Guardians of the Assassins (Academy of Assassins #5) Chapter Thirty-three 97%
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Chapter Thirty-three


M organ was done playing by their rules.

It was time they played by hers.

She cupped her hands together, a ball of energy forming between her palms as she called her magic to the surface. The black, smoky magic was angry and wanted vengeance, blue lightning crackling in the darkness.

Without hesitation, she drew back her arm and launched it at the door to the throne room.

Instead of blasting through the door, the magic splashed against it, coating the surface…then began to eat away at it like acid. Tiny particles of wood and sawdust trickled toward the ground like grains in an hourglass.

The door sagged off the hinges, then wobbled precariously before slamming to the ground and disintegrating in a plume of dust. Morgan didn’t wait for it to settle before she marched across the threshold.

Then rocked to an abrupt stop, coming face-to-face with both fae queens.

The two women were more than elves, they were Tuatha Dé Danann.

Ancient .

From a time before civilization, when the world was savage and premortal.

They had an otherworldly beauty that was unnatural, their eyes just a little too big, a little too far apart, their teeth just a little too sharp. The two queens were complete opposites—one with silky black hair, the other with pure white strands. Morgan sensed glamor disguising them, but she had no desire to peer underneath, not sure that her brain wouldn’t melt if she tried.

The queens of light and dark didn’t act like enemies, more like they were sharing a cup of tea, despite the fact their people were waging a war outside the castle. They wore a type of battle gear, each covered in leather armor, their skirts parting to reveal form-fitting leather pants.

They were as gorgeous as they were deadly.

The guys bowed low, taking a single knee before them, but Morgan refused to bend.

She was a queen in her own right, and her people—her wolves—had died because of their games. That she couldn’t forgive. She gave a curt nod, barely able to hold back her dislike.

She must not have done a very good job of it when the dark queen’s lips twitched, while amusement danced in the light queen’s pale blue gaze.

“Queen of Wolves…you grace us with your presence.” The dark fae glanced at the wolves, and she gracefully bowed her head to the beasts. “And your guardians.”

Morgan barely held back a snort at the slightly judgy tone.

“You never were able to control those mangy creatures,” the light queen murmured. Though her voice was airy, satisfaction tinged the words.

“Werewolves are dangerous, volatile creatures that don’t have the control or restraint of other shifters. They are territorial and possessive to the extreme, more beast than man, and controlled by their emotions.” Though each word condemned them, admiration for their ruthless nature sparkled in her lavender eyes. “They are glorious creatures. It’s a great feat in itself that you are able to command them. ”

Morgan narrowed her eyes, suddenly certain that the two queens had already decided her fate. While Morgan might have the power of the gods, she was just a baby compared to the two queens. “Why even bother with a trial when you have already made up your mind? You never had any intention of abiding by Faerie’s decision, did you? At every turn, you tried to have us killed.”

Her mates threw her a stare of death, and she had no doubt she was going to get more than a talking to when they got their hands on her.

She just had to keep them all alive first, and she would do anything to make that happen.

“Did you really think it would be easy?” The dark queen’s laughter wasn’t pleasant, shadows rippling across her face, like a monster was peering out from underneath. “Your presence has pitched elves against each other.”

The light queen took over, her face solemn. “We can’t kill you. It appears Faerie has grown fond of you and would be…displeased. But we can’t let you go either.”

They acted like Faerie was sentient—Caedmon had hinted at it as well—and Morgan itched to get as far away from it as possible. She attracted more than enough trouble at home, she didn’t need to be a bone of contention between the two realms as well.

“The light fae can protect you.” The light queen seemed almost earnest, until she opened her mouth again. “We can put you in an everlasting sleep and bury you where no one will ever be able to find you.”

Her insides lurched, and everything inside Morgan rebelled against the idea of being buried alive. A spark of fear made the magic in her blood feel like acid as it tried to rip free of her control and destroy the threat. Her flesh burned under the strain, static crackling along her bones as it demanded to be set free.

“It’s far too dangerous for her to remain in Faerie,” the dark fae argued, dismissing Morgan like they weren’t discussing her fate. “It’s too big of a temptation. The dark fae believe they can step out of the darkness if the gods returned, that the curse would be lifted for daring to help imprison them in the first place. But there is beauty to the darkness, a balance that keeps Faerie alive. Nothing will change if we rise to the light and you fall to the darkness, except chaos.”

While their people might want change, the queens were terrified of losing their powers.

And fear made people do stupid things.

Morgan wasn’t foolish enough to put her trust in either queen.

They only cared about Faerie and their own power, their people nothing more than pawns.

The last thing she wanted was to leave her fate in their hands.

She would choose her own future.

“You’re worried about my effect on Faerie, but what if we took Faerie out of the equation, where the gods could never set foot on it again?” She dangled the thing they wanted most out in front of them.

Intrigued, they turned in unison, their faces rippling as the monsters beneath peered out through their eyes. “Explain.”

It was a demand, one that if they were not happy with her answer, they would take it out on her.

Morgan licked her lips, then plunged in headfirst, hoping she wasn’t about to lose her head for suggesting it. “Lock down Faerie—no one in or out without your approval.”

The light queen tilted her head with curiosity, her mind working through the different angles, but the dark queen frowned. “It’s not so simple. There is a cost to everything.”

“I never said it would be easy.” She threw their words back at them. “Locking down Faerie will stop the war between the light and dark. It’s the only way to preserve peace. Isn’t that worth the cost? The fae have mostly retreated from the human realm already.”

“And what would you gain?” The dark queen’s expression took on a calculating gleam .

“Peace between the realms.” Not to mention she would get to live without being hunted every day for the rest of her life.

Maybe even be able to live in peace with her mates.

“Even if we wanted to agree, it would take the blood of the gods to lock down Faerie.” The light fae shook her head, her eyes downcast.

When Morgan didn’t immediately say it was impossible, a calculating glint entered her light blue eyes, and Morgan wanted to curse herself for the slip.

While the bitch might appear friendlier than the dark fae, Morgan wasn’t fooled. She would sacrifice anything to get what she wanted. “Do you even need the blood to close Faerie?”

The dark fae frowned, clearly annoyed at the other queen. “She does not lie.”

“Maybe you need a little incentive?” The light queen lazily waved a hand toward the door.

Morgan turned and saw the air shimmer, a glamor falling away to reveal three dozen armed guards. They rushed through with weapons drawn, surrounding her men in seconds. The wolves stood between her men and the soldiers, their hackles raised, snarling when the guards got too close. Loki hunkered down with a fierce growl, his claws digging into the granite, ready to create chaos.

The last shreds of her control snapped, and Morgan released her hold on her magic. “You would take what is mine. Maybe I should take what is most precious to you.”

“You dare threaten me?” The light queen gave an amusing laugh, the sound like chimes, but it carried an undertone of menace.

Morgan gave a vicious smile, and the darkness of the void exploded out of her in a massive wave, drenching the room behind her until the castle disappeared under a massive wall of black clouds. It looked like the midnight sky, the stars twinkling almost merrily…until a bitter cold seeped into the room like it was consuming the warmth of Faerie.

Without an ounce of remorse, Morgan focused on the guards. A curl of black smoke snaked out of the darkness, stretching out across the floor before it shot forward, grabbing the nearest soldier.

Tentacles like an octopus wrapped around the man’s leg, yanking the guard right off his feet. He smacked to the ground with an oomph, his weapon clattering as it spun away from him. He screamed and clawed at the ground as he was pulled into the darkness.

The screams were cut off so abruptly that the sound of silence echoed loudly.

Dark shapes began to wiggle and press against the darkness, wanting out.

“Morgan!” Kincade stepped in front of her and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You need to stop. The guards have surrendered.”

She frowned, then glanced around the room in confusion. The soldiers had indeed surrendered, kneeling on the ground with their hands raised. They were surrounded by wolves, and her men were holding the weapons.

“They were going to kill you. Why should I stop? They will only keep coming after us.” With each word, the darkness pressed farther into the room, stealing two more feet as it moved closer.

Caedmon grabbed her elbow and pulled her around to face him. “Both queens have agreed to close Faerie. They give their vow to protect you. You will not only have your guardians, but you can have the vampires, Cashure, and a few of his men.”

“Really?” That was when she recognized Cashure amongst the guards.

And she couldn’t help but wonder if he sent them inside to be killed.

She must have spoken out loud, because he answered. “Never. I was ordered to make sure you stayed alive. If I wanted you dead, I only had to leave you for the patrols to find.”

She tilted her head and took a step toward him. “Who gave you the order? ”

“I did. Faerie would’ve killed you had she wanted you dead. Who am I to go against her?” The dark queen studied the void with fascination, refusing to back down or show fear. Then she purposely turned her back on it. “Do you agree to the terms of the accord?”

Morgan glanced at her men and wanted nothing more than to go home.

“Very well.” She released a begrudging sigh, then walked toward the void wall and placed her hand against the surface. It rippled under her touch, as if in welcome, before it collapsed back into itself, leaving behind a faint echo of the solar system etched on the wall in a swirl of purples, blues and blacks. If she stared at it long enough, she’d swear that it even whirled.

It was a stark reminder of what would happen if they ever broke the accords.

The spell to bind Faerie was relatively simple—a sacrifice of blood.

They entered a hidden room behind the throne, and Morgan gasped in surprise to see a majestic tree fill the space. She approached the ancient tree reverently. Hundreds of gnarled branches hung low, the leaves a deep red that carried a metallic sheen the color of blood.

“It’s called the heart of Faerie—a view very few are privileged to see.” The dark fae queen paused at her side, gazing up at the tree with pure adoration. “There are only two left in existence.”

“Why share it with me?” Morgan asked, suspicious of her motives, the tree obviously special to Faerie.

“Things will become clear after the ritual,” she murmured softly.

The light fae queen stopped on the other side of the dark queen, a moue of disgust on her face. “This is a waste of time. Without the blood of the gods, it won’t work.”

“And yet we will do it anyway.” The dark fae cut her hand without hesitation and painted a sigil on the tree. The light fae sliced her hand reluctantly, affront in every line of her body. Morgan followed their lead, her cut shallow so she wouldn’t leave behind even a drop of wasted blood.

Together, the three of them reached out at the same time, placed their hand on the tree, and activated the spell.

Instead of touching the tree, it felt like she connected directly to Faerie. Her palm warmed, and flashes of memories not her own flooded her mind. Before she could process the information, a blast walloped her in the chest, sending her flying backwards, and she landed with a nasty thump that knocked her on her ass.

Her brain felt foggy, everything distant, her ears ringing like she’d gotten hit with an electrical shock.

“Morgan!” Ryder roared, then a stampede of feet thundered toward her.

“What the fuck happened?” Draven was pissed, his voice full of vengeance and retribution.

Morgan groaned, cracking open her eyes to see her mates dropping to their knees around her. She scanned their concerned faces, only breathing a sigh of relief when they looked whole.

And safely back home.

Tears burned her eyes at being back at the coven.

They’d made it.

They’d survived.

Though it had only been a few days, it felt like they’ve been gone forever.

She pushed herself upright but didn’t have the energy to stand yet. Loki was crouched on all fours, inching his way between the men to rest his head on her thigh. The wolves surrounded them in a protective circle, searching for a threat. They hunkered down, as if prepared to wait until she was well enough to move.

Across from the house stood three dozen confused vampires and approximately seven fae, a combination of light and dark, two of which she recognized—Cashure and Atlas’s cousin. Cashure and a few of the vampires smiled at the sight of her. When her mates refused to move from her side, Louis rose and took over. “I’ll show them around. ”

Kincade nodded gratefully, then swept her up in his arms. He rose to his feet, and the rest of the guys followed as they headed toward the house. Ryder ran forward, opening the door. Instead of heading to the office, they all headed up the stairs, the guys forming a protective circle around her.

No one spoke as they stripped her, carefully inspecting her for any injury. They lightly ran their fingers over her skin but didn’t linger. She shivered at the touch of their hands, each caress bringing her out of her shock.

Atlas went to her closet, then dressed her in her most comfortable clothing. When Caedmon pulled back the blankets, Ascher swept her off her feet and deposited her on the bed.

“I think I can manage to walk a few feet.” She flashed them a wry smile, her throat slightly scratchy, but none of them were amused.

They deposited her in the center of the bed, Ryder sweeping the covers over her until she was tussled up like a burrito, with only enough room to wiggle her toes. Once she was securely trapped, the guys took up positions around the room.

Draven took a station by the window, Caedmon stood by the door, both standing guard. Atlas stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed, gazing down at her unblinkingly. Ryder refused to leave her side, planting himself next to her so close his leg brushed against her hip, while Ascher and Kincade took up residence on the other side. Even Loki had jumped on the bed, then lay across the bottom, pinning her legs.

“Tell us what happened,” Kincade ordered.

Now that she was safe and under his watch, he would no longer be put off.

“Faerie is not what everyone thinks.” Her mind boggled at what she’d learned when she touched the tree of life. “The queens know the truth. It was why the light fae was so interested in obtaining the blood of the gods.

“Faerie was created when a god died and their blood was spilled. It soaked into the ground and absorbed her powers. Over time, the fae felt the magic and settled on the land. It helped them grow stronger. When the fae died, their power was soaked back into the ground.” She smoothed out the blankets, still rattled by the information. “They now feed off each other to stay alive, growing slightly stronger, neither able to live without the other. Without Faerie, the fae would weaken, and without fae, Faerie would slowly fade.”

The whole room fell silent at the unbelievable story, and she gave a slightly crazed chuckle. “Yeah, I can’t believe it myself.”

“How did you figure it out?” Draven wore a baffled expression.

“Because Faerie spoke to her when she touched the tree of life,” Caedmon responded, running a hand over the back of his neck. “It’s why the trees are so fiercely protected.”

Morgan confirmed his suspicions with a nod. “Faerie is sentient in a way, more emotions and feelings, but no direct thoughts. Her only goal is to survive.”

Ryder picked up her hand, then frowned when he glanced down at her palm, running his fingers lightly over her skin. “What is this?”

Morgan raised her hand, and her brows lifted in surprise. A deeply red symbol, the same metallic red sheen from the leaves of the tree of life, rested in the center of her palm. It was created from a single line, a diamond shape on the bottom with a swirly, partially upside down triangle balanced directly on top. “It’s a protection rune.”

Atlas sucked in a startled breath, his eyes wide in wonder. He took an unconscious step toward her. When he lifted his gaze, he stared at her reverently. “It’s more than that—it’s a vow of protection directly from Faerie.”

“Faerie claimed you for her own.” Caedmon looked both horrified and relieved. “You’re connected to her now, much like the fae.”

While Morgan didn’t understand all the ramifications, she had no doubt that Faerie had plans for her and her mates, but that concern was for a different day. Right now, she was just happy to be home and surrounded by her men.

“ Y ou can’t keep me locked in this room forever! It’s been three days.” Morgan paced the room from one end to the other, her feet cutting a groove in the floor, and she glared at Ryder the whole time.

The guys were overprotective freaks.

They insisted she was allowed to do nothing but rest.

And she was going out of her ever-loving mind. No amount of threats, pleading, or cajoling would move them…although a few no longer felt safe to come alone any more for fear they would give into her feminine wiles.

Morgan rolled her eyes at their dramatics.

They took shifts at watching her to make sure she didn’t sneak off. Well, except for Draven. After taking him on a midnight raid of the kitchen when the others were out, he’d since been banned from guard duty.

Her mates were taking things too far, the cavemen antics both exasperating and annoying.

It was enough.

She came to a stop in front of the door where Ryder stood guard, and threw up her hands in exasperation when he continued to ignore her. “You can’t keep me locked up forever. It’s time to let me out, and you know it. I’m completely fine. I promise.”

His whisky-colored eyes flickered toward her for the first time since entering the room an hour ago, then his gaze dropped, and he scanned her body, hunger giving them a sharp edge. He lowered his arms to his sides, taking a step toward her, a wicked smile curling his lips. “Thank fuck.”

Before she could even process his words, he pounced.

She didn’t even have time to move when he snatched her up in his arms and tossed her onto the bed. She barely even landed when he was on her, his mouth taking hers in a kiss so divine, she groaned, desperate for more.

She clung to him, curling her arms around his neck, and wrapped her legs tight around his waist, determined not to let him escape. When his erection brushed against her core, she sucked in a greedy breath and broke the kiss to focus on removing every stitch of his clothing.

Not willing to be distracted, he leaned down to nip along her neck like he was starved for the taste of her. When she moved, eager to strip him bare, he would growl and pin her tighter to the mattress.

He methodically worked his way down to her breasts, growling in frustration when his access was blocked by clothing. He reared back, fangs bared, and ran a single claw lightly down her tank top, cutting cleanly down the middle.

With a satisfied smile, he opened both sides reverently, like it was the best present he’d ever received. Her nipples hardened further under his gaze, aching for his touch. She bucked her hips, rubbing herself against his cock, and his head snapped up, his gaze locking onto hers, a possessive growl rumbling in his chest.

He grabbed her hips, stilling her movements, then he closed his eyes, tipped his head back and moved her against him in long strokes. The tips of his claws dragged against her skin, the sensations overloading her body after being without her mates for so long.

And damned if her eyes didn’t threaten to roll up in her head as pleasure cascaded over her. The waves didn’t build slowly, they crashed over her and launched her into an orgasm with only a few strokes.

All without him removing a stitch of clothing.

She remedied that by grabbing the front of his shirt by the collar and tearing it clean down the middle. Ryder lifted his head, glancing down at her, a slow, sexy smirk curling his lips. “Impatient?”

Morgan just nodded, too distracted by the gloriously muscular chest on display before her. She inspected every magnificent inch with her hands and mouth, while he did his best to remain still, allowing her to explore him. Only when he trembled did she slip her hands down the front of his pants and grip him firmly.

A pained hiss escaped his parted lips, a growl rumbled in his chest, and his hips bucked forward. Without warning, he spun her around so her back faced him. He shoved his pants only partially down his thighs and slammed into her with a single thrust.

Morgan gasped at the intrusion, loving the feel of him deep inside her, and she squirmed in pleasure. He gripped her hips to keep her still, his claws pressing dangerously against her skin in warning, which only served to make her wetter, and she tightened her walls around his cock.

With a pissed growl, he grabbed her hair and yanked her up, the sting making her gasp in pleasure. The move left her plastered against his chest, the front of her body on display and vulnerable.

“Don’t move.” He pressed her head against his shoulder, leaving her bare neck exposed. His warm hands slid down her body, cupping her breasts, slowly playing with her nipples until she was once again squirming.

“Naughty.” He pinched her nipple in punishment, and Morgan couldn’t stop from clenching around him with a groan.

“Just for that, I’m going to make you scream.” She must have whimpered, because his husky chuckle rang in her ear.

Then he proceeded to drive her insane. One arm clamped down around her rib cage, so her breasts rested on the top of his arm. The other hand skimmed down the front of her body until he buried it between her legs, spreading the wetness he found there around her clit.

Held tightly in his arms, there was nothing she could do but endure the pleasure. She bit her lip to keep from making a sound, because she wasn’t fucking stupid and didn’t want their time to end.

Like he read her mind, he gave a husky chuckle, then the bastard flexed his abs in a way that made his cock jump inside of her without ever moving his hips. He did it over and over, driving her higher and higher, until she did as he demanded and screamed his name when she came.

He changed his grip when she was struggling to catch her breath, reaching up to grab her shoulder, his arm coming to rest between her breasts. Before she had a chance to come down from her orgasm, he drove into her hard and fast. She should’ve been exhausted, yet he pushed her higher, balancing her on a precipice that was between pleasure and pain.

When his fangs pierced the crook of her neck, she came one last time, collapsing against him. She distantly heard him roar as he reached his own release, his knot swelling inside her, and she shivered in pleasure, even as darkness swallowed her.

The next time Morgan opened her eyes, it was dark. She should have been annoyed, suspecting Ryder wore her out on purpose to keep her from leaving the room, but she wasn’t stupid enough to give up an afternoon of multiple orgasms just to make a point.

A shaft of moonlight illuminated the bed, and her heart softened to find all her mates gathered around her, sleeping soundly. After years of pain and suffering, she’d finally found where she belonged.

Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine that she would find one mate who could learn to love her, much less six. They were not who she’d been expecting—they were better. The guys might’ve been a pain in her ass, but she adored the jerks.

They were her champions, her friends, her lovers.

They were her home, and she thanked the gods every day for bringing them into her life.

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