K incade ran a hand through his hair once, then twice as he tried to process the new information. He wasn’t sure how MacGregor hadn’t pulled out all his hair in his efforts to keep Morgan safe. As soon as he managed to catch his breath, he’d turn around and get kicked in the nads.
Morgan now had six mates, and they were hardly staying in front of the chaos. A glance at the other guys said they were just as devastated by the news.
Because how the fuck were they going to keep her safe when the information got out?
Ever since she’d come into their lives, they’d jumped from one fire to the next. Sooner or later, they were going to get burned, and he feared how much further Morgan could be pushed without snapping.
“We need to sit down and put together a plan of what needs to be done first.” Morgan lifted her fingers and began to count down each problem. “The wards should protect us for the night, but I don’t want to leave the ferals trapped any longer than necessary. The alphas will probably seek revenge. I don’t like the idea of other gods running loose on earth without some sort of oversight in place. The Academy needs to be informed and protected. We also?—”
“Someone needs to start a list.” She turned toward him, her violet eyes looking bruised, and his heart felt like it was being shredded with tiny slivers, like he was failing her in some way.
“Stop.” Kincade closed the distance between them, gathering her against his chest, meeting the concerned gazes of the rest of her mates over her head.
They each gave a nod in return.
She needed a night of peace.
No matter what came, they would do whatever it took to give it to her.
“We’re safe for tonight. Let’s gather our thoughts and start fresh tomorrow. For tonight, I want you to do us a favor.” He waited for her to lift her head.
“Anything.” She didn’t hesitate, didn’t question what they wanted, her gaze unwavering.
She was amazing, and he was more determined than ever to do whatever it took to take care of her.
He kissed the top of her head, then tucked her against his side, not liking the slight tremor that went through her. She’d expended a lot of magic. If it had been anyone else, they would be passed out cold for a week, if not outright dead. That she was still standing amazed him…and made him want to give her a night where they could just be normal and show her how much she meant to them.
The world around them could fucking burn for all he cared.
The only thing that mattered was Morgan.
She was their world, and he was determined to show her that there was more to life than just fighting and struggling to stay alive.
Even if he had to kidnap her to do it.
“Give us the night. Just family.” He put his fingers to her lips when she opened her mouth to protest. “We’ve all had a stressful few days, and we need time to unwind. The last thing we can afford to do is make a rash decision because one of us is too exhausted to think straight.”
She narrowed her eyes, her lips pursed, as if suspecting he was manipulating her, but he didn’t give a shit if it meant they could spend the evening with their mate.
A rumble vibrated in his chest as he gazed down at the sexy woman in his arms, his cock hardening at her nearness, and it was all he could do not to lean down and steal a kiss.
She was pure temptation, and he had no will to resist her.
Her eyes sparkled, as if reading his lustful thoughts. The tense set of her shoulders melted away, and she released a heavy sigh. “Very well, but we will start early in the morning.”
“Agreed.” Kincade gave into the impulse and kissed her softly, pulling away when she would’ve deepened the kiss. He would not be distracted. He lightly pushed her away, stifling a groan when she pouted at him adorably.
He cleared his throat and discretely adjusted his cock, then turned to address the guys. “Caedmon and Ryder—settle the wolves and let them know to be on guard.” He pointed at Draven and Ascher. “You two—start a bath for Morgan. Pick out something nice for her to wear. She'll be up shortly.”
They each understood what he meant—secure the house and kill anything that would disturb their night alone with their mate.
Atlas tipped his head to the side, awaiting his command, curiosity in his sharp gaze, and Kincade shrugged. “We’re on culinary duty. Give us an hour and meet back here for a family meal.”
Because whether she knew it or not, a night with her mates was exactly what Morgan needed.
It was their job to take care of her.
And he was determined to do whatever it took to make her happy.
Anything she wanted, she only had to ask.
He would slay dragons, fight her demons, or draw her a bubble bath if that was what she needed.
A fter an hour of being pampered, Morgan felt more like herself.
She was caught between feeling foolish at having the guys wait on her hand and foot…and cherished. It was silly, she was never one of those girly girls, but she loved every second of being pampered.
Draven created a whirlpool in the tub with his magic, the water massaging every inch of her in a way that heated her blood. He watched her with hooded, stormy eyes as he made her orgasm, not only once, but twice. Unfortunately, no matter how much she tried to lure him to join her, the dratted man refused.
He pulled her out of the tub and thoroughly dried her off, completely ignoring his erection pressed against the front of his pants. When she reached for him to make the evening more interesting, he eluded her touch and captured her hands, saying some bullshit about the night being about just her.
When she pointed out that sexy times would relax her, he just winked, bundled her up in a towel, and shoved her into the bedroom…where Ascher waited.
The jerk was almost worse than Draven. He spent twenty minutes running his warm, heated hands all over her body in the form of a massage. More than once, he made her eyes roll back up in her head with pleasure. There wasn’t a spot on her body that he hadn’t touched, but he refused to allow her to play. So while she had orgasms, she was left empty and aching.
Draven and Ascher watched her get dressed. She wore jeans and a T-shirt, but it might as well have been lingerie for how they devoured her with their eyes. But no matter the temptation, they never once moved to touch her. They remained seated on the bed, practically sitting on their hands, their erections outlined clearly, neither of them making any move to hide their reaction.
It was a heady experience that made her very aware of every inch of her body. When she closed her eyes, she’d swear that she could still feel them touching her.
She quickly brushed out her hair. When she went to braid it, Ascher caught her hand, his voice gruff when he spoke. “Leave it down.”
He picked up a few strands, lust darkening his expression as he rubbed the silky curls between his fingers.
Just when he leaned down to kiss her, Draven had to be a dick and spoke. “Ready?”
He held open the door, a chiding expression on his face, and she was seconds away from smacking him. If his smirk was any indication, he knew it too.
Ascher cleared his throat and immediately stepped back.
How was it possible to be pussy-blocked by a siren who lived on sex?
So unfair!
When neither man offered her their arm, Morgan couldn’t hold back a grin. They were both too afraid that if she touched them, they wouldn’t be leaving the bedroom anytime soon.
While she was more than happy to oblige them, they were pretending to be virgins trying to hold onto their virtues or something. She would be pissed if she weren’t so amused.
As they headed toward the kitchen, she saw the stairs to the basement creak open.
Morgan stopped, but when the boys followed, she knelt to retie her shoe and waved them off. “I’ll be right behind you. I just need a second.”
When neither of them fell for her ploy, she mentally rolled her eyes.
Then, much to her shock, they both nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.
Not waiting for them to change their mind, she jumped to her feet and scrambled for the basement door. Atlas and Caedmon had taken over the basement, working with plants and creating potions and medical supplies. They’d built a glass wall at the far side of the room and created a laboratory with beakers and vials, Bunsen burners and tubes. Some of the materials looked ancient, while others had a modern, sleek touch to the machinery.
She loved watching them work when she swam laps. The rest of the room remained an oasis, a piece of an alien rainforest come to life. There were plants and smells that she didn’t recognize. It was stunning, and she was amazed at what the two guys had built. Every week they changed it up, keeping her in awe.
At night, the basement came to life, the whole area glowing with different bioluminescent plants, leaving the pool looking like a sensual retreat for lovers, one that Atlas loved to take her to when he wanted a moment alone.
She reached the pool and glanced around the room, not surprised when Séamus, a small leprechaun whom she’d inherited with the house, pushed his way through the shrubbery. She was a little more surprised to spot Loki and Stanley emerge next. Stanley’s orange fur looked like he’d been dragged through the foliage backwards, while Loki had broken branches stuck under one wing.
“What’s wrong?” Because they wouldn’t have lured her away from the guys unless it was something important.
Séamus paced a few feet back and forth before he stopped, planted his hands on his hips, and faced her directly, his green suit and shiny buttons almost blending into the background. “Ye cannae trust the fae.”
Her lips twitched with amusement, and she tipped her head to the side. “Aren’t you fae?”
His bushy eyebrows lowered as he glowered at her. “Exactly me point.”
Any amusement fled, and her gut churned with dread. “Do you know what they’re planning?”
Leprechauns were annoyingly fast and almost impossible to catch. If Séamus didn’t want anyone to see him, he would remain invisible.
“Nae.” Séamus began pacing again, practically kicking the ground in his annoyance. “But the fae dinnae care for anything but Faerie. They’ll be comin’ for ye.”
Morgan shouldn’t be shocked that he was worried for her. He’d come to her rescue more than once. He was just so curmudgeon at times that she forgot that he had a heart of gold underneath all the blarney. If he was warning her, Morgan would take him seriously. “What do you suggest?”
He shot her a hard look that made his hairy eyebrows look like they were wiggling up his forehead, trying to see if she was serious. When she didn’t laugh at him, he ran a hand down the front of his suit and stood straighter. “The coven is secured. No one is getting in the house without your approval.”
“I can’t stay inside forever.” Morgan rejected the idea out of hand. She was in charge of the coven, which meant that it was her duty to protect the territory and keep people safe. She couldn’t do that being a virtual prisoner. “We need a solution, not a band-aide.”
“It ain’t hidin’, it’s smart.” He huffed in annoyance, clearly affronted, since it was his method of staying safe. He had taken refuge here when the wendigo took over the grounds. Since Morgan had moved into the house, it had now become his home.
“Unfortunately, it’s not that straightforward. People depend on the coven to keep them safe. I’m not allowed to stay indoors when danger comes calling.” Though Morgan would admit it would be nice to have a day off now and then.
“Bleedin’ heart,” he muttered but nodded in understanding. “Ye need a protector, someone bigger and stronger to keep ye safe…or yer own army. Go be with yer boys, we’ll work the problem.” He waved her away like she was an annoying pest before he disappeared back into the vegetation, barely disturbing a leaf with his disappearance.
As she headed up the stairs, she came to a stop when she spotted Atlas standing at the top. She wasn’t surprised that he’d come after her and just stood watch instead of interfering. She continued up the steps until she stood before him. “You heard? ”
“Yes.” He moved to the side, allowing her to pass. “It’s not a bad idea.”
When she went to go around him, he placed a hand on the doorjamb, blocking her. With the other hand, he tipped her chin, until only inches separated their lips. His umber eyes were splintered with green, the intensity almost hypnotizing, and she couldn’t look away.
“You won’t run off alone.” It was both a plea and a demand, his voice gruff. He looked determined to follow her to hell and back if needed.
“No, I’ll keep my word…as long as you guys do the same.” She leaned against him, taking comfort from his nearness. “We do this together. We’re a team. A family.”
He bent down, scooping her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, loving the display of emotions. He pressed a quick kiss on her lips, then walked toward the kitchen with her in his arms. “Let’s go eat.”
She chuckled and melted against his chest, brushing her fingers up and down the back of his neck. “You know I can walk.”
His breathing hitched at her touch, and he leaned down and nipped at her lips. “Why bother when I can carry you? Not only does it allow me to hold you in my arms, it’s a way to guarantee that you’ll arrive unharmed.”
As she sputtered, he spun them around and pushed through the door backwards, carrying her into the kitchen. The rest of the guys were waiting for them. Instead of being annoyed or possessive at the display of affection, they smiled and took their seats.
Despite it being past midnight, the guys had gone all out and created a delicious supper. They took turns putting food on her plate and feeding her.
They were freaking adorable.
It was also the first time that Caedmon joined them for an official meal. She was shocked that he fussed over her just as much, if not more, than even Ryder, if that were possible. Though maybe she shouldn’t be considering how much he’d been taking care of them all since the first day.
She expected awkwardness, but the men welcomed him like he was one of their own, and her heart warmed that they were so cordial.
Like they were always meant to be together.
A family.
With each passing minute, the men relaxed more until the fierce warriors vanished, replaced by men who were just her mates with nothing else to worry about other than having a nice evening together.
It gave her hope for the future.