Harmonizing Hearts (Darkest Symphony #1) 18. Chapter 18 Jax 83%
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18. Chapter 18 Jax

S tepping into the record studio, the familiar scent of creativity and music fills the air. My bandmates, Jillian, Dex, Charlie, and Liam are already setting up their instruments, their expressions a mix of focus and anticipation. Today, we’re back to work, ready to dive into our next project. As we settle into our respective positions, the energy surrounds us. We share a bond that goes beyond music—a bond forged through years of shared experiences, victories, and defeats. It’s a connection that brings us together not just as bandmates, but as friends — family.

During a break in the session, I lean against the console and clear my throat. “Hey guys, how about a barbecue this Saturday? We could all use a little downtime, and it’s been too long since we’ve hung out together outside of the studio.”

Charlie grins, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. “That sounds like a plan, Jax! Count me in for some tasty food and company.”

Liam nods in agreement. “I’m game. It’s about time we take a breather and enjoy ourselves.”

Dex, however, remains quiet, his brows furrowed with contemplation. I notice the slight tension in his posture, and concern creeps into my voice.

“Dex, is something bothering you? You seem lost in thought.”

He meets my gaze, a mixture of emotions flickering in his eyes. After a moment, he sighs and gives a small, sad smile. “It’s nothing, Jax. Just some personal stuff I’ve been grappling with lately.”

I step closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You know you can talk to me, right? We’re more than just friends. We’re brothers, Dex.”

He hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath. “It’s just… seeing you so happy and fulfilled with everything going on in your life, it makes me think of Samantha.”

Samantha . The only girl he barely mentions but still has marked him. A twinge of understanding tugs at my heart as I realize the source of his unease. I lower my voice, trying to offer reassurance. “We’re here for you, through the highs and lows. I’m always here if you need a shoulder to cry on.”

He nods, his eyes filled with resignation. “I know. And I appreciate it. It’s just… it’s hard sometimes, you know? But don’t worry about me. Let’s focus on the barbecue and celebrating our successes.”

I can sense the heaviness in his words, his attempt to shield me from his own struggles. But I want him to know that his feelings matter, that his journey is just as significant. I give him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. “Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here. No matter the time or place.”

A glimmer of gratitude shines in his eyes, his guard momentarily lowered. “Thanks, brother. I might take you up on that offer someday. But for now, let’s enjoy the barbecue and create some more music together.”

I offer him a warm smile, my heart aching for his pain.

As the conversation concludes, we return to our respective instruments, the music filling the room once again. In that moment, I’m reminded of the beauty of friendship—the support, understanding, and presence that binds us together. And I silently vow to be there for Dex, just as he has been there for me, whenever he’s ready to share his journey.

I take a deep breath, my fingers tapping nervously against my phone as I scroll through the contacts. It’s time to extend the invitations for the barbecue on Saturday. I find my dad’s number and press the call button, my heart racing with anticipation.

After a few rings, my dad’s warm voice fills the line. “Hey, Jax! How’s my favorite rock star doing?”

A smile spreads across my face, “Hey, Dad! Why? Do you have other rock stars I don’t know?” I chuckle, “I’m doing great. Listen, I wanted to invite you to a barbecue at our place this Saturday. It would mean a lot to have you there.”

There’s a brief pause on the other end before my dad responds. “That sounds fantastic! It’s been a while since we’ve had some quality time together.”

Relief washes over me. “Thank you, Dad. It means a lot to me.”

Next on my list are the security team and Chris is the only one who can help me reach everyone’s up.

Me: Hey Chris, do you have any plans for Saturday?

Chris: Not that I’m aware of. Has Angel changed her mind again?

Me: Dunno but I’d like to have all of you guys on Saturday at mine for a barbecue. Can you spread the word?

Chris: Consider it done, Jax. We’ll make sure to make the barbecue a little crazier.

Me: Looking forward to it.

SMD is a family and I love being part of it and that’s why I chose to dial Luke, another member of our security team. He answers after a couple of rings. “Hey, Jax. What can I do for you?”

“Are you up for a barbecue at our place this Saturday?” I cross my fingers, hoping he’ll be able to make it. I know it’s his day off but still the day wouldn’t be the same without him.

Luke chuckles, his voice warm. “Count me in, Jax, I can’t miss your barbecue.”

Happiness fills my heart as I thank him.

I pause in front of Angel’s office and take a deep breath. I knock lightly on the door and step inside, finding her engrossed in some paperwork. I hold up the contract and a wide smile light up her face.

“Is that what I think it is?” she exclaims, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

I walk closer to her, excitement bubbling within me. “Yup, this is yours.” I hold up a finger, my voice filled with urgency. “Angel, if you promise me you won’t spill the news just yet, I may have another thing to share today. Emma and I want to keep it under wraps for now, but we’ll announce soon.” I pause while seeing her curiosity getting bigger. Angel nods, understanding the importance of secrecy. “Em is pregnant.”

“Oh, my goodness.” Angel jumps up off the chair and comes to hug me. “I promise I’ll keep it secret.” She moves back, “Em’s such a bitch though, she said nothing to me.” She sinks in the armchair next to me.

“I was wondering if I could take the next weekend off.” I rub my neck, while making puppy eyes to her.

She reaches the laptop and opens my agenda, “Is there a reason?”

“I need a break and she does too after all the mess with her parents’ story. I know from next month it’ll be packed since the upcoming concert, and…I want to propose.”

Her head snaps to me, a big smile over her face, “Granted only if I can organize the wedding.”

“Would you?”

“Of course! Exclusive and dreamy.” She goes near a shelf and takes a few huge folders off. “I got your back.”

“What if I want to marry her before the babies are born.” I push my luck knowing what I’m asking is madness.

“When is the due…” She pauses and peers at me, “Babies?”

Fuck! I wanna slap myself. “Em will kill me.”

“Ahhh,” she squeaks, “I’m so thrilled! Congratulations!” she giggles, focusing back on our conversation, “I’ll work along with wedding planners and there’s nothing we can’t do.” She winks at me, “for William and Brooke’s wedding took us three months but they helped us.” She flicks the pen pad back and forth, “you need to ask Em first. Being you a public figure they expect you to show over bits of the wedding and have exclusive media too.”

I smile, grateful for her support. “Will do, Angel, for me the sooner the better. Also, I wanted to invite you, Matthew, and the babies to the barbecue on Saturday. It wouldn’t be the same without you, plus we wanna drop the bomb.”

Her face lights up with delight. “We’d love to come, Jax! It’ll be a great chance for everyone to celebrate your big news.”

“Thank you.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for. We’re family, Jax. And I mean it, we cheer each other on and try our best to be there for everyone.”

And she really does. For each one of the members of SMD, being part of staff or singers. I think that’s one thing that I’m so grateful for. I hug her. “It has always been me and Mac until I met the guys. And now I have a pretty big one.”

“And you’ll be a dad too. “

“The best thing in my life.” And I will do everything for my family.

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