“H ey, what’s up?” Jill sits in the stool at the bar counter, “It’s been days you seem miles away.”
While cutting some fruit I crank my neck to her, “I know her. Not sure where but I’ve met her before.”
“For real?” Jill gasps while leaning closer, “do you want me to investigate?”
I pass some lime on the board of the glass and then press it in the sugar, “Please don’t. I’ll do it on my own.”
She tsks a few times before looking over her shoulder. “Well, I’m here if you need help but please make it discreet. Emma seems a sweet girl.”
“Yeah, sure. Wait a second…” Emma rushes through the patio and up to the staircase but then she pivots and goes to the living room.
I can’t take my eyes off of her and it drives me insane. What’s all that about? Her woody perfume can be smelled everywhere. Not that I complain about it.
“A pen…” She looks around until she peers at me and I point to the fridge behind me. “Got it.” She squashes the cell phone between her cheek and shoulder while placing her bag on the counter. “Absolutely, all noted, and thank you Xander. I’ll send you an email to confirm everything…” Her words become distant when Jill nails pokes the marble. Annoyed, I peer at her while she points to the card inside Emma’s wallet. My pulse accelerates while silent words fly between me and Jill.
“Of course, you’ll be the first ever to have them, and I can’t spoil more than I’ve already done.” Emma hums and then says goodbye while I finish preparing the drinks.
Our days have been pretty packed after the first meeting and god damned I couldn’t remember where I met her. We agreed to sign the contract with SMD and when I told her our decision the sparkle I saw in her eyes left me speechless. It drives me crazy not wrapping my head on where I saw her. I was aiming to be alone with her and try to figure out but she’s always on her phone or in a meeting with Angel. It’s like she never stops and what’s worse, I couldn’t spend some time with her.
“And it’s done.” Emma sighs, while placing her iPad on the counter, she steals the strawberry out of my hand. “Please tell me our drinks are ready, because I need it!”
“Of course, ma’am.” I wink at her while shaking Liam’s mojito.
Her cheeks paint in rose while she hums, tasting the delicious strawberry. “Do I have time for another phone call?”
Jill takes the cell phone out of her hand, “Nope, it’s celebration time and we do it in style.”
“Jill, no.” I call her back. Our games are wild and Emma is not used to it.
Emma peers at me and then at Jill, “Why not?”
“Come on, it’s a way to know her better and let her into our family.” Jill whines, “Please.”
“What are you afraid of, Jax?” The curiosity in Emma’s voice makes her so freaking irresistible.
The hell is wrong with me? I need to get a fucking grip. Not that she’s showing interest or whatsoever but I haven’t missed how she tenses when I get close. Or her pulse increases when I sit near her. Maybe it’s just me. Those are the signals I love because they can’t be hidden. It’s instinct and I like them.
“He’s afraid you’ll run away.” Jillian spills it out, earning a deadly look from me. Why is she so nosey for God’s sake?
Emma laughs while her eyes land on her open wallet. “I haven’t run from facing one of my biggest fears, figures I’ll do for a game.”
“Awesome,” Jill grins at me, “this should be mine.” She grabs her drink off the trailer and walks away.
Emma seems focused on her keyboard rather than me and I take a second to drink her in, forcing myself to remember where I’ve met her. “Could I ask for some advice?”
“Sure, I’m here for it.” Emma keeps typing before opening another email. She’s fast at reading and typing out a reply.
“It’s personal and not in the public domain yet,” I confess while washing the stools.
Emma turns to peer at me before locking the screen. After she closes the iPad cover she hops on the counter beside me. “Feel free to share, I’m good at keeping secrets.”
“Is there a way to keep it that way? I mean… secret?”
“If a question makes you uncomfortable then, yeah, you’re in charge of the interview no matter how pushy they can be. You can dismiss it, skip to the next one or just say no comment.” She shrugs, “Keep in mind they’ll try to dig more though. Media are curious about newbies, especially the dark and handsome ones.” She shuts her eyes and laughs, “Yeah, you got the point.”
“Kinda like it.” Chuckling, I take a strawberry and give it to her. Emma opens her mouth, eyes locked on mine while she bites into it. A shiver runs down my spine while my pulse accelerates. A drop of juice runs down the side of her mouth and she licks it, making my cock twitch. Those eyes.
“I don’t think Royal is a problem, isn’t it?” she asks before biting into the strawberry again.
“I’m proud of my club, and people will always talk about it. You can find the casino, the restaurant and something more sinful if you want. I’ve kept them separate to grant anonymity to my clients.” My eyes skirt toward Jillian, “It’s not my past I’m afraid will hurt me.”
“Royals is my secret spot too, Jax, and I love that club and restaurant too, the chef is fantastic.” She giggles, “But if Jillian has something she wants to keep secret then we can work on it. How bad is it?”
“Bad, but it’s not my story to tell.” Of course not. My gut says to trust Emma but it should be Jill’s choice to tell her not mine.
“Okay,” Emma hops off the counter, “I'll be here for two more days if she wants to talk and then you’ll get rid of me.”
The problem is I don’t want to. I got used to having her around already more than I thought it’d have been possible. It happened more than once when we were heading upstairs to go to bed but instead of going to my room I almost go into hers. It’s so weird but still I can’t figure out why I’m so pulled toward her. Never ever happened with a woman. Her cell phone pings and she’s about to grab it but I scoop her up over my shoulder, “No, that’s enough work for today.”
“Jax, put me down.” She wiggles.
I spank her ass thinking she’d complain; instead, she moans. The pink print of my hand over her skin makes me crave to lick it but I summon that feeling. “Stay still or I’ll drop the drinks,” I warn her before taking the trail in my other hand.
“If you drop me I swear god, I’ll bite you.” She scoffs while I pretend to drop her, “Jax.” She screams and wraps her arms on my waist.
“Ohhh, love the view,” Charlie whistles while Liam and Dex applaud. Should I put her down? Reminding myself she wears those freaking shorts that drive me insane, I do. Her ass should be displayed just for me. The moment the thought makes way in my head I want to slap myself.
I’m losing my mind for sure because I’ve avoided being in a relationship and now all I want is to claim her. Is a primal urge and her teasing me doesn’t help. She’s not doing it on purpose, on the contrary. Em tries to control herself, I can see it, but it’s all natural and can’t stop herself.
“Beach volleyball or billiards?” Jill asks.
“Either works for me.” She sticks her tongue out to me, “Make sure to make it worth the hype though, I’ve been told you guys like to do it in style.”
“That’s a tease, Jax.” Dex smirks at me while holding the drink up, “I want to toast.” We take our drinks while Emma tries to back off.
Stepping behind her she bumps into my front, “You can’t run away.” I murmur.
She looks over her shoulder, “Because you’re going to spank me again?”
I blow on her neck, “Is that an invitation?” Her body shivers and the way she leans on me skirts me back at the New Year’s party. The brunette who haunted my dreams and I couldn’t find again. I can’t believe she let me take her virginity and after that amazing night she disappeared into thin air.
“You’ve got your chance.” She giggles while her cell phone rings, “Be right back.” I follow her walk away before the creepy feeling of being watched sinks in. Finding the guys staring at me with a shitty smile on their face makes me roll my eyes.
“Don’t.” I’m not an easy person to be with, my standards are high, my limits too not to mention my routine. I had a few relationships; they never last more than a week. I was looking for that sparkle and fire I’ve experienced with Brey but it never came. Brey was the only woman who moved my heart and that’s the main reason I pushed my personal life back and focused more on music and the club.
“I’m ready to celebrate.” Emma comes back with a smile on her face, “Mackenzie Jackroll wants to meet y’all and that’s the best news ever since her popularity is on top!” I feel the urge to scoop her up but instead I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer.
“Yeah, baby,” Liam and Charlie high five. “You’re a star, Em.”
“Okay, here’s to a new beginning, a new adventure and to an even stronger family.” Dex toasts, “But I’ll miss your shitty faces.”