“ I t’s time.” Draven wheezed as he skidded around the corner of the house. His chest heaved as he leaned over and braced his hands on his knees, sweat making his hair stick to his face. He glanced up at Kincade and Ascher, panic flaring in his eyes. “Now. It’s time. The baby.”
Both men froze, then dropped the weapons they were using to show the trainees how to spar. They tore across the yard, and Morgan wanted to roll her eyes as she waddled toward the house, her hand against her back as she tried to ease the pressure.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Kincade bellowed when he was only five feet from her. “You’re supposed to be in bed!”
Morgan narrowed her eyes, and she saw his expression shift from panic to wary. “Don’t you dare take that tone of voice with me.”
His mouth immediately snapped shut.
Even Loki snarled at him, the puppy now a large dog the size of a small SUV.
The guys had assigned the gardog as her protector ever since they learned of the pregnancy, and the beast took his job seriously. Morgan would swear Loki was actually talking with the baby at times the way he would stare at her belly and gently rest his head against it as if listening.
Morgan glared at Kincade, would’ve fucking poked him in the chest, but Ryder had a death grip on her hand. He placed his other hand under her arm, cupping her elbow, taking mincing steps like she was an old woman crossing the street. “I was feeling restless, and the baby wanted to go for a walk.”
No one argued with her when she said the baby wanted something. Not after the first time, when the baby made the house rattle after being denied.
“You were checking out the wolves again,” Ascher accused as he burst out of the front door of the house, his hands on his hips. “She sent me to get her some chocolate cake. We didn’t have any, so while I was making it, she snuck out of the house.
Morgan almost felt guilty when she saw flour dusting the front of his clothing, then gritted her teeth when another contraction tightened around her middle. She rubbed her belly, taking slow, deep breaths as she worked through the pain.
“That’s the tenth one…they’re only a few minutes apart.” Ryder’s voice was hoarse as he whisper-yelled at the guys, panic making his eyes too wide, like he was the one who had to push out a ten-pound baby.
“Relax.” She patted his arm as she continued her way toward the house. “Babies take a long time to arrive.”
Instead of comforting, he turned deathly pale, and she had to grab his arm for fear that he was seconds away from tumbling over.
Then, as if the universe wanted to prove her wrong, her water broke.
“Ohshitohshitohshit.” Draven completely freaked out, then grabbed Atlas’s arm and dragged the elf forward. “The baby is coming.”
Caedmon rounded the side of the house with what looked like a hundred people following him, excitement making his eyes glow a bright yellow. When he reached her, he swept her up in his arms, then kissed her forehead and carried her to the house. “How about we go meet our daughter?”
“No, we’re having a son,” Morgan insisted, leaning against his shoulder, allowing herself to relax at his comforting presence.
“Nope,” Draven argued and shook his head. “We decided on a girl that looks just like you.”
Morgan could only chuckle. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”
She could only imagine the amount of trouble the two of them would find.
“We did not decide anything,” Ascher chided, opening the door and stepping aside. “Boy or girl, we will love the child equally.”
Of that, Morgan had no doubt.
While she didn’t remember her parents, her baby was going to be smothered by them. Ever since the guys had learned she was pregnant, they refused to leave the coven.
Which meant she had to deal with six well-intentioned males.
She was running out of ideas to keep them busy.
As they neared their bedroom, Ryder rushed ahead and threw open the doors. It was decided that she would give birth at the coven to make sure she and the baby were protected. Atlas was her midwife. He’d spent the last eight months reading every book in existence on the subject.
Draven was her Lamaze coach, the one who was able to keep her mind distracted the easiest. The rest of the guys broke up in teams of two, one group to build a nursery, while the other babyproofed the house and coven.
News of her labor spread, and the house began to fill up with people. MacGregor and Mistress McKay took charge of the coven. Stanley guarded the door viciously, not letting anyone through without prior approval.
Breanna and her three mates Ambrose, Shade, and Ward, stopped by to wish them congratulations. The gargoyles came to visit, Loki practically dancing in circles around them. Harper and her mate visited from the Academy, the couple expecting their first baby as well. Not that it mellowed the witch, but her berserker mate seemed to be able to keep her in check.
The headmistress had sent a generous gift of an animated mobile imbued with magic that made it look like the mythological creatures were actually moving. Even the king had sent a gift—the last three books from the lost library of Alexandria, with a note that said she would need it more than him.
Not ominous at all.
After hours of labor, Morgan could barely catch her breath between contractions. “You rat bastards. Next time any of you come near me with your weapons of mass destruction, expect to be castrated.”
The guys winced, but none of them objected.
Morgan would almost swear that the pregnancy and delivery was harder on them than her.
“I’ll help,” Draven volunteered, promising her anything. He patiently held out an ice chip for her, and she took it gratefully, chewing on it. The cutie had been a mother hen during the whole pregnancy.
Ryder squeezed her hand, rubbing her arm, desperate to ease her pain. The poor guy had suffered a sympathetic pregnancy the whole nine months—going through cravings, morning sickness, and even gaining weight. He looked sick to his stomach seeing her in labor, but he refused to leave her side.
Atlas checked her over every five minutes, and Morgan breathed through another contraction. “Your damn potions aren’t even taking the edge off anymore.”
“Because it’s almost time.” He spoke calmly, the elf having kept his cool for the last couple of hours, but his hands shook as he took his seat by her feet.
The guys tensed at his announcement. Caedmon stopped his pacing, his pale face looking rattled, the man more on edge as each hour passed. He desperately wanted a family, but he had been so worried about losing her that he’d had her LoJack’ed.
Like literally placed a tracker on her.
She couldn’t go to the bathroom without him showing up outside the door.
Ascher stood by the window, his hands gripped behind him as he paced. He’d been assigned to stand guard to give him something to do, the man jumping each time she moaned. He looked ready to pass out with each contraction.
Kincade sat by her shoulders and mopped her forehead. He grabbed her hand through each contraction, wincing each time she squeezed it, despite being made of stone. He didn’t move from her side once, giving orders to the men when they began to hover and fuss too much.
Loki sat patiently in the corner, never once moving his bright gaze from her the whole time.
It was another hour before the baby was born with an angry cry.
The men rushed toward the bed and crowded close. Atlas rose with the baby in his arms, a proud smile on his face. He spoke in a reverent voice as he looked up at her, love shining brightly in his green eyes. “It’s a girl.”
“Yes!” Draven jumped up, kissed her forehead, then rushed to take a closer look at the baby, wonder making his face soften. “She looks just like her mother.”
Tears filled his stormy blue eyes when he reached out a shaky hand and ran a finger lightly over the headful of black hair. Each guy touched the baby, counting fingers and toes. Their chests were puffed up in pride, like she was their greatest accomplishment.
Morgan looked on at her dotting mates, exhausted but happy.
It didn’t matter which one was the biological father, they would all share equally in the task.
Atlas settled the baby in her arms, and Morgan glanced down at the little miracle. The metal in her necklace warmed, bubbling up and twisting until a large heart-shaped locket formed .
My thoughts exactly.
This little girl had captured all their hearts by just being born.
Ryder opened the door to the room, stuck his head out. and shouted, “It’s a girl!”
A massive cheer went up throughout the house, followed by hundreds of wolves howling in celebration.
Thanatos and MacGregor peered through the door, the proud grandparents practically bursting in pride. She tipped the baby up to give them a better view.
That was when she saw the dark lines slowly appearing on the baby’s skin.
Thanatos had assured her that Morgan would remain the key. While her baby would carry the bloodline, she would be safe as long as Morgan stayed alive. “What’s happening?”
Panic sent her mates rushing toward her and the baby.
MacGregor and Thanatos entered, then the old god chuckled. “Mating marks. It looks like she’s been gifted with five protectors.”
“Oh, hell no.” Draven grabbed a knife from somewhere and began heading toward the door. “No one touches my baby girl.”
To her surprise, none of the other guys stopped him.
“Gods save you, little one. You have a built-in army to protect you.” Morgan ran her finger lightly down the baby’s soft cheek. “You’re going to be the most protected and loved kid in the world.”
Morgan watched as the men each began collecting hidden weapons stashed around the room, talking strategies and how to make horny men suffer for having lustful thoughts about their baby girl. She chuckled softly and kissed the baby lightly on top of her head as she watched her mates completely lose their shit.
While they’d had many great adventures over the years, the greatest one was still ahead of them.
Though Morgan might have passed on her magic to the baby, her greatest legacy was the one of love and family.