Harmonizing Hearts (Darkest Symphony #1) 8. Chapter 8 Emma 39%
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8. Chapter 8 Emma

T he weight of Jax’s words still lingers in my heart, tormenting my thoughts like a relentless storm. How could he say those things? How could he make me feel so insignificant, as if I were nothing more than a passing fancy? The pain of his betrayal cuts deep, leaving wounds that ache with every beat of my wounded heart.

I try to distract myself, to focus on something other than the piercing hurt that consumes me. The upcoming concerts in Verona and Rome become my lifeline, an opportunity to bury my pain beneath the chaos of organizing and managing the events. The busyness becomes a shield, protecting me from the raw vulnerability that threatens to swallow me whole. But no matter how hard I try, thoughts of Jax infiltrate my mind, disrupting my carefully constructed fa?ade of strength. He was the one who gave me a sense of belonging, who made me feel seen and cherished. I thought our connection was real, that it transcended the superficial boundaries of a mere scene. Yet, his words shattered that illusion, leaving me adrift in a sea of doubt. I’ve seen his texts. I sure read them just in case it’s something work related but the only thing he wants is an explanation I don’t want to give him. What for? It’d turn the blade in my wound and all I want is to erase everything. I shouldn’t have told him who I was and just kept it professional. But how could I since my heart was screaming his name?

“Great job, Emma, see you tonight.” Matthew waves me goodbye before joining his band.

My career in SMD is skyrocketing, I’ve never imagined I’d be the one to handle the concerts and lead a whole team. In my vision there was an office, some meetings and maybe a family. But five years later I’m still the same and alone. Even though I’m surrounded by amazing people and friends, once I close my house door there’s nothing for me.

My phone pings with text after text and I internally scream.

Jax: Emma, please pick up my call. We need to talk.

Jax: This silence is killing me. Why are you avoiding me?

Jax: Fuck, Em. Stop ignoring me.

Jax: I get it, Em. Thank you.

I turn to my friend, Angel, seeking solace in her understanding and empathy. The ringing echoes in my ear, before her cheerful voice reaches out, “Hey Em, I’m so freaking missing you.”

“Hi Angel, me too. Is everything okay over there?” I ask, holding back a sob.

“You tell me,” she mutters something before the noise of a shutting door in the background can be heard, “Jax called me asking about you, is everything okay?”

“N-no.” Tears spill down my cheeks as I pour out my heart, the pain and confusion mingling in my words. For once I don’t hold back anything anymore. I need advice or even an I-told-you. “I just fooled myself and now my heart is broken.”

Angel listens, her presence a balm to my wounded soul, but even her comforting words can’t erase the ache that has settled within me. “Em, I’ve noticed your compatibility but haven’t imagined you guys were so deep into each other. Take this time to relax and then once you’re home with a fresh mind, talk to him. Half truth or things you’ve heard are not always the way they look and trust me, I’ve experienced it first hand.”

I close my eyes to stop my tears and flop my head back, “I think it’s better to keep it professional and just give up. Love is not something fate has in store for me.”

“Em,” she sighs, “talk to him first face to face. That way you can see his reaction too and hear his version too.”

“Thank you, Angel.”

“Any time sweetie. Unfortunately I can’t be more helpful. Just trust your heart, okay?”

I hum in response before ending the call.

Trust my heart.

It’s not that easy and all I need now is space. Jax’s incessant texts and phone calls only serve to exacerbate my pain. Each message, each missed call, intensifies the gnawing sense of inadequacy that has taken root in my core. I knew he wasn’t the type for commitment, but a part of me hoped he would change, that our connection would be strong enough to overcome his fears. The reality of his words shattered that hope, leaving behind shards of broken dreams.

Two weeks later, as I step off the plane, back in LA, I brace myself for the encounter I’ve been both dreading and secretly yearning for. I make my way down the runway, my heart pounding in my chest, my emotions a tangled mess of trepidation and longing. I know I can’t hate him, no matter how much he has hurt me. He gave me a glimpse of the belonging I had been searching for, and I can’t erase the impact he had on my life.

And there he is, waiting for me, his eyes searching mine for answers, or perhaps for forgiveness. I meet his gaze, feeling a swirl of conflicting emotions—love, anger, and a fragile thread of hope that maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance for us to find our way back to each other. But as I take in his features, I see the remorse etched in the lines of his face. I see the vulnerability in his eyes, a reflection of the pain he has caused me. In that moment, I realize that we are both wounded souls, searching for solace in each other’s arms, yet unable to understand the complexities of our own hearts.

I step forward, the distance between us closing, but my heart remains guarded.

“Don’t shut me out of your life, Em.” His words hit me, and tears spill down my cheeks. His arms surround me and I feel like breathing again. “Baby…” I say nothing.

I can’t.

All my fears are here screaming at me. I'm not enough for him but still there’s a tiny voice whispering I should talk to him and explain why I acted the way I did. My arms wrap around him, my heart races in my chest.

“You better take care of her.” Luke stops near me.

Jax tenses, “What have I missed?” His confused voice makes me look up at him, finding his tired eyes staring at me.

“Can I trust you to drive her home?” Luke leaves my bags down next to me.

“Of course and thank you.” He shakes Luke’s hand without letting go of me.

Luke leaves me there and I take a step back, shedding my tears away. “Can we go, I need a coffee.” I’m in desperate need of caffeine and sleep.

Jax takes my bags and surrounds my shoulders with his arm, tugging me closer. “Of course.”

We walk in silence up to his car. He opens the car door for me, and I sit in while he puts my luggage in his trunk. My hands start shaking, tiredness and lack of sleep is creeping closer.

The coffee aroma reaches my nostrils and I take the cup and sip it. It’s still hot and tastes so good. Jax gets into the car too with a bunch of red roses and a shy smile shows up. “Are they for me?”

“I’m not used to buying roses, Em, so I went with the classic ones. And of course they’re for you.” His thumb brushes over my cheek.

I close my eyes, trying to hide how freaking emotional I am. “Why?”

“I’ve never been a relationship kind of guy and please forgive me if I’ll fuck up but I’m trying, baby.” His husky voice makes me snap my eyes open.

“You said I’m not your type and we’re just friends.” I bite my lower lip to stop my tears from spilling out again.

The confusion in his eyes is clear. “Me?”

I nod.

His eyes narrows at me, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Em, but I’m pretty sure I’d have never said such bullshit.”

“You were making breakfast and talking with the guys,” I say with a shrug. “It wasn’t my intention to eavesdrop but it happened.” I swallow the bitterness that still hurts.

Jax says nothing but I see him lost in his thoughts. I’m wondering if he’s trying to come up with an excuse or tries to remember that morning.

“Could we go home? I’m worn-out.”

“Sure, I’m sorry.” The engine comes to a live while he dials the guys.

“I won’t move back with you.” Liam is the first to pick up.

“Yeah me neither.” Dex jokes, “Where are you?”

“Hey guys, where’s Charlie?” Jax asks while driving out the airport parking lot.

“Dunno, what’s up?” Dex’s voice become serious, “Have you talked to Emma? When is she coming back?”

“I can shoot her an email from you.” Liam chuckles.

“Guys, shut up for a second. Have I ever told you me and Emma were just friends?” Jax honks to a car before driving away.

“That’s bullshit,” Dex laughs, “the chemistry between you two is too much for a friendship.”

Jax glances at me. “Told ya.”

“You did, dickhead,” Liam admits, “Hi, Emma.”

“Hey, Liam.”

“Oh wait. Liam is right, you said it, Jax. And when I teased you about asking her out you said you’ll cut my balls and make me eat them before letting your woman date another man.” Dex fills in with details.

I snap my head at Jax, “That’s vicious.” I can’t help but burst out laughing. His woman .

He shrugs while getting in the garage. “I’m not sorry about it, but it seems you missed that part.”

“Oh shit, that’s why she…” Liam gasps.

“Bye guys.” Jax hangs up.

Peering around I feel lost. “Where are we?”

Jax gets out of the car and comes to open my door. I follow him to the elevator and then inside. The door closes and his mouth is on mine right away. Possessive, while taking all he wants.




The chimes of the elevator makes him break the kiss, leaving me breathless. He takes my hand and walks me out of the elevator.

“Jax, where are we?” I ask again.

He opens the door and I step inside. “We’re home, baby.”

“You already moved in?”

“This house is waiting for you.” Seeing my confusion he steps closer, “I want you to move in with me, Em.”

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