T he moment I saw Jax’s name in my agenda, I knew I was in trouble. Big time. I’m not sure if life has a bad sense of humor or if I’m jinxed. I mean, I shouldn’t have been surprised at all since it was me who pointed the band to Vocal Keys. It was pretty hard to leave fliers around everywhere at Royals without being noticed. First time I spotted them was during a night with a wannabe who pretended to be a Dominant. Their performance gave me goosebumps and with Vocal Keys scouting for bands and singers, I pushed my luck. I tried to talk to him but it seemed to be impossible. The man has a pretty busy life and he was never alone. I did the dumbest thing I could, and dressed up, wore a wig and tried to somehow get his attention. It wasn’t easy but when he offered me a drink, I knew I did it. What was supposed to be a single chat though got out of my hand and I didn’t want to back off.
Good thing is he hasn’t recognized me and if I’m lucky and wise, he won’t. I just have to pretend he wasn’t my first heavenly fuck I have ever had and made me feel like a woman in an exceedingly long time. Easy to say, especially when you have the biggest crush ever on the man who never dates, never kisses, and uses women for his own pleasure.
His rules, not mine.
Too bad my heart didn’t get them and now he’s standing in front of me while chatting with my boss and best friend.
“Are you okay?” William's voice startles me, making me squeak. The chatter stops and everyone turns to look at me.
Holding my iPad close on my chest I peer at William and nod. “Yep.”
“Such a bad liar.” He chuckles, shoving his hands in the back pockets, “Let me guess, you like someone in the group.”
“What?” My voice seems surreal as I glance over the group catching Jax and Dex staring at me. Shit, I don’t want their eyes on me. “I’m mentally planning this week to get the band ready for Saturday. The media will be on their necks as soon as the show goes live.”
“That’s true, and because of the short notice and since it’s your aunt's birthday too, you’ll go to Vegas with them,” Angel informs me.
What? Is she out of her mind or what? My heart stops as my blood runs cold in my veins. “There’s no need and I’m pretty sure we can work remotely.”
“Nonsense, Em.” Angel shakes her head, “It’d be easier and faster for you to train them.” True but with him close, I’d be in danger.
“Yes, please, and no hotel needed, we have a guest room no one uses,” Jillian says in an excited voice as she comes closer and links her arm to mine.
“True.” Dex nods at me, “If you need a lift you can come with us.”
The hell? “I…I have my own car but I appreciate the offer.” I sigh, feeling the urge to run away from the meeting room. Fuck! There’s no way he won’t find out I lied to him. The trust we’ve built that night can be thrown out the window. My breath increases and even if I try to play cool and follow the conversation my brain gets foggy.
“Deep breaths,” Jax’s deep voice and his hand on my back somehow calms me, “that’s it.”
Blinking a few times I realize Liam and Charlie are casually placed in front of us and somehow shield us but still no one notices it. As no one can see I’m combusting under his touch. Red flags, Em! My brain warns me but there’s a fight in me. A part wants to feel his touch a little bit longer while the other screams at me to run away because he exudes danger.
“Thank you,” I mutter while taking a step back. The cold spot on my back where his hand was feels so weird but this is work and we all know mixing work and pleasure is not a good choice. “Angel, if you don’t need me I better go home and pack.”
“Keep me posted and see you on Saturday morning.” She hands me the folder with their contract to take notes for sure.
“Do you want us to wait for you so you can follow us?” Charlie asks while Jillian goes on her tiptoes and whispers something to Jax. Not sure why but it drives me insane.
I’m about to reply when Jillian does it in my place, “I can come with you if you want, you won’t find the address on Google and Jax is a fast driver.”
Smirking, I turn to reply to Jillian, “Why not, that way we can get to know each other better but I’m a fast driver too.” When I notice Jax cocking a brow at me, I can’t help but playfully shrug. What the heck am I doing?
“Ohhh, that sounds like a challenge.” William muses while Dex nods.
“Am I dealing with kids? Come on guys.” Angel pretends to be annoyed and talks so common sense in us. “If you get in trouble, I know nothing.” She winks at me.
“The bets are open.” William pulls out ten bucks, “Sorry, Em.”
“William!” I gasp while Angel hands her ten too. “You two are the worst.” I turn around while finding myself in front of Jax. He’s so close I can feel his heat and I shake my stupid brain to behave. “It's game on; see you at home.”
The smirk on his face makes me realize I said it out loud. Shit! “Eyes on the road, Emma.” His deep, commanding voice sends shivers down my spine. Even more powerful than I remembered. Jesus Christ.
“Seems it’s the two of us.” Jillian giggles while pulling me out of the meeting room. “Drinks are on you, Jax.”
“Dream on, little brat.” He fires back, amusement in his voice.
* * *
Our past defines us but mine taught me several lessons. People want to be your friend for a turnaround; and the best rule is if they don’t know anything, they can’t use anything to hurt you. I admit there have been a few exceptions like Angel and SMD staff, but they’re family and we trust each other.
Parking the car in front of the gate, I high five Jillian and then get out and sit on my hood. “How competitive is Jax?” Even though I vow to myself to keep it professional, the truth is I want to know more about Jakson, not just as a lead singer but the man under that mask. I felt a strong connection during that night and his presence sends me strong vibes even today.
“A lot!” Jillian says while pointing her chin toward the street. “Here they are.” The roar of his car echoes as he slows down and the gate opens. “I didn't notice Luke was following us.”
“You won’t notice him,” I pull my sunglasses down, catching her staring at him, “unless you don’t want him to stay here too.”
“W-What?” she stammers while blushing. “He’s handsome but not my type.” Hmm-hmm.
Once parked in the driveway, I get out and take my bag. The curiosity is killing me but still I can’t be that straight to ask her. “Dang, sorry, I forgot you and Jax are together.” I haven’t missed how he’s focused on her and I confess I’m kind of jealous since I’d have loved to explore more of him. It seems he has changed his mind though.
“What made you think that?” Her surprised voice makes me snap my head at her.
“Think of what?” Jax’s voice behind me makes me jump out of my skin.
“She thought we’re a couple,” Jillian’s head flops back in a heartfelt laugh, “We’re not, Emma. He’s like a brother to me.”
“And you are a pain in my ass!” Jax spanks her ass before grabbing my bag. “Let’s go inside and give Emma and Luke a tour.”
“Idiot!” She playfully punches him before running inside.
“You’ll get used to us, and I apologize for this week in advance. The lot is a crazy one and sometimes childish.” He lets me get in first. “Make yourself home.”
“Thank you,” I smile before stepping in. I like the vibe in here and music plays in the background while Charlie and Liam are arguing over God knows what. The open space is incredible, especially the view over Lake Mead. I grew up and spent my college break over here and had so much fun.
“Kitchen, living room, studio, my office, library, a spare bathroom, are on this floor,” he points toward the hallway that leads opposite the staircase we’re about to step, “upstairs there are the bedrooms all of them with a private bathroom, and another office.”
“Your bedroom is close to mine, and don’t worry the rooms are soundproofed so you won’t hear anyone snoring.” Jillian drags me toward the room. “Do we need to work right away?”
“I’m afraid so, the agenda is packed with things you should be aware of.” I smile at her lovely pout. Jax leaves my room with a nod before disappearing downstairs. His cologne is lingering here, like a permanent presence to remind me of him.
“Okay then, whenever you’re ready join us downstairs,” she says before heading into her room.
Closing the door behind her I rest my back against it and breathe in. Jax's cologne has haunted my dreams and now he’s here. I’m in his house.
You’re here for work, that’s all! You train them and get out of here!