its wake.

Siding buckled, wood rippled, bricks morphed until it looked like a fierce, modern fortress. The wolf motif spread, but more and more creatures could be seen beneath the surface—gargoyles, fairies, basilisk, chimera, gorgon, bogies, gryphons, even a fucking unicorn, and so many more were hidden in the wood that couldn’t be seen unless you stared long enough.

Like the coven was a beacon of peace and protection for any race that needed it.

Above the door was a majestic image of a phoenix, his wings spread wide, his long tail flaring behind him. Morgan still felt the connection to the creature, the two of them bound together on an elemental level that had kept them both alive. While her affinity for fire remained, the little beast was now free.

A small chirp had her jerking her head up, and she saw a little bird perched on a railing—a phoenix!

His wings were no longer drab, the feathers holding a metallic sheen of pure fire that shimmered when the light hit it. Bright reds, golds, and yellows sparkled like it caught fire, and Morgan felt the heat trail down her spine where he’d rested for so long.

With another chirp, the little bird launched into the air, swirling and swooping at the freedom, soaring high before diving into a large octagon dormer window to the attic, clearly claiming the space for his own.

The magic from the house slowly bled into the ground, the earth rippled, and her eyes widened when the plants and trees—hell, even the very grass—transformed. Everything grew, becoming bigger and lusher. She’d swear that some of the trees and vines were almost sentient.

Then the magic hit the wards.

They bowed under the influx of power, and a pearl-like shimmer rose above them in a spectacular wave that stole her breath. Even as it soared over their head, she sensed it plowing under the ground until they were in a protective bubble.

Pressure built in her head, becoming almost unbearable, her vision blurring.

The guys winced.

Shade and Ward pressed their fingers against their temples.

A second later, there was an audible pop.

Her ears rang for a second, then sounds came rushing back, and she gulped as air filled her lungs. She hadn’t even been aware she’d been struggling. The pressure lifted, leaving her feeling light and floaty.

It took her a second to realize that part of the sensation was because Kincade had swept her up in his arms. To her shock, the whole area filled with wolves, both metal and flesh. As one, they tipped back their heads and howled, Loki included, and she shivered as the power of it shimmered over her skin.

Draven skipped ahead and opened the door for them, and everyone bundled inside the foyer. Though the insides remained relatively the same, it looked bigger and brighter.


Ward broke the silence. “The boost to the wards won’t last forever, the blood magic will eventually fade, but the wards should be repaired and fully operational by then.”

“Will it be enough?” Ascher crossed his arms, edging forward so Ward and Shade were forced to keep their distance from her. She wasn’t even sure he was aware of doing it.

“It will have to be.” Kincade’s arms tightened around her, the low grumbly sound of his voice making her sigh and relax into him. “She’s not doing that again soon. I don’t like how it drained her and left her vulnerable.”

Shade ran a hand through his hair, the strands looking a bit rumpled. “What she did…it shouldn’t be possible. Most witches need a full coven to manage even a fraction of that power. It was like she’d just set off a flash bomb, and people are going to investigate.”

Ryder growled, clearly struggling to control his wolf. He looked hulked out, his shoulders broader, the seams of his shirt and pants straining to contain his form. Smoke rose from Ascher’s clothes, his boots leaving smudges on the floor, where they had partially melted.

Atlas and Caedmon looked outwardly composed, but their eyes gave them away—Atlas was pure dark elf, his umber eyes bright, while Caedmon’s yellow eyes were glowing, his beast resting just under his skin. Draven headed toward the window with a forbidding scowl, as if expecting to see ninjas sneaking across the property at any second.

Shade ignored her mates, his eyes troubled. “Your magic is so strong that if you continue to boost the wards, they will become impenetrable.”

“But?” She waited for the other boot to drop…and squish her under it.

“Give too much, and you will find yourself bound to the coven.” He said it like it was a tragic revelation.

Like he was dooming her to a life of torment.

Kincade stiffened, his arms turning just this side of bruising. Morgan patted his chest, snuggled against his shoulder, and gave Shade a tired smile. “From the time I can remember, the greatest achievement for an assassin or witch is being assigned a coven. I never dreamed I would actually be running my own.”

She wiggled away from Kincade, and he reluctantly set her down, then pulled her back against his chest, refusing to release her completely. Morgan leaned against his hard form, grateful for his support, the stone from his gargoyle warm and comfortable. “When a witch and her mates take over a coven, they are bound to the coven, but it usually takes decades or longer.

“I belong at the coven. With my mates. With the wolves.” She flashed a smile at her men, their shoulders back, their heads high, proud warriors that looked at her with so much love that her heart leapt. “This is my home.”

Shade tipped his head to the side, a touch of confusion and longing in his eyes, then he sighed and stepped back. “You almost make it sound…pleasant. We must return to the Academy. I don’t like leaving it and Breanna unprotected for so long.”

Ward reached out, void magic swirling in the air between his palms. When he pulled his arms apart, a large black hole whirled into existence, revealing a cozy room at the Academy on the other side. The warden stepped away from the portal, waiting for Shade to exit first.

But instead of leaving, Shade hesitated, almost wringing his hands as he fretted. “The marks on your back are more than just a key like they want you to believe.”

“What do you mean?” Atlas lost the last bit of his restraint, looking savage as he stalked toward the demigod, no doubt ready to strangle answers out of him. Caedmon grabbed his arm to halt him. The two communicated silently, then turned toward Shade and crossed their arms, the actions completely in sync.

“They call it a key, but it is much more than that.” He ran a hand along his jaw, the scruff rasping, and he gave her a look like he was issuing her a death sentence. “It’s a direct link to the void. A few people are born with them every generation. Most are either killed at birth or carefully maintained?—”

“You mean kept prisoner,” Draven snapped, tapping a blade against his thigh as if debating the best way to pin the demigod to the wall and skin him alive. “A tool to be used and abused. They would have no control over their own life or will to live.”

It sounded so much like the life he left behind that her heart ached for him.

Shade grimaced, as if he remembered how his own family wanted to sacrifice him for their own gain. “Most were either killed so no one else got their hands on them, or?—”

“Or?” Ascher rumbled, taking up a protective stance at her side. He’d spent years being a virtual slave to witches. He had no forgiveness for anyone who dared to think to do that to her.

Shade released a heavy sigh, shot her a look, and winced. “Those who managed to live to adulthood were usually driven insane by the unlimited well of power at their disposal.”

“Morgan isn’t like them.” Caedmon stood firm, no hint of doubt or concern in his voice.

“Agreed.” Shade snorted at the absurdity. “Morgan has a spine of steel. Instead of succumbing to the void magic, she adapted and made it her bitch. And with each mate, she gets stronger.” But Shade didn’t look pleased by the fact, and she didn’t know if she should be affronted or not…until he spoke again. “Which makes her the perfect weapon for whomever can get their hands on her first.”

Shade walked through the portal without a backwards glance, his shoulders relaxing when Breanna, his mate, stepped into his arms and kissed him. Ward turned toward Morgan, his expression grave. “Be careful and don’t do anything stupid. Trouble is heading this way. We will come if you need us.”

He didn’t wait for a response before stepping through the portal and giving Breanna a heated kiss. When the banshee pulled back, her blonde hair piled in a sloppy knot on the top of her head, she waved at Morgan through the portal. “Be safe.”

Before Morgan had a chance to reply, the portal disintegrated and collapsed back on itself, disappearing with a shower of what looked like almost glitter, the void magic poofing out of existence.

While she appreciated the support, they needed to stay and protect the Academy.

This was her fight.

It was a test, not only to see if Morgan could protect the coven, but prevent the coming war.

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